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Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come

Lvl 9 (10/90) -> Lvl 9 (16/90)

Word Count: 1512 words

(See post below for post-hoc collab with Zoey Boey)
Nick Waller

The cold of the water wasn't all that bad, once Nick managed to get used to it. He wouldn't go so far as to call it refreshing or anything like that, but it had shocked some of the exhaustion out of him. Spindle had already gone and sent out safety lines for the group to hang onto, after saving their unfortunately unconscious allies, and Nick took full advantage of it to rest his weary bones as best he could.

Which wasn't all that much, to his chagrin. Looking upon the Sea of Souls (not that he knew what it actually was) unnerved him, and not only for the creepy castle sitting on the island in front of them. It felt wrong. The psychedelic ocean of tar freaked him out a bit. He wasn't sure what it was, if it was just an extension of his uneasiness with the ocean (Damn you, Subnautica!) or something deeper than that. Thankfully, he wasn't forced to contemplate it much longer, as Spindle pulled them along to what looked like a hotel with an extremely bougie water fountain in the lobby.

"Oh no, capitalists." He breathed out, finally comfortable enough to joke. "Alright, now that we're not about to die, holy shit we almost died." Now safe, Nick's mind immediately returned to its natural state: Anxious panic hidden by a thin veneer of snark. Hooray.

Taking a deep breath, he looked around the place to get a better look. Yeah. Definitely bougie. Getting up and climbing out of the fountain, Nick shook some of the water off of him like a dog before having the decency to look a little sheepish about it.

Still dripping wet, Nick took Spindle's advice about getting something from the vending machine. The adrenaline had hidden it pretty well, but he was exhausted and aching from when his Shadow had tried to squeeze the life out of him. That thing was strong. Which probably had some deep subconscious meaning about the stranglehold his past had on his life, but that was a matter for another time. Getting the hell out of the freaky mirror world was more important right now.

Finishing his snack and soda, Nick tossed the trash before turning to Lorenzo and Harriette. "I'd try to explain but honestly I'm still processing the whole mirror dimension thing so I'd probably just fuck it up. Spindle knows more about this stuff. Uh, I'm Nick. Glad we're not dead yet." He awkwardly added, shrugging.

He was really good at this whole "Meeting new people" thing. Yeah. So good.
Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come

Lvl 8 (86/80) -> Lvl 9 (10/90)

Word Count: 712 words

Bowser's attack on the Guardian went off without a hitch, or so it seemed for a brief moment. The six Koopa Kings unleashed havoc upon the Orphan of Kos, tearing and pounding at it with their hands, feet, and claws as much as they could, with no regard for their own safety. The addition of other targets at least made this plan somewhat sensible, even if Bowser's seeming lack of regard for his safety was a key part of it.

Against lesser opponents, it might have even been enough. The Guardian, however, was no mere lackey, no plucky young hero who couldn't take as much as they could dish out. This was a creature chosen by the closest thing this place had to a god, and bestowed a fragment of its power.

And it showed that power by unleashing its own havoc, forcing the Bowsers off of it with a massive explosion, sending the remaining, real Koopa King flying through the air and crashing to the ground, consciousness already escaping him. Geralt didn't watch as the cats carted him away, or as Junior impotently reached out to take his father's hand.

No, Geralt was already moving, both hands clenched tightly around his blade, before a small voice inside his head told him to loosen his grip a bit, not to give into the anger coursing through his blood, buoyed a bit by the Spirit of the Harbor Demon.

He was only halted by the Orphan's eldritch, reality-bending bellow, calling a bolt of lighting down onto its mother's corpse, which sent out waves of lightning across the beach, which were then struck repeatedly by other bolts of lightning.

Following Nadia's example, Geralt jumped over one of the waves, only to half-stumble when a bolt of lightning struck a nearby wave, forcing him to stow his blade and focus on dodging, risking the Orphan's wrath should he be caught unarmed.

While the newly-grown Guardian chased after Nadia, Geralt started making his way towards the rocks where Junior and the others were pulling Peach up.

As Nadia convulsed, Geralt ran for safety, perhaps overly confident in her ability to protect herself.

Delsin, however, was evidently not, for he used his powers to absorb the electricity, and took the fight to the Orphan of Kos. Geralt turned to call out, to try and get the idiot to consider his own safety, but the explosion of the placental mine and dodging a pillar forced his attention away from Delsin.

And then he was gone. Naught but Spirit and Ash. A jolt of electricity burst through Geralt's leg, injuring him and forcing him to pause as his muscles locked for a moment.

