Avatar of Paingodsson


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Sorry for it being so long I copy and pasted a lot of it from the Piratepad that i had been using to store this information :P

I have not Rp'd in awhile and I am looking to come back, I hope you are still accepting, because I'm gonna get to work on my Character Sheet once I get home! If you all don't mind that is :P.

Here you go everyone!
Spot saved for the Draconis Khanate
So if you guys would still care to take me I can edit, I just would like to point out a few things in your post.

Point 1: I am not sure where you get your measurements but an athletic man at 6 foot 6 is suppose to be pretty heavy, I mean Michael Phelps is 6 foot 4 and weighs 194

Point 2: Also Yeah I didn't realize I had left out details on the appearance until my laptop died so i wasn't able to edit that. Now that i am at a computer I can just rewrite everything then.

Point 3: Personality wise I tried to make him as close to human as possible where he isn't constantly extroverted since that just gets annoying. But I can and will change him as you wish. Also the paragraph break was just a typo.

Point 4: . Also I can do edits then for the rest, I didn't go into too much detail but it wasn't suppose to be that he killed the guy just "took care of him" because that would be all he gives. the person, and my apologies as I can see why you got confused with how the wording was. I was wanting to leave it open for discussion on other people later on.

Just to be clear, I understand you can't develop tourettes and you are born with it, since in real life I do have tourettes, I can see why you made that mistake as the way I worded it was odd. Also I can do edits then for the rest, I didn't go into too much detail but it wasn't suppose to be that he killed the guy just "took care of him" because that would be all he gives anyone who asked, I understand though.

Point 5: My apologies I didn't see that, I was going through and looking for one but must have missed her sorry,

Point 6: I would also just like to say though to point six, that Sylvia stores sound in her body and unleashes it In her Sonic bombs.

Point 7: Okay understand I can edit if you would care to take me still.
Basic Information

Name: Caleb Idlett
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Bass, Some friends also call him Wally. Usually its his closer friends though.
Gender: (Male,
Age: 20
Height: 6 foot 6 inches
Weight: 215 pounds
Status: Returning student.


Hair Color: Dark brown hair
Eye Color: Green Eys
Ethnicity: Caucasian/Irish, Native American
Physical Appearance: Caleb is a decently sized man who is pretty well built. His biceps were about 14 Inches, so not too big or too small. They are very well built and toned as if he worked on them constantly. He is about average in his weight, in comparison to his height. He has what one would call a 4 pack on his stomach, it is not as well defined as his arms but it is pretty decent. His pecks just barely are larger than his chest but they are pretty well defined as well. His neck is pretty large with how his shoulders are. His shoulders are not that defined as well as his back. Both of those look about average for him. One might even say that his back looked a bit flabby. His thighs though are quite large, as well as his calves. Both look of that of someone who has worked them out constantly. He also has a scar on his knuckle as well as across his right shoulder down diagonally. He has a few scars on his back as well these are the most notable though.
Attire: Normally Caleb will wear t-shirts and shorts. Almost always he will wear basketball shorts, however when he feels like impressing someone or wanting to dress up he will wear blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shirts and sports jackets. Specifically of his favorite teams, Green Bay, and the Trail Blazers.

Personality: He is an outgoing person, most of the time that is. Except when he knows nobody then he becomes very introverted. But he is naturally extroverted. He loves people and loves making friends. In all honesty he has a fear of missing out on things but he would never admit it. He is also a touchy person, he loves hugs, cuddling, butt slaps, you name it he enjoys physical touch; no matter who it is from Caleb enjoys it and takes it as a sign of friendship. He is understanding though at other peoples boundaries if they ask him to not touch them or hug them. Usually this happens after he makes the flaw of touching or hugging the person though. Caleb tries his best to relax as much as possible but usually fails at this, he hates conflict, especially between friends. When Caleb senses their is a problem he tries his best to fix it as soon as possible because he hates conflict and what could happen. He is very loud especially when he laughs, often people made the joke they could tell he was somewhere a room and a half over because of his laugh. He is a very motivated person who once his mind gets set onto something that is what he wants to do.
However his best qualities would be his loyalty, his kindness, and that he never judges people. He does his best to never judge someone and people can tell as he consistently tries to show genuine concern and compassion for others. Just like how his kindness is in relation to that he always tries to make friends he doesn't like it if people dislike him which sometimes causes problems when he goes into a people pleaser mode when he feels alone. He is extremely loyal, to the point of death even for just a friend or acquaintance. He would rather be loyal to others and stand up for them if someone is bashing on them than to let someone talk bad to his friends.
His major personality flaw though is he has on and off depression. His depression can be activated from one bad thing happening during the day and it can last all day or even the rest of the week. But when he is happy he is extremely happy, but when he is in his depression, even if he just feels alone he will get as bad as suicidal. Both of these can be difficult as he naturally is zealous. He tries to give 120% at everything he is doing. He is still a jock though and loves such talk and messing around with people about sports and girls and other jock topics. But most people understand not to get him angry because of his anger issues, because he becomes relentless and has no mercy for what he does wither its verbal or physical. This has gotten him in trouble a couple of times. To put it in a more simplistic version though, when he's happy he's like a small puppy dog, full of energy and loving.

