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"Yea, we understand." Ellen replied. "For now, you enjoy the view-- dirty old man." She grinned playfully, but her mind was already moving onto the next thing.

Ellen reached into her back pocket for her phone, but felt nothing, of course. She had lost track of the number of times she had reached for her phone over the last few weeks-- especially those first few days-- only to have a jarring reminder that didn't have a life like that anymore. She couldn't just idly check the time (seriously, she never would have guessed she would have craved an actual watch in her adult life) or play a game, or look through old pictures. And right now, she couldn't call or text anyone. But someone else on their team could.

Was the ragtag team really trained well-enough and comfortable enough with their powers to track down the agents who stole the medicine they needed? Did they even have the right sort of abilities for a case like this? Ellen, for one, felt unprepared for such a venture. But hey, fake it till you make it, right?

With an intensifying case of imposter syndrome bubbling beneath the surface, Ellen moved her remaining hand from the compress, pushing off the floor to stand. Her hand left a bloody print on the floor, and she needed to at least wipe off some of the excess. Looking around, her gaze settled on the sink.

Fortunately, the water turned on. It wasn't the most pleasant in color, and the pipes let out a nasty groan as some water-like liquid came trickling out. She followed up with a towel, wiping her hands as she exited the room.

The phone was with Brooks, or Billy, or someone like that. She wondered if there was any way to get like… satellite (or magic insight) information on exactly how far away and in which direction these baddies were. Could she ask in a straight-forward manner, or did she need to use something coded? Someone else probably knew…

Ellen rounded up the others as she moved back to the billy bus, unless they chose to stay behind with the man bleeding out, or were otherwise preoccupied. Reaching the bus, she found Billy, and Abi, who already looked hurt. Had she found the agents? Since they were just sitting around, she didn't think so. "You okay?" Ellen asked her.

She gave the girl a few moments to reply before jumping into a debrief/consultation. "There is a guy inside still alive. Angeline did what she could for him but we need to reach out to Goodnight and let them know that this has all gone sideways. See if they can offer any insight for how we catch up to the supplies and get them back. Unless any of you have skills useful for tracking."

Ellen reached out for the phone, and thought for a few moments before she began to compose the message, ”Will be late to the cookout. Can't find the cooler. Maybe it's in the car? Will keep looking. Any ideas?”

Ellen sent the message and then looked at the screen for a few more moments before Swyping another message. ”Oh, and the hot dogs got wrecked on the trip. I think you can save one...maybe? But gotta act fast! I'll leave it in the kitchen for you :)”

Almost immediately there came a reply.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Maybe a coded message was a bad idea. Someone really should have asked more questions before they started this mission. Ellen looked down at the phone with a frown. Despite the danger in beating around the bush, Ellen felt more compelled than before to keep moving with the extended cookout metaphor.

”Sheesh. You don't HAVE to, I guess. He is Drowning in ketchup at this point. Hope you've got more beer, though. Cuz we're not getting any more moonshine outta this joint.”

Maybe a pronoun, an implication of heavy bleeding, plus a direct reference to the boot letter position would be enough. Of not, she couldn't be blamed for the denseness.

“R U trying 2 talk in Code?”

Fine. Screw being subtle. Ellen was TRYING to keep things on the DL, but someone at Goodnight was just being thick on purpose. "Yes. The bootleggers were attacked before we got here. One is still alive and has a lot of internal bleeding. The medicine is gone but we are going after it." If they weren't being so dense, she wouldn't have had to send so many messages.

"Hlyshit ok hng on, Ill see what can do to help."

About half a minute, maybe less, passed. It felt like an hour.

"Move him to basement. Doctor standby. Reinforcements coming."

Ellen looked up at the group, who may or may not have been arguing about just burning or offing the man to make it easier for them to go on with their day. She hadn’t really been listening to them, since her focus had been on tapping the letters on the nokia’s old keyboard so many times to get each individual letter. She didn’t answer the last text, but instead spoke up to the group.

“Goodnight wants us to move him to the basement. I think they are sending a doctor. They said reinforcements are coming, but I am not sure if that is help for us or help for him. Either way, we can’t afford to waste too much time before we go after them. I guess… if anyone doesn’t want to, they can hang out in the basement and hitch a ride back instead.” She offered an out since things were certainly going to get more difficult. And maybe Abi wanted to return to get medical care since she managed to injure herself.
The house was adorned with likely fresh bullet holes. As Ellen approached, her gaze moved over the line, concluding it was likely a series of aimed shots rather than a spray. She was absolutely no expert, but she liked to pretend that if she thought critically about the scene, she could make conclusions that were just as valid as someone who had years of training understanding crime scenes. She watched a few American shows about solving crimes. That made her basically just as qualified, right?

As she got closer, she saw the blood splatter. Some of the bullets found their target. She concluded one of the bootleggers had run inside to try to escape from whoever was shooting at them. This person probably didn’t have the medical supplies--but if they were still alive, they might have some information about their ambush. And they could need medical help. Ellen thought, a few moments later.

The door to the house hadn’t been locked. Which suggested the person running didn’t have time to lock it. Or they were being chased and decided against throwing their body against the frame of a door that already had holes She realized as it creaked open.

Ellen entered after Brooks, and then stepped to the side to get a better look at the entryway. She takes care to avoid stepping in the blood on the floor, and is a bit relieved when the trail to another room seems to indicate the person got up rather than crawled.

The rest of the living room was covered in dust, which was good and bad. The house should be abandoned if they were going to use this as a drop point. But it also meant there wasn’t likely much here in the way of medical supplies, or concrete leads about where to go next. They needed whoever was behind that door to be alive.

It probably wasn’t a bad guy, unless the bootlegger that was shot had died and they left the blood trail as a trap. The room on the other side of the door probably had a window, so Ellen imagined she could go out and go around to the window to get a better view/enter that way. But it would probably take too long, and she was getting impatient. She just wanted to get inside and see what was going on.

Zephyr confirmed as much a few moments later, whispering that someone was alive. He pointed towards the door, and Ellen rolled her eyes. She didn’t mean to be rude, but wasn’t it a bit obvious that the trail of blood would likely lead to the person who was still alive?

At least they didn’t have to split up to investigate the creepy dusty house-- and at least they already knew what was in the basement. See, things were beginning to look up already.

Ellen went over to the door and put her hand on the doorknob. She looked to Brooks, and mouthed cover me?. She figured she could pull the door open, and then if someone was going to shoot at them, Brooks would be ready.

Brooks nodded his head once, his snub nose drawn and ready. “There’s still two bootleggers missing, we were expecting four of ‘em.”

The doorhandle was cold, hard, metallic - not so unlike the tang of blood in the air.

“Wa-it, stop.” came a shivering voice, from behind a terrified hand, as they pushed the door open.

There were two bodies in the room, one of them curled up and motionless on the floor, the other leant back against a kitchen cupboard, raising his hand to shield himself from the new intruders.

“Stop, I’m unarmed!” He wheezed through bloodstained lips, his frame shaking and weak.

“Who’s your people?” Brooks voiced out over the others, hand tightening around his firearm as he patiently waited for a reply.

Ellen had been prepared to charge in upon seeing the unarmed bleeding person, but Brooks entered quickly with his gun and posed a question instead. It was a good question, Ellen had just already concluded that only the bootleggers would be unarmed and left to bleed out when the baddies clearly had ample opportunity to load up the medications and leave. Plus, this guy wasn't armored up like those assholes had been. Nevertheless, she wasn't going to step between the man with the gun and his target.

Instead, she turned to Matthew and whispered. "Get Angeline, now." Then she turned back to wait for the injured fellow to answer.

The man on the ground took a long look up at Brooks, and lowered his hand with an exhausted sigh.