Golden, catlike eyes narrowed.

The sound of a blade being drawn drowned out everything else for a moment.

Geralt moved, heart pumping, feet pounding against sand, body pivoting like the most flexible whores he'd seen on the streets of Novigrad, flowing between pillars of lightning to strike at the Orphan of Kos. Silver flashed, driven by righteous fury and the pain of watching somebody good die before his eyes. The same pain he'd felt a thousand times before, the same fury that he felt staring down Whoreson Junior. As he stepped back from his first slice to dodge the imminent follow-up, Geralt's hand raised and made the Sign of Igni, a plume of fire bursting forth and scorching the Orphan.

Geralt fought like a man possessed, silver carving through flesh and crashing against whatever substance made the blade of this monster's weapon. Quen shattered as Geralt forced aside a counterblow, and though he spun with the momentum and regained his footing, he was forced to clumsily dodge a wave of lightning as the Orphan bore down on him, forcing Geralt to abandon his frenzied attack in order to keep his head.

Almost as an afterthought, he summoned the Judicator nearby and mentally ordered it to keep him and his allies alive with its sickening flagellation. He was pulling out all the stops for this one. If the Striker went down like Fizz did (Though thankfully this one was more sturdy), he still had some doses of Swallow.

He just hoped this was enough for Kamek to do whatever it was (s)he(?) needed to do.
Oh, by the way, I was thinking about doing something that our friend Zoey suggested in Discord. I hesitated at first because it seemed indulgent of me, but maybe it would be fun. Zoey mentioned that it might be a better way to celebrate 100 pages (rather than finding things that the RP isn't doing well) to mention what some of your favorite moments have been in the RP so far, during your time here. So if this seems like a good idea and you can think of anything, I would be all to happy to hear from you guys!

Geralt using Axii to make the Helmaroc King the biggest, baddest Roach anybody will ever see would have to be my pick. Just absolutely throwing any and all caution to the wind and jumping onto a giant bird to do a bombing run on the Harbor Demon. I still miss him. T.T
Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come

Lvl 8 (82/80) -> Lvl 8 (86/80)

Word Count: 547 words

Silver carved through abominable flesh, Geralt's precisely-delivered cuts taking full advantage of the opportunity bought for the Seekers by Bowser and Link's combination. Why Bowser kept recklessly charging in, taking heavy blow after heavy blow and forcing those among them capable of healing to focus their attention on him he didn't know, but in this moment, what he did bought them a true moment of respite from the Guardian's wild attacks.

Which, of course, they used to deliver their own series of blows. Sakura and Nadia unleashed a brutal-looking pair of combination attacks, their blows flowing into the next with practiced ease. Ace drove his lance into the monster, drawing blood with each stab. Link donned a strange, Abyssal-themed gauntlet-like weapon and punched the Orphan in the face over and over.

And after what felt like only a moment, their opportunity died. The Orphan rallied, swinging its placental blade about its head in semi-circular motions. Geralt quickly back-stepped, the disgusting, visceral weapon missing him by a few inches. His cautious fighting style had thankfully bought his safety through this exchange.

As the weapon Link used to halt their enemy was launched into the sea, it slammed its placenta into the ground, kicking up the sand around it before launching itself at the Seekers who had remained at range, moving towards Junior only for the newest addition to their group, Delsin, to throw himself in front of the attack and suffer a grievous wound for it.

Geralt's vision tunneled for a moment on the creature before an intake of breath forced his mind back into focus, feet already moving to follow the thing. Once more, his body thrummed with energy, albeit lessened this time by the wounds he'd already taken. Even Swallow was imperfect, and the blow he'd taken through Fizz was quite substantial.

While he was moving, he felt the effects of Ace's lifepowder return just a bit of his vitality, and smirked. That world he came from had some useful gear.

He descended upon the Orphan alongside the others, still taking care to avoid harm, but moving just a bit quicker this go around, his blows doing just a bit more damage.

He'd noticed Link taking the time to force a Friend Heart onto Delsin, and silently thanked the boy hero for that. Really, he'd have expected that out of Sakura first, but if there was anything he'd learned about Links during his time in Lumbridge, it was that they were heroes first and foremost. Slaying the monster was secondary to protecting the people. It was a sentiment that had cost him quite a bit of gold whenever his conscience got the better of him.

After the Seekers got their next round of licks in, Geralt felt as much as heard Bowser's advance with his clones. He backpedaled rapidly, keeping his sword up as he made distance for the Koopa King, newly healed and multiplied, to execute another insane plan.

