Avatar of nachonacho


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2 yrs ago
Current currently watching Conversations with Friends.. and all I can say is wow wow wow. highly recommend.
2 yrs ago
late to the party but covid finally got me, anyone down to write with me whilst i battle this? x
3 yrs ago
what’s up bitches
3 yrs ago
depression, anxiety.. life in general is kicking me so hard in the ass rn. replies are coming, pls be patient 🥰
3 yrs ago
i don’t need drugs and alcohol to have fun.. i need them to go to work


Most Recent Posts

bumpy bump
Hello and welcome to my interest check. As per my tags, I am after a modern 1x1 romance, slice of life roleplay with military themes and mature scenes. It will surround a young man and woman who meet by chance, with only a few weeks to spend together before he has to leave, will their love blossom or perish?

Take Me Home

He was a marine, a warrior, a soilder. He was tough as nails. He was the third generation in his family to fight for the beloved stars and stripes. Since he was 19 years old, it has been all he has known. Sure, he missed the everyday things, his dog, hot cups of coffee, sleeping in a comfortable bed and a relationship, but this was worth it. He could put all of that on hold. Well, that’s what he thought.. until he met her. On a night out, whilst on leave, he meets a brown haired beauty whom he can’t stop thinking about.

She was a small town girl, growing up on her family’s ranch, she knew more about horses and cattle than people. Recently out of a long term relationship, she knew better than anyone to just stay out of them for a while. That’s until she meets a handsome marine whilst working at her Aunty’s bar one night.

A few other things;
• I prefer to roleplay via PMs, as I am on my phone 99% of the time, it is easier to keep track on.
• I am 21 and would prefer to roleplay with someone my age or older, hence the mature themes.
• Although I have designed this roleplay with the idea of myself playing the female character as that’s what I am, and I prefer to roleplay with male partners; if you are interested in my idea but do not want to play the male, PM me and we might be able to work something out.
• Please shoot me a PM if you’re interested in this roleplay. I can’t wait to hear from you!
might as well bump.

happy to do any of the pairings listed in my original thread & looking to brainstorm some new ones as well.
still open;;
• stable boy / ranch hand x country (or city) girl.

craving this one so please PM me. open to hear your ideas as well
still open;;
• stable boy / ranch hand x country girl
• tourist x local
Awesome! I have sent you a PM regarding this :)
still looking;;
hello! i am super interested in your single mother x new guy in town idea! please PM me if you are still looking :)
@Lady Selune it is!!! after 3 years legit the exact. same!!
i am nacho and have been a member of the guild for approx 5 years, but unfortunately been inactive for the past 2 - 3. tragic, i know, considering i used to be on here all day every day. but, life gets in the way and after spending half hour trying to remember my email / password, here we are.

i would love love love to get back into role play, as it truely is a passion of mine. i used to partake in a lot of modern, slice of life roleplays, and i must say, this would be where i would like to start.

i am a 21 yo female that works full time, but if you bare with me, i believe we could have a long & fulfilling role play. i may not reply every single day. but i will certainly try, and coming up to holidays, i will be on as much as i can.

now, enough blubbering. i am an intermediate writer and can match my partner, whether they write 1 sentence or 6 paragraphs. i am probably looking for no less than a paragraph and no more than 4 (at the moment)

i prefer to play female characters and a good storyline is a must. i have several ideas i am dying to share with you!
some of them are;
• single mother x mystery man
• stable boy / ranch hand x country girl
• tourist x local

i will add more as they come to me & i would love to hear your ideas, throw them at me!

please message or reply here and i shall be in touch.
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