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@Regitnui Oh...haha...yes, yes he is. ^^

Only if he'd want to get involved. Does he have healing/medical training? Does he have escort training?
I don't know if he'd even find out about why it (might be) is so crowded there until he asked someone or something. I would think he'd look for Asuna and/or her family. It's really up to you.

Here's what we can do if you're really unsure:
Start writing a post in a Pad and I'll read over it as you go and insert any plot-important details to possibly steer him in the right direction.

Otherwise, you're free to take liberties explaining the specifics of the city, if you'd like. I'll be inserting something after your second post.

Same goes for @Utrax. Once Theo gets to Rustboro, I'll be introducing some plot points for him to interact with.

Don't worry, you two. I've got some pretty interesting plans.
@Regitnui The Evacuation only involves Mauville City. Everything else is in relative "lock-down," though nothing so strict as per the post.

I was also under the impression that Keoni was headed to Lavaridge...
So, I'm queer and made up the system for "phone numbers."


First group: Region (as per their generation).
Second group: Area
First digit: Random decision
Second digit:
0 = Southern Peninsula
1 = Continental North
2 = Eastern Peninsula
3 = Southwestern Shoals
4 = Northeastern Archipelago
5 = Southern Sea
Third group: Type of contact
First digit:
1 = Rangers
2 = League
3 = Commercial
4 = Medical
5 = Personal: Residence
6 = Personal: Transportable
7 = Personal: Business
8 = Personal: Text Messaging
9 = Education
0 = Emergency
Last digits: Random 4 digit combination.
Attack on Mauville City!

At about 1 AM this morning, Mauville City suffered a major attack. An estimated one-hundred twenty-seven casualties, both human and domestic Pokemon, have been reported at this time. An additional five-hundred twelve are reported injured, resulting in an overfilled Fairfax Hospital. Many have been sent to nearby clinics or the Lavaridge Medical Centre. Officials request the friends and families of those who may have been in Mauville City at the time of the attack to contact the Fortree Ranger Headquarters for further information at 3-37-10012. You may also contact the Fairfax Hospital at 3-71-40000, the Lavaridge Medical Centre at 3-71-41107, or the Pokemon Ranger Headquarters at 3-71-10012. However, reports indicate the hold times can reach up to an hour.
Reports have revealed the attack was made on the power grid of Mauville and has yet to affect other areas of the Region. The entire city is still in the process of evacuation. Access to the city is strictly prohibited while investigations take place. Access will be delayed further as repairs take place immediately thereafter. The local Gym Leader, Mr. Johnathan Sturm, estimates repairs to take at least a month to reach a functional state and for the repairs to be finished sometime into next year, which gives us the only idea of the damage the city sustained by the attack as air travel has also been denied in the areas surrounding the city.
Some victims of the attack claim terrorist activity. However, until official reports are released, we cannot definitively conclude that such is the truth as there are no international records of terrorist activities. Regardless, Hoenn seems to hold its breath, mourning those lost and mentally preparing for another attack to take place, despite the lack evidence of another attack upon the Region. Additionally, the region is currently exercising national security measures. Pokemon Rangers have been deployed across the Region ad many from other regions have been imported to aid us in this time of crisis. The Pokemon Rangers suggest staying in the city you currently reside until otherwise instructed. Those traveling between cities are suggested to travel with a Ranger Escort.
We will be providing updates as they come in...

