Avatar of rawkhawk64
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 772 (0.20 / day)
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    1. rawkhawk64 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current My RP Muse has returned, so hopefully I can find an RP or two to focus it towards.
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6 yrs ago
So, I'm on some sort of official and consistent schedule now. Which is nice, unless life decides to screw it up for me.
8 yrs ago
Hooray for being back in the swing of things! I'm back to a mostly regular upload schedule for my LP's, and I can even stream now! Hoorah!
9 yrs ago
RIP Satoru Iwata. Gone, but never forgotten. You will be missed.
9 yrs ago
Might be moving soon. What fun


What's up, Rawk Flawk and visitors alike!

I... am the Master Gamer, rawkhawk64. This also happens to be one of my internet hidey-holes. I enjoy all manner of Roleplays, usually fantasy or sci-fi settings. I also do fandoms. I'll usually check out any Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, or Pokemon RP's. I'll also check out other fandoms I like, but those usually have to be done well.

As for what I do outside the Guild, the big one is streams. You can catch me at twitch.tv/rawkhawk64.

Hope to have fun RP'ing with you!

Most Recent Posts

Oh, it's this again! Hell, yeah! Count me in!
As Brutus listened, Ria asked the question that was on everyone's minds. That was when King piped up, a look of glee on his face.

"Glad you asked!" Their leader then pulled out a silver claymore with a weird ornate bell attached to the pommel. Despite them being inside, the bell swayed as if there were some sort of invisible breeze. "This is the Bing Bong sword!"

What. Just what. Brutus had to give himself a minute to absorb the absolutely ridiculous name of the sword. However, King assured them that it could indeed take out a ghost. "I don't know which one of you can use it best so I'll just give it to... Brutus!"

Just... double what? As Brutus took the sword, he could definitely feel the power the sword emitted. The whole get-up, while it looked and sounded ridiculous, definitely seemed like there was something... more... to it. Brutus took the sword in his hand, unsure of what to do. He'd never really used a sword in his life.

'Why couldn't it have been a gun? Or even a dagger? Why a claymore? How am I supposed to tag anything with both of my hands occupied?' For him, he got the most accurate tags with his hands. Still, at least they had something to fight the ghosts with. Brutus just hoped he could channel his power through it if needed... However, he never got to ask as King left with the missing cat posters. Well, so much for that...

"Well, I'll meet the rest of you at the site." Brutus said, strapping the sword to his back before taking off running, using his powers to help him arrive more quickly.

As Brutus arrived at the location, he glanced at the place. Derelict? Check. Creepy? Check. Seemed like a prime location for ghosts. Brutus sighed, standing in front of the place and waiting for the others. As he waited, he heard a voice loudly cackling from within. Great. Others were here first. Of course they had competition in dealing with the mark. As each person arrived, Brutus warned them of the competition. There was no telling if they were from St. Laurel's or from Mephisto's school (their two biggest sources of competition). However, competition meant competent fighters, which could spell trouble.
Brutus sat in one of the pews of the Church of Candles, watching as King prepared himself to speak to them. It seemed he hadn't called very many Vigilantes to this meeting. Brutus himself was a bit surprised, as King usually left him to his own devices. Then again, it seemed that everyone here had been hand-picked. Watching King enter with Ria had been a big tip-off that something was up. Brutus stopped playing with some electricity sparking in his hand as King cleared his throat.

While Brutus was a bit annoyed that the Viglantes found themselves completely broke, he couldn't exactly blame their leader. The priest could easily have turned them down, but didn't. What really caught Brutus' attention was the statement that followed. An exorcism. Brutus hadn't been on one in a couple of weeks. They were usually the most interesting of the jobs. However, one problem struck Brutus.

'Haunting? Doesn't that mean ghosts?' Demons were one thing. In fact, Brutus himself had few issues with the lower-level ones. However, ghosts were another thing. There was no substance. No substance means no means to tag them, which meant he was as useless as a cat in water. Brutus quickly glanced over to Melanie. She was one of his favorites to work with on missions. They had an interesting team dynamic, when they bothered to put their rivalry aside. He quirked an eyebrow at her, almost saying 'Ghosts? How do we deal with those?' However, the boy said nothing himself, content with trying to rapidly devise some sort of plan.

As far as any of the Vigilantes go, Brutus is up for whatever.
@6slyboy6 I mean, I have no issues. We'd just have to work the dynamic out, unless the Boss has something to say about it.
@6slyboy6 We'd have to see how to work it out. I'd be up for it, depending on if we can find a reason why the two would still remain in contact after Brutus left.
Okay, I've put in Brutus' relationships with the three leaders. On his end, there's respect for King and his goal, but some skepticism of his origin. Other than that, if anyone in St. Laurel's (older students from before he left) or the Viglantes that wanna figure out any relationships, just let me know.
I've edited my post with an appearance pic, and Brutus' alignment.
Okay, so I already have a CS idea. Dunno where to stick him. Might depend on if anyone wants to form any friendships or other relationships with him.
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