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Are you telling me friendship is not magic?

@Mr Rage

oh this gunna be fun for Krista. Also sorry for my absence for a while, new years got crazy for a bit and it's finally calming down.

Mother to Many

Mid-40's | Pegasus | Mare

◇Physical Description◇

Ms Meadows bears her age well, and likes to think she can still turn heads even though her warm colors are reminiscent of a certain Equestrian hero, a fact that she plays off with good humor. Her body the classic pegasus body type, lean and compact, with patches of fur that can fluff up when she's cold.

Her cutie mark depicts a bird feeding its chick a worm, symbolic of her desire to help the younger generation.

◇Personality Elements◇

  • Kind
  • Lighthearted
  • Just a little bit of a smart-alack
  • Knows how to dig her hooves in


Summer was born and raised near the city of Baltimare, the oldest child of a very large family. While the family was poor in money as she grew up, they made it up with love, and hard work. Almost as soon as she walk to school, she helped her parents care for her many brothers and sisters. From cooking meals to helping with homework, she gladly took on the nickname "Mama Goose". Thus it wasn't a surprise that she kept on going in this role long after her father's hardware store finally took off.

By the time she reached adulthood, she knew she wanted to work with children. At the recommendation of her own teachers, she studied to be a counselor, smoothly earning her credentials. When the portal to Earth opened up, she eagerly took a position at one of the few Equestrian schools established around the portals, a slice of Equestria on Earth. She was visiting her family when the Rending happened, and while she wasn't initially part of initial wave of staff assigned to the reform schools, she was offered the job of Head Counselor at Bellbrooke as the scope of the project stretched the more experienced talent pool thin. Despite her inexperience, she was able to adapt to the job well, having fulfilled her role without complaint for years.

◇Skills and Talents◇

Cutie Mark Talent: Bird feeding a Chick
- Ms. Meadow's special talent is caring for others, specifically children. For her, the greatest joy is seeing those under her care grow and thrive, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

- Ms. Meadows has a way with words, able to deescalate situations and calm people down. This is, of course, relevant in her day job.

- In addition to being a certified flight instructor, Ms. Meadows keeps herself in shape with regular exercise, and has subbed in for the physical education teacher on several occasions.

First Aid:
- As part of her certifications, she had to take a First-Aid course, and maintain the certification. While she is by no means a doctor, she does know how to apply first aid for Equestrians and Humans alike.

Slight of Wing:
- Meadows is quite dexterous with her wings and is good with her hooves. She often carries pencils, purses, and other small items in her mane and tail, and can pull them out at a moment's notice.

◇Relics, Spells, and Techniques◇

- Cloudwalking, flight, and weather manipulation:
As a Pegasus, Ms. Meadows is able to access the typical compliment of Pegasus magic. While she isn't the most talented at using her weather manipulation, she is a certified flight instructor, and is registered as an auxiliary weather-pony should the need arise.


- 'Reading' Glasses: Always wears them, but a few students and staff claim that they are just an affectation and are non-corrective.
- Messenger Bag: This is where she keeps most of her small belongings when walking around. It is a plain green canvas messenger bag with a daisy clasp
- Stationary kit: A distinctly Equestrian quirk, she still uses her own molted quills and ink to write, though she has moved more towards the modern practice of pencils and erasers as they became cheaper. She still sharpens her quills and pencils with a pen knife.
- Lighter and a pack of Cigarettes: Kept near the bottom of her bag, she can sometimes be seen furtively flying off to smoke in the clouds with other flighted staff members.
- Keychain: Apart from the keys to her own office, living space, and other staff areas, she also has one of the few keys to the locked file cabinets containing a copy of every student's file.
- First Aid Kit: The best thing for boo-boos since kisses. Normally kept in her office, it contains a few bandages, styptic, and other items that can patch someone up enough to get them to the infirmary for proper treatment.

