Avatar of rawkhawk64
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    1. rawkhawk64 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current My RP Muse has returned, so hopefully I can find an RP or two to focus it towards.
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6 yrs ago
So, I'm on some sort of official and consistent schedule now. Which is nice, unless life decides to screw it up for me.
8 yrs ago
Hooray for being back in the swing of things! I'm back to a mostly regular upload schedule for my LP's, and I can even stream now! Hoorah!
9 yrs ago
RIP Satoru Iwata. Gone, but never forgotten. You will be missed.
9 yrs ago
Might be moving soon. What fun


What's up, Rawk Flawk and visitors alike!

I... am the Master Gamer, rawkhawk64. This also happens to be one of my internet hidey-holes. I enjoy all manner of Roleplays, usually fantasy or sci-fi settings. I also do fandoms. I'll usually check out any Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, or Pokemon RP's. I'll also check out other fandoms I like, but those usually have to be done well.

As for what I do outside the Guild, the big one is streams. You can catch me at twitch.tv/rawkhawk64.

Hope to have fun RP'ing with you!

Most Recent Posts

Shame, too. This was a fun RP.
The Stirrings of Trouble

Days Since Arrival- 33 [2 day timeskip]

Tags: @Frater Jeremiah

Transmission Incoming:

To anyone who might be out there, for the love of whatever god is listening I hope you get this and get it fast! We've been on the run this past month or so, fuck knows I didn't keep track. Soldiers, monsters, hell god-fucking-damned sorcerers showed up in the mix! It's been a shitshow from the start and we were caught with our pants down. Despite it all we managed to make our way south, us and some other folk we found along the way. Then met up with some... well tribals I'd guess you'd call them, said they were gods or some such bullshit. They were camped around some huge generator or something, I don't fucking know. Anyways, for a while it seemed like a safe place, they were strong, stronger than any of us that's for sure. But out of the blue a bunch of Road-Warrior rejects showed up and set the place ablaze. Some of us fought, most of us hid while the tribe went to meet them in force. It didn't take long for the bunch of savages to get ripped apart by the bastards.

We ran as quick as we could when the chief's head was cleaved off his shoulders and dashed on the rocks. I ain't fucking around man, these psychos got all sorts of weird grimy-lookin' tech on 'em. Big guns, mechanical arms, blades and spikes all over 'em. Hooping and hollerin' like a bunch of dumb animals as they wen't round rippin' out innards and quartering bodies. It was about a a day and two nights before they were done, and we heard their buggies and trucks roaring behind us. We scattered, different folks from different groups spreading out so some of us could try and make it out. Not many of us made it this far, found some big ass fort and locked it up tighter than a virgin in Gomorrah. Wasn't long before they found the place and now they're beating down all the fucking walls around us. Don't know who's out there, if anyone is, but help us out and we'll owe you, big. Sending coordinates out, and just gonna hope something worse than those bastards doesn't come a knockin'. Fuck it.

It was this message that had sent a large force of the Grineer (led by Sargas Ruk) meeting up with Vay Hek's scouting party. The forces were now heading toward the coordinates that had been sent in the message. The Grineer had finally managed to get some aerial units up and running. The force (which consisted of 20 soldiers from every military class, and some elite Eximus units (1 Energy Leech, 3 Arson, 3 Arctic, 2 Leech). There were also 3 Prosecutors that were part of Vay Hek's personal guard. An additional 2 Bombards and 2 Bailiffs were a part of Sargas Ruk's guard. There were also 5 Shield Dargyns and 5 Lancer Dreg's accompanying the troops from the Sky. Lastly, Vay Hek was in his Terra Frame. When he had to walk on the ground, his steps caused the ground nearby to shake. All in all, the Grineer marching were a fearsome sight to behold. They had yet to build any sizable transports, but were fielding some personnel carriers. The vehicles weren't equipped with any weaponry, but were much faster than the marching they'd had to resort to up to this point.

In the personnel carrier that housed Ruk and Hek was exaclty in the center, the most defensable position. Ruk picked up a communicator. "Eg gwuwhuzi zupizus" ["See anything suspicious?"] he asked. One of the Eximus units replied. "Noh aktovitoi te reporta." ["No activity to report."] They were sticking to Grineer vernacular as much as possible, to avoid their transmissions being entirely understood. It was still another day's travel to the coordinates at this rate, and Ruk was antsy. He had only assembled this force on the order of the Queens. His tactician's senses were telling him something was off with this whole situation.

