Avatar of RawrEspada4
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: RawrEspada4
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 492 (0.13 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. RawrEspada4 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current It's my annual pilgrimage back to the Guild, maybe this time a game will catch my eye & I'll actually stay around. Here's hoping <3
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3 yrs ago
I AM BACK!!! I mean probably not really but I AM browsing interest checks. Cya all next year when I make another status about returning.
4 yrs ago
Been stuck inside and off work for a month thanks to the plague so thought I'd take a look around here again <3 ^_^
7 yrs ago
Stoked to dive back into some rps, can't wait to have my first IC post in something like 18 months ^_^
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9 yrs ago
Looks like it was temporary, I'm back guys. Sorry for disappearing was hard being here without Orch. Still is really.


I'm a 28 year old guy from Middle of Nowhere, USA. Nearest town of any size is nearly 30 minutes from where I live I now live in a slightly-larger-than-small-town I now live in an actually decent sized town. I spend most of my free time on a free to play Magic the Gathering client where I'm a mod and judge but I do still spend a little bit everyday on here. I now spend most of my free time working on my own creative endeavors which includes the media review podcast Copilots Review of which I am one half of. And basically spend no time on here. I have however not been overly active as of late on here. Anyways I've been roleplaying for about 15 years now, getting my start in tabletops and only recently joined the ranks of forum roleplay about 9 years ago. That said I love RPing, Magic the Gathering and music.

If anyone needs to reach me off the guild I'm very reachable on Kik at rawrespada4 and at my hotmail... which you guessed it is rawrespada4@hotmail.com. Honestly if you see a rawrespada4 somewhere it's probably me, this is my username for just about everything so feel free to say hey if you me somewhere. Best bet to reach me off guild now days though is on discord where my user is Rawrespada4 #0581.

Most Recent Posts

Iron Atwood

“This is my third and penultimate year,” Iron spoke with a definite air of confidence, “However, not everyone can graduate to the rank of Master in just four years so as far as pointers-- pace yourself, you know yourself best.” As he spoke Iron adjusted his heading towards the mess hall. “Oh and don’t miss breakfast, the university is named after the meal… and lastly if the violin playing bothers you I suggest picking up some decent headphones, Nialla’s made it a near daily habit since he started here last year,”

Having taken the lead as he spoke Iron reached the mess hall doors before Theo. “You can dine with me,” Iron turned and added in an off-hand manner as he stepped through the door into the mess hall. Not waiting to see if Theo would follow Iron found himself a table, and marked it as his by removing his jacket and folding it across one of the chairs. After claiming a table Iron set about assembling a plate full of various breakfast foods, before seating himself back at the table and waiting to see if the newcomer would join him. As he waited he toyed with an earbud ready to return to the world of mid-century jazz.

@Ebil Bunny

I might have a proposition for you on your character if you're interested. I'll send you a PM.

Send away
Getting started on my first post now. Probably have it up in about 2-3 hours. On another note @PrinceAlexus and @Pilatus I have the Footsteps Sports Bar finished, or at least ready for review.

Everyone Pick a Number From 1-9 !

And no, I will not be answering questions why.

Gimme that 2
@PrinceAlexus @Pilatus

Okay so the character is finally done, the bio isn't really up to what I'd call par but today has been complete shit and I don't want to put this off any longer. I'll probably go in and flesh out the bio in the next couple days but really just wanted to get it posted.

That all said I also have a location on the way, Footsteps Sports Bar.

Hey guys just want to apologize for the delays on my character, I actually fell asleep working on him. The bio and likes/dislikes is taking a little more time than I thought, I will have him posted today though.
@RawrEspada4 Iron's appearance picture still isn't showing up properly for me

It was looks like I'm having an issue with the photobucket account I hosted it on, looking into fixing the issue now. Sorry just woke up.

EDIT: The issue seems to be resolved, sorry about that.
Iron Atwood

As Mede began his introduction of the Headmaster to the crowd of students Iron began putting his sketchbook away and by the time that the Headmaster had landed he had just finished wrapping his ear buds and stowing his phone in his pocket. With the distinct lack of jazz filtering out the world around him Iron became aware of the bittersweet violin melody playing throughout the school. Immediately he recognized the style if not the exact melody.

“Wonderful,” Iron thought to himself, “another year of Nialla’s depressing melodies echoing through the campus. Just another reason to never leave my earbuds in my room,” The habits of the music mage had become common place during their last year and while some of the student body loved his music, Iron detested it. Just about every time he heard those violin melodies it brought back memories of his childhood, before his grandfather had taken him on as an apprentice. A time that, for Iron, was doggedly marked by loneliness and detachment.

With the violin acting as the background music to the Headmaster’s speech Iron soon found himself filing on to the campus train where the speech continued. It was probably not the best venue for an opening speech as most of the first years spent more of the train ride trying to cope with the speed of the train than actually paying attention to what the Headmaster had to say. And as for the returning students the speech didn’t offer much in way of new information. It was the same typical speech that Iron had been privy to the last couple years, mainly highlighting the limit of the campus grounds and the requirements for field trips and so on and so forth. It was actually the exact issue of trying to give an opening speech on such a train that was the cause of a first year now asking Iron what the speech had been about.

“It wasn’t really all that important,” Iron began while turning to face the raven-haired first year. “The main bullet points: the forest is forbidden… unless you happen to be a Journeyman-level mage, don’t make pacts with the campus fae or spirits and breakfast is free daily, but only until 10 A.M.” Iron listed off the highlights to the annual speech while ticking them off on his fingers. “I would say you should pay better attention, first year, but the train was probably a bad venue choice for the entrance speech”

“I’m Iron Atwood by the way,” Iron added this last sentence as more of an afterthought along with an extended hand in way of introduction.

@Ebil Bunny
@RawrEspada4 exactly 999 hectares total area. That's 9.99 sq.km. I'll update the map tomorrow. Celebrating my birthday ahahaha.

Well happy birthday ^_^
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