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  • Old Guild Username: Pyroman
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Sometimes... it is


Normally unavailable between 3pm-9pm, always welcoming RP ideas, large groups, small groups, 1x1s, you name it!

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"Chrys, I need that temporal field, now." He didn't want to stress the boy, but they needed to get moving. Cable set a hand on Chrys' shoulder, having a feeling that he knew what was going through Chrys' mind and his eyes. This space was ripe with space time energy, being the ending point of this loop. It was a daunting task with a lot of stress, but Chrys had to do something. "Son, if it eases your nerves, the likelihood of any of your comrades dying is obscenely low. We've gone through this hundreds of times, which is why this room is so frightening to you. But you can do this. You are already so much more than anyone could have imagined, and your powers are more within your grasp than you know."

He needed to make Chrysbrelax a little. Most of it was true, but the necessity of killing this man in a safe environment was more important then anything else.

"We're here to help them, Heidi. Those captured here and all of mutant kind." Shawn stood next to the Scott, his accent fading slowly as he stressed an American accent. His words were a little slower, but that was fine to him. "I'm still not voting that we kill him. But..." he didn't want to finish that thought. A part of him was trying to accept that his death was necessary, But shawn insisted there was another way. "We can do this without death. There's always another way."
@GrizzTheMaulersooo...... Chrys isn't putting them into subspace to avoid a paradox? or at least acknowledging Cable's request to do so?
@Burning KittyI'll get to work on having Xavier employ someone with a healing factor being around the mansion grounds to be there for Tatiana when she needs to feed

Or maybe a Warlock has the skills that she needs...
"Oh. Right." After seeing Tatiana's masterful display of skill and tact, Laura walked over to the girl rather slowly. She pulled on the collar of her coat, bearing her neck for Tatiana to see. There had been previous times where they experimented with who's blood she should be given, but Laura was always the best choice. "Feed on me." She said in a rather deadpan tone. "My healing factor will keep me from harm, while you take as much blood as you want. It is a shame that you don't adopt my mutation after feeding."

Being a damphir, Tatiana already had numerous bonuses, but a dhampir with bone claws and an even better healing factor, not to mention her increased dexterity and heightened senses from Laura's blood would make her nearly unstoppable. If only that was a possiblity in any of the timelines, it would have made things so much easier on everyone. Cable's blood was a dangerous game, and Nobody wanted Wade's blood.
"Olinda. We're from the Charles Xavier school for mutants. We can get you out of here to a place where you can safely hone your mutation and grow up, but we need your help first." Cable knew that she had found the van and tailed them for a little. She had revealed such in another timeline. "We're going to kill the head of alkali-transigen, who is going to wipe out mutants in the future. This company has to fall in order to ensure safety. You have the destructive power that we need."

"So, we're not going with the money bribe this time?" Wade whispered up to cable, who shook his head.

"You can't bribe people with my money, Wade."

"But it worked before..." Wade muttered, unsure of what else to add to the conversation.

Cable knelt down to Olida and looked at her with a calm, but still serious face. "Time is of the essence, Olinda, and everyone is counting on you." He gave her time to make her decision before standing back up and walking away. They needed to get going now, and they didn't have long before their window would begin to close.

Booker and Emma let Tatiana have her outburst. Laura and the others had explained to them that it was a possible course of action, and to let her take care of the proceedings.

Laura knew how tense it was watching all of the children in labs. It didn't matter if it was the first time or the thousandth time. These halls were once her own, those rooms once housed all of her friends and allies. These were the people who lived and possibly died in them before her. She blocked out the thoughts, and focused on Tatiana. Some of the other guards had moved in to subdue her. It was fine, she was putting up a bit of a struggle anyways. It was only after the one she fed from hit her again that she moved up.

Shawn watched silently, muttering various things in japanese. Laura was pretty cool.

Laura walked up to them silently, and looked at the duo of Booker and Emma. Both of them nodded, and Emma only put a hand on one of them as Emma used her telepathy to force him into unconsciousness. Non-lethal, cable's voice echoed in her mind. She would have loved to kill them, but keeping things mixed up like this ensured that the guards had no idea what they could do, or who could do what. Laura did the same with any other nearby guards, but instead of a gentle touch, she delivered solid punches. Emma pitched in again, but Laura could still knock anyone's lights out at any given moment.

"Holy crap. That was cool." Shawn smiled, still speaking japanese to his non-japanese speaking teammates.

Booker nodded in agreement. Indeed it was, but they needed to stay focused. "Alright everyone, combat time." Now that they had a second to speak, Booker generated a map of the facility. Having a telepath relay the information of a building from one brain to another was rather helpful.

"The corridor that we're in now splits off into two, symmetrical hallways. This antechamber has the office square in the center, and the two hallways converge down at the end back into a singular path. The way into the office is simple, but there are several offshoots that armed guards can and will enter from once we do our job. As soon as they find the guards here, they're going to sound the alarm. That's okay, just remember your training. Bonny, this is where your mutation is important. Once you're dreaming, we'll have you make various adjustments to the building. blocking off passageways, transforming weapons, that sort of thing."

