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I'm going to try to get up a post either today or tomorrow. Just wanted to know if Keoni's post was all done before I begin.

And I apologize to everyone for being away for so long. Just started the new job now, but I've gotta get used to getting into the swing of things. Second shift is an adjustment.
Still working on transitions, ya'll. Sorry I can't be more on top of everything right now. I promise that's going to change in a couple weeks. ^^
So, I'd first like to apologize for being so absent lately.

Life's been real bad for me and it's come to a head until today. I've been struggling to keep my head just above water, but still almost drowning. This was a project I started at the beginning of winter and I'm so thankful it's survived this long. I hope we continue this adventure together for even longer.

However, I got news today that's going to make some big changes in my life, and for the better. My availability will not change, however. In fact, I'll likely be more active (thanks to a better outlook on life). For a few more days, though, I'm going to be focusing on getting this stage in my life set up so I can start the successful future I've always dreamed of.

So just know I'm not neglecting you. I've been neglecting myself. I'll keep you all updated and I hope to get this thing really going again. I still have big plans for all the fodder characters you've all brought to this RP.

And I'd like to take the time to express how truly grateful I am to have played with all of you. You've all been one of the very few things that bring me excitement and satisfaction. It's truly been a life saver to have this one RP keep me going and looking forward to the next day.

Thank you. ^^
Character Name

Bleach: The Hollowing

@LegionPothIX I wanted to add more to the conversation between Sarah and Jenny (cause I feel it didn't provide the accuracy for what I had in mind for her). Also, they wouldn't have been allowed to enter near Mauville, nevermind walk through it. So I wanted to give you some kind of alternative action to take, if you needed it.
@LegionPothIX I never see you in the pad so I just had the feeling you hosted me. :(
I thought I might have offended you or something and I didn't want to explore that potential conflict (cause I got enough of that in my own brain, right now)
Anybody still here?

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Work and life and depression are getting in my way...

