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Varya Chandrar

Varya was not fond of handshakes, not that Jazdia could have known, though he didn't have the heart to correct her in that moment, being content that his introduction to her was amicable. He did not like touching other peoples hands, thankfully he was wearing gloves to make it more tolerable. It wasn't until he was done speaking that he realized that his expressing the hopes that the mission runs smoothly could be misconstrued as a callous dismissal of its importance, something he felt the need to make up for later. He was then reminded just how tense and anxious the atmosphere was. At least now he felt slightly more comfortable conversing with others, if only to take his mind off the challenges to come.

As Varya looked around the room he saw an armored woman eyeing him and waving, and his defenses were raised almost in response. His smile faded as he defaulted to his usual stone like expression. There was something about the way she looked at him that unsettled him, though he hid these feelings behind his poker face. Her gaze combined with her wide grin reminded him of a dog that had found a new toy to chew on. On the bright side, he could appreciate her good taste in attire, a bold red brigadine with a pink chest. It hinted at class and sophistication behind a fierce exterior. Varya locked eyes on her, seeing this as a challenge as much as an invitation to approach. Regardless of how she made him feel, he wanted to put a good foot forward considering that they were to be traveling and fighting together.

"Good evening madam." Varya says politely, though in a flat tone. "I am Varya Chandrar." He gives a bow of respect to the crimson clad woman and allowed the slightest of smiles to return to his face. "You have good taste in aesthetically pleasing attire. I can appreciate your dedication to looking fabulous." He says, this time expressing albeit subtlety, genuine fascination, letting the emotion slip more with a flair as he stressed the word fabulous. He hoped that his exterior mask could hide the depths of his internal insecurities when it came to social situations.
Varya Chandrar

Varya was thankful that Louise had given him the opportunity to break the ice, though being obliged to pat her head was an awkward request. Nevertheless, he did not want to lose face, so he got up from his seat to approach her. As he was doing so he saw a small fairy like creature hovering above Louise's head, and was captivated by it. When Varya got close to Louise he bowed his head with reverence to the spirit before addressing the noble lady. He then smiled meekly as he gave a respectful bow to Louise and spoke with more enthusiasm and warmth than he had expressed before. "It is an honor to meet you Lady Louise. I am Varya Chandrar." He then gently placed his right hand at the top of her head. Looking this close at her she was pretty cute for a human. After a few seconds he removed his hands.

"Thernous is blessed to have one such as yourself protecting him, and Kindeance for having you as a squire. I'm looking forward to our associations in the future. May the spirits continue to bless you Louise Ironside." Having said his peace, he stepped aside so that others may greet her. Varya then transfixed his eyes on the spirit. He had never before seen one, for it was rare that such a being would choose to be seen by elf or human. It was a great act of Providence that he could gaze upon them, appreciating their uncanny beauty. Louise was fortunate indeed.

Varya's attention was then directed toward the elven lady Jazdia. It was comforting to see another elf this far west. Her beautiful appearance brought an air of familiarity with her to an otherwise strange and alien land. He turned to greet her and offered her a bow, keeping his gentle smile and cordial demeanor. "Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you as well Lady Jazdia. I am Varya Chandrar. I hope our journey together will be a pleasant one." Varya felt much more relieved knowing that he would be accompanying such extraordinary individuals on such a great task.
Varya Chandrar
Dining room, Royal Palace, Rascade, Kindeance

Varya followed Thernous and the various visitors into the small room where food and drink were arranged for a banquet. Varya wanted to savor this moment, to partake in delicious food and enjoy this token of well-wishing before departing for the journey. He sat to the far side of the table, keeping his distance from others. Varya bowed his head in gratitude to The Universe for the food before him before partaking. He began eating the fruits, breads, butters and cheeses, but avoided the meats as he was vegetarian.

Varya would listen to the conversations being had around the table, especially those being had by Thernous, though he himself would not engage, save if someone spoke to him directly. He was not one to start a conversation, finding such social functions to be tiring. This has lead to many awkward situations in the past. To him a conversation was a means to an end, a form of exchanging information, rarely to be indulged in for its own sake. This has made him a buzzkill and a pariah of sorts at many parties. It mattered little, he would have his actions speak for him, and he would prove out there in the fields the kind of man he was, where it mattered most.

