Avatar of Rai
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.50 / day)
  • VMs: 7
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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4 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
4 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Wounds / Soul / Stamina

Wounds - You will be injured. These injuries will affect your characters in variable ways. The severity will be noted. Minor wounds to major wounds. Incur enough of either and your character will be defeated. Wounds will be judged based on what hit, where it hit, and how it hit the character.

Soul - How your character does their supernatural magic. Even breathing fire costs soul. Keep track of what you are using. If you run out of soul you can no longer manipulate elements or much else. Most uses of power cost 2 soul. Such as forming a fireball, firing a beam of light, or creating a shadow spear. The cost is set in stone and so is the limits of the abilities.

Stamina - Actions require energy and that is your stamina. Without it you can no longer move. Keep track of it or be easily defeated. Most actions require no energy. But performing strenuous maneuvers or constant activity will cost stamina. Constant running for example will cost 1 stamina per five minutes. Anything above that will cost 2 or more depending on the severity.

Ascension Arena: Champion Maker

This will be the start of a new role play game I want to get rolling with good faith. Though I'm not used to the Arena I think this fits better here and may increase overall activity. This game will hopefully be easy to get into and will have many different fair ways to play. Where you can make a fighter using the abilities available in anyway possible. Then once accepted you can challenge other players or go through trials to test the character or to develop them.

This will be mostly strategy based. Your writing level shouldn't matter too much just how you use your character's chosen abilities. The abilities will be predetermined based on the bloodline you choose. Not based on what unique ability you've made. But it is possible that someone can develop their character over time to attain rewards that will allow them to.

Champion Creation

Appearance: Describe appearance. Include Height and weight in the description. An image can be used with the description.
Blood%: Must equal to 100 and be in multiples of 10.
Items: Nothing here but 100 Gold.
Special abilities: Put nothing here.
S/S: Soul / Stamina Make it 20 / 20
Background: A bit of lore or history of this champion. Optional.
Level: Put 1 here.


Spend your gold here...

Rewards for victory


<_< Well at least I got some new monsters out of it. Later.

Could use a post from you two beauties before the others move too far ahead.
"So you're a hunter? Can't say I know much myself about surviving in the wilds but Vrondi is a fruitful land." He winked. Pointing upwards to the fruits hanging high up. "Maybe your little friend could be useful in retrieving some." The fruits above were orange and a bit long and fat. The less ripe ones were more sun kissed yellow. "Drop me down three and I'll pay you five gold pieces for them."

@Zealous Blade
"OH well. I do believe I have an old tunic of his." She looked around and began to get up from her seat. She slowly shuffled her way to a back room down the hall. Soon reappearing with a white silk tunic folded in her grasp. "Please use this. It's an old shirt of his but I'm sure it will be useful in finding him. The last place he was said to be was on the higher floors. Maybe at an inn." She let out a tired sigh. "Please try your best. I may pay you even if you don't find him. But please try."

Once Donovan was out the door and on the trail he would be led, mysteriously, further down inside the tree towards the elevating magical platform made of wood. Up he would go up a weightless stream with remnants of the supposed magic encircling him and his monster for a few minutes after they've stepped off. The town would grow a bit smaller below them as they began to rise up several meters. But the second floor was right on level with them once they arrived. Down the busy streets now, this was where the businesses of Sunfire were held. He would be forced to stop at a building's front door. One shaped like a giant bush, covered in leaves. It read Bound by Love. The door was made of wood.

That's fine. You were never in yet. >_>

Post-By-Post: Each post will be reviewed. But do not worry about making posts long and intricate. Though it is appreciated. I prefer detailed posts with small increments of time between them. Often times posts can have far too many actions. So for each post one action that may or may not affect the other character is the recommended amount. You do not want to edit your post to reduce your actions. Instead focus on possibly needing to edit it for more actions after review.


Try not to do these as best you can.

Autohit - Establishing a confirmed hit or contact in the same turn an action was initiated on an opponent is prohibited. Participating parties are allowed to react to any action when applicable, and recipient of a perceived hit is permitted options in response to the proposal of an enemy player in accordance with Play-By Post rules. Ruling An interception may infer an autohit if the receiving party is unable to respond to the action of the proponent.

