Avatar of PrincessVampora


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Also @Blaze Gama, Hope you feel better Soon
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1 yr ago
I still have pain when swolleing but its gotten better. i can manage the symptoms with cold melon fruits, or hot Raman and lots of Advil/Tylenol but godsdamn the mucus its f-ing ridicules
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1 yr ago
Thanks for the well wishes, And im in a corse of antibiotics. Doc said that if i dont feel better in 5 day to go into the ER to get IV antibitoices, and if they dont work i have to get them removed...
1 yr ago
I have tonsilitis for the first time in my life-and it sucks! (already getting Antibiotics for it, so im on the mend but i hate my very limited diet)
4 yrs ago
Me: REALLY GUYS? CAN WE JUST ENJOY THIS? Slut me: Heckyls Hot, You should REALLY Revise your OC you made long ago. Me: *Sighs* Fine, Ill do all, Ive been working in my OC anyways.....


I'm a 27 year old mom and yes i am engaged who has multiple interests, like Rping witch i used to do a lot in high school, i love working with Resin even though i have only done it a few times (i need to get more supplies but we are dirt poor lolz), i love reading and writing you can find me on Wattpad under the same name and profile pic, i love fantasy of all kinds. i love anime and you can find me under Rangiku on FanArt Central (dont use but will check now and then), Princess-Vampora Is my DA account (Art only no RP) and I have an insta I use for art but thats my main one and i tend not to give that out. You can also find me on Discord PrincessVampora#2488, Its where i RP the most. All that i ask is that you Tell me your from RPG when you send a friend RQ.

I tend to prefer playing female Characters The most, though if I feel like it or am asked nicely to ill play male characters. My writing style has changed from Free to low Casual to More advanced and long To be honest. I adore long detailed posts the most. I give what you give me, for the most part. I love Fantasy, Romance, and fiction. I tend to stay away from Horror, Post Apocalyptic....(Though if it starts out normally Ill give it a shot.).

I give no fucks about grammar for the most part, Unless its hard for my brain to process, ill playfully tease and ask you to correct it, as i have a hard time spelling.

BIG warning.

YOU MUST BE 18+ As i love Smut.....^^

Most Recent Posts

Adeila looked at her. "You asked me where i was from." she said to her. She had finishes her plate of food.
V nods. "Yep...." she said as she pulled out her twin katanas. She smiled as she looked at him. "Lets do this...And keep yourself alive." she said to him.
V smiles and giggles. She then looks at him. "You want to go down there?" she asks him.
Adeila smiles. "Im american born in japan....My mother is friends with a model Who shockely dose not look a day over 30....." she said to her
V laughs. "Yea....thats not going to happen." she said to him.
She looked at her. "I was born in japan....BUT my family is american....i moved here when i was 5 and ive been in cali for a long time." she said to him.
She looks at him and then smiled. "What to go there?" she asked him as she span around a scythe.
Adelia eats.
Se smiled and nodded. "Its to keep thieves from stealing it." she said to him.
Adeila sighs. "Its a i dont want to talk about it." she said to her. She continued to eat.
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