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<Snipped quote by Source>

*an amaranthine beast is flung in your direction*

Falcon: Sorry! Slipped out of my hands.

*Slams my mechanized fist on its back, burying the creature in a pile of rubble*
Wow! This thing packs a punch. See what I did there?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*watches closely from the cameras positioned outside the cockpit of Falcon's mech*

*Comes flying through the hall, suited up and integrated with the suit*
*Skids to a spin, stopping in front of you*
<Snipped quote by Source>

- .... what a strange individual.

Falcon: That's not a very nice thing to say to a pretty lady like her.

*blasts away several quadrupedal amaranthine beasts, which all begin to reshape from their 'wounds' and regain their footing*

Jackal: *flushes a tad bit red*

Now is not the time, Falcon.

*From the distance echoes the sound of successive banging and groaning metal*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Falcon: sounds like a plan! Jackal! Get in here and help me maintain power flication and levels. New girl! There's a maintenance mech located just down the hall to your left, keypad code is 10071009! Think you can pilot it? If you can, tune into vocal channel 02.

*My eyes light up*
Yesyesyesyes I absolutely can!!! Okay cool thanks bye!
*I take off, running in place for a few seconds while my feet slip on the ground, before launching at top speed and kicking up a short lived Surprise-shaped cloud of dust in my wake*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*laughs* sure, let's go with that title.

*as we turn the corner entering a large space seemingly kitted for training purposes we see a horde of amaranthine beasts attack a large mech that almost seems to be holding it's own, if not for the sheer overwhelming force of the monsters.*

Falcon: Bout damn time y'all showed up!

We have arrived to save you! Let’s get you out of here!
<Snipped quote by Source>

Smart move.
*cries of beasts echo through the halls alongside the grinding scrape of steel and metal against the ship's walls*

Sounds like we're close, make sure you're loaded up and ready. This might be a tough fight.

I’ve got everything I need. Don’t worry, we’ll save your girlfriend!
<Snipped quote by Source>

With these guys... you can only fight till you die, or run and hope for escape.

So whatever you do, don’t split up!
<Snipped quote by Source>

... we can only hope. When fighting against something that doesn't die.. do you really ever win?

I guess that depends on your win condition, huh?
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