Outward & Innate Personality: Caleb tries his best to be as friendly as possible to everyone. But if he knows someone is a player, or a jerk, or a bully, he will inwardly despise them, he just would never let it show. He does feel like everyone has a good side though. But other than that for the most part he treats others outside as he feels inside
Hobbies/Interests: Sports, specifically football, soccer, and basketball. Mostly football and basketball though, he loves to play basketball. He also loves to play videogames of all types. He reads and enjoys writing as well as writing his own stories. But other than playing sports he loves hanging out with friends watching movies and TV he loves people. He also when he has spare time practices his martial art, Wing Chun
Skills/Talents: Caleb is very skilled in basketball and pretty good as a running back in football. He is excellent in Wing Chun, he is okay at singing but others don't enjoy his singing nearly as much as he does. He used to do gymnastics and is pretty food but would never admit to it.
Prized Possession: He has a circular pure gold necklace that opens up and shows a picture of his ex girlfriend. Who is actually dead and is the reason she is his ex.
Quote(s): "I love you guys." "Life is like football and basketball, it is a game of inches, every inch counts."
History/Bio: Caleb grew up as the youngest in his family. Since he was the youngest he got the short end of the straw when it came to expectations. This is because his parents expected more from him than his brother and sister. Caleb sat and watched as his parents were lazy and would constantly fight and a lot of the things they did just generally Caleb did not like. So he decided he would not be like his parents instead he would become his own man. So he practiced sports and worked out and enjoyed his life trying to fight the very least he could. His Girlfriend of 2 years he met at his school, however after two years she broke up with him which started a string of girls that he would try to go after but they would simply play him like a doll. Until he met his girlfriend about a year and a half later. They started to date and dated for 5 years. Until she died in an accidental drive by where a few stray bullets hit her. He was devastated and clinically depressed. When he found out who had done it he went and "took care" of the person who was firing the gun. Since it was just a local gang he was able to move to another city and avoid them hunting him, this was only after a couple run ins with other gang members though. It was only thanks to his Dad's money that got him a good lawyer though that he didn't go to jail. From that moment on Caleb had his fair share of anger issues but now does his best to keep them under control. However the most troublesome part of his life that bothers him to this day is his tourettes syndrome. It causes him to do a multitude of things from him having to tighten his hand to him having to basically bark like a dog. Of course the vicious circle is that they get worse the more stressed he gets. And the worse they get the more stressed he gets.
Family: Mom , Dad, brother and sister All N\A he doesn't share much about his family.

Relationships (waiting to discuss with others how they might be friends or not be friends with Caleb)

Relationships: (Basically a section where you put your character's thoughts on the other ones they've encountered. You can also talk to other people and decide what your characters relations will be.)

[Character name] | [Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral]] | [Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)] | [Character's thoughts [EX: I think Bob is quite the amiable fellow, has a great head on his shoulders, but is kinda daft]] |


Power Class: (Super System, Elemental, Chemical, Cosmic, Cerebral, Energy, Animal/Plant, Extra-Sensory, Anatomical/Biological, Spatial, Power, or Other - Place assigned power rating here)
Power: Sound manipulation: he has the ability to manipulate sound by amplifying it and sending it out a shockwave and releasing the sound at the same time. He can use this d
In screams, claps, or even punches and kicks. He is able to if he concentrates to keep and store in sound and unleash it in a single blow which would only amplify the shockwave further. He can amplify his sound and create shockwaves out of even the smallest of things such as tapping if he's not careful. Because he can even amplify his own voice his voice does not usually get hoarse from this action, he is not sure why he just knows he doesn't get hoarse. Also it seems as if his ears are impervious to his own noise as well but that doesn't say the same thing about his friendlies. He can even silence the sounds around him and use that, but he cannot do that very well yet it would require a lot of effort to get him to silence things around him when he's trying to. When he does though he must release it in a shockwave or with a punch (either way he is releasing a shockwave).

Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: When he gets tired there's not much he can do aside from his own sounds but those become weaker of he's tired.
His tourettes, they have been known to set off his powers especially in a high stress situation.
His powers have the chance of hurting allies since they are a bit uncontrollable.
He can easily get headaches especially with the combination of his tourettes and his powers. His powers do not hurt his ears but they do start to hurt his head from the amount of oxygen it takes to use.
Contrary to popular belief he cannot be very quiet as his tourettes will act up as the more he tries to focus on not allowing them, so in quiet situations he usually cracks under pressure after awhile.

Other: (Put whatever you want here, basically anything that doesn't fit in the other forms)
I think shadow was going to post.unless someone else wants to.
^ yes, basically
Don't worry, theres plot going on! I talked with irisity before making a move :P
Wally watched everyone join the party as he looked at the levels there was relatively a good balance of levels. "I hope these guys can take care of themselves." He said to himself quietly, he never wanted to make judgments since Sword art took a lot of skill as well to play and play well. But regardless they headed for the boss room.

As they walked towards the door Waltic spent that time letting Aura know everything that has been going on, "Let's see, got a new sword, some new armor as you can tell and obviously got some levels.

His voice got real quite and dark though now as he continued, "Every single clue i've had about Natasha and my friends have been in vain as well, I must have looked through these open floors..." he said in a dark tone, "I don't know I think I've finally just given up." he said sadly.

That's when he looked up and saw the boss doors, there was noise coming from inside it. "Come on!" he encouraged as they started towards it.
Waltic grimaced as some frontliners disappeared right in front of them. "This is why I don't usually trust the front lines!" Waltic said as he charged along with Edge headlong into the boss fight. "They just recruit whoever they can, don't try to even see if they are intelligent or not!" Waltic said now as he approached the boss with Edge. Waltic jumped to the side as the boss turned to him and clashed swords. Waltic spun out of it as he cut across the body.

The boss roared in anger as he was fully focused on Waltic now, "Get him I'll keep his attention!" Waltic said as he quickly dodged another attack. He charged the boss again feeling the energy in his sword skill start as the boss swung again. Moving to the side he could feel the ground tremble as it slammed into the ground. Walic lunged as he stabbed the boss with his sword. The boss swung at him again. A group of frontliners charged the boss from the back taking advantage of the situation. The boss' health started to fall slightly as they hacked and slashed. The boss jumped into the air and slammed down sending a shockwave out and sending the frontlines flying. At least most of them recovered before they hit the ground or wall.

Waltic was pushed back by the shockwave since it was mainly focused to the Boss' back. But it was enough to throw Waltic off balance as the boss swung again. And Again, Waltic blocked each one but watched his health slowly fall, thanks to his battle recovery though he watched it raise it a little each time, it wasn't enough as his health dropped each time. Next thing he knew he was being knocked over by a stray add mob that got through. He quickly rolled to dodge an attack from the mob who was then attacked by a frontliner. "Idiots!" Waltic said aloud as he tried to get up. As he got up he saw the Boss' sword coming down upon him. He brought his sword up just in the nick of time as he watched his health drop into the dark yellowish orange. The boss swung again not allowing him to get up. "Damn it all." waltic said as he tried to move but found the boss was simply waiting for him to move. The boss kicked him back to where he was he brought his sword up and attacked Waltic one more time. This was going to be it, Waltic thought, Killed because of a bunch of blundering idiots couldn't keep agro on a mob. He watched helplessly as the sword came down upon him, even if he blocked it his health would drop to a point where it was almost useless for him to be there, he needed time to let his health regent but it seemed futile. He couldn't give up though. He tried to bring up his sword as his demise was only a second away.

A giant blade appeared in front of him as the boss' sword never came down fully. Waltic looked over to his side to see who his savior was. His eyes widened as he followed the polearm blade to a girl with makeshift wings and beautiful armor. He smiled widely as he recognized who it was. And suddenly it was as if all his problems were gone. Her beautiful voice resonated in his ears. "Oh hey stranger." She said with a smile as she flung the boss' sword back. She grabbed him as Waltic looked up and smiled even brighter as a man with a rapier lunged forward at the boss. Waltic grinned as his health slowly starts to regenerate. "Thanks Natasha," he said as he was brought back away from the mobs and the fight to catch his breath. "Shut up." Natasha said as she wasted no time and kissed him.
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