“Same as yours, I think. I- I don’t know what other daft cunts would be all the way out here at this hour, or where you coulda come from except the usual place. We’re the leggers you was meant to meet.” He groaned, clutching at a stomach wound, still wet with blood. “We got hit, everyone’s fuckin dead but me, and I’m fucked up. I’m fucked up. I ain’t, I ain’t gonna…”

"Shit." Ellen moved past Brooks and knelt down in front of the probably dying man. He didn't look like he was going to pull out a gun, and well, Brooks still had his. "We are getting our healer but just in case, tell us what you can." It was callous, yes, but Ellen also felt it was realistic. If he was going to die soon, it would be better if he could tell them details. "How many were you up against, what kind of transport did they use, how long ago did they go and do you know which direction they came from or went to?" Her questions came out quickly, her impatience and cynicism overriding any compassion she might have had for the man.

Brooks didn’t interfere or interrupt the barrage of questions Ellen shot at the injured bootlegger, primarily because those were all the correct questions. He stuffed his firearm into the back of his pants and looked about the house, assessing the fight that happened a bit better as they waited for the man to answer the questions.
The “travel” to the Outback was uncomfortable, but familiar. Their new location, however, was not.

It became painfully obvious to Ellen, and others who could see out the windows, that there were bodies just outside of their point of arrival. It couldn’t have been a coincidence. Billy cursed, and Ellen closed her eyes for a few moments, processing the deaths and changes in plans as quickly as she could. Whatever happened to these people was not something she wanted to happen to herself, or the other folks on the bus--which meant she needed to get over this quickly and move on.

Ellen turned around as Abigail asked if they were dead, her internal concentration broken. The girl had her arm shoved beneath her armpit. She almost snapped at the girl a sarcastic remark about them just using blood-letting as an extreme weight-loss strategy, but she saw the girl doubled over already, and refrained. “I think so.” She said instead, trying to be a bit more… compassionate towards the teenager.

Abigail then tried to align herself with Angeline, the healer. Smart move, and one Ellen had definitely thought about when they were first briefed as well. By the faint smell of burned flesh, though, Ellen figured Abigail likely needed Angeline already, so it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to keep them together.

Ellen turned around in the seat once more, looking out the window as Brooks took charge from the front. He started assigning everyone jobs, and Ellen breathed a sigh of relief. Not only because she was going to be with the really strong guy, but also just because she was given something to do that seemed...manageable. Clear the building. It would have been better if she had a gun but at least she could...Well, she would figure out something.

“Got it.” Ellen said immediately, pulling her hair into a quick ponytail so it was out of her face. There were supposed to be two more people here they were intended to meet, so perhaps they had run off when the group was attacked and were hiding somewhere. Or quite possibly, they were murdered, their bodies left in a gruesome display, and all of the medical supplies destroyed.. She opened her door and climbed out, following Brooks towards the larger building. She was grateful he had the pistol, and wondered if she should keep her ‘body’ in the car and just go out as eyes, but decided against it for now. She would be able to do more to help Brooks and the other guys if she was actually there.
Ellen watched as people climbed into the death-trap that was supposed to bring them safely to the supply drop. She didn’t have the reverence Abigail did, or the confidence Matthew did, but wasn’t going to let that stop her from getting in it. After all, the strange contraption on wheels was just...the physical representation of how fucked their whole situation was. They could keep patching themselves together, but they weren’t going to ever just be able to go to a store and buy something new and completely functional. Ellen had run before. She had picked up a bag, walked out the door, and resolved to never return. But this was different. The van reminded her that she couldn’t just change her mind and go back...not that there was anyone waiting for her anyway.

She looked down at her wrist, outlining the tattoo for a few moments before she followed Matthew into the van and took one of the open seats. There was no one to go back to, but there were people to look forward to, at least.

Ellen turned her head as she looked over the other folks already seated. Abigail was drawing… a boob? No… probably a sun… Matthew seemed comfortable, Angeline looked like she would have doused herself in hand sanitizer if it had been presented as an option, and the other woman… what the hell was her name? Was smoking a cigarette. She had made some sort of negative comments about their transport earlier, but Ellen didn’t recognize the words, which supported the assumptions she had made thus far about the woman.

“Hey, I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name before…” Ellen said to her when she caught the brunette’s gaze. “I’m Ellen, and you are…?” She asked. She had figured out everyone else’s names but hers, and figured it was good to know, since they were going to be working together on this mission.
Ellen cackled at the suggestion of her taking charge. She was a bit surprised it came from the kid. Ellen looked over at the girl, tilting her head a bit at the teenager’s accent. It wasn’t something she had heard before in person, though she had definitely heard such a drawl from some American programs--and other programs making fun of American’s. She hadn’t thought the girl would have such a voice, and found it mildly amusing how she had built a very different voice in her head from running silently alongside the kid.

As if Abigail heard Ellen’s silent musings about her being quite a stereotype, the girl patted her back, rambled a bit about sunsabitches, shot mock guns at them, and literally ran away. Ellen blinked a few times, mouth agape in confusion, before she turned back to the group. “Ookkkkayyyy then.” She said.

The other individuals replied to the scenario much more calmly. The prim and proper one asked why they were bringing a kid along. Ellen wouldn’t have questioned the idea of bringing a kid, figuring she was powerful, and knowing her age played no factor in how big of a target was on her back. However, after hearing Abigail’s actual thoughts voiced….Ellen did wonder why they thought this particular kid was a good addition to the group.

The prim one, Angeline, fidgeted enough to make it clear she had no desire to make decisions, and most important, revealed she was the healer Simon had mentioned before. Ellen knew she wanted to put herself close to this woman, or at least make sure Angeline liked her enough to not leave her for dead if when this all went sideways.

An older guy, grizzled and clearly in-the-know, answered a few of Ellen’s questions. She immediately decided he would probably be in charge. He suggested they rely on instinct, which was something Ellen could absolutely do. It might not work out the best for everyone, but she was damn good at doing something when things went wrong.

The one who looked well-traveled but had only spoken a word before said a good bit more about the dangers of the Australian outback unrelated to the FOE (Or Australia’s equivalent). Ellen found it pretty interesting that she had no idea where the woman was from. She wasn’t a whiz with accents, but Ellen was usually pretty good at getting an idea of where someone had spent a lot of time. Hell, maybe the woman was actually a traveller.

The only one who had revealed her usefulness so far was Angeline, but Ellen imagined the rest of them had something to bring to the table. She already knew what the sexy rock guy could do, but she filed his name away when he offered it.

As the brunette finished up (Ellen hadn’t caught her name yet), Ellen chimed in again. “Me either. I’m all in for...whatever we need to do.” She waved her hand at the table. “I’m Ellen, and in terms of usefulness, I’d probably be better as a lookout than loading things. I’m not particularly strong, but I can be in the truck and have my eyes somewhere else, looking out for trouble. The kid who ran off, I don’t know her name or her magic, but she is damn fast. She could probably take another lookout position, and just high-tail it back to the truck.” She had heard some rumors about the kid, but she was sure they were the same ones everyone else had heard.
The rest of the folks agreed to help out, though Ellen got the impression that not everyone was quite as eager as she was to get out and do something. The runner kid, Abi, actually ran off for a while and then came back to announce that she would join. The guy in charge, Simon, showed them the map of a desert, explaining that they would be in some guy named Billy’s van, going to meet other people with supplies including insulin. Simon recommended some of them watch and others load, then they would return when they were done.

Ellen wasn’t a leader, so she looked around the room, waiting for someone to step up and take control of this conversation. Her gaze drifted quickly over Abi, knowing the kid wasn’t going to be of much use for her brain. She could run like hell, though, and as far as Ellen could tell, that wasn’t even part of her magic use. One woman didn’t seem very talkative. The girl obsessed with makeup and stretching had seemed hesitant about being involved at all. Ellen didn’t like the idea of assuming the boys would be more capable of taking a leadership role because of their gender, but rock-man looked like he might have been one of the older ones in their group. The other guy seemed eager, but something about his gaze didn't scream confidence.

"Seriously, none of you have questions?" Ellen asked with a bit of exasperation. Perhaps she hadn't given them enough time. Waiting wasn't her forte. In any case, she turned to Simon and addressed him first.

