Avatar of Paradoxial
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  • Posts: 270 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Paradoxial 8 yrs ago


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My name is Paradoxial. I mainly focus on creating original roleplays, though I do love participating in others!

Most Recent Posts

@The Fated Fallen@rivaan@GodOfWar @eisenhorn

So, I really thought this was dead. In absence of necromancers in the party, I will half resurrect this role play! Not going to declare this officially alive again until I can get a good head count again, but for the original 4 Roake has given you Christmas presents! Mysterious, possibly harmful presents, but presents nonetheless :) so uh, yeah, have fun? Coooooollllll...
Update: if nameless does not post in the next day I’ll be moving on without them. If he neglects to post on the next thread I will be forced to kick him from the role play unfortunately.
Just waiting on @nameless and then i’ll Get working on “an interesting conversation with Roake”
@Eisenhorn@The Fated Fallen@Nameless@GodOfWar

The regular 7 day posting period is up, I really don’t want this to die so I’m giving a 2 day grace unless you actually have a good reason. I can only be so lenient here, procrastinating as much as I do it is not a good excuse. If you need to leave, we do have a waiting list so don’t feel bad.
@Vega7 you’re accepted, I’ll talk with you in a personal DM about introducing you character. @Yuultide I’m sorry but I have to put you on the wait list until someone drops, which may happen soon considering the lack of posting haha :/
@Yuultide I don’t have any major problems with your character but to be fair I’m going to wait on @Vega7 for their character sheet, because we only have one spot left and I pick based on merit not on a first come basis. Also, the most monster you can be is half, and you get additional powers and drawbacks accordingly. For instance if you are to be a half satyr, then you would probably have nature related spells or the like, but also have less prowess in physical combat. Also I have to say no to a full bird creature, full monsters are reviled and not even our “refined” party would treat one of them with any decency, or any other way than directly attacking.
New post is up! Sorry for the brief wait, busy weekend :) Again this will be the last sort of “get to know you” post thread for a little while, so take The opportunity.

@The Fated Fallen
As introductions ended, the journey began. The horse puffed a wheezing breath and slowly took the first steps forward, Cabin and occupants groaning in tandem as the cursed thing lurched onto the muddy road. It wasn’t long before everyone had gotten at least relatively comfortable, as much as one could be in an ancient death trap such as the one they were in. Through the weathered gaps in the wood, each could see the land of Olde begin to fade, as though the cart traversed upon the faded edges of a worn painting. The comfortable farming villages and lush forests gradually began to wither into mud soaked hills, distant figures wandering in ones and two’s across the silent plains. To the distance was what could hesitantly be called a forest, the trees having long since died and spiderwebs interwoven throughout. The road grew less traveled, more of a line in the dirt than the well kept cobbles known to most inner hamlets. And what seemed to be their destination, the town of Ash. It’s true name long forgotten, with not a single bright light to even indicate a population still lived there, for all intents it seemed to fit its namesake.
Awesome first posts you guys, I should have the boring travel set up post up soon. Again this next thread will be just for development, either as frigid comrades or solidifying gut instincts. Fear not however, death and gore lie not far away :)
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