Avatar of NorthernKraken
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 220 (0.11 / day)
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    1. NorthernKraken 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current Friendly reminder that whatever you're feeling right now is normal. The world is in shock, and everyone copes with that differently.
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to give a shout out to any healthcare workers on the guild. You guys are way braver than I am, especially those of you going in even with health issues. Thank you so, so, so much.
4 yrs ago
Merry Christmas all!
5 yrs ago
@VampireTwilight don't let anyone pressure you into anything you don't want to do, if they respect you, they'll respect your boundaries
5 yrs ago
Happy moon anniversary everyone! :D
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Heyo, just letting you know this seems really cool (and will be writing up a CS when I have a decent idea lol) and would be super interested if/when you decide to start it up properly :)
In Consent 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
A woman, aging, grey hair cropped short, stands at the back.

For a moment she is uncertain, but then she watches the other woman, and something tugs at the corner of her lips. She steps toward the table, keen brown eyes skimming across the array of objects, before they fall on a thick, black sharpie. She picks it up.

She approaches the volunteer, sure footed, then carefully, she slips the button at his collar free. Her throat catches as it slips open, revealing the slight bob of his neck as he breathes. More confident, she undoes the rest of the buttons until the shirt hangs, exposing the volunteer's bare chest.

She uncaps the sharpie, and hunches over, her body hiding the drawing from view as she works.

She stands, slips the cap back on with a sharp click, before moving out of the way to reveal a giant, hairy set of balls covering each pec, accompanied by a wrinkled trunk that sits between them and snakes down his belly.

She returns the sharpie to the table, task completed.
Okay. This did not turn out how I had planned, but I wrote it so might as well submit it!

Also: Words - 986 (forgot before)

Village of Traffyn Fenwd - Beds For Ewe!


For Colin, time shuddered, memory jagged and violent, a cart over rock.

The realisation that Kate was Kate. Saying as much, staring, petrified at the pallor of her face.

Smoke. Thick in his lungs.

Then he was running, fresh mud slick under his boots, rain cold and thick, soaked through to the skin in seconds. He couldn’t look at her. Couldn’t. Not when all he saw was soot streaked pale skin, when all he heard was the lock. Clicking. Locksley. Screaming.

Hands. At his neck. Wild eyes. Starched skin. Bloody fangs through lips peeled back in a snarl.

”No need to scream child-”

“Fecking move Lad!”

Lying on the ground, breath ragged. Was the sky dark with rain or with night?

Lips moving, forming words he couldn’t hear. White hair. Amber eyes. Nyssa. That was Nyssa. His fellow hood. [i]Not[i] a leech. Fuck.

He was shaking all over. Cold or adrenaline or both, he couldn’t tell. Wasn’t sure he wanted to. The scent of smoke still lingered, the back of his throat charred and thick with the ghost of cool hands like irons about his neck.

Someone dragged him to his feet. Nyssa? Eliza? It was hard to tell. Impossible. With the rain and the smoke and Locksley's flesh bubbling in his ear- Eliza was talking. Telling him to pull himself together. He clenched his fists, the inside of his palms warming upon the contact. God. He was such a fucking idiot.

“Sorry.” He didn’t look at her. “Won’t happen again.” That was a lie. She probably knew it was a lie. It wasn’t like he had any fucking control. He took a steadying breath. It didn’t do much. His heart still hammered, ribs still crushed lungs like fists with every laboured breath. His skin still rippled with cold-heat. Cheeks and ears bright red - he didn’t have to see them to know.

He glanced up, trying to find- shit, Kate. Of course.

He didn’t even have time to blink. One second she was approaching Nyssa, the next, she had a hand on her shoulder from behind. Pulled her round with an almighty heave, and…

Colin blanched.

“Keep your skinny fucking hands of my bloody brother, bitch!” she yelled, fist aimed squarely at the soft pink of Nyssa’s mouth.

Village of Traffyn Fenwd - Forest Path


The dry, brittle branch exploded.

There was the briefest moment where, upon touching Vitius’ lips, it had hummed. Vibrated, almost, with impossibly powerful magics. Nothing natural, even for someone used to living in a world full of the strange and the powerful.

But then shards of sharp, dry wood erupted outwards.

At the same time, a fleeting glimpse of grey.

Anger. Pain, as if Vitius had driven it to the actions it had taken. Whatever it was, it was becoming increasingly unhappy, as yet another tree slammed downwards.

@Gcold Oop! I completely forgot, will do that now

Village of Traffyn Fenwd - Forest Path


A crunching, sucking sound, like bones snapping and grinding and splitting through taut-stretched flesh as the sword, fully free from Vitius’s grip was pulled bodily into the writhing tree, leaving only a thick scar in the bark, barely visible in the darkness.

Fantastical tales and outlandish folklore were as normal as air to people in places like this, but this wasn’t like anything Vitius had heard about in Crimson Heights, and he drew a blank. Another piercing cackle rang out across the forest.

A breath, ice cold, slicked the back of his neck.

As soon as the sensation registered, another tree crashed into the ground behind him, dry, skeletal branches snapped under the colossal force, flew off in every direction. It lurched, shifted to heave itself upright once more. Loud, but not loud enough to drown out the sound of the next tree over, one right next to Vitius, lurching and stretching and cracking, about to slam into the ground where he stood.

Village of Traffyn Fenwd - Forest Path


The wood splintered around the point Vitius’s sword made contact, deep brown bark giving way to a flash of pale white in the moonlight for the barest of moments. Then, an agonised creaking, stretching sound as the tree trunk warped and grew about the weapon embedded in its form. Sap, sticky and black as blood, leaked from the tree, oozed along the length of the blade that was slowly, steadily, being engulfed.

The voice rang out out again. It came from everywhere and nowhere, bore no true characteristics except that of the forest itself. It could've just as easily been a falling tree, a mudslide, a wolf, blood on its maw, tearing into its pray. The only thing distinguishing it even as a separate entity were the words.

Definitely up for round 2!
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