Avatar of MyCatGinger
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 954 (0.25 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. MyCatGinger 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current In the beginning were the Words, and the Words made the world. I am the Words. The Words are everything. Where the Words end the world ends. You cannot go forward in an absence of space. Repeat.
7 yrs ago
you feel your statuses crawling on your back
7 yrs ago
I love you!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
J-Lite is my bias omg (and I don't even like K-pop but wow.)


Call me Ginger!

Future veterinarian, presently irreverently funny self-deprecator and literature hobbyist.
Casual-advanced. 1x1 and Group RP, no preference.
Up to make mischief, make memories, and make a fool of myself.
And maybe roleplay a little on the side. :)
Dating @Mateotis who is much more active than I am here, but also decidedly a much more gifted writer/poet. Hound him if you're looking for me.
A little sickly and evidently severely lacking in impulse-control, so patience is appreciated in general.

I'll remain forever royal,
I'll repay my parents' debt.
Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret.

Most Recent Posts

hey i wonder how small you can make thi-


send help pls
what have I done

how did it end up like this
it was only a list


(puntaro has allies it seems)
I was speaking to Mate and I got a little distracted while trying to study and suddenly this happened somehow
Everyone's signatures how I'd interpret them:

@Dynamo Frokane

Boss! You remember...! <3

I'm still absolutely crazy for that trilogy, and I'm sososo excited to see this takes off soon - I'll be on my best behaviour this time around, hohoho.

Such excite!

For reference...

@BrokenPromise I say yay to the discord! Because shitposting is my actual life.

And we can all do fun group things together, and it's a good way to keep live tabs on everyone and be able to chat in live time instead of messaging back and forth through PMs etc. :)
And we can turn this into a voice drama! yaas queen

It'll be a good way to also quickly mention if something has come up, like all of a sudden, and I feel like if someone would like to drop out, it'll seem a lot easier to discuss their concerns in the chat - and we can help address them!

There's not a whole lot that's extra, of course, and I agree that there's not anything that can't be done on the guild, but...

my inner meme lord requires sustenance

brOOOO <3
@BrokenPromise Yo boss! Make us a discord server? :) It'll be really fun, I reckon!

Also @Aewin shh you absolute cinnamon roll
you probably sound fantastic and you're keeping it all to yourself
@Mateotis Mate, mate! You gotta join this trainwreck too! Because despair says so!
@Vocab Aww! I'm really flattered! :D Yep, that's little old me.

That suggestion for a voice drama still lingers in the air though...

somehow I feel broken could do an amazing monokuma. oh my god I want, now
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