Avatar of Oooie
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    1. Oooie 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I'll always be a beggar, lord, I'll always be a thief
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6 yrs ago
I use her teeth to guide me, More use than some divining rod
6 yrs ago
Like a dead dog on a highway, Like a dead dog I'm hanging around


"If I'm to be your reprobate, I shall at least enjoy the malefaction"

Most Recent Posts

This is just something I knocked together. Let me know any areas you want tweaked! ^_^

In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sigmund O’Welles

It was hard for him to admit, but after working primarily on his own for so long, it felt good to know he was part of a team. Perhaps even greater than his trepidation towards the island was the unease he felt about being directly under someone else's command. Sig was sorely lacking in the shut up and do what you're told department. In fact, he'd quit (or been fired from) a handful of projects where he simply could not mesh with the leadership.

As he met Smith for the first time in the flesh, those fears melted away. The team leader was a far cry from the bawling, red faced gorilla or the pusillanimous bureaucrat he worried he would encounter. He didn't say it aloud, but it was in that moment that Sig decided that he would follow this man into... well, whatever it was he was after. Sig had spilled wine on the dossiers he'd been sent before he'd had a chance to read much past the first page.

He gave the others a bright smile and a nod as they were introduced. Constance seemed to have an air competence around her, which Sig found reassuring, and honestly how could anything go wrong when they had a ship's captain called Skipper?

Oh God, He thought with a flash of unease, what about Gilligan?

Having a dedicated white mage along for the ride was certainly an auspicious sign, but there was something about the man introduced as Clyde that worried Sig. It wasn't only that he seemed much younger than the rest of the crew: there was a tinge of falsehood about him. Sig smiled and nodded all the same, but made a mental note to keep an eye on him.

It was Liana that caught him off guard. Indeed, there was something about the woman he found uncannily familiar. Sig was realized that it was indeed very nice to see her: He immediately felt a strong sense of kinship with her, as if they had known each other for years and this was not a meeting but rather a reconnecting.

there are other worlds than these whispered Magpie cryptically in his mind. Sig reached out and clasped Liana's skeletal hand warmly.

"No," He said in response ",and also yes, though not in a way I'm fully equipped to understand. I look forward to getting to know you." He flashed her a warm smile. "Again, perhaps."

As the rest of the team arrived, he made his introductions. " Sig O'Welles. It's nice to meet you both, Ozzie, Leval. I look forward to our inevitable wacky misadventures." He felt a similar twinge of inexplicable nostalgia as he introduced himself Leval.

a fine a pack as any said Coyote.
piss on that snapped Bobcat in an uncharacteristic outburst. keep your guard up, kitten.

The internal bickering of his Totems was cut short by the arrival of...

"Hot damn!" He nearly shouted, his eyes bright with childlike curiosity. He took a few quick steps toward Golem and began to slowly walk around it, inspecting it's glowing crystalline form. "A real construct! Cleverly wrought as well... Powered by raw mana, are you?"

Sig reached up and gave the hulking figure a friendly pat on the chest. "Don't worry Mr. Colossus. I'm sure we'll be fast friends. Or I'll annoy the piss out of you. Only time will tell."

As Smith gave them their leave, he would move back towards the other two men who had arrived not long after him.

"So, my new found friends, what is it that you do? Y'know, as in..." He wiggled his fingers in a pseudo mystical gesture. "That sort of thing? I'd like to know how best to work together. And if either of you say 'pulling rabbits out of hats', I'll slap you. It's a stale joke."
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Surprise @Prosaic! We aren't dead!
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Sigmund O’Welles

At the start of his journey, Sigmund would have told you he was more than a little nervous. All of his closest friends had warned him against it. It was a Nexus Point, after all. No one could be completely sure what he'd find there, nor what affect it may have on his physical and mental health. Sig gently reminded them that they only really existed as a part of his mind, and were therefore not in a position to tell him what to do. That had been that, and he was off.

Now, after a flight to Tallahassee and a nearly 8 hour car ride, he was just glad to be getting anywhere.

This has to be it.” He remarked to his companion.
Holy hell! Look at the size of that ship.