"You've arranged for other supply pick ups. When they've encountered FOE, what has been their method of attack? Are we looking out for them to drop bombs over the desert? Are they likely to come barreling in with trucks and heavy weaponry? And if we get the supplies and run, can we open a way back that won't allow them to follow us through or do we need to eliminate any threat rather than just get away?" Ellen had lots of questions. She looked down at the map, wondering if they would be first to arrive at the spot, and have time to spread out and plant a few people around, or if the bootleggers were expected to already be at the rendezvous.

"You asked for us specifically as a group so you know what all of us can do." She paused, turning to the group for a moment Adam aside, "We should probably do a quick chat on the way of what we can do that will be useful in this. And then use that info to divy up who should load and who should watch." For her own usefulness she could probably use her seeing double to plant a set of eyes far away without having to actually leave the group with her body. Abi was fast enough to likely take watch from another vantage point and then just high tail it if she needed to. But if they had super hearing, or astral projection or something, they could probably be a lot more useful than Ellen as lookout. She didn't mind just being muscle, if that was what she was best for.

Turning back to Simon, Ellen finished her question, her thoughts having derailed a bit trying to once again figure out everyone's magic. "Who should take the lead with making decisions out there?" Ellen asked. They needed someone in charge. Last time no one told Ellen specifically to stay in the car, she went a big rogue and pulled some dangerous (but effective) stunts.
Weeks passed. They were mostly boring, which Ellen supposed she couldn’t really complain about. Being bored was better than being dead. Her arm was fully healed up, and so were the other smaller injuries she had sustained when fighting the FOE agent.

Ellen checked on Ciara a few times, but once the girl's head felt better, she didn't want anything to do with Ellen. Ellen got the impression the younger girl just wanted to forget everything about that night, and seeing Ellen reminded her of what they had done. Ellen took the hint and stayed away after that.

She learned more about her magic, finding out that she had a few other abilities she hadn't learned about the night she woke. After practicing with her second skin, Ellen found her need to shower grew exponentially, and she had to wash the bits of blubber out of her clothes a frustrating number of times. The first time her crab claw emerged, Ellen screamed and flailed her arms around. Her larger claw smashed into a table and broke it. With some practice, she found that the little crab pincers she gained on the other hand could crack a walnut with ease. She debated thinking of this new ability as The Nutcracker, but ultimately decided if she wanted to ever get laid again, she couldn't refer to her hands as nutcrackers.

Other than turning herself into an amalgam of slippery aquatic creatures (like an evil villain version of Aquaman), Ellen could turn glass into sand, but it gave her headaches to do so. She could also make a sort of… double of herself in a different place, but it was very hard to concentrate on both herself and this other form. It was an eerie reminder of her sister, and it made her uncomfortable to use for multiple reasons. The last one she was starting to get a handle on has something to do with oxygen and plants. She knew she could take oxygen from one area where there were plants and redirect it to herself. She hadn't tried it yet, but she was very curious about whether she could go full Ursula's mutant cousin and make an air-bubble for herself to breathe underwater. For now, the skill hardly seemed useful because breathing extra air made her feel a bit woozy.

She found herself a bit annoyed that she turned into a Scooby-Doo villain style blubbery slippery crab creature while some people turned into sexy muscled rock-men. But she was glad at least to have the time to learn these things about herself. The next time she faced an FOE agent, she wouldn't be nearly so defenseless.

Ellen didn't only work on her magic (and laundry) during the two weeks off. Once her body was healed enough, she went for runs around Goodnight. She joined a scrawny teenager who could easily out-last and out-pace her, but Ellen wasn't competitive enough feel dissuaded from running just because she was losing. It was nice to ignore the people fighting like they were on a reality show, and listen instead to the sounds of shoes hitting the tile and concrete floor, and the steady breathing that punctuated each handful of steps.

In truth, Ellen didn't know what she was waiting for. She knew she wanted to help with the underground, and she knew she had made that damn clear to Hans before he left for… getting back to his normal life, or whatever. But would she have to wait a year to do something useful? Ellen wanted to believe she had the dedication and patience to wait, but she also knew she would turn into one of the over-dramatic bickering 'Survivor' folks if they didn't give her something to do soon. Maybe she could find someone and ask about weapons training. Shooting a gun the first time hadn't been awful but it certainly could have gone better.

As excited as Ellen was to be summoned on the 20th, Ellen was NOT a morning person. On the boats, she was always up before the sun, which made it easier to pretend she was just getting up very late rather than very early. Like her first morning at Goodnight, she barely pulled herself together. She was still in the leggings and racer-back top she had slept in, and her hair was pulled up in a somewhat disheveled ponytail as she walked to the office. Ellen wiped some of the sleep out of her bleary eyes and then replaced her glasses as she entered the room.

Immediately she spied the coffee urns and went over to help herself. She poured two cups and carried both over to the map where people were gathered. One mug she left on the table and the other she used to warm her hands, taking large sips as she forced herself awake.

The man in charge looked to be Ellen's age. He was cute, but she didn't love the whole, 'I have so much responsibility I don't take care of myself and need someone else to take care of me' vibe he was putting off. There were other people assembled around the room, most of whom Ellen didn’t know personally, but had seen around, like the teenage runner--Abi, and rock-man.

Simon began to talk about their accomplishments, and Ellen looked around, wondering who fought street art (and how it came alive), and who healed flesh. The latter, at least, sounded really useful to have around, and Ellen secretly hoped that if they were paired off, she got to be partnered with the healer. She had always played tanks in video games, and felt like healers were the next most important ones to have around.

Simon then revealed that they were having a lot of losses, casualties. Ellen switched her empty cup with the full one around the same time Simon had his cup refilled, and started to bring it to her lips as he uttered the word ‘Volunteering.’

“Yes!” Ellen interrupted, pausing the mug in the air. “I am in. Absolutely in.” She noticed a few people looking at her, and her face flushed, looking into the coffee mug as she cleared her throat. “Ahem, Sorry. Continue.”

When Simon actually finished speaking, Ellen eagerly gave him a nod. “Like I said, I’m in.” She repeated. Then she looked at the others in the room, curious if any of them would decline. Abigail was young, but she could tell the girl was trying desperately to run away, and would probably throw herself into action to try to keep running. She didn’t blame the kid. Ellen looked down at the half of the yin yang tattoo on her right wrist, the constant reminder that she was always running, too.
Ellen Taylor

The rest of the drive was easier. Not easy by any means, but easier. When they got out of the town and the urgency passed, Ellen called out that she had the bright yellow medical kit in her bag in the trunk they could use for Hans, and perhaps Ciara as well. After another hour, they pulled over to the side of the road. Ellen’s skin was still somewhat covered in this strange...blubber-like gray skin, and her arm was beginning to ache. Grandma helped her get the sludge off of her--especially necessary as her arm had begun to ache again, and she grabbed clean clothes from her bag, changing into them. Ellen’s arm was set, and though it still ached, she was capable of driving.

Those capable of driving switched off for the rest of the journey, and a few strange portals later, they arrived at Goodnight. Hans and Ciara had gone off for medical attention right away. Ellen was checked out, but with mostly bruises at that point, she was given a sling for her arm and sent on her way. Ellen wandered towards one of the larger groups just as a man hopped up onto a box and introduced himself and the Underground.

A shower sounded delightful, but the line after Rory’s announcement grew seemingly exponentially, so Ellen went to check on Hans and Ciara. Ciara was asleep, and Ellen sat with her for a few minutes before deciding that she needed to stay a bit more active for a while. She didn’t like being alone with her thoughts. Hans was getting his bandages changed, and Ellen hung around for a bit, trying to stay out of the way. She didn’t know how to thank him for coming to their rescue without a damsel in distress. After a few minutes, she settled on something half-decent.

“Thank you for coming back for us.” Ellen said. “I’m sorry that you got shot,” She wasn’t great at taking responsibility for her actions, but she did feel badly that her recklessness got Hans hurt--and nearly got them all killed.

Hans shrugged painfully, grimacing slightly with the movement.

“I have been shot before, successfully and unsuccessfully. What is important is that we completed our mission.”

