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@Ryuzaki@Balthazar007 Yup, still looking!
I don't have a buddy to do this with but I'm interested.
I think I might be interested.
If someone can help me with meister abilities (cause I read the manga through to the end but that was years ago and I can barely remember anything power related now) I'll be happy to make a meister cs
Ruby Doer

Ruby was checking her watch, hoping Sam wasn't sleeping in, when she heard his voice. She looked up to see him walking over to her table. "Oh, good morning." She said to him as he sat down. It came off as kind of formal though...she really had to work on that. Perhaps once she got to know him more her tone would ease up, but then again MJ often told her she was very formal as well so who really knew. "Oh and um, yes I did. There aren't too many students up and out at that time in the morning so it was nice." Well, that certainly came off as anti-social. Ugh... "A-Anyways, did you sleep well? I had a much easier time sleeping than last semester. It's nice to have your own room after all." She added, starting to eat her food now that Sam was here. She hoped that he wasn't going to mention her powers again. It didn't seem like it from the awkwardness that was brought up when she told him she didn't know, but she had prepared some questions to try and distract him with on her run earlier, just in case.


Nancy Jones

Noise. All there was noise now. So many people were speaking to her or around her. There was Monty who she heard first, telling her about his partner until said partner came over and called her a delinquent. This honestly wasn't anything new to Nancy. Even before she became a goth, people thought she was a thug at first glance with just how her facial expression was. Thankfully anyone that spent even a bit of time around her usually came to see she wasn't this horrible delinquent character, usually though. While later Nancy would hope that Regis would see that she was the furthest thing from being a delinquent. For now, though, Nancy was too tired to even give his words some mind. So as Monty was trying to fix any misunderstandings, she just raised up a hand in a sleepy greeting and said "Yo".

But that wasn't the end of things. A boy she didn't really recognize came over and sat down next to her and started talking to her and Monty and Regis. Nancy stared at him as Monty introduced himself (no doubt making the guy think she was contemplating punching him), trying to figure out how she knew him. And then, as the coffee finally kicked into full gear, he dawned on her. "Oh! You're my partner!" She said loudly and suddenly. L-Lu-Luk...Luciano! That's right! Luciano this is my friend Monty and his partner, Regis!" Now that her brain was kickstarted, Nancy was smiling and had a pleasant tone to her voice, as was her usual way.

Then she heard what Monty told her next and got a little embarrassed. "Oh! That's great! I'm glad you're going to be taking cooking! I um...well...Rasmodius told me that I couldn't I had to focus on my magic more this year so I'm taking gardening. I really wanted to take cooking with you guys but I guess them's the breaks. But hey! At least you're partnered with someone that can cook!" Nancy told him happily. "So that should be fun! You two can help each other." Then she turned to Luciano and asked sheepishly, "Um, what did you want to take again?"

@The Errorist

Ruby Doer

If Ruby was glad of one thing, it was that her partner was just as socially awkward as her it seemed. Maybe it was the situation or the fact that the two of them were now going to be living so close together that made him that way but it was fine. Ruby could adjust well to this situation (well, her awkwardness was bound to not change too much but she was glad for the battles that she could win). She was also glad that the trip to their room was a silent one, it gave her time to try and establish a conversation game plan so that she seemed less awkward. She really didn't want to make her new partner feel like she didn't like him or anything like that after all. But the walk didn't give her much time as they quickly got to their new room and Sam seemed happy about the arrangement, seeing how he had been in that very room before he was called back to be rebonded. "We just got your things in here, no worries!" One of the volunteers told her as they put the last of her luggage on her side of the room and moved Sam's previous partner's things out to his new room. Another thing to be grateful for, a way out of the awkward conversation if she couldn't keep the awkward levels down. Things really were looking up for Ruby.

Ruby thanked the volunteers with Sam and headed inside, taking a look around. It was much smaller than her last room, but with a much bigger room to occupant ratio as well, which Ruby didn't think was bad at all. Ruby was pulled out of her admiring by Sam asking her what she wanted as an elective, just one seeing how monster hunting was now mandatory (which Ruby had no problem with either). There...wasn't a lot Ruby wanted to take. She wasn't good at music, and maybe if the art was something interesting like map making she would take that but no. Horticulture and cooking were the only two things that were remotely useful to her and after a little mental arguing, she decided that cooking held more benefits for her right now than horticulture. "I'm going to take cooking too I think." She told and marked it on her sheet and gave it to a volunteer outside. Once that was done it was time to get to unpacking...and answering more questions. Ruby didn't really have anything to add to the rules of the room and when Sam got to asking about her ability...she didn't know what to tell him. Sure it was quite normal to not know your ability now but Ruby knew that might be a disappointment to her partner as well. But Ruby thought it would be better to simply tell him the truth, so in her usual blunt fashion, she told him she didn't know yet and went back to unpacking, not really saying anything for the rest of the time as she focused on making her room as comfortable as possible. This thankfully kept her attention until it was finally time to go to bed and after wishing her new partner a good night, promptly did so.

The next morning, early the next morning (as in still dark out early), an energetic tune woke Ruby up. It was her own alarm clock that was making the noise and she quickly shut it off before getting up. She was always an early riser, both at school and at home. For one thing, it certainly helped her get ready before the bathroom was taken and she just felt like she got more done on days she got up early. Like taking an early morning jog after she got ready for example, which was something she tried to do as long as it wasn't freezing or raining outside. She slipped Sam a note under his door telling her that she was going for a run and then to breakfast, so he didn't wonder where she had gotten to when he did get up and they could meet up then. Hopefully, the jog would give her a chance to think about some actual conversation topics.

