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@DarkRecon Well her family isn't the designer, but I suppose they could all be designed by the same dude, but I'm not sure that Ojo or El are going to have anything to do with the T system. But, we could use El as the catalyst to start the conversation between Maria and Zim about the similarities between Black Star and Neo Angel.

@ArkmageddonCat Darn those vid'ya games! What'chu playing lately?

As a general statement, In retrospect of that previous mission, I do feel like things went a little too smoothly. Am I the only one that feels that way? I mean, I know the infiltration team had a hard time of it, but unlike Troas/Joppa it really never felt like "oh crap, we might lose this one!" So, I feel like between that and the obvious foreshadowing that this battle isn't entirely behind us. So that is why I am glad that I am introducing this defense based support werk, because I really feel like we are going to need it!

Also, has everyone seen the new show coming out soon DARLING in the FRANKXX (with or without the k, there seems to be some confusion there)? It is a new Mecha anime coming out soon (next month I think?) With a lot of the creative staff behind gurran laggan, kill la kill, some of the gundam series, and a bunch of other really good shows and crazy action scenes. I am really excited about it. What I am not terribly excited about is the mech designs. Anyone who has looked into it, what are your thoughts?
As the group of pilots escorted their payload down to the surface, an observant pilot may notice that there was a non-military transport ship nearby as well. Its design was regal and smooth, thick with aesthetic and with little in the way of utilitarian purpose.

Once the very brief briefing with Lorenzo was started, someone who wasn't paying attention to what was being said might notice a Framewerk with a huge ring disembark from the transport, strike a graceful pose and proceed to descend to the surface, landing nearby Squad Sigma's collection of Werks. Everybody would be able to notice that the landing was not nearly as graceful as the pose, but all the same, there was no damage done. A small group of ground crew would gather nearby it and start ordering drones to get to work to get it into the hanger along with the rest of the werks. An officer stood nearby on the ground waiting for the pilot to come out. Once on the ground the Officer would great the pilot in the strange plug suit a salute, which was odd as the pilot couldn't have outranked the officer but how else was the officer to show royalty respect? Words were exchanged and the officer quickly escorted the pilot towards Squad Sigma.

The officer once again saluted the group, "Excuse me, this is Cadet Fullbright, she has just arrived but has been assigned to your unit. I will leave her in your care." He saluted again before taking off to assist in other tasks.

"Hello," the new pilot said as she reached to remove her helmet, a mass of red hair tumbling out around her shoulders, she shook it briefly before continuing, "As you were just told I am your new Cadet, Elizabeth Fullbright, "El" if you can't be bothered to say my whole name. And before you ask, yes, I am the crown princess of Praxis V, you have seen me before in the holovids, and no you may not have my autograph. Who is in charge here? Apparently, I still need to report for duty, officially." She stood there expectant, with her chin held high, her pretty nose sticking slightly up into the air.
@Ariamis, @ArkmageddonCat: A suggestion for Echo Thunders icon.

@Ariamis what about ranges for the other abilities? How far away can I attach the orbital defenders, how far away can the GDA effect projectiles? For simplicity, I could launch the drone for the orbital defenders from the Hoshizora, too. Any limit on the number of defenders Ojo will carry onboard?

Those details can be worked out, so when the next time I get a chance to sit down and write a post I will go ahead and write El's arrival as well, so she can get introduced at the same general time as Alyssa.
@Ammokkx that's what I like about you, no metagaming from you.
@DarkRecon I don't know that a culling is public knowledge, and if it was to be used in court as a defense then there is a chance that the entire experimental werk program is shut down and all of our werks are destroyed and us children are sent back to whatever broken planet is home, while those characters old enough are conscripted and thrown into a majorly underpowered mass produced unit. I think the best angle of defense is a character defense combined with an, "under the influence of a cruxi psy attack." Elora was a PoW forced to attack, serah maybe wasn't a pow, but was similarly forced to attack her allies.
@Ariamis You might have noticed, but I made several edits to my last post since I posted it two days ago. Also for your convenience, an icon for Ojo:

@Ariamis Yeah, sorry about that, I figured that I could make the character with the base number of systems, one of each, and if in the event I rolled high enough for a second secondary, then I would edit accordingly. Which I did, so I will need to get your approval on another secondary as well, which will be more of a secondary function of the GDA.

Ok, I will change her name to Elizabeth, or El for short. As for the Orbital Defenders, that is an excellent question. I guess ultimately the whole thing is a collection of drones? The primary drone, the control unit, is a carrier for the three smaller drones who orbit the primary drone at a set distance. They emit a light in order to make it obvious that they are active. If that is acceptable, then I will edit it into the description.

Edit: After thinking about it, that might be too powerful for a secondary. If you agree then I have another option. More or less an EMP railgun. Long range, single unit effective, launches an EMP device that incapacitates whatever machine it hits. Haven't come up with a fancy name or picture for it yet.

Edit 2: It would look be called the Hoshizora (Star Daze), and it would look like this:

... not that name and image matter for approval.

Also, yes, I realize that there is a star in nearly everything I touch around here. Sorry, not sorry... about that.
Zim tensed as the altercation between Maria and Ritsu traded back and forth. Zim could understand, as best as he could anyway, why Maria might have such an opinion. In fact, Zim assumed most of the squad and personnel on board the NOAH would happily have offed the Cruxi Elite if they were given the chance, however, most people on board and in the squad knew better then to display such an outburst against a superior. Zim's jaw clenched even tighter as Ritsu reached for her personal device, her grip tightening. However, just as quick as it started, it ended. It seemed as though CO Ritsu's words of warning snapped Maria back into the right frame of mind... if such a thing were possible for the pilot.

Once dismissed Zim went back to his room and continued to pour over the data, how many other times could instances like what Zim experienced with Black Star have happened with the other pilots? Zim couldn't exactly tell for sure, not like he could with his own and Black Stars actions, but it might reveal some sort of information that he missed to observe the other pilots combat maneuvers. It was in this manner, and in various simulators, that Zim spent all of his downtime on the remaining trip back to Solaire.

As the group descended in a formation around the detainment pod, Black Star was still under repair, so a repair platform was used to assist in bringing Black Star back down to the surface in place of the various thrusters that had been removed in order to work on the underlying frame of the leg. The entire time Zim looked at his sensors and at his squadmates, waiting for signs of activity. They were ordered to escort the pod to the surface, but that didn't mean that Maria or someone else was necessarily going to let it get to the surface, so Zim kept an eye on the squad while the squad kept an eye on everyone else. Once landed and disembarked, Zim quickly made it to rank and file and fell in with the salute. Once dismissed to great the new girl Zim held back a moment, hoping that someone else who was more cheery might step in and begin introductions. It didn't happen, either Zim didn't wait long enough, or everyone else was waiting for the same thing. Either way, it seemed to fall on Zim to break the ice, as it were.

"Hello, I am Zim Hero, Zero for short, nice to meet you Camden," Zim said with a quick salute, "This here is Squad Sigma, there's the namesake, there's the squad leader, Elise, and there's..." Zim went on down the list point at each individual person and stating their names. Nobody would really expect her to remember anyones names, not right away, anyways.

"So, have you seen combat before, or are you green under the collar, too?"
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