He reached for a glass of water and brought it to his lips, draining it in one before leaning back on the beach chair they were using as a hospital bed.

“You were very reckless and irresponsible. Even now you have not fully realised how close you came to death, or worse, with the Federal Occult Enforcement agency. Without your impulsive actions I would not have been shot by that agent, nor would I have been forced to engage her with bullets from her comrades still in my stomach, and we certainly would have escaped much faster.”

He paused, before nodding.

“Because I would have stayed behind to hold off the FOE, almost certainly to be killed in action or captured and executed later, while the others fled the FOE and quite likely left Ciara behind. Your actions put yourself in danger and attracted the attention of the enemy - but without them the operation would have failed, and instead we extracted all three of our targets, and killed an enemy as well.”

Hans smiled - a thin, serious, proud smile.

“Ellen, you were outstanding.”

As Hans called her reckless and irresponsible, Ellen’s face reddened. Though she knew she was not the best at making plans before she did stuff, hearing from someone else made her uncomfortable. It didn’t make her feel particularly good to hear him say they would have escaped faster and he wouldn’t have gotten shot or forced to fight her while shot.

Then Hans continued, saying that he would likely be dead, and they wouldn’t have gotten Ciara, either. She glanced in the direction of the makeshift bed where Ciara was resting. A large smile appeared, erasing all of the earlier guilt as Hans called her outstanding. “Thanks, Hans.” She said.

“But you know what they say… Arbeit ist die beste Jacke.” Ellen repeated the German phrase meaning the best way to keep herself warm was to be useful. “Maybe next time, you can give me some orders so I don’t get us in too much more trouble.” Ellen chuckled, wanting Hans to know that she was absolutely up for doing this again. She didn’t want to hide out. She wanted to seize whatever control she could over their situation and DO something.

Hans paused for a moment, his brows furrowing slightly.

“Ja, you would make a good soldier, all you need is training and discipline, I think. Where are you really from?” He asked suddenly, directly.

Ellen frowned slightly at the mention of needing discipline, mostly in jest, but the jovial expression fell completely as he asked where she was from. She knew why. Americans didn’t speak German. They barely spoke English. She had only given an expression, and could have perhaps played it off as having had some grandparent who was German and used the expression still. But she didn’t want to lie to Hans. Besides, the FOE could apparently find her no matter what she said her name was, no matter where she claimed to be her heritage.

“Born and raised in Italia, Romano specifically.” Ellen said. She didn’t think it was necessary to then elaborate that she had traveled a fair bit growing up, and learned multiple languages in school. German was actually one of her weaker languages--she was just conversational, and would have had to sound out written things to be sure of their meaning.

Ellen debated whether to tell him more, to explain a bit of her history, and why she was in the states, but she ultimately decided against it. She looked down at the half of a tattoo on her wrist. She hadn’t told anyone before about her past, and the details were...difficult to bring up.

Hans looked down the bed, towards his legs, face coloured with thought.

“I fought in Kosovo. I was young and silly, and I believed in fighting what I thought of as injustice, so I went abroad and volunteered. I was still in the Bundeswehr, so I should not have done it like that, but it is what I did.” He paused, nodding slightly, remembering the sights. “I am one of the lucky ones. I took leave and was very careful, so I was not discovered by my homeland. NATO were sympathetic to the Kosovar cause, but I had not been authorised to fight. Now that I am fighting over here as well, I will likely be tried and imprisoned if I ever return to Germany.”

He looked up again, to Ellen. His face was softer now, less guarded. He was quite handsome - in a sort of older, mature, weathered kind of way. Hans had the kind of face that looked like he’d seen enough for two or more lifetimes, but through which you could still see a trace of the boy he’d been - just the subtle hint of what he’d looked like when he’d been younger.

Slowly, with great deliberation, and a cringe of pain as he moved wrong, Hans reached over and took a firm hold of Ellen’s hand.

“I am also running from Home. It is a bad feeling, whatever you run from.” He squeezed her hand.

Ellen reached out her good hand to take Hans’, not wanting him to strain himself too much to reach out. "I'm sorry to hear that you can't go back." And really, she couldn't go back either.

For a long time she had told herself that maybe eventually she would return home and see her parents again. Maybe they would rebuild a relationship and they would be able to look at her without seeing her sister. But that option was gone now. "I guess none of us can go back, really." She sighed, and looked around the room. "But that just means we need to keep looking forward."

“Get some rest. You deserve a break after saving my sorry ass.” Ellen grinned and released the man’s hand, then got up and left the man alone to rest. He was a good man, and it sucked that he was dragged into all of this. She knew on some level he had chosen this fight, but that didn’t make it any easier. The more people she saw--the ones who were hurt, scared, or still in shock--the more she hated the FOE. Why couldn’t an organization have come out to help people learn about their abilities? Why did different have to always mean bad or wrong?

These people didn’t deserve to be persecuted.

Ellen went back to the shower line. She talked with a few people about their journeys here. She mostly listened as some focused on the trauma of having to leave their homes suddenly, or pack up only what they could fit in a bag before leaving. Others focused on being pursued by the FOE, or a Bootlegger being lost in an exchange of fire. There were hints dropped here and there by the survivors that the group had not saved nearly as many as they wanted to, that they had lost loyal members of the Violet Underground, but the talk was mostly rumor countered by personal vignettes.

When asked, Ellen talked a little about her own path, saying that her pickup was easy, but they got into a fight with some woman from the FOE when they were picking up someone else. She didn’t want to make herself sound quite as reckless as she was, and glazed over trying to get away, and then holding off long enough for their bootlegger to come and engage with the FOE agent to get them free.

Many of the people talked about what sort of magic they had discovered since their awakening. Some seemed to be sparked by the conversation into actually putting a name/label on what they had recently discovered. Ellen could recall a few things she had done in her fight. She had developed a second skin to protect herself from the bitter cold. (Hence why she was still waiting in the damn line for the shower)... She had made the ground slippery, but where had she gotten the water from? Perhaps she condensed it from the air, or melted it from the snow. Hmm… she would have to think on that more.

Eventually, Ellen showered, then she found and collapsed into her makeshift bed. She didn’t care how uncomfortable it was, and fell asleep rather quickly. Her sleep was fitful, memories of her fight with the FOE agent, trying to protect Ciara, but Ciara transformed into her sister, Chiara, and no matter what she did, Ellen couldn’t stop her sister from being injured by the agents.

In the morning, Ellen spotted some girl applying makeup in the bathroom, and while she admired the girl’s resolve, she couldn’t bring herself to do the same. She looked in the mirror as she washed her hands, deciding that she probably needed to brush her hair. Well, she was pretty sure she needed to. Her contacts were still in the case, and she hadn’t thought to put on her glasses before wandering to the bathroom. She dressed, put on her glasses, then she put back on the sling, even though it made other things annoying and difficult. She wanted to be back at full capacity as soon as possible, and that meant resting up while she could.

Once dressed, and with her sight restored, Ellen went on a hunt for coffee.
Ellen Taylor

Jimmy wasn’t half-bad as a lover. He was a better fisherman, though. Ellen watched his sleeping form in the small cabin’s bed, and then got up and began scooping up her discarded clothing from the floor. He was markedly bad at cleaning, she noted as she took in old dishes still on the dining table to her left. They had eaten out, so the meal must have been from lunch--or prior.

It was late, and Ellen waffled as she began to dress herself. There was a part of her that wanted to crawl back into the bed and snuggle up with Jimmy for warmth. But there was another part of her that knew what could be coming--and wondered how anyone could sleep through it. She had planned to spend the evening alone, just to be safe(r)....but then Jimmy caught up with her at a pool table and the game led to drinks and greasy bar food that was meant to resemble a dinner.

Her phone was plugged into the wall of the houseboat, and Ellen grabbed it, looking at the time before bundling it with the rest of her things. She still had some time before 3am, and decided to hop into the shower. If Jimmy woke up, maybe he would convince her to come back to bed. And maybe she would consider the offer rather than outright declining.

