Avatar of Moonshadow


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Shiii~ was gone *WAY* longer than anticipated. Unintentional ghosting occurred & now I'm anxious about even trying to check in :<
2 yrs ago
After nearly 2 grueling weeks of nonstop work stress, I finally have the next 2 days off!!
2 yrs ago
Career changes happening, exciting yet time consuming. Life has been a continuous series of strange situations lately
2 yrs ago
Stay-in date night. Replies shall happen tomorrow after work
2 yrs ago
._. Medication changes disrupting brain power. I promise that I'm working on replies for everyone. It's just going a lot slower than anticipated.


5/2022: [Explicitive language] What I thought would be a week or two long phase of AFK-ness turned into two [almost three] months. Totally my bad for this happening. If you are reading this and have/had an RP going which still interests you, please let me know.

3/2022: Barely treading the waters of life right now - Replies will be much slower than usual. I'm extremely sorry and appreciate any patience and understanding offered from my RP Partners.

Welcome! I'm a girl who has been RPing and doing a lot of other nerdy things for 20 years. PM if you want to know even more!

I try not to just disappear but clearly have failed in this before. Real life gets the better of me and depression+diabetes+anxiety have a tendency to sap time away. Best way to reach me is Discord, touch base if you notice I haven't responded. I truly appreciate those who have helped keep me interested through OOC conversation!

I am also:
• Working Full-Time and struggling to maintain decent blood sugars
• Female, poly, demi/pan, and typically very difficult to offend
• A video gamer (primarily WoW, STO, ESO, Fallout4, 40k:Inquisitor - PC & XB1)
• A rennie (two guilds; First is Landscknecht group called Heiligensturm and the second is a Baroque French Privateer group called Clan Dark Sail)
• A Warhammer player/painter (gasp! 40k armies include Eldar/Ynnari and Thousand Sons::AoS Gloomspite Gitz *squee*)
• A seamstress (historical clothing and quilting primarily)
• A cook! Well, home cook. Recipes are more like guidelines anyways

Most Recent Posts

Gonna give this a little bumpety bump bump
It's true, I won't be participating. I have a doctor appointment this afternoon, and I'm just really struggling on the CS. I'll be unsubscribing to this.

No worries, best wishes! :)
Alrighty, everyone. I should be able to get the intro to Itylara's tower posted by Saturday now that the misunderstanding has been corrected.

If it is alright with everyone, I'll be bringing in an NPC as it seems Draconi will no longer be participating - no CS still and a status update that they're over-booked on RPs lead to this perception.
@Kenshi No worries. I'm glad you figured it out ^_^

I'll likely get the revision posted tomorrow, winding down for the evening over on this side of the coast.
I am working on a revision of my IC post.
I'm not placing blame on you, @Kenshi or even on myself. It was a misread interpretation of what was posted due to the tablet's auto-correct settings. As stated before, I will revise the IC post to reflect what was discussed over PM.

I do ask that going forward you proof-read what your tablet has taken the liberty to re-write before posting to hopefully avoid future confusion. An extra few seconds may help to alleviate frustration.

We are all here to have fun and build a story together, let's try to focus on that.
You can read the whole sentence and see that it was a missprinted word, come on.

But if my tablet is gonna start doing that, then I'll have to quit, it pissed me off, k need a laptop.

Obviously not so much otherwise I would not have misinterpreted what had been said in the first place. I already apologized via PM and stated that I would make a revision once I was home from work. However if you feel that a misunderstanding is cause to quit then I cannot stop you. The decision is yours to make, I am human and subject to the same mistakes and errors as any other human is.
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