Freyja 'Valkyrie' SvensdotterWhen it was her turn to take off, Valkyrie throttled up, Afterburners engaging as the Saab Gripen took off into the air, soon enough once at altitude the Swedish craft took up formation along with flight one for a moment as Scott spoke over the radio. Freyja smiled as she watched the F-14 waggle its tail and break off. She moved her mask closer to her mouth.
“Copy that flight one, stay safe and show what your made of.” After this the Swedish pilot look around to see her wingman, she wiggled her wing at him before speaking up once more.
“Cobalt 7 to Cobalt 8, Welcome to Cobalt Squadron, look forward to seeing what the classic bird of yours can do.” She finished out as she flew on route to her destination.
* - * - *
Over the Mediterranean Sea; approximately 20 miles West of Malta
March 13th 2014.Not long after checking in, AWAC had lit up the comms again, confirmed multiple air and ground targets, to which of whom were refusing to ID themselves. It looked like the enemy were at the gates, but this time Cobalt Haze was there to answer this time.
“Copy Cobalt lead, Flight two moving to intercept surface targets and identify over. Cobalt 8, you’re on me, lets fly low try not to get to close but at least see who we are dealing with.”Clipping her mask on and dropping her visor, Freyja Banked into a slight turn and throttling up a bit, Valk reduced her altitude to get a better visual inspection of the six surface targets, this was dangerous of course as it was leave them open to weapons fire should the unknowns vessels chose to engage.
“Cobalt 7 to Skywatch, can confirm, Surface target are military patrol boats, moving slightly close to identify further, over.”Suddenly her flight had come under heavy enemy fire.
“Shit” she said under her breath before speaking back on comms again, weapons fire can be hard in the back ground.
“Cobalt 7 to Skywatch, can confirm surface target are hostile, under heavy tracer and small arms fire… Visual confirmation, surface targets are Libyan, over.” Soon the sound of attempted lock on were sounding off.
The weapons fire was intense as her flight was closing on the enemy vessels, they couldn’t stay like this she calmly and quickly devised a counter to it.
“Cobalt 7 to Cobalt 8, break formation, I will crank left, you crank right, let’s see if we can split their fire and attention and move to engage at your discretion, let’s make sure these guys don’t make it to that convoy, over.”Breaking formation, Valks Griffon banked hard left, going what she could not to get a target lock on herself and moving into a better angle of attack for herself. Circling back round she throttled up and attempted to get a lock on one of the boats, still under fire, her craft was low enough that a small rooster tail of water was coming out from behind her craft. Once a lock confirmation was achieved, the Gripen raised up a bit more from the water surface.
“Cobalt 7, Bruiser” she called as the anti-ship missile was fired at her target and broke off.
Moments later a massive explosion happened to confirm she hit her target, a bloom of black smoke billowing out from one of the ships. Suddenly her hunting tones sounded of again and a lock established, one of the ship got of a shot from a shoulder mounted surface to air missile. Freyja began evasive manoeuvres with little luck shaking of the missile and having to fire her first set of countermeasure flares to evade the missile. The rest of the ships appears to keep pressing on at 30 knots.
@Letter Bee@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W@Shadow Daedalus