Godmodding - Control of the opponent or their actions is forbidden. Negation and Immunities may full under this category.

Meta-Game - Using Out Of Character knowledge and information in character. Blatant unjustified actions is prohibited pertaining to precise disassembling of a character or ability/power they control. Retroactions and Precognition fall under this category. Information your character does not have access to constitutes as Meta-gaming.

Precognition - The power to perceive predetermined events is not allowed. Calculations and heuristic creativity is permissible.

Retroaction - To undo an action proposed by the original party in the next post is unacceptable. An action can be cancelled by a player with minimum committal when applicable, but the act of resetting or reversing a previously stated action is disallowed. Example: creating an action, and upon the enemy player's response, deciding that said established action never occurred. Meta-gaming with explicit intent in a Retroaction is forbidden.


Wounds / Soul / Stamina

Wounds - You will be injured. These injuries will affect your characters in variable ways. The severity will be noted. Minor wounds to major wounds. Incur enough of either and your character will be defeated. Wounds will be judged based on what hit, where it hit, and how it hit the character.

Soul - How your character does their supernatural magic. Even breathing fire costs soul. Keep track of what you are using. If you run out of soul you can no longer manipulate elements or much else. Most uses of power cost 2 soul. Such as forming a fireball, firing a beam of light, or creating a shadow spear. The cost is set in stone and so is the limits of the abilities.

Stamina - Actions require energy and that is your stamina. Without it you can no longer move. Keep track of it or be easily defeated. Most actions require no energy. But performing strenuous maneuvers or constant activity will cost stamina. Constant running for example will cost 1 stamina per five minutes. Anything above that will cost 2 or more depending on the severity.

Ascension Arena: Champion Maker

This will be the start of a new role play game I want to get rolling with good faith. Though I'm not used to the Arena I think this fits better here and may increase overall activity. This game will hopefully be easy to get into and will have many different fair ways to play. Where you can make a fighter using the abilities available in anyway possible. Then once accepted you can challenge other players or go through trials to test the character or to develop them.

This will be mostly strategy based. Your writing level shouldn't matter too much just how you use your character's chosen abilities. The abilities will be predetermined based on the bloodline you choose. Not based on what unique ability you've made. But it is possible that someone can develop their character over time to attain rewards that will allow them to.

Champion Creation

Appearance: Describe appearance. Include Height and weight in the description. An image can be used with the description.
Blood%: Must equal to 100 and be in multiples of 10.
Items: Nothing here but 100 Gold.
Special abilities: Put nothing here.
S/S: Soul / Stamina Make it 20 / 20
Background: A bit of lore or history of this champion. Optional.


Spend your gold here...

Rewards for victory

"I'm just headed back home to Twilight town after picking up some goods in Sunfire." His carriage seemed to slow down as it came closer to her. The rider seeming a bit worried. "You and your pet going to be ok out here all by yourselves?"

"Oh please." She came to the door quickly. Upon opening it an elderly woman with long white hair curled up in rows going down her back. Small white bark like antlers on her head with a yellow flower and a few vines hanging down them. Her eyes, for the few times they were visible, were a light green. Greying a little from her poor sight. On her simple white robe was the symbol of the sun as a necklace around her neck. "Do come in." She opened the door and let the boy in, but paused at the sight of the monster. "Oh my. Is it possible for you to leave your pet outside?"

Once Donovan was inside she would sit them down on a giant mushroom table with chairs with no back support. Yet she felt just fine on the cushioned fungus. In her hands and offered to Donovan was tea. "While we Sol here in Sunfire don't mind it much. This tea clears out spores and pollen. It's nearly always spring here." She had a kind face and lightly laughed. "I do miss my grandchild. He just up and vanished. I sent the Taxis to find him but they said he left to be with a woman he's been seeing! But where is he? Why doesn't he let me see her or tell me where he is? Can you please find out for me? No one seems to believe me when I know there's something wrong here!"
@Zealous Blade
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