Avatar of Pennydumb123
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    1. Pennydumb123 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current If you remove one book from a library, would you eventually get a library with negative books?.


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While everything was going down, Boram was hyperventilating, running frantically around the forest. He was too young to die!, he had a family who'd miss him, a family that he provided for, if he were to die they'd be screwed, his eyes darted across the forest, spotting a really big black cat, which pounced on a bandit, he froze up upon seeing the B on the bandit, Could it be the Black hands?, had they come for him?!. but he sighed in relief upon seeing that it was not the black hands, he'd rather fight a thousand dragons, than one black hand, at least a dragon would kill him quickly. Sweat poured down his head, he felt like he was naked and vulnerable, with a thousand panther's moving in to kill him, he scanned the area around him, looking for scumbags, scumbags here to kill a scumbag. he drew his crossbow, spinning like a ball in order to spot any predators, but then a thought came to his mind.

Why fight when you can hide?.

Boram quickly searched for a bush and threw himself into it, becoming one with the bush. after a small while it would appear as if Boram was never apart of the group, Boram pulled out his crossbow, poking it out of the bush, pointing it at anything that looked remotely threatening. "this is just like hunting deer" his voice cracked as he tried to calm himself down, it didn't work though, he was terrified of deer

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@ihinka@JBRam2002
ahhh I keep procrastinating and not posting, I'm gonna make a post soon I promise
@Home Brewed ah shoot, I want to have some sort of grudge against the gods, is there any way I can work that in?
@Home Brewed would it be possible to play as a half-elf that was alive near the end of the war between gods?, I wanted to play a half-elf monk that held a grudge over his parents which disappeared, and basically wanted to destroy all gods. he acts like a crotchety old man over it, like Clint Eastwood
is this full?, because I'd love to join
should I make a post of Boram just looking around?, I kindof want to but I want to know if my perception roll saw anything first
inb4 we spot the hidden ambush and ruin the dms plans
@Guardian Angel Haruki sorry to be the 100th person to do a perception check, but I feel like Boram would be the kindof guy to flip out and check everywhere for trouble once shit goes south

https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/4697 I made a perception check and got a 18 yay
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