The side of the shower had a window with a glazed film that let in light, but not much else. The boat was on the dock, so in addition to the small bathroom light, she had a few lights from the dock, and the light from the night sky illuminating the area. It seemed calm. Perhaps this year, nothing would happen. Perhaps no one would awaken and people would be left alone this time.

But the people wouldn’t be so lucky. She couldn’t be so lucky. Ellen stood under the water, conditioning rinsing out of her hair when she realized. Her chest tightened, filling with dread as she instantly knew. Most years she stood wondering, worried whether she would even know before her magic ruined her, but this year she knew. Ellen muttered a curse and reached out to turn off the water. Her wet hands couldn’t get a grip on the stupid knob, though. You’re panicking. Ellen told herself. Calm down, take a breath.

Frustrated with the fact that she had mis-judged her timing so thoroughly, Ellen reached out of the shower and grabbed a towel, drying her hand before successfully turning off the shower’s faucet. From there, she moved more quickly. She dried her body and wrapped the towel around her hair. She went to get her clothing, and began to dress. While she dressed, she heard her phone vibrate, and she pulled up the new message.

The message was brief, warning her the FOE was coming and telling her where she could go for safety. It was either trust the mysterious text or go off on her own--and since she hadn’t driven to the docks, she would have been walking an awful long time. The FOE would be here in fifteen, so she set her phone timer for five minutes and got busy.

She had liked Jimmy, but not enough to not steal from him. Desperate times and all…

Her phone and charger went in her purse. Then she finished getting dressed. She grabbed her travel bag. Having just docked that day, she still had all of her clothes from the last fishing season. Everything smelled like the salty sea air, but it was good enough. Her bag already had her essentials, but she helped herself to a few of Jimmy’s things. She took two water bottles from the fridge, a box of poptarts, and a few other snack foods. He didn’t have fruit, naturally. It was far easier to store non-perishables when you went to sea for weeks at a time. She opened a cabinet where his first aid kit was, then hesitated. What if Jimmy didn’t notice she took it and didn’t replace it?

Looking at her phone, she still had 2 minutes before her own timer was up. That would have to be enough time. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Ellen left the ship and began making her way down the dock. She spied a larger fishing vessel, and dropped her bags before stepping onto it. Fortunately, larger vessels needed to keep medical kits within relatively easy access, in case of emergencies. She grabbed a large yellow Marine 600 Medical kit, and then quickly departed before anyone saw her and realized what she was doing. It was a tight fit in her bag, but worth it...hopefully.

Her phone buzzed, and Ellen turned off the alarm. She threw the large bag over her shoulder and checked the specifics of the message once more before shoving the phone in her purse once more and setting off. Too bad the message didn’t say what kind of vehicle they would be using… Then again, they had magic, so maybe they didn’t have a vehicle at all.

Five minutes, some distance, and the start of a fresh snowfall later, the town seemed to erupt in gunfire. It couldn’t have been everywhere, it couldn’t possibly have been that the entire town was shooting itself - but the snow dampened the sound, and the echoes of each shot fired made themselves strange in the tomb-like night sky.

Then, there, around the corner, pulled up to the side of the road.

A hatchback; undistinguished and unremarkable, but for its crew, a man and a woman, daubed in the grey-white of arctic camouflage hunting gear, one of them carrying a carbine rifle in the passenger seat, the other whiteknuckling the steering wheel.

“Ellen, right?” Came a feminine voice from over Ellen’s shoulder, where she could have sworn there wasn’t anyone standing.

Ellen saw the car, which looked like it hadn’t been sitting long enough to accumulate any snow, compared to some of the other vehicles she had seen. She saw the people, then jumped at the voice behind her. Whirling around, Ellen took a step back as she saw that there was, in fact, someone there.

“Uh yea. Yea I’m Ellen.” She replied. Not much point in denying it, since she had sought them out and was walking around with a giant stuffed backpack in the middle of the night. She should have grabbed her pocket knife, but it was at the bottom of the backpack with her other fishing gear. Her hand tightened on the strap of the pack. At least it would be a good blunt object, if she needed to use it as such.

The woman in front of her was short - shorter than Ellen by maybe a bit less than a foot - and slightly rounded in figure. She had a similarly round face, which through lines and crease bore the marks of a frequent and easy smile - though she was not smiling now.

“Super duper.” She said, as naturally as breathing, finally easing back into that comfortable smile that seemed to fit her decidedly Midwestern accent. “You wanna get on in the car, hun? You’re a bit later than expected, and we’ve got all sortsa places to be, dontcha know.”

The car window rolled down.

“Oma, reports of FOE at the houseboat. They won’t be long. Location two is ready for us.” the man with the rifle added, his accent thick and… German?

“Alrighty.” Ellen replied to the smaller woman.

She went up to the car and opened the back door, sliding her bag into the center before sitting along the window seat. She buckled up, and looked at the two in the front. “That’s some gun.” Ellen commented. She would have asked if they were expecting trouble, but given what he just said about the FOE, the answer was obviously yes. “Sorry for taking too long.” She glanced at the friendly woman from before, who was now getting settled in the back beside her bag.

Ellen pulled her bag slightly closer to her, finding the woman’s friendly attitude just a bit suspicious. She felt a pit in her stomach as she realized that the FOE weren’t just at the houseboat--they were at Jimmy’s. Poor Jimmy. “Are they looking for me specifically, or are they going for a no witnesses route?” Ellen asked. Maybe she should have woken him and given him half a chance to get out of there. Or at least encouraged him to put on some pants…

“Well dear, they’re probably just looking for you - and anyone they think is collaborating with you, of course, dear. Your gentleman friend should be ok just so long as he don’t start usin’ magic all of a sudden. Farah, wouldya be a dear and take a quick left there at the stop and go light?” she added.

“Yes, Nanni.” The young woman driving replied, easing down the road on the left hand side - just as a glimpse of a black APC sped past at the next crossing ahead of them, where they’d been going just a moment before, a terrible contrast with the spreading white of the snow on the street behind it.

“Good save.” The German added.

“Thank you so much, Hans dear.”

Ellen nodded in understanding when the woman told her he wouldn't be a problem unless he used magic or helped those with magic. She nearly blurted out a question, but the woman had moved on to giving instructions to the driver.

She had some names now. The driver was Farah, the German Hans, and the grandma was… well, Grandma as best as she could tell. Probably one of those, grandmothers for all, people.

Ellen watched as the APC sped where they would have been going if not for the change in course. That, plus her sudden and silent appearance earlier suggested she was certainly someone with magic. At least she knew how to use it.

"So… do people without magic really help people who do? I mean, I don't see why they would…" Ellen wasn't so cynical as to struggle to imagine anyone acting selflessly. She just couldn't imagine it was common when the stakes were so high. She tended to think of people responding to the awakening with a 'but they did not come for me' attitude.

“Oh, you betcha!” Grandma started. “I won’t beat around the bush with you, dear, I’ve been using magic for about a year now, Farah too, but Hans here just has very strong feelings about how people should be treated, dontcha Hans?”

Hans nodded solemnly.

“I have very strong feelings, yes.” His jaw clenched. “This is not how things should be.”

Farah reached over and squeezed his shoulder silently.

“You’re such a good man, Hans, so brave.” Grandma leaned over towards Ellen, then continued. “He really is such a sweetheart, dontcha know?”

Grandma was as animated as Hans was stoic. They were an interesting pair. Ellen watched the other woman comfort Hans as well, and Ellen got the distinct impression he had a personal stake in this as well. Perhaps he had lost someone...and actually had the means (or will) to do something about it? Did that make Ellen a selfish person for not having done the same?

She shifted in the seat, her winter coat making an awkwardly gravely swish sound with every movement, filling the silence in the car. “I’m sure he is.” Ellen said, noncommittally.

Sure, she didn’t think things should be like this, an ideal world, there wouldn’t be a magical purple fucking light that made people magic. “So you guys got your magic a year ago, and now you...try to stop the FOE from getting other people with magic.” She began, summarizing. “What for?”