Apparently, as long as he didn't just outright get killed and Kamek was around, that was enough for him to keep going and going. As foolish as it was, Geralt couldn't help but appreciate his willingness to get his hands dirty and fight, even if it meant he was in for a world of hurt.
Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come

Lvl 8 (80/80) -> Lvl 8 (82/80)

Word Count: 345 words

While Geralt was waiting for the effects of his potion to kick in, he pulled his crossbow from its holster and waited for a moment where the Orphan was free of friendly targets that he could accidentally hit. Loosing a pair of crossbow bolts in quick succession, Geralt stowed the weapon and drew silver once more, drawing the Sign of Quen in the air to protect himself. While he knew from a painful experience that it wouldn't protect him forever, or even from most of the effects of a single blow, any harm it could spare him from could very well be a life saver in this fight, be it his or another of the Seekers'.

Slowly, carefully, moving back in on the Orphan as the pain dulled into an acceptable light throb, Geralt spun his blade with a quick flourish in a very vain hope of distracting the thing. He had no idea what its mental capacity was, whether it had a fondness for shiny things, or could be easily distracted, but any moment of respite was welcome.

Speaking of, as he closed the gap, Bella and Nadia were holding the thing down for a moment to attack. His advance was too slow, however, to take advantage of that gap in its frenetic attacking. While this was for the best given that the Guardian broke free of their grapple, it was unfortunate that Nadia had to suffer for it. He'd seen what her Life Gem was capable of helping her survive, in some cases absolutely lethal blows, but the sheer force this thing was unleashing had to be dealing damage that was also harder to see.

As Geralt, Bowser, and Link all descended upon the Orphan of Kos, the Witcher kept his guard up, focusing on avoiding the thing's wild blows while trying to get in a few cuts where he could. At the moment, he'd take what he could get. If the others opened an opportunity for him to strike, he'd take it, but knowing how hard this thing hit kept him cautious.
Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle

Lvl 8 (76/80) -> Lvl 8 (80/80)

Word Count: 725 words

"I see." Was all Geralt said in reply to Bowser, not for a moment believing the extremely half-assed excuse that the Koopa King gave. Not that it really bothered him, stopping the big, dumb, loveable idiot from going through with it in the first place was enough. With Link taking advantage of their quick conversation to put himself, the (relatively) tiny human, in between this thing and the Giant Turtle Monster Thing and the Giant Mutated Superhuman, Geralt had to suppress a chuckle. Typical hero behavior. Still, he'd seen Link take and deal some incredible damage, so it wasn't entirely crazy.

As the thing burst forward in a surge of speed that shocked even Geralt, the Witcher dodged to the side of the immense swing, even if he was a bit out of its range. The sheer speed with which the Guardian moved had prompted an instinctive abundance of caution, and Geralt cursed as he saw in his peripheral vision as Link was smacked away. Moving in to swing at the Orphan, Geralt was forced once more to dodge as it swung its placental weapon in a wide arc, unwilling to risk taking a blow like that head-on.

Transforming his momentum from the dodge into a pivot and slice, Geralt scored a shallow cut with the tip of his blade along the Orphan's side, which let out a small burst of blood, before he was forced to move once more. Each dodge was barely sufficient, with the wind force of the Guardian's blows pushing Geralt's hair out of the way. Without the Cadet's help, he likely would have been forced to take some of those blows with a parry or even block. While he was confident in his strength, especially with the boost from the Harbor Demon, that would be pushing it.

As he danced with the thing, however, his allies were less able to avoid its blows, being more willing to fight aggressively than he was. That resulted in the unfortunate effect of them being systematically and brutally being thrown from the fight with extreme violence. Bowser's shell got cracked, Nadia had to dismember herself to avoid it being done forcefully, and he was worried that Sakura had outright been killed for a split second before remembering that she had some sort of strange life force protecting her.

For a moment, his heart pounded in his chest as he moved to take the Guardian's attention off his allies, and his steps seemed to lighten as he moved. When he stepped in to attack, Geralt waited for the moment after one of the Orphan's more enthusiastic strikes landed before swinging his blade at the Guardian, carving a line through its torso before the placenta was suddenly spun around like a flail and coming directly for him.

Desperation brought his blade between them, catching the swinging weapon on the flat and forcing it to the side with a herculean effort as Geralt stepped past it. Momentum still bled through, though, and the sheer power behind the blow shattered Quen's shield. Ignoring the risk now present in taking another blow, Geralt quickly cast the Sign of Igni, unleashing a haphazard blast of fire at point-blank range into the Orphan.