Rustboro City
Credit: @Utrax
Hartwin shook his head with a smile on his face as he found a spot to lay a blanket for him and his secretary to sit and begin to eat as Theo continued to exaggerate, rather humorously, his most recent encounter with something as unusual as a - gasp - trainer. He took his time to put together food for the woman and his Pokemon before setting himself up with food. All the while, he nodded and chuckled at Theo's sense of narration and humor.
"Ah, good," he said through a breathed laugh. He finished a bite of sandwich before continuing with Theo's previous question.
"It's generally up to the Pokemon whether they evolve or not. Should this Whismur choose," he said, looking down and attempting to graze a gentle hand upon its forhead, "it would evolve into a rather," he paused as he thought of a term that lacked the harshness of what he was actually describing, "hearty Loudred."
Squinting heavily at Hartwin, Theo mumbled, “What’s a Loudred?
With the press of a button on a devise apparently attached to a button on his blazer brought up a hologram of an image of a rather brutish looking creature with hollows protruding from its body and a mouth gaping and consuming. The coloring was skewed due to the light produced from the devise, but it seemed to have a similar yet darker complexion. Anything cute and unassuming of its previous form was lost in this transformation.
Theo’s jaw dropped at the image and his eyes immediately went toward Harmony. Even Melody’s mouth was wide open as she stared at the hologram, then over at the Whismur. Silence passed for a beat. “Okay,” Theo said in a small voice. He cleared his throat as Melody wiggled around in his lap to look up at him. “Okay,” he told Melody, completely at a loss. Both Theo and the Jigglypuff’s expressions were mirrors filled with mild confusion and anxiety.
Hartwin took a sip of whiskey from a flask (without trying to be discrete) as he powered off the hologram. A glance sideways came from the woman across from him as she took a sip of water from a bottle. This made him remember he'd failed to properly introduce them.
By the time Hartwin looked back to Theo to begin introductions, he found a very disapproving expression upon Theo’s face. Why was it that every time he took a sip from his flask, Theo looked as if he were about to puke a little? Hartwin made no mention of the look.
"And this," he said as he swallowed a half mouth-full, "is Ms. Natalie McKapherty, my secretary for the last 10 years. This is little Theodore Selvaggio," he said with raised brows, playing on the jest from before, "my once-cello student who proved to be quite talented with music."
Without missing a beat, Theo looked over, waved a little, then sang, “Helloooo Natalie.” The woman blushed with a hushed giggle and looked away in some combination of shame and embarrassment.
It was as he spoke about this that he noticed Theo without any instruments around. Further inspecting the surrounding area, he noticed the Skarmory was not around, as well. "I'd ask you to play me something to prove you've kept up with your skill, but it seems you've given up the art," he said with playful accusation.
Theo looked around as well at that jest, confused, “Oh don’t tell me I left it on Nick’s back again.” Groaning, he looked over to Hartwin then sighed, “Perhaps when Nick decides to come back, I’ll be able to play something for you.”
"Shame. Would have been nice to be serenaded while we struggle through this disaster," Hartwin said, disappointment lilting in his voice. "Ah, no matter. It's good to see you doing well."
Disas-- oh! Oh yes. That disaster-- did they catch anyone or… I’m sorry, I only skimmed a few articles,” Theo rubbed the back of his neck. He caught Natalie staring him down and shaking her head. A redness formed on his cheeks and Theo tried to hide it with a rub of his face. "W-well, if you have an instrument I could tune really quick, I would be delighted to play something for you," Theo stammered.
Hartwin smirked and shook his head. He wasn't here to talk business and Theo was the last one that needed to be worried about his work. Instead, he tapped a button on his jacket, the one below the button he'd tapped earlier for the hologram, and a menu of sorts was displayed before them. It rotated until it landed upon a violin. "Since I know it's your true talent," he started, "we'll go with this."
He tapped the air below the image of the violin. It glowed bright and then faded into nothing. A moment later and bright orbs danced upon the blanket before him. As the process began, Theo watched the violin materialize with his usual fascination. While he’d come from a wealthy family, Theo himself was less technologically up to date than the rest of well… everyone. A childlike grin spread across his face as soon as the violin, housed within it's black leather case, fully came into being.
"I haven't taken it out in a while. I hope it doesn't need new strings," Hartwin said as he lifted the case and extended it toward Theo.
Reaching out to take the case gingerly, Theo snickered, “A while, huh? Maybe you’re the one who’s given it all up.” As he placed the violin case in the grass with a smirk on his face, Theo couldn't keep the nagging feeling out of his mind that his jest was true. While he didn’t know what Hartwin was up to these days, it seemed to be more stressful than simply playing music-- there were a few more wrinkles and gray hairs than Theo remembered Hartwin to have.
“Sir--” Natalie spoke up finally, to get Theo’s attention.
--Please just call me Theo, ah, sir is extremely formal,” replied Theo, his brows raised in surprise.
“Right… Theo, ah, what exactly is it you’re going to play?”
Oh, just a short medley,” Theo replied with a smile, as he removed the instrument from it’s case, “Nothing that’ll put either of you off schedule, if that’s what you’re worried about.
Natalie blinked, caught off guard by Theo’s comment. Theo held the violin up and softly began to tune it, smirking at Natalie all the while. Coughing softly, Natalie shot back, “I’m not worried about that--” Hartwin's laughter suddenly forced her into a beat of silence.
“Wh-what?” Natalie asked.
To save Hartwin from having to reply, Theo began to play a cheerful tune. It took Melody a while to figure out what he was playing but she eventually joined in, to support Theo’s violin playing, with a counter melody.
Hartwin and Natalie sat in silence, watching Theo glide the bow across the strings, his fingers gliding across the strings and waving back and forth, his posture, upright and almost rigid, yet peaceful and light. It was natural, somehow fading into the sounds of the park around them. The trees and the breeze ebbed into the melodies and swung with the tune around them. It was as if nature stood still and praised Theo's talents and skills.
Natalie kept still after the tune, but Hartwin shortly applauded with a genuine smile.
"That was beautiful," Natalie said. "The Ode to Littleroot was something my mother would sing to me as a child."
It seemed tears began to form upon her eyes. "Thank you," she said with a nod and a shamed smile for being so emotionally moved by a short medley.
With a large smile on his face, Theo nodded at Natalie then told her, “Anytime. It’s one of my personal favorites as well.” Theo idly played notes as he asked Hartwin, “Did this meet your wildest expectations?
“Your Whismur...” Natalie said softly, wiping a tear from her eye.
A nudging at Theo’s knee caught his attention as Natalie pointed it out. Theo looked down to see Harmony pushing him, pushing Melody, then pushing him again, in a pitiful display of sadness.
Theo pouted slightly, “Oh I’m sorry-- I didn’t want to disrupt your playtime with Delcatty.” Harmony let out a heavy sigh at that, then plopped down in the grass, becoming a tiny pink blob of depression.
What a downer-- Harmony, you act as if that’s the last song I’m ever going to play,” Theo snickered.
A ringing pinged from Hartwin's person. The bottom button was tapped and a voice was projected from the button rather than an image. The voice was so clear, it sounded as if the individual on the other end was right there with them. This little device was clearly much more advanced than the widely produced Trainer Gauntlet of the region, suggesting that this was some kind of prototype or simply too expensive for wider consuption.
"Hartwin, we need you back in the office," the voice said, as if commanding with some kind of irritation due to Hartwin's constant "walking away" from his responsibilities.
"We're on our way, Max. What'd you find out?"
"There's some shrinkage we can't seem to account for."
"Okay..." Hartwin said. As with any business, shrinkage was a common occurrence and something for which to account toward expenses. It was redundant to say "unaccounted shrinkage" since shrinkage is considered "unaccounted loss of product." Maxwell, of all people, should have been able to understand that saying such wasn't nearly specific enough given the way in which voiced the concern.
"It's triple than normal. I need you to check all employee wages for any inconsistencies."
"I'm still working on the displacement reports."
"Yup," the voice said with some impatience. "And I'm working on the Hospital and Institute's inventories.
We're all overwhelmed. You just have to make it work."
"What's the deadline?"
"There isn't one. It's not a priority."
"I'll contact you when I find something."
Hartwin pressed the button on his blazer and rose from the blanket on the ground. "Well," he said with a heavy exhale. "Back to work for another 15 hours."
Natalie rose to help pack up the picnic without a word. She understood her duties to the company for which she worked as well as the lives of their employees. The Mauville Attack was a disaster unforeseen and for which was unprepared. The thought that this would not be the first attack on Hoenn was a fear that floated around in her mind. It was a thought from which she took determination when growing too tired to keep her eyes open or too unfocused to type properly. Max's message to Hartwin she'd just overheard only added to her anxiety that seemed to be unable to show in her face.
"Come back to the office. There's an employee room available if you're looking to stay here for a few days. I can't promise I'll have the time to visit with your properly any time soon, however." Hartwin's tone was stony, now. Warmth left his voice and was replaced with a clinical cold. It was the switch from lighthearted to professional he'd developed a time after he'd assumed the Accounting Department of the Fairfax Association.

