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6 yrs ago
I put the STD in STUD.. all I need is U
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So moist
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
goldfish have a memory of at least 3 months as opposed to the 3 second myth.
9 yrs ago
Elephants are the only mammals that cannot jump.


Women average seven farts a day and men about 12, experts say.

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Even this early, I could still go with my wide spread nation idea. So I'm down for that time period, though moreso inclined to do 10th to 11th century, as knights and such became prolific.
I believe that I'll be basing my nation upon Central Asia, so I would love it if firearms are just coming into prominence.

I could go with this, but IMHO, once firearms enter an rp, many 'fantasy' technologies are irrelevant. Aside from magic, guns cancel out swords and bows. Even in the early stages, hence why we use guns today instead of bows.
When you do the map, I'll keep my claims with the exception of me coloring in yours lol

The early nation was a militant power, conquering their home island (big to south) and eventually spreading to the mainland (south west continent.) They would absorb conquered populations over time and spread but eventually were halted by exhaustion and perhaps a few nations that existed back then were militarily equal.

So they began conquering in a different manner, by forming trade with other smaller nations, and eventually forming dominions and protectorates of those former trading partners, or outright militarily crushing them after massing troops, bribes, or using mercenaries. If the rp is actually taking place during an age of exploration (roughly 14-15th century), then that would be reason enough as that is when nations like Britain and Spain began spreading. If the nrp is taking place in more of a 12-13th century time period, I could just go with my nation developing better ship types due to the fact they are separated from their mainland colony. For weaponry and such, I'd stick with what ever is 'modern' of our nations < For fairness sake.

It isn't my intent to really push for firearms, but ships capable of crossing large bodies of water had been in use during the roman empire and before. Granted the Mediterranean was nothing in comparison to the Atlantic. Though had the empire not fallen, there's no reason to think that they wouldn't have continued pushing technology to spread their influence. It's possible that Washington DC would be Hadrian DC and be flying the roman flag.

So keep in mind I am doing this to make a story, not to play a grand strategy game and rule the rp.

That sound fair?

My bad XD There's so many maps right now. Someone needs to consolidate the damned thing. So I'll change it that your nation isn't colored red lol.


Why couldn't it be? its fantasy, albeit low fantasy.

And its not like every population in the world is expressly (Main island) specific. there would be racial demographics. It's colonies.

It allows for quite a bit of diversity in my nation. which is always fun.

It's always subject to change. There isn't a good map with most the claims on it that isn't horrid to change around.

I'm pretty sure I didn't color over anyones claims.

You know, I might change my shit up a bit. Take that big ass island in the south and make colonies all over. Be this nrps Britain.
Used to be an adventurer until I took an arrow-in Disney.

Disney Fascism

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