As much as Varya made himself hard to approach, he was still hoping if in a paradoxical way that others would approach him, if only to get introductions and other verbal formalities out of the way.
Varya Chandrar

Varya struggled to comprehend the sheer amount of information being presented by the king. He knew that the king's words had meaning on multiple levels, decipherable to those with more understanding of rhetoric than he. The web of associations and the actions that were to be taken were becoming increasingly complex and subtle. He was thankful that those with more understanding of these delicate situations were to give him orders and part of this most important of missions. Leave the politics to the nobles, Varya's duty was simply to exercise their will. So long as his orders did not conflict with his conscious, he cared little for the details, and thankfully he had yet to hear anything that would.

The leniency with which to deal with this renegade noble Stritzel was reassuring. To know when to utilize violence and when not too helps to differentiate the professional from the brute. While Varya was surprised by how casual the elven lady had spoken to the king, he could tell it came more from concern than pedantics. The king didn't seem too bothered though, which suggests a complicated history between the two, possibly worth inquiring into later. Despite this, he couldn't help but be somewhat impressed with her will to assert herself and her concerns, even if the timing was not ideal. It spoke of great potential should that energy be directed at other noble goals.

What concerned Varya at the moment was the well-being of Cedar. While he didn't view himself as the most empathetic of people, he did not like the idea of this bear suffering, nor how much this was bothering the young bears in the room, even if he did find them strange. Apart from genuine emotion and sentimentality, rescuing the bear could potentially raise the morale of the entourage, which given the gravitas of the task to be performed would desperately be needed. "Your Majesty, if I may inquire, where do you think the noble Cedar is currently being held?" Varya asks in a monotone voice that downplayed concern. He was one to keep his emotions close to his chest and reluctant to show it to others, save for when he wanted to influence others or in rarer cases open up with sincerity.
Varya Chandrar
Royal Palace, Rascade, Kindaence

Varya walked through the halls of the castle, dressed in a navy blue button up coat with a high collar and color matching pants, and wearing black gloves. Adorning his neck was a silver necklace with a precious sapphire stone at its center, a family heirloom passed from generation to generation from his mother's line. He doused himself in many shampoos and oils so that wherever he walked he wafted the scents of lavender mixed with sea breeze, and his soft hair was brushed straight. Varya took a great deal of time maintaining his appearance, and he hoped others would appreciate it as well, though in truth much of it was inspired by his own sense of vanity, and his infatuation with his own reflection. He forfeited all of his weaponry to the palace guards. He took his time walking through the castle, appreciating the craftsmanship of stone, and the decoration of the interior. While he was no expert on the nuances of architectural aesthetics, he could still find himself enjoying them. Though he was still nervous in the meeting of high socially esteemed individuals, he was confident in his ability to hide his self perceived weakness.

When Varya reached the entrance to the room of meeting, he took a look at his reflection in a hand held silver mirror to ensure he still looked presentable, and found himself satisfactory. He put his ears to the door to check if any conversations had started, though he heard not. Slowly he opened the door and entered, closing the door behind him. He scanned the room, and realized that two people were already in the room. One was a tall man with short fair hair and blue eyes, a common physical trait amongst the local peoples it seemed. He was clothed like an exceptionally well dressed squire, wearing the insignia of the royal house of Kindaence! Likely of relation to the King, and thus deserving of the utmost respect. The other was a women a hair shorter than Varya with dark green eyes, with long hair that was also fair, wearing insignia of her own, likely representing a noble house. Varya dared not approach them, recognizing the significance of their company. Instead he silently makes his way to a seat closest to the south eastern corner of the room. He would face the door, watching for anyone that would enter the room and take measure of them, only occasionally diverting his attention to admire his own pretty face in his mirror. He would not talk or make eye contact with anyone unless they engaged in conversation first.

Now all that was left to do was wait.

1:00 PM
Varya Chandrar
Memorial Park, Rascade, Kindaence

Varya's senses were overstimulated when he first entered the capital, for he was not used to the hustle and bustle of the big city, the volume of steps and voices, and the presence of so many people at any given time. He had made it a habit to avoid such places if he had the option to, preferring the more rural areas, though circumstances forced his hand. He could tell it would take some time to get used to for someone as introverted as he was.