Not risking the hesitation, Geralt's sword came down on the Orphan in a one-handed swing, rending another line through the Guardian and drawing blood. As the placenta was lifted in an overhead swing, Geralt quickly raised his blade again, both hands behind it, and forced the weapon off to the side again, though the force left a ringing in his bones and made his teeth clatter like mad.

By now, Link was returning to the fray, and Geralt was already feeling the effort of even parrying this thing's blows. Whatever power Galeem granted his Guardians, it was far beyond anything he'd ever seen in a man or an elf.

"Damn thing won't slow down!" He bit out, half-dodging a blow and being sent spinning into the sand for it. Forcing himself back up with fury in his eyes and an ache in his side, Geralt called upon Fizz to join Nadia in dealing quick, light blows to the enemy.

There was no reprieve for the Seekers of Light, and Geralt kept his other Strikers in mind, carefully conserving that resource for when the time was right.
Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle

Lvl 7 (142/70) -> Lvl 8 (76/80)

Word Count: 906 words

It was time, Geralt saw, as the other Seekers from Blue Team began gathering. Giving his swords and crossbow one final check, he stood, towering over the others. It was still a bit strange, especially after the thankfully-short lived change he'd experienced aboard the Maw, to tower over others so. He was getting more used to it, but it was still extremely strange. Some of his agility had suffered, though he hoped that as he grew acclimated to the new form, he'd be able to compensate for the differences. He assumed that his skin was thicker, and his new claws made it so that if he was disarmed, he was still a threat.

Shelving that line of thinking for when he had the time to properly get used to being a 10-foot tall unicorn Witcher who could summon a giant cannon platform from the sea, Geralt joined the rest of the Seekers and began the descent into the heart of this godsforsaken place.

Carefully watching Nadia as she prepared to dispatch the first of the slug creatures that they came across, he frowned when she paused, but as he caught up to see what was wrong, did the same for a moment.

The cavern that opened up before them was massive, and absolutely teeming with flora that was, in all honesty, quite beautiful to behold. He allowed himself a moment of appreciation, before a few words spilled from his lips. "Such a beautiful bounty, hidden behind a repulsive antechamber. It seems somebody didn't want to be disturbed." Turning his gaze to the worshippers, Geralt hummed. "Best not disturb them. If they're willing to let us go by, might as well do the same. Might avoid a fight that way, as well. All things considered, I'd rather not deal with all that."

As the group carried on, Geralt kept an eye on the assorted creatures prostrated in reverence. Despite what he'd said, he still half-expected an ambush to spring any moment. Their goal had been confirmed to be at the end of the cave, the same direction these things were all pointed in prayer. It made his hair stand on end, and his blood chill just a bit. Whatever was awaiting them, it was able to do this to all manner of creatures. Either through fear, respect, or outright worship. It reminded him of the village in Skellige that worshipped a Leshen and used it as part of their rite of passage. It would seem that Galeem had chosen wisely for his Guardian.

Oddly enough, though, he noticed Bowser break off from the group for a moment to grab a few of the fruits from the cave and start eating. Blinking a few times before admitting to himself that he could use something to eat, and fast, Geralt joined him in gathering some, his oversized claws making it slightly awkward, but still manageable. Putting a few into his mouth, he bit down and sighed in relief at the taste. "Not terrible..." He grabbed a few more and chowed down, sating himself somewhat.

Passing through, Geralt did not relax, only breaking from his watch by the sight of the terminus of the cave- and the impossible vista that replaced it. Nadia was right, this made no sense. Abhorrent creatures were one thing. Even the strange, controlled storm had some basis in reality as he knew it- but unless they'd passed through some kind of invisible portal that perfectly transported them with no side effects, they'd gone down into a cave only to find themselves at a beach with a sky above them. Impossible, indeed.

The corpses covering the beach triggered an instinct in Geralt. Just by seeing such a concentration of corpses, his body was preparing to fight in anticipation of Necrophages of all sorts. That was enough to break him from the wondering of how this place existed as it did, and his hand went over his shoulder to draw Silver. Whatever form the Guardian took, they had to kill it. There would be no peace in this place.

But the corpse that was still moving gave him pause, blade in hand. As it's stomach revolted and bulged, Geralt watched with caution. After a moment, when the pile of viscera burst from it, Geralt sighed in realization. They were witnessing the birth of a monster.

