Avatar of Noodles
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    1. Noodles 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current EA games are a waste of HDD space
7 yrs ago
Roasted by the summer heat~
7 yrs ago
Was eating a sausage and the skewer splintered >.< ...
7 yrs ago
Yamcha defeated Frieza, spoiler alert~
7 yrs ago
Addicted to Oreos ~~
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Just Noodles who like eating noodles

Age: 22

A bit late to say this, but retired

Most Recent Posts

Busy with my cousin's wedding over the few days of my week >.<

Alsoo, Happy Birthday ~
Colour me interested ~
@Raineh Daze@Crimson Paladin

They're doing okay for now... Klaus thought, as she straddled through the bystanding crowd. What she needed to do is to get back to the keep for any further news from the Knights. The crowd was an obvious presence of their Knights, somehow it baffles her. She knows the Iron Roses are the strongest order of Knights, but was their attention really necessary? They only did what they had to do.

"Quite an interesting story I'd hear," Klaus emerged from the crowd of children, her face letting off an amused smirk. Her grey cloak have covered most of her armour, along with the Iron Roses symbol, intentionally. Only the hilt of her sword is shown, but she resembles more of a wandering mercenary than a Knight. Somehow, she looked less out-of-place with her dull clothing. To avoid unnecessary attention, and she preferred looking like this rather than with those linen coat.

"The Northern Side is secure from how I look, it would be better if there's walled keep and moats, but this would do." Klaus leaned her back against a hut, her blue eyes glinting at Belwiss and Jordeau.
Is it still open? o.o ~
Sounds interesting, is this still open? o.o ~
((Ignore this, will edit back))
Took longer than I'm supposed to for my post, had stomach pains since the morning >.< ...

But I'm ready I guess ~
Selova Ajes

"I don't eat so much for my breakfast," Selova replied. She'd thought she'd adjusted with her new life well enough, but some of her inherent habits never change. "Usually I would have a bigger portion if I woke up in an earlier timing, its pretty late in the morning to be frank..."

The voice from the hulkish figure sounded more like a roar to her, especially in a place like a quiet tavern, but her usual tall composure was maintained as naturally as breathing.

"I'm not really a Knight actually," She took a few remaining bites on her food, her grey eyes glancing upon the giant's. "Father passed on months before my knighting, and so I moved on to the mercenary's line of work."

"Name's Selova Ajes," She gave away her usual smile. It was rather surprising to know that that Hafrbjorn wasn't part of the guild yet, because he looked like someone who had been here for a long time.
Selova Ajes

"Uhh, Morning..." Selova's foot creaked on the stairs upon stopping for a moment to see a figure that made her look short in comparison. Her late father have met burly guys like him, and she'd trained with people with two, or even three times her height as a child. But seeing a person with a large build on her third day of her new job was something different to her. Its been more than half a decade since she'd felt short for once. Perhaps she'd really lived a sheltered life after all this while, Is the Blood Rose Irregulars full of people like this...?

She walked towards the tavern table in glideful steps, taking a seat near Hafrbjorn as she grabbed a loaf of bread. She was on her linen dress, without her armour or even her sword by her side, and calluses are showed throughout her hands and forearms. She took a couple of bites on her breakfast, not being sure what to do in such a situation. She was new to the mercenary's band, and the presence of him felt like it filled the entire tavern itself. Got to finish my breakfast, before setting out.
Ouch... flashbacks sucks >_>
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