Shortly after first arriving at the city he bought with battle earned coin a dapper navy blue gent's suit and pants, wanting to look his best for himself and to make a good first impression with any potential employers. Varya walked with cane in hand, unbeknownst to onlookers that within it secretly was stored a sharp blade.

Afterwards he went to the docs to behold the splendor of Rascade's famous port, pregnant with grand ships that carried within them treasures from across the length and breadth of the world. He sat upon the piers edge to gaze in awe at the infinity of blue expanded before him, smelling the salt around him and feeling the cool coastal winds kiss his cheeks. The coast and the ocean's horizon were sacred to Varya, and the sight of it during the sun's setting was one of the most beautiful phenomenon he had ever witnessed on this earthly plane, a glimpse into the grand tapestry of the cosmos.


Varya after a time went to the memorial park to walk through it as well as peruse the cemetery of Kindaence's great heroes of old, though to his disappointment the locals had informed them that it was closed off to the public. He walked across the park barefoot to feel the grass beneath him. Beneath a shady tree he laid, relaxing after a great deal of walking, appreciating the greenery of the trees.

As Varya was dozing off, from the corner of his eye he saw a mail man approaching him. He stood up and went to address the mail man. The man delivered onto him a letter before departing. At first Varya thought that it was from the mercenary group he was to join within the capital, but to his surprise it was sealed with an insignia of the royal house Kindaence! Recognizing its importance, he concealed the letter in his coat, then retreated to the most secluded part of the park he could find. He then casted upon himself his spell of Invisibility, so that none but he could read the contents of the letter in seclusion.

Varya stood in silence after processing what all he read. The significance of this message could not be overstated. He could never have imagined that a king would summon him, at least not so soon. It was humbling, but it was also intimidating. Now more than ever Varya must prove not just to the king but to himself that he is worthy of this most high calling. Varya was nervous, but he knew in his heart he must muster the courage to embrace this invitation, for it was a sign from Above that pointed towards his destiny. He kept the letter close to his heart as he went to freshen up in preparation for this momentous meeting with royalty.
10:00 AM
Varya Chandrar
Forest River, Eastern fringes of the Kingdom of Kindeance

Varya sits naked in full lotus position on a deerskin upon the banks of the river which he had bathed in prior, taking shelter from the sun beneath the shade of the abundant trees. Eyes half closed, he focused his mind on the beauty of the ineffable Heavens, which reached far beyond the blue skies of the mortal world. During his mental journey he was serenaded with the beatific symphonies of the earth, the chorus of birds, the squirrels rusting in the trees the flowing waters of the river, the gentle whispers of the wind. Heaven and Earth were smiling, and so was Varya.

When after a hour he finished his meditations he stepped forth into the sunlight, basking in its warmth. He faced the sun and stood tall, his arms outstretched to give salutations to the glorious star. "Praise the Sun!" After saluting the sun he dressed lightly, gathered up his belongings including his trusty Crescent Bow, and began to walk westward through the forest. Varya had only recently arrived in the lands of Kindaence, a land he knew little of, saved that it is currently undergoing reforms under their newest King, Fredericus. Varya had arrived in hopes of finding new work and spreading his reputation, hoping to increase hiring prospects. He had traveled far and wide in search of a cause he could fight for, a people he could help. So far faces came and went like mist as he wandered the earth aimlessly, occasionally being guided by the prospects of proving his worth in the fires of battle. While he was handsomely rewarded with gold for his troubles, he sought a treasure far more valuable, even if he himself was unsure what it was.

2:00 PM
Western forest edge, the Eastern Plains of the Kingdom of Kandaence

After several days walking through the forest, Varya emerged at the western end, where before him lay the vast open fields of the Kingdom. He closed his eyes as he felt sweeping winds, unbroken by the trees touch his skin. The coolness was refreshing. Suddenly he felt a chill in the air that caused a shiver. An ill omen. "A bitter Black wind howls..." Varya saw this as a sign of conflict, of what he could not say, only that he should be prepared to endure it. Varya continued his journey to the towns of men proper, pondering if they possessed more than a utilitarian sense of fashion, for he desired new clothes to wear, preferably with flair.

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