As the Orphan of Kos stood, Geralt's face steeled and he drew back his sword, looking at the others. Nadia had paused, eyes glistening as she listened to the Guardian weeping. Sakura let out a few words in what he thought might be sympathy for the thing. He didn't disagree with them, and were the circumstances different, Geralt knew in his heart that he would be more sympathetic to its plight. The tears in his eyes, which he himself barely noticed, felt more like the seasonal allergies than tears of sadness. How...odd.

But, the circumstances being what they were, demanded that Geralt make the Sign of Quen as he turned back to the Guardian before them, pausing as he saw Bowser had taken the opportunity to start casually approaching the thing. "Boss?" He called out, carefully approaching. "What are you doing?"

Looking between Bowser and the Guardian, he sighed. "We should at least try and take advantage of the situation. Take up tactical positions. Were you just going to walk up and punch it?" Geralt asked, completely missing Bowser's actual plan.
Geralt of Rivia

Carcass Isle

Lvl 7 (131/70) -> +10 Collab Lvl 7 (142/70)

Word Count: 421 words

The fact that the entirety of Blue Team was about a literal second from arbitrary time-based death was...unsettling. Not quite existentially horrifying, but it wasn't a pleasant sensation to realize that they'd not only taken the longest of the three groups, but that they'd worried everybody so deeply. Geralt wasn't sure if these suckers were growing on him, or if it was the influence of the Harbor Demon that he'd fused with, but he gave a short bow of his head and apologized. "That creature was...frustratingly clever. Did not of its fighting for itself, but made it fight waves of constructs made from the water itself. If we weren't fighting for our lives, they would have seemed more beautiful." But, they were fighting for their lives, so the damned things were just annoying.

As the Seekers sought their rest while Blazermate and Kamek patched up the groups' wounds, Geralt tried to do a small bit of meditation, separating from the group just a bit. However, he found that doing so was nigh impossible. Even trying to settle into a proper state of mind was eluding him. Whether that was from lingering adrenaline, or it was some characteristic of this godforsaken place, he couldn't tell, but after a few minutes of futility, Geralt stood up and started stretching instead.

He'd missed a few conversations that the others were having, but other than Bowser explaining the situation with Master Hand (thus causing him to miss out on some info about Bowser's past), he hadn't even noticed enough to know what kind of conversations he'd missed. In the end it wasn't of exceptional importance to Geralt, who was admittedly being a bit asocial right now, trying to keep himself sharp for the upcoming fight. The Spirits that were being fused with by people hadn't quite interested him, though he had no idea what the Spirits of the other enemies could do, he wasn't one to simply take chances without knowing what he could. The Spirits he'd bonded with were all enemies he'd at least observed directly in combat and had a decent idea of their capabilities. It wouldn't do to fuse with a Spirit and find himself any larger or less nimble. He'd already had to adjust his combat style a bit as it was, as useful as the Breaching Bastion was.

So, while the others conversed and fused with Spirits, Geralt practiced the blade. The blade maintenance, that was, carefully checking his weapons over to make sure they were in proper working order.
Nick Waller

As Spindle alerted the group of young men to the presence of others, Nick furrowed his brow for a moment before realizing who that likely meant, and watched the area she'd pointed to with interest. After a moment, the dirt was breached, and the other girls they'd separated from appeared. "Well that's good." Nick let out, before frowning. Doesn't really help much right now, though... He didn't say that out loud, though, not wanting to kill the mood.

He blinked a few times when Spindle mentioned her plan, then thought about it and shrugged. She knew more about this place than they did, so if she said falling didn't hurt, then they'd have to trust her. Either they died to the guards or they maybe survived the fall. The choice seemed pretty obvious to him, at least.

Before the groups managed to even re-group into one big group, they were interrupted by somebody else, another 'Warlord' apparently, bursting from the ground and chasing after Harriette, complete with a dramatic cry to the heavens. This place was definitely some sort of weird mental world, because that was cliché as all hell. That being said, the sudden attention drawn to them, as well as the influx of guards and monsters descending upon each other in some kind of horrific civil war sort of pressed the issue of 'Getting the hell out of here', so Nick followed after Barney, Spindle, and Lorenzo.

As he leapt off of the edge of the cliff, his gut dropped into his feet as he started falling. "OHHHH FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!" He yelled, cut off abruptly by the landing into the river itself, only resurfacing after a few seconds of trying to get his bearings. "NEVER AGAIN!!!" He yelled, looking up at Spindle. He would get her back for that! Crazy mirror dimension lady!
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