Avatar of Nymeria
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 250 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Nymeria 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current How do people get their roleplays to last years? I can barely find any that get off the ground.
7 yrs ago
Interest check for a futuristic bordello roleplay: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
I just made Cinnamon Apple Snickerdoodle Cupcakes. I also may have been heavily drinking while making them. Either way, the house smells great!
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I've been on a roleplaying hiatus for quite some time but I'm ready to come back to it! I used to roleplay mainly on an avatar based site called Gaia Online. I was more into what they called "literate" role plays: that is, what looks to be your casual to advanced roleplays. As of right now, I'm more interested in the casual ones. I might go into advanced at some point, but for now, I think casual will be for me.

I've done a wide variety of subjects. My favorites are:
-super powers or super hero
-some sci-fi from time to time

I really enjoy original stories/premises for role plays but I'm also okay with doing something based in an existing world with original characters. I like fast-paced role plays with plenty of action and adventure. I'm good with both group stories and 1 on 1. While I tend to prefer playing male characters, I'm up to playing either gender. I'm also up to 18+ content. I'm not quite sure how far I'm willing to go as far as smut is concerned, but I will let you know once I've hit my limit!

I'm a gamer, especially rpg's (big shock there) and I enjoy fantasy television and movies. I'm very into Game of Thrones right now. I've seen every episode and I started reading the books though I only made it to book 2 or 3...I don't remember, it was a while ago. I also like older Legend of Zelda (I stopped playing the new ones after Twilight Princess came out), the Fallout games, Skyrim, I'm currently playing Witcher 3 (which I got as a gift. Unfortunately, I have not playing the previous two, but I would like to), the Fable games, I played some of the Batman Arkham games, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (the console game, but I also played the mmorpg for a while) and more I can't think of at the moment. As far as movie and tv goes, I like Lord of the Rings, Stranger Things, the Batman universe, Star Wars, Sucker Punch etc.

If you have a role play you want to start soon or need new members in that you think I might like, let me know! I'm always looking for new stories.

If you want to check out some of my art, check out my DeviantArt page. I will hopefully have some of my original characters up there once I start drawing again.

And if you like my art, check out my RedBubble Store!

Most Recent Posts

Yes that is what I meant. Sorry for the late reply.
Rosaline Weyenberg

Charillos smiled up at Mikhail at his question. "I would LOVE that!" he practically yelled, excitedly petting the wolf once again."We're not allowed to have pets. Mom says we couldn't take care of it and that they wouldn't like dad..."

Rosaline quickly shushed her brother, cutting him off. He shot him a stern look before turning her attention back to Mikhail. "Oh, the Hunter's Guild? I can show you were to go after we finish our shopping and I drop Charillos and Emmaline back off at home." She gave a sweet smile before turning to her two siblings. She was about to set off when she had a second thought.

"Actually, you can handle the shopping, right?" She referred to the two guards. They both nodded, stoically without a word. "Make sure to get enough fruits and vegetables. And a variety too. Not just one radish." She shot a sly smile to her sister who blushed and looked away.

She turned back to Mikhail, seeing the small girl standing near him. She hadn't heard what the girl said and simply tilted her head to the side in question. "Hello, sweetie. Do you need help with something?"
@ScorpionFlowerIt sounds good to me.
When I suggested controlling the docks, I meant more like they own the property and charge the merchant ships to dock there. It would still be ultimately controlled by the King who and what goes through there, the family would just make money off of all of the business coming in and out.

But whatever works.

@Drakey Yes I saw your post. I'll try to reply sometime today.
@Ambra Ah sorry! I never got any inspiration and then I got busy with other roleplays. I'll have to say I'm out for now.
@Nymeria Say, what does it look like on the other side of that sea or simply further on the coast?
Could it be possible that my family is foreigner? I wanted to give them French family names and have an foreign ''French-Nobility'' accent. Feasible?

I missed this post for some reason.

My thought was that the sea is very vast and probably has not been crossed yet. There are unsettled lands far north and far south that could have foreigners. The Trieste Sea would extend far to the north so they could possibly sail from way up north to Rothenburg, but it would be a looooong trip.
@Zelosse There definitely could be. Especially in the farther cities that aren't close enough to Rothenburg to get much help.

You can also create your own peasant militia in Rothenburg, I'm fine with that too, since the guards aren't doing the best job keeping monster attacks from happening. It would be a bit of a sore spot for the Royal Guards and probably some of the hunters since it's kind of a slap in the face that they aren't doing a good enough job taking care of things.
@ScorpionFlower That is a good point. Like you said, they could own a small part of the dock and the other major families own the other parts. That could cause some drama between them. As we've all already seen, the Filtiarns and Ballangers hate each other. The Weyenbergs are rather neutral and keep to themselves.

You can go ahead and come up with a noble family and me and Linguinie will let you know if anything needs to be changed or updated.
@ScorpionFlower Making a new noble would be fine. They just wouldn't be as powerful as the three families. But I made sure to add upper class areas on the map of Rothenburg so there are other families of higher class in the city. There is also a large shopping district at the docks they could own a part of.

As of now, the three families have a large business in logging, property, and tax collecting as well as the Northern marketplace. So the shops located near the docks are either privately owned or you can create a noble who runs them. Ooooorr you could make a noble character who runs the docks, as that could be a fairly lucrative business venture.
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