Avatar of Moonlit Ghost
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    1. Moonlit Ghost 4 yrs ago
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Im super interested in this if you're open to having another on board!

I hope you dont mind @Dark Cloud, i took your formatting for my character idea

Tomorrow, i should be able to get the cs up tonight, familys been over for the holidays so ive been busier then id like to be
@The Prototype okiedokes no problem, in that case do you guys wanna start with a small group or wait for one more person
@Legion02@Weird Tales@The Prototype@Kassarock With Kassarocks vote, the first two plot ideas i gave have a vote, what are you guys feeling

Also, do you guys want a discord to make conversing easier or?
@Legion02 wooooo welcome aboard, after the holiday craze today, ill get working on a CS, im almost done with my character as well to show you what it looks like done

Probably gunna wait for one more person just in case Kassarock isnt interest anymore
@Weird Tales@The Prototype awesome to have you guys aboard, ill get a CS wiped up while we wait for maybe ome or two more people, did you two like any of the plots i had put down, or an suggestions id love to hear them.

@Kassarock i just wanted to double check and see if youre interested, because if so we really only need one more person, or could even start if you guys were okay with a smaller group
Could potentially be interested, but have a couple of questions:

What sort of posting frequency are you thinking of?

Do you have any ideas for where you'd like to go with the over-arching plot?

Well i would like ATLEAST a post every 2-3 days, with at least two to three paragraphs. Or at the very least something thats impactful and moves the plot forward, ya know what i mean?I understand life gets busy and or stuff just happens and comes up. Hell i understand if youre not interested after a little while and cant post, but just communicate that, thats all. Im not gunna let this rp sit and die, so if you havent posted or at the very least said something within 3-4 days, ill just move the plot forward.

I have a couple ideas i was going to throw out there to get a guage peoples interest, so i wont give to much, but right now there three different ways this rp could go.

It could be the classic adventure with 3-4 riders solving the rising issues of Níayemmu, as riders begin to suddenly disappear and in their absence, Níayemmu is starting to slowly get tossed into Chaos.

Another idea i had in mind was that we could play a squadron of Dragon Riders fighting in a roaring civil war against dark elves and the woodlin elves. Spanning across primarily Ifrios and the Darklands.

I also was toying around with an idea, where we are the Last group of Riders to exist in a broken Níayemmu, after a war broke out between the freefolk and the dragon riders/Elves. A misunderstanding turned into a three hundred year war, our characters hide out within the destroyed and "cursed" citadel. But when met with the choice of letting a group of wandering elven children die or saving them, and risk exposing the last of the riders, what will the last remaining noble dragon riders choose?

I have like four more plots lined up but those are some of my ideas, so what do you think? Any of those sound interesting? @Kassarock

I have a small plot that im working on right now but i wanted to see if this would gain enough interest before i commit to making a full plot for it. As said in the title, im planning on making an rp set in the world of the Eragon series. This isnt going to be canon based fandom rp, but instead an rp based within the set boundaries of this universe. Now dont worry if you've never read any of the series because this story will be taking place thousands of years after the events of the end of the series, that saw Eragon setting out to start the dragon riders again in an unknown/uncharted land. Our story will have little to no references regarding Eragon's Journey, besides key events such as Eragon's success, but all will be explained and written in a way that even people who have no familiarity with the series will be able to grasp the concepts. I would like ATLEAST a post every 2-3 days, with at least two to three paragraphs. Or at the very least something thats impactful and moves the plot forward, ya know what i mean?I understand life gets busy and or stuff just happens and comes up. Hell i understand if youre not interested after a little while and cant post, but just communicate that, thats all. Im not gunna let this rp sit and die, so if you havent posted or at the very least said something within 3-4 days, ill just move the plot forward.

In the thousands of years that have passed, the dragon riders have extended their reach all over the planet, stationing themselves in great citadels(Think cities spanning the size of states) across the vast continents on the nameless planet. Our story will be following the events of the continent chain islands of Níayemmu, whose citadel was created by none other then Arya, the elven queen turned dragon rider responsible for Eragon becoming a dragon rider himself. Though Ayra long since has passed, the capital of the citadel kept her namesake and shined brightly as one of the best examples of the good that came out of having a citadel on your continent. Peace and prosperity rained onto the tropical islands of Níayemmu for the thousands of years that the Riders remained unchallenged. This is where your characters will exist in, im completely open to suggestions on where you would want this to go, what you would want to see, where you think would be a good place to start. I know im super new, but i have this craving itch to RP in this universe and this site seems like a good platform. I think about 3-5 people, not including me, would be a good safe amount, since each person will have two characters (Rider and Dragon. If you want to play someone elses Dragon then we'll have to just talk it over, but i dont see why not!). I am looking for a Co-GM or two, preferably with at least a decent amount of knowledge in the universe to help me plan better for the rp. If you have any questions, please dont be afraid to ask!

would also be super interested in joining as Senna or Kai'sa if possible!
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