The room was small, an eight-by-six with a twin-sized bed and a bathroom barely large enough to have the toilet, sink, and standing-shower not on-top of each other. The desk next to the bed was made for a child and the dresser could only hold a few days of clothes. The walls were painted a pale yellow, warm and light, which provided some comfort in an, otherwise, claustrophobic space. The only technology in the room was a cylinder protruding out of the wall separating the bedroom from the bathroom. It was the personal version of the PokeStation and had direct access to the Fairfax warehouse to obtain goods. The prices for these items were much lower, too. It accounted for the fact that this was, indeed, an employee room and that they would receive a discount on all their goods.
Hartwin nor Natalie had the time to properly show him the room and help him settle. But, he wasn't necessarily a "guest" as Theo had spent so much time with the Fairfax Family that there wasn't much of a need for such formalities. They offered their services should Theo require anything, but there was a sense that such would be a severe inconvenience to either of them should Theo pursue their hospitality.

Lavaridge Town
When the sun set upon Lavaridge, the town turned a golden rust unique to the small village. With campfires and tents lining the narrow paths and filling in the small parks, it reminded the locals of the annual Spring Festival that celebrated the legends of Kyogre and Groudon's forced cooperation over the land of Hoenn.
Kyogre's rains drenched the lands while Groudon evaporated it as it touched the ground. When Rayquaza descended from the Skies, the Hot Springs of current-day Lavaridge was what remained in the midst of Kyogre and Groudon's eternal feud. These Springs were then blessed by the Sky Deity and have held the healing properties of the earth and sky and sea since the creation of the world.
However, the mood wasn't nearly as excitable. Murmurs of the "terrorists" attacking them while they were displaced spread throughout Town. This put the Rangers on edge, both having to squelch any concerns as well as creating a sense of uncertainty in themselves. It was difficult for them to keep strong and stoic while their own sense of anxiety rose.
Rangers from all over the world were gathered in Hoenn at this time, creating its own turmoil. Those native to Hoenn felt superior to those of equal rank of those from foreign regions. Despite having the same Divisions and Ranks, their uniforms were quite different depending from where they came. Rangers weren't unused to working internationally, but they instilled in themselves a sense of superiority through a heightened sense of obligation toward their native Region. Of course, such things were never discussed openly.
@LegionPothIX I've been on all day, just waiting for you and @Utrax to get to the pads. ^^
But, yeah, that's what the collab is for. ;) Gotta hash out the specifics so we can move forward properly :D

Also, a note, it's easier to get in touch with me on Discord, sometimes. It'd be a good idea to get that for your phone or to open it in your browser. It's the link in the OP.
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