Outside Petalburg City
Credit: @c3p-0h, @Kymera
"Please," Jeanne said, gesturing to the seat closest to the living room, from where she came.
When Haven sat down, the kitchen was to her left, which is where Jeanne returned to continue placing food onto the table with the children grabbing and eating with typical eagerness expected from children. The boys were both shirtless and only wore boxers and each girl only had a belly shirt or a training bra with shorts. It was evident the lack of clothing Forrest practiced seemed to be the practice of his children as well. Jeanne was the only one in a full bathrobe with a proper nightgown underneath.
"This is Jerrek, our oldest," she explained, beginning the introductions. The boy had some memory of the woman, but she looked vastly different now than on the side of a route broken and bruised. He nodded like his father would have, though, in greeting while his mouth was full. "And this is Elizabeth, our second."
The girl with dirty blond hair looked the same age as Jerrek despite being two years younger. Her limbs were long and her hair tied back into a braid that fell to the middle of her back. She took a sip of juice and waved her hand with a "hi" in a surprisingly confident tone for an 8 year old.
"Rowan is our third," Jeanne continued.
The smallest boy with messy brown hair, thick and curly and longer than his chin and masked his rich green eyes. It would have been difficult to tell his sex if he wasn't dressed like his brother. He then rose his face from the bowl it was hovering over to pull at half his bangs, revealing one of his emeralds and showing off a smile, crooked and half-missing but ultimately adorable.
"[color=fruitsalad]Nice to meet you![/color]" he said with a light as warm as his mother.
"And Shelynn is our baby," the woman said and placed a soft hand upon the smallest child sitting next to her.
Her hair was similar to Rowan's, but longer and knotted from being unkempt. Her eyes were a bright blue-green like her mother's and her face round with baby fat. She simply giggled and waved.
Haven gave small waves to each of them in turn.
"I hope you got some sleep last night," Jeanne said as she sat down at the other end of the table, across from herself. "I can't imagine what you went through. You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to rest up before heading out on your own," she offered.
"I slept fine, thanks," Haven lied. "The bed was perfect." She picked up her fork and began poking at the food in front of her. "I'm feeling better. I'll go as soon as I can – after breakfast, probably."
The bags under Haven's eyes told more of the truth than her words. But Jeanne didn't pry. And it could have been from a number of things other than lack of sleep. So she took a couple bites of toast and eggs and then looked back up at Haven.
"What of your friend?" she said, impling the man upstairs in a state similar to her husband, though much more healing due to the physical injuries he sustained.
"I… just met him yesterday. Right before the explosions. We're not really friends." But to call them strangers wasn't quite true either. Not after what Rai'd seen last night.
Jeanne picked up on Haven's seeming to know or to care about the man to some degree. The night before showed that quite well. Haven was certainly surprised to see the young man when they'd teleported to the house.
"What was his name again?" Jeanne asked, having forgotten in the chaos of the moment.
Haven glanced up. "Rai."
"Ah, yes. And you don't wish to make sure he's okay?"
Haven felt the guilt trip before the words had even left Jeanne's mouth. Jeanne didn't need to play the guilt card with someone so clearly mentally traumatized, but she couldn't help it. Jeanne had the tendency to enforce her Hoennese culture, the strong sense of hospitality and care toward strangers.
Haven looked down again, prodding her food around her plate with the fork. Shit. She owed him that much after he'd sat through her breakdown yesterday. She owed Forrest too, for saving her life. At least a hello. A thank you. A moment of her time to check in on them – to see if they were ok.
"Yeah, I was planning on checking on him and Forrest before I left," came the murmured lie. Haven stabbed a piece of egg with her fork and forced herself to eat it. After she swallowed, she said, "But after that I really should go… It's the safest option. And you and Forrest have been really good to me, but I don't wanna take up space when you've already got enough to worry about."
"What makes you think it's not safe here?" Jeanne began. She then realized that may not have been her meaning and worked to backtrack enough for the question to be ignored.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry."
"You're not going to stay and play with us, Miss?" the littlest girl whined with sad, disappointed eyes. "Can I at least pet your doggy?" she asked, not knowing the species name was referred to as "Granbull."
Haven glanced down at the girl, the corner of her mouth quirking up. Her eyes flicked to Dagger, who was trying to look gruff and annoyed.
"Sure," she answered. The girl uttered a small squeal of excitement."Careful though: she drools."
Dagger let out a huff. Sly smile growing, Haven leaned down to the girl and whispered, "Her favorite spot's above her nose." Shel followed Haven's advice and clumsily began brushing her hand over the Granbull's snout with a grin and a prolonged coo.
Dagger gave Haven a betrayed look, which went completely ignored. The Granbull, for all her brutality, loved attention and being fawned over. And she adored playing with kids, as much as she tried to hide it. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as her face relaxed. Cloak sniggered next to her. Dagger snapped back to attention and elbowed him so hard he toppled over. Shelynn giggled all the while.
Haven rolled her eyes and turned back to her half-eaten food. "Are either of them up yet?" she asked Jeanne.
The woman supressed a giggle as Shelynn and Rowan ran off to futher fool around with the Granbull and Scrafty, leaving half of their food untouched and seats pushed out. She rose from her own seat after patting her lips with a napkin and directed the older two to clean up after all of them before preparing for the day.
"No," she said, with some grimness in her tone. "And they shouldn't be before tomorrow," she added more as a warning to the men upstairs than an assessment of their conditions. "It'd be best to let them rest for now."
Jeanne glided across the hardwood floors, stained slightly lighter than the walls. She stepped around the table in almost complete silence until she reached Haven. Her airy hand alit upon her shoulder, soft and calm. "Come," she told Haven, inviting her to help administer their medication.
Haven glanced at Blink and Lace, eyebrow raised. Then she nudged her chin to the abandoned plates. Her two pokemon nodded. Haven pushed herself up from the table to follow after Jeanne as Blink started stacking plates atop Lace's horns.
Jeanne moved to prepare two more glasses of the Cheri juice, showing in silence which ingredients and how much were used to Haven. She handed both glasses over to her "aide" and ushered her up the stairs where it fell back into the darkness from the night before. The shades were kept pulled so the men could sleep more soundly.
"Rai," she said, as if practicing the name, "is in here." She opened the door.
The man's Charmeleon continued to fret over him. "It's okay, dear," she cooed to the Pokemon, trying to alleviate whatever worry she could. "He'll be fine. It's just going to take some time," she added. Haven followed in after her, eyes darting over Rai's form.
His newer injuries were healing well, though most were still angry red lines and fading ugly green bruises. They criss-crossed his back overlaying a veritable roadmap of scars that left his flesh a patchwork of hollow divets, gnarled welts and stitched smooth skin where he hadn't had the benefit of a pokemon's healing touch. Even still, his newest injuries were begining to scar and become new additions to the already extensive collection he had on display.
So this was what it was like to see someone else injured and bedridden. It was a nice change to not be the one in the bed.
He looked miserable. Empathy bubbled up in her chest.
"Here," Jeanne continued and offered to take one of the glasses to demonstrate how to administer the herbal remedy. Haven handed it over.
She turned to face the man and noticed he was now on his front as if he had tried to lift himself out of the bed. She let out a small sigh and rolled her eyes with a smirk.
"Rai," she said in a soft half-whisper. "We need to get you turned over so you can take some more medicine. After that, you need to rest."
Jeanne placed the glass she held onto a small bedside table and gently manipulated the man to roll over, despite the amount of pain it caused. Haven, unsure of what else to do, put down her glass and tried to help.
Rai could have been quite content to be left alone. Moving hurt, breathing hurt, and even thinking gave him a headache he had no way of getting rid of. Being forced to roll over, no mater how gently, made white-hotspots dance in front of his eyes and left him sucking air through clenched teeth until the persistant ache abated.
Jeanne tried to calm him with only her words, since that was all she could manage given the lack of equipment in order to roll people over in a state of ending-paralysis.
She then worked the liquid in the straw as she had before and gestured for Haven to take over while she would administer the same medicine to her husband. Jeanne left with her glass, leaving the two of them alone.

