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It's under the character tab. If it helps, I'll post a blank version here. Just replace my color codes with your preferred speech color. Just quote and then copy to get all the BB codes.



I feel this. It's new expansion season for FF14 right now so it's hard to do.much more then play that and watch movies in my downntime

I get this. Really.

I am like waaaaaay behind on FFXIV. Despite buying all the expansions up to Endwalker, I'm still in between A Realm Reborn and Heavensward as far as story completion goes LOL. I did come back briefly last year though for the Moonfire Faire so I could get the Power Rangers suit and the Phoenix mount XD. Check out this cool video some players did set to the Power Rangers theme song XD:

Through a hidden magical archway in an alley in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, there was a large speakeasy - one of many - where the Serpeverde Crime Family sold alcohol that was officially banned by the Magical Congress of the United States, such as Goblin Ale, Dragon Whiskey, Trollshine, etc. Soft music drifted over the immense dining hall from enchanted instruments that played themselves as chatter rang out amongst the varied clientele.

Sitting in a booth at the back end of the establishment was Bobby Zucco, whose dark eyes scanned the area for those who would be joining him shortly. He looked to be in his late twenties, tall with dark brown hair, and warm ivory skin. He was clad in No-Maj clothing, which was typical of Wizards and Witches in big cities.

“Can I get anything for you, Bobby?” asked a waitress passing by.

“Not just yet, Marissa. I’ll wait to order till the rest of my party arrives, but thank you,” he replied politely. She smiled and nodded before heading off to serve another customer. He was waiting for several Family Associates who were still new recruits, and they would be starting a small crew under his leadership. They had each been given instructions to meet at this particular speakeasy, where they would go over the details of their first mission. Bobby patiently awaited their arrival.
CS and Intro post incoming shortly.
Sorry that took so long, was kinda hitting a dead end creatively trying to decide where to take that post LOL. I think in my next post I should move us to meeting Zordon, but what do you guys think? Did you want some more back and forth posts first?
“Yeah, it’s weird that we were each drawn to a specific colored crystal,” Tommy agreed. “We should definitely go ask Professor Cranston.”

“I’ll call him and let him know we’re coming!” Eddie added excitedly.

The teens loaded up into their vehicles and headed for the Youth Science Lab at Angel Grove High School. They brought the strange metal container and all the weird glowing crystals to Billy Cranston, who studied them with awe.

“So what do you think, Professor?” Eddie inquired.

“Well, I would be worried about glowing crystals giving off potentially harmful radiation, but the container you found them in doesn’t seem to have any warning labels. Still, it’s best to be cautious and keep them in a sealed containment unit for now. This isn’t my particular field of specialty, but I know a nuclear physicist who is an expert in dealing with radioactive materials. Let me give her a call real fast.” Professor Cranston placed the crystals and their container in a sealed unit and then pulled out his phone, retreating to his office while he made the call.

“I hope those crystals aren’t actually radioactive,” said Eddie as the teens sat around a table in the lab waiting for the Professor to finish his call. “That would suck if we all got cancer or something.”

“It didn’t feel harmful, though,” added Tommy. “It feels almost like there is something bigger going on here. I have this growing urge to open that containment unit and take that red crystal back. Like, destiny calling out to me or something. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain.”

“I gotta admit, I’m starting to feel the same way,” Eddie confessed. “Like, being separated from the blue crystal is giving me a growing sense of unease. What about you guys?” He turned to the rest of the group.
Sorry all, got caught up in the Throne and Liberty Open Beta with some friends and lost track of time. The Beta period ends tomorrow and we're trying to get as far as possible before the servers close, but after that, getting caught up on RP stuff will be my top priority.
Sorry all, got caught up in the Throne and Liberty Open Beta with some friends and lost track of time. The Beta period ends tomorrow and we're trying to get as far as possible before the servers close, but after that, getting caught up on RP stuff will be my top priority.
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