Ruby's run didn't last long, not like it usually did. She was too anxious to get back to Sam, well more anxious to keep him from thinking she was avoiding him. It was the last thing she wanted her partner to think, but she felt she had already shot herself in the foot when it came to their first conversation and now they weren't even going to be walking to breakfast together (which was something partners did right?). Of all the times she needed her sister, Ruby needed her the most now but she wasn't here so she was going to have to make due and boy was that going to be something. In the end, Ruby ended up going to the cafeteria sooner than usual, getting her food and slightly eating, mostly playing with it as she waited for Sam to come in and join her.


Nancy Jones

What. Was. That. Freaking. Noise!? Nancy felt around sluggishly looking for the offending noise that was trying to drag her out of the bliss that was sleep. After an eternity of buzzing, she found the offender and found it was her alarm clock. Oh...Oh right. She was back in school. With a groan, Nancy set the alarm clock back down and proceeded to defy gravity (which seemed to be working extra hard to keep her in bed) so that she could wobble (like she had drunk about a gallon of booze) around the room as she proceeded to get ready. Needless to say, Nancy was not a morning person. She hated mornings with all her heart and honestly if she didn't have goals and life dreams and friends, she probably wouldn't get up in the morning at all. It was a true demonstration of just how strong her will was to make her body get up but by golly Nancy did it!

As Nancy got ready she tried to remember the previous day. Got on the train, check. Got off the train, check. Met up with Feli and Monty, check. Things got hazy after that. She remembered the sunroom, it was hard to forget a place like that after all. And she vaguely recalled getting bonded...but who was it with again? N...Nick? No. N...Nicholas? No no that wasn't right either...Oh! Nathan! That was...wait, that wasn't right...but it was him unless...oh right right. Those other druids came and got the two of them as they were unpacking and told them there had been a mistake. Righttttt, so she got bonded to Nathan, then unbonded and rebonded to someone else...who's named just wasn't popping up in her head. Nancy needed coffee, stat.

So Nancy quickly finished getting ready (well as quickly as one can go when one's limbs feel like there were made out of concrete) and stumbled out the door. She managed to get over to her new partner's door (at least she was pretty sure in her sleepy haze that this was her partners door) and knocked, calling in "Hey, I'm going to breakfast, see you there," Nancy figured it might be for the best that her new partner didn't see her "I just woke up" face until she got some coffee in her, because that's how she scared her roommates last year.

Once Nancy managed to navigate herself to the cafeteria (having to rely on her nose at one point because her sense of direction was completely screwed up due to the new room placement) she quickly got in line (making those who didn't know her well take a few steps away from her as she looked like she was going to murder someone. The sad life of having RBF) and got some bagels and some coffee. Just a cup of black coffee, no time for creme and sugar, Nancy needed the caffeine to hit her bloodstream fast. Hell if she could safely hook up a coffee iv to her arm she probably would but no she had to settle for in taking the coffee the old fashion way. Thankfully just a sip perked her up that she was able to see Monty sitting by himself (Felicity must not have been in the cafeteria yet) and so she went over to join him. "Hey there man," Nancy said with a tired yawn as she sat down on the other side of the table from him. "How're things going?" She asked before starting to drink more of her glorious drink known as coffee and tried to rack her brain more on the identity of her new partner.

@Nyahoo@The Errorist
Ruby Doer

Ruby didn't know what to think when she was told that she had just about been paired up with the wrong person. Loke didn't look like a bad person at all but the school apparently didn't think they would be compatible. Well...that was fine they would be getting with their approved partners soon. And soon it was, it only took a few minutes for the other mixed up pair to arrive. It was interesting position to be in for Ruby as she watched the (surprisingly simple) unbinding ceremony take place. One of these two had to be her partner and yet Ruby had no way of knowing just by looking at them. Maybe if Ruby knew them personally she could hazard a guess but as it was she only vaguely recognized one and was pretty sure she never saw the other one around before. Thankfully she didn't have to think too hard about which one of them it could be for too long. The ceremony was over shortly and she and the one called Samuel were being called up to be bonded.

Ruby walked up to them, giving an awkward smile. "Um, hi there," she said as she handed the druid her hand and let them take over the ceremony. It didn't take long and...honestly it didn't feel that special...maybe because it was in an empty classroom by themselves and not in the sun room in front of a crowd that made it feel that way. Like the process itself was special, Ruby knew that and knew that the meaning of bonding was special too, but it also felt like part of the moment was lost. But it was fine, she was just happy to be bonded now and in a way she kind of preferred the small location this all happened in. Though she also wished she hadn't been up on the stage when they realized their mistake but these things happened. It was probably worse for Samuel and the boy he was originally partnered with anyways seeing how they had already been bonded.

Once the ceremony was over, they were apologized to again and told they were going to be lead to their new room now. "It's alright, these things happen I suppose." She told the apologetic druid and turned to her new partner as they waited for the volunteer. "um...it's um, good to have you as a partner now..." Ruby said, unsure of what to say now. It was a little awkward with the other pair getting bonded behind them. "I hope we work well together." Ruby never claimed she wasn't awkward as heck.

sorry for the wait guys! my post is finally up! Though some things may change later as I had to rush a bit because I feel asleep during writing it but it should be fine for the most part!
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