Mauville City
Name: Raiziel Alexander Kurin
Age: 22
Address: 41 Lantern Lane, Olivine City, Johto

"Hm..." a low hum passed through her chest. "Certainly the bastard."
She sat at her desk with Finster curled up next to her on the floor feigning sleep. One of his eyes peeled open at the comment, not sure if his trainer was speaking to him or to herself. He shifted a little to fall back into a meditative rest.
I don't understand why Dicky didn't just tell me it was him, she thought as she passed through some other papers, documents and rosters of Pit Fights across the Region. It's even stranger he wanted me to take him along to Mauville Island for the drop off. There must be something else going on here.
It was a good thing she'd followed him to the scene of that attack, last night. He'd sloughed off his backpack and then got his ass handed to him and was then Teleported away by some Medicham. If the Rangers had confiscated it and taken it in for evidence, his time here wouldn't get much easier. However, with just his Trainer Card, she knew Dicky was up to something and that her own life was probably being toyed with.
"Samantha," she said into a device attached to her desk. "Come in here, please."
Without a response, a young woman entered the underground office. "Yes, Lady Shade?" she said with coldness and a flat face.
Her hair was a light brown and perfectly straight, falling just past her shoulders. Her face was a clean oval without any notable features. She stood at a relatively tall height for a woman, and the heels she wore only exaggerated this. She dressed in a business suit, as that is what Lady Shade required of her employees. However, hers was a light gray and she wore a pencil skirt rather than trousers. Her legs were wrapped in pantyhose, evening her skin-tone and darkening it slightly. Her arms remained by her sides, attentive and disciplined.
"Do you know this man?" Lady Shade asked and handed her the trainer card.
The woman walked over to the desk and glided her hand to grasp the card without resistance from Lady Shade's hand. She looked at it, her face keeping flat and seemingly unable to show any emotion. However, the look was long - longing - surprised.
"This is my brother."
"Would you like to meet him?"
Going to try my hardest to get my post up today. Darn holiday weekends and not giving me the time I want. xP
@Utrax I just realized I never told you where the Discord for this RP was. Its link is the title of the OP.
Discussion going on in the discord. Also a battle is just just beginning there, as well. ^^
@c3p-0h meetingwords.com/c3p-0h-Phoenix
I'm just going to keep using this. Starting at line 124...
@c3p-0h I'm going to want to do a collab with you for my next post. I'm going to get it started in a pad today.
@Regitnui I mean, there could be a redhead and her name could be Flannery, but it wouldn't be the Flannery from the Show/Game and she wouldn't be a Gym Leader (since I already made all the GLs (they are NPCs, so nothing set-in-stone)) and there isn't a Gym in Lavaridge, anyway (again, from what I have simply as filler). I certainly don't encourage the use of canon characters since I want this to be outside the canon (in terms of characters). However, I'm not opposed to helping you develop an NPC for the sake of this.

You'll find more information in the second OP of the OOC under Hoenn Map Notes. There's a lot of information there. The last section has short tidbits about the GLs (location, Pokemon, Names).

Custom moves are encouraged. The combining of moves is also encouraged (See 2nd OP, Pokemon Mechanics section). I just ask that they're reasonable/not over-powered (unless they have significant drawbacks or are specifically trained out of them, but then have weaknesses in other areas, etc.). As stated in the Mechanics section: combined moves are a combination, not a sum of the two+ moves. The "base power" will not be added, instead, the average between the two will be the base power (when applicable), for example.
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