"Rose Mary, Tatiana, please remember. No blood. incapacitate only. Shawn, keep an eye on how much electricity you're sending into people. remember where not to hit them to ensure you don't permanently harm them. Heidi, keep tabs during combat, if you can. Wade, Cable, and their guest will be arriving shortly to help sway our target, and after that, we'll be fighting our way out." He didn't mention chrys, but that was because Cable had something special planned, and only the techno-organic man could explain his role in the mission correctly.

"Now, let's get going. We're going to get in there. Bonny is going to seal off the room, so we can have some alone time with the president of Transigen."

And off they went.

Booker, Emma, and Laura made sure that the group only went down one hallway, as to not separate them just yet. Laura quickly and mercilessly beat down any guards in their path, assisted by Emma's telepathy, until they reached the doors to the office.

Using his powers as a conduit of mana, Booker wrenched the door open with a construct, forcefully bypassing any security measures set up to prevent such a thing. The alarms hadn't gone off yet, but it was only a matter of time.

"W-what?" An older gentleman sat in a desk in the office all by himself. His desk was rather simplistic, having no drawers of it's own. It was like wire framing, making most of his body visible to those who had just entered. "I'm not receiving any visitors today, especially by any Mutants!" He had moved his arm out to hit a button on his desk, but Booker stopped him with another construct. The man's whole body was encased in a slab of green energy, only his head exposed to allow him to breathe.

"Time to sleep, Bonny." Emma wrapped her slender arms around Bonny just before using her powers to bring another to sleep. She didn't want Bonny falling on the ground, so Emma sat down on the ground and set Bonny on her lap, much like a mother would do with their child.

Her eyes closed as the reached out fully to Bonny, connecting to her in Bonny's mind so that they could replace the broken door with a three foot deep wall of concrete, leaving only the ventilation system as the only way in or out of this room.

"Now that we're here, and everyone is just about ready, the alarms are going to go off, and our friends are going to join us with an explosive entrance." Booker explained, taking the reins as leader of the team again. The president of the company shouted and raved, using slurs at all of them, who he was sure were mutants because of Booker's powers.

It only took Laura sauntering closer and dragging a single claw over his face to get him to shut up in fear. It didn't help that the tense situation forced him to alleviate himself in the construct, making it a god awful sight for anyone watching.

"We need to keep you mutants in check!" The president said sternly. "your powers are unpredictable, and could cause massive harm to anyone nearby."

"We don't need control, mister president. We need the X-men. Protectors who will step in to combat these threats when they occur, not some way to restrain mutant kind to keep them from ever progressing." Booker said, keeping the man still. Still, he refused to listen, and the group simply had to wait until Wade and Cable got there before doing anything else.

Once in the building, Wade and Cable made sure their guest was close buy. The alarms had already started sounding, an indication of them being late. It wasn't a problem, though. Laura and the others should be waiting in the central office. Right now, Wade jumped around, swords in both hands, slicing anyone within a ten foot radius of him with the exception of his friend and new girl.

Cable was keeping himself busy by shooting anyone who wasn't being cut up, leaving Olinda with little to do right now. They two of them were easily turning the hallways into the scene of a massacre, almost as if they knew when and where each goon was going to show up.

It was a matter of time before they reached the office, now covered by a large block of concrete.

"Olinda." Cable looked down at her. "Can you open this up and close it once we're inside? The rest of our group is inside."

Getting in, Cable wasted no time coming up to Chrys. "Chrys. I need you to put everyone in this room in your subspace." He spoke loud enough to make sure everyone was hearing. "Every previous time on this mission, we were stopped because of something we could no foresee. Now that we know everything up until this point, Chrys needs to put us all in subspace so that we can deal with this man. Once he dies, the future will be altered, and Laura and possibly Wade will stop existing. This creates a paradox. While in subspace, we are no longer effected by the laws of time in space, which mean after his removal, Laura and Wade will continue to exist."
"Cam would have been your first choice if you valued technical know-how over skill as a ranger." Tori commented rather quietly. While he will always be the Green Samurai to the team, he wasn't a ninja like the rest of them. He could fight, there was no doubt about that, but it was the green ranger powers that put him on their level, not his base skill.

Still, she was a little sad that she couldn't yell and post in front of the bad guys like the good old days.

The alarm rang, and Billy gave them their new orders. Danny and Tori both quietly chanted their call signs as they went through the portal and morphed.

Going through the portal, both rangers had their blasters armed and aimed, ready to take out any incoming threats. "You still had your ranger powers after the bad guy went down?" Danny was rather curious, as it seemed pretty common for rangers to give up their powers to save the world.

"They were given back to me, believe it or not." She remarked. "The Overdrive Rangers called me in for help and reconnected me to the Morphing Grid, so I'm the only Wind Ranger with their powers now."
@Burning Kittystill in, sorry for my absence
Hello! Akaya brought me here, and this seems like a good time! are you guys still open for characters?
@Silver Carrotuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Just small posts for right now, "oh look this is a thing here, let me think about it. I shall use my incredible comupter brain to computate the best possible route out of this place for after we murder a man (or several men) and blow the facility on our way out! Surely the walk in the park into the lab is only a hint at how difficult it will be to escape!"

Honestly I wanted to avoid writing a long wall of plot driven text where nobody was allowed to do anything, but seperating the events into different posts pretty much does the exact same thing, so my bad on that one.
@Burning KittyShe doesn't have to. They just suggested them to try and not speak english. Since no one else is speaking english, she can if she wants to.
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