This exchange might have seemed odd to an outside observer. Aside from Sig, who was sitting in the passenger seat, there was no one visible in the car. This had alarmed several drivers on the I-75, and one very confused police officer whom Sig had placated by assuring him that yes this was in fact one of those fancy new self driving cars, despite appearing to be an '89 Chevy Caprice.

The old, apparently phantom driven station wagon pulled up not far from the assembled group at the docks. Sig leaned forward slightly and squinted at them. While one appeared to be of a nautical bent, the other three seemed quite out of place.

Must be the team.” He mumurred. They looked enough like misfits. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Hello there!” He called. “Is this the group going to Spooky Island? I-shit!” Sig tripped a little getting out of the car. A few bottles audibly clattered together in the footwell.

He took an old military backpack and duffel bag from the back seat. “You can go now. Make sure you take this back, yes?” He said to the empty car, which dutifully reversed out and began to drive slowly away.

I wonder whose car that was?” He mused quietly.

Anyway, the name's Sigmund. I assume you're Mr. Smith?” He said to the silver haired man. Then, turning to the rest of them, he added “It's nice to meet all of you. I can't promise things won't get weird, but I'll do my best. I don't want to die in a creep ruin any more than the rest of you.
In --- 6 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay


Sig frowned slightly, giving Shela a look of pity.

"The poor dear..." He murmured. He'd seen cases of possession more than a few times over the years. At best it was confusing, at worst nightmarish. Either way it could leave a person disturbed and rattled.

"It's lovely to meet you, Carmen, Hakeem. Liana was kind enough to cut me out of a chair earlier, so I'm rather impressed with her so far." He quickly stopped petting Celestia at mention of her being sentient. He hoped he hadn't offended her, but she didn't seem terribly bothered. Maybe she just thought he was a fool.

Now some mechanical looking fellow was approaching them, talking about... Torksnuff? What had he said? Whatever it was, it seemed to upset Liana and her friends quite a bit. He was opening his mouth to comment when some sort of small purple creature approached. It was saying something about....

The various threads off conversation danced through the air around him, begging to be woven into something coherent. Regretfully, Sig was no rope maker. His eyes glazed over.

My my, they talk a lot. He thought.
yes. some of them chatter through the air, with theirs minds and machines whispered a spirit in reply.
Oh? Have you learned anything interesting?
A pause.
that they are noisy.

Sig sighed. Well that was too much to hope for. His gaze wandered to the two dragons. Hot damn, they did fit inside. How about that.

He had nearly given up hope of understanding what the hell was going on when Leval mentioned heading out.

"A-ha! Now that's the spirit." He said, clapping the young man on the back.

"Liana!" He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I see you've managed to make yourself the center of quite a bit of confusion. If you have things you must deal with, I understand, but my preference would be that you come along."

"For my part, I intend to go exploring the mysterious floating island. I would prefer to have company along the way. After all, two is company, three is a crowd, but four or more is an adventuring party."

He followed Leval and the girl, whose name he had missed, to some place called 'The Rainbow Field'. It sounded like a fun music festival, honestly, but in his experience mysterious places tended to some spectacularly misleading names.

He soaked in the sights, serenely puffing on a long wooden pipe. It was quite beautiful. The sun was shining, the flowers were talking...

He stopped, tapping his chin with his pipe.

"Is... Is that a fucking talking flower?"

@AbandonedIntel@EurmalEye@The One
{this is where i realized i don't know how to delete posts}

Sig smiled pleasantly, his focus wavering. What an exciting day it'd been! Sailing through the sky like a bird one moment, now surrounded by new friends? This was thus far the best day he'd had since..

Well, since poor Attis died. Sig felt a small, cold pain in his heart at the realization.

It was odd, though. Why was his new friend Leval angrily talking to himself?That was sort of Sig's thing. He has just enough time to worry about his place in the group before he realized the truth. Leval was talking to something. Something Sig had dismissed at first glance as background noise.

Strange as it seemed, there was a naked soul (Whose name, oddly enough, was Soul) floating around, one which apparently everyone else could see too. It had been quite a while since he was not the only one who could see the ghost. His curiosity would not last, as something Leval said brought his train of thought to halt.