Yes, survival was a purpose. But...surviving and living were different things. Ellen had, at times in her life, felt like she was doing one or the other. Grandma seemed calm about their situation, so perhaps she had more to look forward to than just getting by. Maybe these guys had a way to hide the magic, so that they couldn’t be found.

“How did they know to look for me? How did you all know?” She blurted out as the question came to her mind.

“Good question.” Farah mumbled.

“All three are very good questions, dear. Right now our biggest priority is making sure as many folks as possible survive long enough to be relocated to proper hiding places, but we’re sure hopin’ that we can turn the tables on the government once we get the chance to.”

“As for the latter two,” Hans started, “we’re not totally sure how the FOE and their sister organisations know, but some mages have learned how to identify people in the year running up to their awakening. I don’t know for sure how it works, or how reliable it is - but it helps.”

“Ok now, after we go over this bridge here, we’re gonna be approaching a small town where we need to try and make two more pickups, ok? We’re looking for a boy named Timmy, and a girl named Ciara, is that clear with everyone?”

Ellen accepted that first had to come ‘safety.’ She just needed to know there was some bigger...plan,especially now that mages weren’t just killing everything nearby and going crazy after awakening.

“Shit… a year? That would have been nice to know.” Ellen complained. Then again, what would she have done differently? Would she have learned more self-defense? Worked a bit harder at building up her strength? Joined this group months ago if given the chance? There were a multitude of possibilities, but there was really no way to know what she would have done differently. Hell, she had spent a long time thinking about what ifs. Too damn long.

Even so, Ellen had expected this was coming for years, and she hadn’t done any of those things to prepare herself. She hadn’t even started eating healthier, which she had told herself time and time again she would do.

Ellen turned her attention to the world outside of the windows. They were looking for two more. She wondered if Grandma used ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ to mean they were legitimately kids, or if they were potentially adults--in which case the car could get quite cramped. “You don’t have their pictures or something?” She figured they would have like… some sort of social media picture or something. It was basically impossible to avoid having some sort of online presence in this day and age.

Ellen wondered if they had the last names of the pair they were looking for. She could search them up on her phone. Wait … was her phone traceable? Ellen clenched her jaw at the thought of having to ditch her phone, with all of her connections to her previous life. But it wasn't worth her life, or the lives of the people trying to keep her from the EOC. "Hey, I still have my phone. Do we need to like… smash it or remove a chip or something?" Ellen asked, more than a little worried about losing the device. She didn't even really know if she could trust these people yet. And what if she needed to call for emergency services? Well, they probably wouldn't even help her kind anyway...

Everything seemed relatively quiet outside. It was dark, but still lightly snowing, making it a bit harder to actually see. At least they didn’t hear gunshots and see APCs like where she had been.

“Ja, throw it and anything else that can access the internet out of the car.” Hans replied simply.

Ellen nodded, and began to fish the phone out of her purse. Momentarily she debated smashing it to pieces, but it might honestly be better if someone picked it up and started using the device. Maybe it would throw someone off her track if they traveled around or made purchases. She wouldn't need anything on it anymore.

Ellen opened up the phone and pulled up the photo album. She scrolled down to the bottom of the gallery, and took a moment to look at one in particular. The picture was just a memory. Not worth the lives of these people. She rolled down the window and tossed the phone and charger out the window. "That's it." She told them. She didn't have a tablet or Fitbit or anything like that. "Sorry I didn't think about it sooner."

It had briefly occurred to her when she was at the docks, but she had hesitated. What if she had gotten a text after joining these people asking where she was from the mystery number? Or they had to change their meet spot? She wasn't exactly filled with trust for these people yet, but if they were really being honest with her, then maybe they were just legitimately good people.

“That’s just super.” Grandma gave her a pat on the knee. “I know that musta been hard for you, but you’re doing just great.”

After a while, the car began its approach towards the edge of the town - clouds above it lit orange by the glow of a spreading fire.

It was...both reassuring and a little discomforting when Grandma comforted her about tossing out her phone. On the one hand, she appreciated that it was acknowledged she was making a sacrifice--not just the physical sacrifice of the phone, but her connection and memories of her old life. On the other, she felt annoyed that Grandma knew it was hard for her. She didn’t want to look that...reliant on the phone. She wasn’t sure what to say, so she shrugged. “It’s just a phone. It isn’t worth someone’s life.” She didn’t specify whether she meant her own or theirs. Because she honestly hadn’t decided if she had much to offer compared to these folks.

Then again, maybe she could prove herself useful in this new world, too. They probably didn’t need a crab fisher, but she had other skills...and she liked the cold weather. Ellen looked out the window as they approached the town. There was a fire ahead, which wasn’t exactly reassuring, but it probably meant they were in the right place. “It looks like we are doing the right direction...I don’t suppose either of you are particularly good at putting out fires…” She mused, talking to the two people who performed magic in the car.

Grandma chuckled, her eyes gleaming.

“Oh, honey, I can handle the fires. I just need Hans and Farah to handle the kids, and you to take care of yourself for now.”

“Coming up on Timmy.” Farah said, hitting the accelerator a bit harder.

Hans cocked his rifle, and muttered something to himself in German.

The next moment, the car stopped with a jerk, and Grandma was nowhere to be seen.

“Got it.” Ellen didn’t want to cause trouble-- and she certainly didn’t know how to use her magic (whatever it was) like Grandma clearly did. And she wasn’t exactly proficient with a gun, so she wasn’t going to jump at the chance to use one in a very real and very dangerous situation. Maybe this would be easy, like it had been with her. The other two never even had to get out of the car.

When Ellen looked next at Grandma, she had vanished. Well, that explained how she snuck up on Ellen before, and made the woman feel a bit better about being surprised by the sudden voice behind her earlier. Ellen tossed her bag in the trunk of the hatchback, and pushed her purse on the floor to make more space for the new arrival. Then, she turned her attention to the window, looking for any sign of Grandma, and Timmy.

Sure enough, Grandma appeared not long after, herding a boy - couldn’t have been more than 15 - towards the car. He was clutching his backpack in front of him, ghostly pale despite the tan of his skin, and had a bloody nose.

“Go on, get in dear.” Grandma said as the door to the back of the car opened up. “Hans, dear, ETA?”

“FOE on us, three minutes; FOE on target, six minutes. Getting reports of cops around too.”

“Super duper. Let’s rock, kiddies.” Grandma chirped as she threw herself into the car after the boy.

The boy, Timmy, looked up at Ellen.

“Uh. Hi.” He said, as his bag shifted on his lap… on it’s own.

"Hey. I'm Ellen." She held out her right hand to shake his, if he was up for it. "They rounded me up a few minutes ago. You got any tech that can access the internet? Probably best to leave it behind now." She told him the thing she probably should have been told off the bat-- oblivious to the fact that he might be a little too traumatized to be ready for information like that yet.

Whether or not he shook her hand, Ellen grabbed her purse and dug through it for a tissue a minute later. "Here, for your nose…" she explained. "Are you okay?"

“Oh, yeah, uh…” he trails off for a moment, “yeah, yeah no I’m fine, I just tripped, I’m ok. Oh shit, my phone!”

He opens his bag in a panic, reaching into it - and past a live, snow white bunny rabbit - to produce his phone, which he immediately handed to Ellen.

The bunny seemed totally nonplussed, and only paused munching on the celery that had been hastily stuffed into the bag alongside him for a second.

“That’s just Hamlet.” Timmy said without prompting, as he zipped up the bag again the the car jerked to the side as it went around a bend. “How long have you been working for the… guys?” He looked at Ellen again, gesturing around the car.

Ellen tossed the phone out the window. The wet snow outside would likely take care of both of their phones, the water damage making them useless. “Me? Just a few minutes. The driver, Farah, joined up last year, along with Oma. I think she’s like everyone’s grandma. I dunno about Hans.” She knew he didn’t have magic, but she didn’t know how long he had been working with the organization.

She didn’t ask about the bunny, and was glad she hadn’t suggested he toss the bag into the trunk like she did with hers. The car itself was getting pretty crowded, and she wasn’t entirely sure how they would fit another person in. She could offer to sit in the trunk… but these people seemed to have planned this out too well to not account for the lack of seats.

