Avatar of neogreggory
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 717 (0.23 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. neogreggory 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Time is an interested concept, how it moves and yet stays still all the same. Flowing and stagnant. Anyways, just stopped by to refresh myself on an old character.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Ha, past me thought eight months too long to go without a status update. Now it has been ten! Anyways, I've D&D things to work on, so I'll get back to that.
6 yrs ago
Mercy it's been eight months since my last status, perhaps it is time to find a RP and get a spot more active for awhile.
7 yrs ago
Just finished Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. It's always such a bittersweet feeling to finish a show, more so a good one.
7 yrs ago
Welp, it's my 20th Birthday. Starting the day properly with a stupidly big bowl of cereal and latter there shall be porkchops!


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Most Recent Posts


This 0th post exists for the sake of various notes, general information, and others things you don't want to search through six pages of OOC to find. This post will no doubt be edited a great deal as new information is added or unneeded info is tossed.


Player and GM List

Some Reference Pictures

Also note, foe ease of Collab posts, there exists a site by name of pirate pad. Here is an example link leading to what is currently an empty pad. I'm sure you fine folk with make good use of the site.

Arkangrad Academy for Arcane Aspirants

(Not an accurate image of Arkangrad)

You and your future classmates disembark from your variegated modes of transportation. Stepping upon either the rich, black sands of the beaches or the wooden pathways that surround the school you find your way, either through written instruction, helpful guides, or personal knowledge, to the clearing between the gardens and the dormitory complex. Surrounding the clearing you find yourselves in are the hedge mazes and thick copses of trees of the garden, where the many flowers within paint the breeze with the scent of many colors, the oddly calming scent only added to by the sea’s salt. The high grass of the rest of the garden comes up only to your ankles here, an area laid out for speeches, that fact made more clear by the rows of thick wooden benches arranged to be looking towards both the podium and the tower behind it. Standing at the podium is an older gentleman dressed in heavy robes of brown hue, adorned in a number of rubies. His elderly face smiles slightly at the gathering crowd, and he strokes his beard in thought. Behind him are a number of people, many of whom are renowned scientists or mages, the faculty. He waits, patiently, as each of you takes a seat on the benches provided. Someone jokes about how this feels like Hogwarts. A few of the students and even some of the faculty chuckle. When the last of you takes their place, he clears his throat, the assembled crowd quiets, and begins to speak.

“Hmm… Ahem, welcome students, staff, anyone here just because they like speeches, welcome to Arkangrad. I am the Headmaster, Arthur Wick. You are all here of course for one thing, I should hope anyways. You are here to learn, as are we all.
This is in part what Arkangrad is here for. You fine folk stand in what is one of the finest learning institutions in the world. Of course, you all know that already, else you wouldn’t be here. Arkangrad is also a place of unity as well as learning. I want you to take a look around you, what do you see? I see those willing to learn, and nothing else. That is what Arkangrad is for, the bridging of people.
Now, I expect you all to treat your fellow students with respect, regardless of the case. But I would also appreciate it if you all treated your studies seriously. You may argue that the world changed fifty years ago, and that it’s over but we are still feeling the changes even now, as is the way of the world, and I want you all to be prepared for it.
As I look over you all I see the hope for the future. It brings light to an old warrior’s heart, and I trust you all to grow into fine people.
Ahem, one more moment…
I’m sure if you’ve any other questions you can ask any of our delightful faculty, many of whom you can see behind me. Now you’ll find on your person pieces of paper detailing which dorms and rooms you’ll have, and the dorms are, as you can see, behind you. You have the rest of today off, to adjust and meet your new roommates, as well as explore the grounds if you feel like it. If anyone wishes to see me I’ll be in the large tower, and please, try not to burn the place down.”

Each of you finds, in your pocket, or your bag (otherwise in your hair), a slip of paper, upon which is written your dorm room number, who else is in that room with you, and which classes you are scheduled for. On the back is a map showing the route to and from the school itself. The day is yours, what will you do now?

May it be noted that one of the characters is currently not possessing of any roommates, and that this issue will be solved when/if more people either join, or our existing players feel the need to have more characters.

Also, the first IC post is up, have fun.

The first IC post shall go on Saturday the twelfth. I thank you all for your interest and investment into this roleplay, and look forward to partaking with you. And as I said before, the more the merrier! If you know anyone who may be interested in the roleplay feel free to let them know about it. Anyways, that is all, thank you all again.
@Grimoire Why of course, the more the merrier.
Am I good to go? Had a productive chat with neo, just waiting to see from everyone if anything needs changing.

No everything is cool, feel free to place Crispin in the Char tab.
Alright, I feel like there could be something else I could add to this character, but I can't think of it as of now so I'm going with what I have at the moment.

I like her, however I believe that something you may have overlooked is what see actually does with her magic. She has some basic skill in Natural magic however you don't state how this skill manifests, how she uses the magic. I can assume planty things but still.

By the way, in case any of you didn't know, the number of Co-GMs the topic let's one have is limited to two. However for this task I feel it of great import to possess more aid, and so I should let you fine lot know that I have three co-GMs. Two you can already see due to the banner by their name so on and so forth. The third goes by the name of @Rune_Alchemist, and they are most certainly one worthy of respect.

So unless stated otherwise, treat Rune's word as my own, and the same goes for my other co-GMs alright? Thank you all kindly and it is good to see such interest.

I like this character and what she does, but myself and my co-gms have a small handful of concerns to bring up if that is alright with you. Firstly I just want to state that her attacking with tiny portal blade things is bloody amazing and cool, talk about mincemeat! But now I'm procrastinating and stepping around the problem, because I'm terrible at talking and worse at saying no about things, or in general for that matter.

Anyways, my problems aside, teleportation. Teleporting a great distance would need a fair bit of effort and time. It would also take a lot more time if one was taking along friends or making a permeant gate but with Maia's blinking that isn't a concern. That said, if you could give further detail regarding the range and or limitations on Maia's teleportation I would appreciate it.
Also, magical skill. I understand that she is quite skilled with spatial magic, and clearly wasn't sent to Arkangrad to learn it. That said, the middling skill with lightning and mana might be a spot too much. Perhaps a bit less skill with spatial magic? Or lessen her ability with the other skills since she has focused on spatial matters? If you would be willing to do either me and mine would be most grateful.

Aside from that though the application and the character held within are stunning, and with minor modification are easily accepted.


Mind magic wasn't at any point not going to be a cause for concern, but frankly if a problem comes up it can be dealt with then. Consider yourself and Persephone accepted.
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