Possession. The very word made his skin crawl. Anyone who worked closely with the spiritual realm knew that possession was a very real threat, but with Sig it was different. It caused a stir in his memory, nothing he could easily define. Only a deep, black dread. Something truly horrible had happened to him, and he could only be sure that possession played a key role in it.

The air around him dropped roughly ten degrees. One with good enough hearing might have noticed unintelligible whispering with no clear source as his high emotions disturbed the spiritual energy around him. The stone beneath his feet developed a thin layer of frost before he realized something was amiss.

Stone? Wasn't I just outside?

He blinked as though coming out of a deep sleep and looked around in utter confusion. He'd been so distracted he hadn't even noticed they entire group had been teleported into what he could only assume was the entrance hall.

In fact, there was someone speaking to them. A... Teacher perhaps? He'd missed that part too, but the man was certainly speechifying like a teacher would.

"... free to do whatever you want. Stick with each other and stay safe." The man finished. Hell, Sig had managed to miss all of it.

Well, "free to do whatever you want" suited Sig fine, though he resented being told.

"Yes, that was indeed some bullshit. Though I will confess that I didn't catch a shred of it." He said to Liana. He was rather surprised to find a key and map in his pocket tucked alongside his flask. He pulled out the key and inspected it, taking note of the small 341 etched into it.

"Shit, did anyone catch who I was rooming with? Or if they have smoke detectors in the rooms? The second one is slightly more important, and- OH! Hello there."

It seemed there was no limit to the things he would not notice today. How long had this animal been standing with them? He thought he'd seen it running about the field, but there had been quite a lot going on. He assumed someone had ridden it there.

He reached out unselfconciously and began to pet Celestia's nose.

"Why, aren't you a lovely horse!" He said brightly.

"Also, whats wrong with the little girl?" He asked Liana quietly, evidently concerned.
@AbandonedIntel@The One


He laughed heartily at the connection she made with his name.

"Yes! Just like that. I have also been known to spit hot lead, though I'm sure much less efficient."

Sig nodded thoughtfully at her statements about the grand hall. Yes, it made a certain amount sense... Surely this year was not an anomaly in terms of strangeness of its student body. If you expected dragons, it was generally wise to plan ahead. Whether it's combat, or architecture.

"A grand hall... A grandios hall. It must be tremendous." A frown creased his brow. "Damn! I shold've been more careful with the flying rig. I could have sailed in like the Flying Dutchman."

Oh well. He thought. There will be more opportunities for jackassery.

Sig turned to face the other young man as he approached. He took a very serious expression as he looked him up and down. The fellow had a certain 'fish out of water' characteristic that endeared him to Sig almost immediately. He had a soft spot for people as confused as he frequently was. But more importantly that that...

Sig reached out a hand and clasped Leval's forearm.

"You." He said softly. "You're the one who went to help that man that everyone was thumping on. Didn't hesitate, did you?"

Sig released him and smiled. "That was a very good thing to do. My name is Sig, and I'm glad to meet you."

Hearing Liana's description of brought him up short. A mad tyrant? Here at the academy, like any other student? It would beggar belief if Sig had not seen multiple dragons in attendance as well.

I suppose I floated in out of the clouds myself on an armchair Sig thought.

we carried you, ass muttered a sullen spirit

"You do indeed know secrets." He said to Liana. "But I'll say I don't intend to stear clear of anyone, least of all a puffed up ass with a case of megalomania."

Sig stared up at the landmass floating serenely above them. How on earth did it get up there...? How many spirits might he need to lift such a weight.

DON'T GET IDEAS several voices spoke at once.

"My first foray into levitation was a rousing success." he said in a low voice to no one at all, as it might appear to an observer.

"Seeing as we're all here for the same thing..." Sig began, more clearly speaking to the rest of them. "Would all of you like to head up? The action seems to have settled, and if what you say is true, maybe we should put some distance between as and Tutankhamun over there."

Sig cast a remorseful look towards his ill-fated flying chair.

"If anyone knows how we're meant to get up there, that is."
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