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@Omni5876 That might not work, in order to use senjustu, you have to already have an absurd amount of chakra. That’s why Naruto can do it. It’s not about just balancing it with nature energy, it’s about having enough to balance it. That’s why most people turn to stone, because they don’t have enough chakra to match the amount of sage energy needed

you are probably right but I figured that Sakura and Tsunade both amazed enormous amount of chakra for their 1000 healing jutsu. Meh was just an idea. either way I'll see what the boss decides and go from there. I am up for retcon or re start. I might even spice or modify my charry a bit if I need to.
@Blizz what if we were ALL senjutsu training? but one of us has gone rouge.....(looks meaningfully at Mizo) lol
@Dio so whats the plan? is the RP continuing? will the three of us left combine into one team or will you try to recruit more peeps? I still here and willing to continue but will follow your lead. Just let me know.
Fer cocked his head to one side with a slight look of confusion as Cole detailed his plan. He wondered if Cole’s earth was different than his own. Other than by force or coercion, there was no magic that Fer knew that could make people do what they wanted. Of course, there was the old wives tales of curses or possessions but Fer did not think that Cole was versed in the dark arcane arts of mountain witches.
Regardless, the young shield hero nodded. “Yes Cole I think your suggestion of getting supplies is a good one.” He turned to Auriel “Any company would be appreciated.” He said with a slight smile. Almost reluctantly but with a conviction that made it seem he was trying to move past his own barriers, he turned to the beast man. “The invitation is extended to you of course” His tone was as friendly as it could be but with a slight tone of reluctance.

He then turned to Cole. “I definitely think we should split up; multiple targets are harder to track and keep an eye out for. When I was a tracker, we had to pick a target and stick with it. Sometimes it was the wrong one and you had wasted days of monitoring.”

He gave nod to the three of them and headed for the door. If anybody followed him they would visit various stands. He first made his way to the stalls selling dried meat. Just because they knew the location of the bandit leader there was no guarantee she would be there. It might be days before they spotted her. He used the gold the King had given him which he felt belonged to the people anyways. He bought what he felt was good enough for about seven or so days. He also stopped by and bought some wine skins. After he was done with getting dried fruit, cheeses and even some camping equipment he looked like a he was planning a trip or was some sort of tinker sales man. He figured the later would be a perfect disguise and was thankful for the Shield’s ability to increase his endurance and strength.

Eventually he made his way to the prescribed meting place. He was a bit sad he was not able to use any of the bows or knives displayed on the walls. He gave an acknowledging nod to the young assistant that had outfitted him in his first day on this world. He waited until everybody was there.

“I took the liberty of selecting our food stuff among other thing. I mean, as the shield I should make myself useful right?” He said in a clearly sarcastic voice. “Ok Dulaman, I think we should learn as much as you know about Rayla. Cole can also explain his plan.” He nodded to his two male companions. “Finally, Auriel can help us see the error of our ways as she is the one that may have more experience with this world.”
I dont know why I felt somebody else needed to post before me but I will try to post something sometime this weekend or if not on Monday.
@Ogobrogo sad to see you go. wish you the best and may we meet in another world
so silly question but who is supposed to post next?
Fer had to turn his head in a different direction when the winged newcomer planted a kiss on Auriel’s hand. He felt his blood rise but was not sure if it was due to his embarrassment at feeling so possessive of his holy partner or if it was out of anger at the beast man for taking such liberties with a total stranger. Perhaps he was old school and even in his world, men showed their respect to ladies in such a manner. However, this was also a way to flirt and court that was socially acceptable. Perhaps the young hero’s anger was at the audacity that Dulaman would reduce his trusted companion to prey to be hunted and conquered over. Whatever the case, it was wrong of Fer too. He had no claim over the holy protector and he most definitely would not make her out to be a defenseless little bird.

He took a calming long breath and instead focused on his surroundings. The location was filled with experience and new adventurers. He could tell the difference some in their way that they carried themselves. Veteran adventurers had a sureness in their step. They moved with purpose and their laughs were full and hearty. They probably had seen many partners die and knew that life was too short to worry about the mundane. In the opposite, newcomers walked around unsure, their smiles awkward and masked.
He turned to look at his own team. Despite the awesome weapons they wore, there was no guarantee of success. He was the second hero to be summoned in a very short time. This bandit had a reputation that exaggerated or not, meant that they could handle themselves. This very real possibility of death made him feel even more ashamed of his earlier reaction. Dulaman might be a new member to their team but Fer needed to treat and defend him as he would Cole or Auriel.

He cleared his throat and addressed the leathery winged man. “Once we are clear of any eager ears I would appreciate any information you have on Rayla and any plan suggestion for bringing about her end.”
ill post tomorrow if nobody has posted
Kana and the boys would sit down and watch the fight wondering if it would be better not to get involved lol.
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