Avatar of Realmatic
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  • Posts: 770 (0.29 / day)
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    1. Realmatic 7 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*I attempt to empower myself via any evil or malevolence that happens to be in the area before releasing an explosion of corrosive darkness*

*The sudden darkness cuts effortlessly through a swath of Scribes*
<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

Very well. Jump: Eyesight.
*Blue-purple runes on my legs glow and I materialize by the scribes*

*A green mercenary turns to you and attempts to exhaust your limbs; a blue mercenary turns and hurls a volley of blasts of energy and fire at you from several sides*
<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*The Falzar armor dissipates into voxels*
Life Aura 3, battlechip in, download!
*A purple aura engulfs me like a flame, consuming attacks as they enter*

*A red-marked mercenary runs in and attempts to teleport the attacks past the flame*
<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*As some of them shift their focus towards trying to stop the gold needles flying through their golden city, stainless steel erupts from the ground at their feet and quickly entangles several of the scribes, restricting their ability to move before also restricting their ability to speak while still letting them breathe. In the few moments that distracts their attention, I fire several black colored needles up into the sky before resuming with the gold needles on the scribes left untrapped by the metal from the ground.*

*The momentum of the gold needles continues to be reversed*
-They don't need hands to work their transformations—but the mercenaries in red are reversing your attacks!
<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*I return to human form and take a knee behind the wall, acting as if I'm taking a aim with an invisible bow and arrow. As I do this my staff starts spinning and a one inch wide and foot and a half long double ended needle of gold forms out of the wall. It seems to float inside what looks to be a series of internally gold plated rings along a that have the top quarter cut out and the bottom half fused to a rail mounted on the wall.
As I pull back on the imaginary bow the large gold needle slides backwards through the rings, electricity sparking from their interior plating as the setup lines up with my imaginary shot.
In the moment I release, the makeshift railgun fires towards my target, though a new needle immediately forms as I already take aim and fire again within milliseconds, having soon fired at several of the scribes before the first needle has even had a chance to hit.*

*The needles strike home, taking down several scribes before they realize what's happening and attempt to reverse the momentum of the needles*
Imma bed, night guys.

<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*Runs toward the spire*

*Your motion is heavily resisted*
-Blood Scribes cause the block on our motion! Attack red and dark purple coloured mercenaries first!
<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*I stop the blade with my supernatural strength and stab it into the ground. Steadying myself, I look at the area behind the Scribe and teleport to it before manipulating his shadow into a spear that shoots upwards toward his skull*

*The shadow is tilted up and just misses; several dozen of the atoms of your sword and body undergo nuclear fission; all the energy from the ensuing nuclear explosions is redirected against you*
<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

Nix: *My staff floats next to me and suddenly points down then up, a short wall of steel rising from within the ground behind PD's grass and getting in the way. It can easily be jumped over or hid behind.*

*Aron and Seth duck behind it*

<Snipped quote by Realmatic>

*The grass in the landscape creates a green aura that restores any matter destroyed*

*The destructive power of the blast is negated*

<Snipped quote by Nimda>

*I nod and draw Sadreenyl before flying towards my foes at speeds fast enough to break the sound barrier*
*I channel darkness into my weapon and slash through an Obsidian Scribe as I approach*

*As it swings toward the scribe, the sword appears just past him harmlessly; the sword's angular momentum is heavily amplified so that it swings you around with it into another blast of destructive power*
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