Another few minutes of driving, in a stressed, snowy silence - and they were upon location two.

A teenage girl in baggy jeans and a parka was shivering, clutching a sky blue suitcase, on the kerb of the road. She was backlit by the warm yellow of the streetlight, augmented by the glow of riot fire reflected from the cloud cover above, and as she saw the car turn onto her street her face lit up as well - with hope.

It was in that moment that everything went horrifically wrong.

Grandma suddenly moved, grabbing Ellen’s arm as her eyes went wide.

“Hans!” She shouted, her eyes glazing over - no, icing over, with a delicate, thin layer of frost. “FOE, end of street!”

Hans swore viciously in German as he threw open the door of the moving car and began to step out, just as Farah slammed the brakes and made a turn. He slid as he hit the snow, bringing his rifle up as he slid feet first through it - just as a pair of black vans turned the corner, and started to accelerate.

The sound of the gunshot was incredible - like a savage, hateful knife in the back of quiet, and Hans kept going after the first one. Grandma was nowhere to be seen as the FOE APCs kept charging down the street, and the girl on the street looked like she was about to make a run for it.

Their second pick up was another kid. She looked freezing out there in the cold, and Ellen wondered if she was just going to crawl into their laps. When Grandma called out that the FOE was there, Ellen got the sinking feeling that this was some sort of set-up. Maybe they were using the girl as bait to catch those working for this organization.

Ellen looked over at Hans, throwing himself in harm's way, and Grandma, nowhere to be seen. She had no doubts the woman was doing whatever she could to slow down the FOE. Muttering a curse, Ellen knew she couldn’t just sit around and let...whatever was happening, happen. “Farah, I’ll go down a few blocks with the girl. Catch up with us when you can.” Ellen yelled, and then threw open the back door where Grandma had been a few moments before. She made a dash for the girl, and yelled for her to follow.

“What the fuck?! We can’t fight the-“ Farah screamed after Ellen as she ran, to no avail.

What was her name again? “Ciara! Come on!” Ellen wasn’t a runner, but adrenaline was a powerful thing. They needed to get off this street. At least she hadn’t taken off her jacket in the car. She wasn’t even cold.

“Ok!” The girl screamed, scrambling back into the alley away from the commotion. Behind them, the gunfire paused as Hans emptied his magazine and started pushing himself off the road towards cover - Farah had revved the engine and pulled a U-turn already, leaving Hans and Grandma to deal with the FOE.

The girl followed after Ellen, and they moved swiftly into the alley. She needed to get them off of the road, somewhere narrow enough where the FOE cars couldn't fit. Or hide. She turned around to see if the FOE was on them yet.

"I'm Ellen!" She shouted to the teenager. She was tempted to add that she had no idea what she was doing, but didn't think that would inspire confidence. They came out on another street, and Ellen saw what looked like another alley between two buildings on the next street.

Unfortunately for them, the passage was short. There was a business' dumpster, and a narrow path beside it that ended at a fence spanning between the buildings. "Shit." Ellen said. "How's your climbing?" She asked the girl.

“Shit, it’s shit, I’ve never even been able to climb fucking trees!” Ciara screamed, her hands covering her ears as a cacophony of gunfire erupted from Hans’ direction - far too much to simply be him shooting.

As they glanced back in the direction of the gunfire, however, they caught sight of something more immediately dangerous.

Three men, clad in black riot gear and gas masks with mirrored eyeholes, striding into the alleyway - the man in the center was wearing the iconography of the FOE.

Ellen wasn't great at climbing either. They didn't have a ton of trees in Milan. But she would have pretended and tried. When they turned around and saw a bunch of armed and armored guys, Ellen groaned. Quickly, a few options came to mind.

Pretending they weren't who these guys were after would be a waste of time. Ellen didn't exactly have heavy weapons to fight back with, though. Tips from an old self-defense against sexual assault class came to mind briefly, though they hardly seemed helpful at the moment. She could surrender. Hah. Hell no. She could pretend she was going to surrender and try to think of something better.

Maybe her elusive magic would actually do something useful for her. "Heya guys!" Ellen said, holding her hands up in the universal sign of defeat. "Turns out we are both pretty shitty climbers, so--" she rambled, looking over the men. Ellen didn't know a lot about FOE, but she knew they had some resistance to magic. And Ellen had some resistance to being murdered, so that gave her something to work with at least.

Behind her, Ciara clearly wasn't in Ellen's head, and didn't know the girl was still trying to come up with a plan to get them out of here.
“Look, just- just stay away! I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna hurt anyone! I’m not a bad person, I- I-” Ciara raised her hands, backing away.

The riot cops advanced.

As one of them drew close, and raised his baton - an ugly, shiny, metre long rod of polymers and metal, capped with solid steel - he froze.

The FOE agent’s head turned to glance at the man when he stopped - but less than a second later, he dropped his baton and started screaming, recoiling from the two women at the end of the alleyway and clutching his arm. He took one step before collapsing, a sharp, crystalline crunch emanating from his legs.

Ciara’s eyes widened in shock, and she turned to the other riot police.

“I’m sorry! I-”

The other riot cop’s entire body tensed up, and he gave a grunt of pain as he too dropped his weapon, and started reaching around the back of his neck, fumbling for something invisible - but he too, after a second, simply collapsed; though this one didn’t keep moving afterwards.

“Oh my fucking god!” screamed Ciara.

In a few moments, both of the regular cops were taken down. Ellen knew it wasn't her magic that had done it-- if for no other reason than Ciara's screams were riddled with guilt. She didn't need to feel guilty, though. These guys chose to hunt down people simply for existing.

As she tuned out the teenager, Ellen realized she wasn't cold. Not even chilly, despite the fact that it was snowing and cold outside, and two men in front of her had frozen. She looked down at her hand, which she had previously tried to keep in her warm sleeves, and saw it had taken on a grayish shiny hue. She couldn't see the rest of her body, but Ellen was sure it was everywhere. Better gray than frozen.

There was only the FOE guy left. Two on one, much better chances than they had before. The area was too narrow for them to split up and each go a different direction. Though she might have come up with a better strategy if she waited, Ellen didn't have time for that. She rushed towards the FOE agent like an American football player shouldering past the other guys as he tried to clear the path for the one carrying the ball. (Ellen had watched enough American football to get the gist, but not enough to understand the position names.) In this case, Ciara was the ball.

It was exactly the kind of brave that gets called foolish in retrospect.

As Ellen’s shoulder was about to meet the FOE agent, they reached out and grabbed her by the wrist, clamping down with a vice-like grip. Ellen’s skin began to burn under the FOE agent’s gloves, stinging like she was being bathed in bleach - and as the black-clad agent slid their baton under Ellen’s arm like a lever, the oily-grey seal skin simply came away like dirt, revealing red-raw human skin under it.

“You fucking vermin!” roared a woman’s voice from behind the gas mask.

There was a gross, dull pop as the FOE agent pushed on their lever and threw Ellen over their suddenly outstretched leg, pulling her shoulder out of joint and flinging her body into the mud like a discarded doll.

Ellen should have expected the FOE agent to grab her, to clearly be trained in grappling and combat. But she wasn't lamenting her poor choice in trying to attack the agent. Instead, she let out a scream as her skin began to burn, and the outer layer of skin pulled away from the layer beneath. She tried to reach out with her free hand to challenge the FOE agent's vice-like grip on her. It was in vain, and after just a few moments, Ellen felt a sharp pain as her arm was pulled out of its socket.

Ellen landed in the muddy ground, and groaned as she shifted her good arm under her to try to get back onto her feet. She really wanted to come up with something clever to say in response to the cunt. But her mind was just filled with pulsing pain instead.

Come on, get your ass up. Ellen told herself, shifting her weight onto her good limbs. Hopefully Ciara was smart enough to take advantage of Ellen's --completely "intentional"-- distraction.