After Hek had found every single inhabitant of the primitive tribe dead, he had reported back and been ordered to join up with the forces. He and Ruk might differ on some points of view, but they both loved their Empire, and wanted to see their Queens rule over all that lived. At least the general had brought his beloved Terra Frame along. Still, he felt the same unease about the situation as his compatriot. He was just a bit calmer about it. Years of politics helped with that.
Honestly, I only see the Grineer interacting with the Daleks in order to get their hands on some better weapons. Although if they get the idea to use Dalekanium or Metalert for their Famorians, then everyone's boned if they get some from the Daleks.
Part of me wants to add the Corpus, or even the Infested. I just don't think we need another mindless group whose goal amounts to nothing more than spreading themselves via the annihilation of all that exists.
@Red Alice

Working on a post now. It'll be a two-day timeskip for the Grineer.
Thinking about having the Grineer mobilize a force to head toward the event. Might need a small timeskip of a day or two in order for that to be possible, though.
As intriguing as this is, I'm gonna watch rather than participate. The only character I'd wanna throw into here is waaaay to strong. Still, this oughta be fun to watch.
Finally made a post. I was unsure about how to handle a few things.
Encampments and Refugees

Mentions: @Bluetommy (Storm Tribe)

Location: Near the Storm Tribe camp

After a full day of marching, a night of rest, and another half-day of marching, Vay Hek and his little scouting party had found the source of the fires. It appeared to be an entire group of people. They appeared to be primitive at best, but Vay Hek was taking 0 chances. He and his men had set up a small camp nearby, and were now employing a few Blunts as defensive fortifications. Vay Hek had radioed back to the Grineer Fortress, and recieved the orders to observe. After all, there was no way of knowing whether or not the beings were violent or not. Vay Hek had gained a healthy measure of caution after years of dealing with the Tenno. While they appeared harmless, they were from from it. So, the Grineer party had asked for reinforcements (to arrive within a day or two). Until then, they had withdrawn several hundred yards and set up camp.

"Councilor, the Blunts have been deployed." one of the Scorpions had approached him. Hek gave her a sign that she'd been heard, before having her order the Shield Lancers to patrol. The Scorpion saluted, then walked away. Vay Hek knew that it rankled some of the female soldiers to have to listen to himself or Sargas Ruk. It was a well-known fact in the Origin System that the Grineer were largely a matriarchal society. However, that did not mean that males couldn't rise to power. He was a prime example of this.

The mechanized man halted his thoughts, and observed the people from a distance. They appeared primitive, and Vay Hek was sure that they would be crushed under the Grineer army if it came to it. However, the councilor hadn't gotten to his position by being an idiot. No, caution was best here, and it seemed the Queens agreed if they'd ordered him to wait and observe. Perhaps they would encounter another group out here, another scouting party. War was not something the Grineer needed right now.

While Vay Hek was sweating bullets about what to do, Sargas Ruk had no such qualms. One of his patrolling parties had radioed him earlier in the morning with interesting news. They'd found a group of people in a cave nearby. The people were largely civilians, and the still-mutated appearance of the Grineer frightened them. The men had guarded the cave from some of the more violent wildlife whle Sargas Ruk himself arrived. He was escorted by two Hyekka Masters, two Drahk Masters, and a couple of Bombards and Bailiffs. Soon after his arrival, Sargas Ruk approached the man who had been chosen as the representative of these refugees.

"My good sir, I'm glad your people have found us. We've been lost here for a month, with little food and water to survive. We would appreciate any help you could give.". Sargas Ruk stopped to think. He'd discussed this issue with the Queens, who had given him permission to make whatever decision he saw fit.

"Hmm... well, we might have a place for you all in our lovely Empire. Our Queens were most generous in giving me the power to make the decision regarding your fates. So long as you agree to our conditions, we won't kill you on the spot." Ruk replied. The man seemed to begin sweating bullets, but nodded. "Essentially, you'll be heavy labor for us. If we find you have the suitable requirements, then we could find other uses for you." Sargas Ruk finally decided. The man started to protest, until he saw that one of the Grineer Bombards was handling his Ogris in an aggressive manner. After conferring with the rest of the refugees, they reluctantly agreed. Ruk quickly callled for more reinforcements, and the refugees were lead away to their new, hard life.
The Grineer have enough defects, tyvm.
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