Ciara did try to run - but the FOE agent saw it coming, and she planted a kick square in the centre of Ciara’s chest, sending her flying back into the dumpster with a pathetic yelp.

“You demons! You fucking rats!” The agent screamed, swinging her baton back down towards Ellen, her attention divided between the two of them.

Nothing about this was going to get any easier by waiting. Which seemed the be Ellen's mantra for the moment. She heard the thud and yelp as Ciara was blocked from leaving, and the agent again screamed at them. Jerking her head up towards the FOE agent, Ellen saw the baton about to come down again.

She felt the muddy ground beneath her fingers, knowing it was wet but not feeling the wet or the cold through her strange second skin. She knew she could make it more wet. She could make it slippery-- she didn't know how, but she knew that she could. And so she did.

She reached out with her good hand and grabbed the agent's leg pulling hard. As she only had one hand for her own balance, her weight shifted and pulled hopefully both of them down to the muddy ground.

The Agent slipped and fell backwards, missing her baton strike - but she lashed out with the foot that Ellen had grabbed as she fell, hitting her in the stomach.

Ellen landed on her side, the FOE woman's boot still beside her stomach. Her good arm was under her body, and she quickly planted it in the mud to get up to her feet. She only had moments before this psycho would be trying to hit her again--or drawing her gun.

Ellen thought about trying to grab the woman's gun for a moment, but she didn't have enough hands for that. Instead, she turned and kicked the agent's leg-- not so much to try to hurt her as to push herself away. She scrambled backwards and then grabbed the side of the dumpster to push herself up. If Ciara hadn't moved by now, Ellen was going to leave her ass here.

Ciara looked up at Ellen, and started to try and get up - but it was like watching a foal scramble for their life away from a wolf, not like a person trying to stand.

“Fuuugh.” She slurred. As her head lilted forwards drunkenly, Ellen caught sight of the cause - a dark, wet, bloody mess on dumpster’s edge. Ciara got to her feet- but slowly, and brokenly.

Meanwhile, the FOE agent gave a grim chuckle, hand on the grip of her pistol.

“I’m gonna like this a lot.” She snarled, punctuated by the click of the safety coming off.

Ciara was not faring well, and Ellen was struggling to pull herself up to a standing position with her one good hand. If the other woman wasn't armed, and there wasn't a teenager looking like she was suffering from a concussion, Ellen might have tried to make a run for it. But she couldn't do nothing…

"I am so. Glad. I. Could make. Your day." Ellen said, her words slowed by her need to breathe a lot more than she expected for just talking. The sarcasm, she hoped, was intact.

Oh right. It was all the near dying that happened just moments ago.

She wasn't bulletproof, at least, she was pretty sure she wasn't. But when the FOE agent wasn't using her gun, Ellen hadn't been THAT bad off. Well… it was her only idea.

"Does it make you. Feel powerful? Killing us with. A gun?" Ellen gestured with her head towards Ciara. "She's a kid. Such a threat."

“It’s not about power.” She shook her head, raising the gun - and then tensing, turning, body wracked with shock as she heard the footsteps from behind her just half a second too late.

The gun went off once, twice, as she turned, and Hans flew into her. Her pistol went clattering off a wall as the force of his impact knocked it clean out of her hand, discharging a third time as it hit the wall, then hitting the thin black mud of the alley with a wet squelch.

Hans screamed unintelligibly in German as he tried to bring a knife down on the FOE agent - but she caught his wrist, and punched him solidly in the ribs, screaming right back at him. His outfit, until then a disrupted mess of grey and white, was disturbingly red around his stomach and his left leg - and his gun was totally missing - but for what it was worth, he was putting up an about-equal fight.

Ciara dumbly reached out and grabbed ahold of Ellen’s fucked up arm. For a second there was the sharp pain of a dislocated joint being yanked on - but then, immediately following it, there was a frosty, numb sensation… accompanied by a return of function.

“Fukkem.” Ciara leaned her head back again, closing her eyes.

Ellen gasped in pain as Ciara pulled her arm. The pain dulled quickly, though, and Ellen could move her arm again. Ciara looked like she would have to be carried out of here. And Hans… he was grappling with the FOE agent, and Ellen was sure she saw blood on his clothing.

She could run for it. She could grab Ciara and try to get out of there. Or… Ciara was right. Fuck 'em. The average person probably wouldn't be taking advice from a teenager with a head injury, but today was far from average.

She couldn't leave them behind. Ellen looked around for FOE agent's gun. She had heard it clatter to the ground when Hans arrived. She spotted it after a few moments, and wasted no time grabbing it for herself. Having never fired a gun, Ellen probably wasn't the best person to have the weapon, but she knew which end needed to be aimed at the FOE agent, and she was pretty sure the safety was off, since it had just been fired.

It was now or never.

Ellen aimed at the woman and fired the gun once. The recoil threw her arms up further than she expected, and she watched the scene for a moment before potentially unloading the remaining ammunition.

The bullet hit her in the shoulder - but, in a stroke of luck, that shoulder had an arm attached to it, and that arm was responsible for stopping her being fatally stabbed.

Hans brought the knife down, pushing through the last shreds of strength in the woman’s arm and plunging it into her chest. Then he pulled it out, and stabbed her again. This action was repeated six more times, shrieks of pain giving way to groans, then to a sort of sick wheezing, then to nothing at all.

As he finally retrieved the knife from her body for the last time, Hans wiped it on her vest, and flopped down off of her into the mud as well. He took a second before standing up, hands shaking and limbs weak. It didn’t look like all of the blood on him was his, but some of it definitely was - and it was spreading, too.

“We need to leave.” He spat in German, looking down at the three bodies in the alley with something deeper and heavier than contempt. “Can you carry her?” He said through hoarse, ragged breaths, in English this time, as he winced and grabbed at the wound - or wounds - perforating his leg.

Ellen watched as Hans stabbed the woman repeatedly. She wanted to look away, but she couldn’t. What if Hans fell, or the stabbing failed, or she got the upper hand? Hans had come back for Ellen and Ciara. It was the least he could do to “cover” him.

The gun shook in her hand a bit, but she kept it steady until the woman was on the ground, umoving. She nodded at his words in German. He was right, they needed to leave. Ellen’s gaze fell upon Hans’ leg, and she nodded. “Yea, I’ll manage.” Ellen replied. She didn’t want to put down the gun, though, so she handed it to Hans and then went over to Ciara and pulled her up. “Come on, Ciara.” She said softly. “You’re going to be okay.” With that, Ellen followed Hans out of the alley, hoping their ride hadn’t left (or been taken down by the rest of the FOE).

Ciara took a while to wake up - and even then, she wasn’t exactly present - but she was up and walking with Ellen’s support before long had passed. Hans went ahead, having taken the pistol off of Ellen and checked the magazine before she’d tried picking Ciara up, and despite the various thorns in their side and the pins in their heels, they eventually made it to a beat up looking hatchback with an old woman leaning on the hood.

“Oh, Hans, dear, what in the world happened to you?” Grandma said, looking up but not quite in their direction. Her eyes were grey, covered over with white film where they hadn’t been before - and her hands were covered in tiny fragments of ice at the joints.

“Got shot, Oma. But I shot back, and I shot better.”

Grandma nodded.

“Sticks and stones, dear, sticks and stones. Farah, would you be a sweetheart and get in the back with Hans so that he doesn’t bleed to death? Oh, and Ellen, can you drive?”

“Sure, Grandma.” Ellen answered. She reached out to her injured left arm, but it was still comfortably numb. Thanks to Ciara. The car was an automatic, thankfully, and Ellen barely needed both hands to drive. She slid into the driver’s seat, adjusting the rear view as Farah got in the back. It was a tight fit, but once they were all safely in the car, Ellen drove. Her first objective was getting out of the town. She drove, listening to instructions from Grandma if she gave any warnings or updates. She stayed quiet, though. Today had been… a day of Fucking First Times, and the sun hadn’t even risen yet. On the bright side, they weren’t dead, yet. The edge of Ellen’s lip curled a little--a small grin.
Fresh bump because it's been a really long time again.
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