Mother to Many

Mid-40's | Pegasus | Mare

◇Physical Description◇

Ms Meadows bears her age well, and likes to think she can still turn heads even though her warm colors are reminiscent of a certain Equestrian hero, a fact that she plays off with good humor. Her body the classic pegasus body type, lean and compact, with patches of fur that can fluff up when she's cold.

Her cutie mark depicts a bird feeding its chick a worm, symbolic of her desire to help the younger generation.

◇Personality Elements◇

  • Kind
  • Lighthearted
  • Just a little bit of a smart-aleck
  • Knows how to dig her hooves in


Summer was born and raised near the city of Baltimare, the oldest child of a very large family. While the family was poor in money as she grew up, they made it up with love, and hard work. Almost as soon as she walk to school, she helped her parents care for her many brothers and sisters. From cooking meals to helping with homework, she gladly took on the nickname "Mama Goose". Thus it wasn't a surprise that she kept on going in this role long after her father's hardware store finally took off.

By the time she reached adulthood, she knew she wanted to work with children. At the recommendation of her own teachers, she studied to be a counselor, smoothly earning her credentials. When the portal to Earth opened up, she eagerly took a position at one of the few Equestrian schools established around the portals, a slice of Equestria on Earth. She was visiting her family when the Rending happened, and while she wasn't initially part of initial wave of staff assigned to the reform schools, she was offered the job of Head Counselor at Bellbrooke as the scope of the project stretched the more experienced talent pool thin. Despite her inexperience, she was able to adapt to the job well, having fulfilled her role without complaint for years.

◇Skills and Talents◇

Cutie Mark Talent: Bird feeding a Chick
- Ms. Meadow's special talent is caring for others, specifically children. For her, the greatest joy is seeing those under her care grow and thrive, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

- Ms. Meadows has a way with words, able to deescalate situations and calm people down. This is, of course, relevant in her day job.

- In addition to being a certified flight instructor, Ms. Meadows keeps herself in shape with regular exercise, and has subbed in for the physical education teacher on several occasions.

First Aid:
- As part of her certifications, she had to take a First-Aid course, and maintain the certification. While she is by no means a doctor, she does know how to apply first aid for Equestrians and Humans alike.

Slight of Wing:
- Meadows is quite dexterous with her wings and is good with her hooves. She often carries pencils, purses, and other small items in her mane and tail, and can pull them out at a moment's notice.

◇Relics, Spells, and Techniques◇

- Cloudwalking, flight, and weather manipulation:
As a Pegasus, Ms. Meadows is able to access the typical compliment of Pegasus magic. While she isn't the most talented at using her weather manipulation, she is a certified flight instructor, and is registered as an auxiliary weather-pony should the need arise.


- 'Reading' Glasses: Always wears them, but a few students and staff claim that they are just an affectation and are non-corrective.
- Messenger Bag: This is where she keeps most of her small belongings when walking around. It is a plain green canvas messenger bag with a daisy clasp
- Stationary kit: A distinctly Equestrian quirk, she still uses her own molted quills and ink to write, though she has moved more towards the modern practice of pencils and erasers as they became cheaper. Still, she still sharpens her quills and pencils with a pen knife.
- Lighter and a pack of Cigarettes: Kept near the bottom of her bag, she can sometimes be seen furtively flying off to smoke in the clouds with other flighted staff members.
- Keychain: Apart from the keys to her own office, living space, and other staff areas, she also has one of the few keys to the locked file cabinets containing a copy of every student's file.
- First Aid Kit: The best thing for boo-boos since kisses. Normally kept in her office, it contains a few bandages, styptic, and other items that can patch someone up enough to get them to the infirmary for proper treatment.
Okay, I am so sorry that took so long. Holiday crunchtime has been a killer over here.
Krista Reynolds

Krista had scarcely put her own hand down from returning the Captain's salute when the Sargent entered. Krista snapped to attention, her relief at seeing them alive tempered by the phantom burning her arms from the last time she didn't show her proper deference. Still, she was at the back of the group and seemingly unnoticed by the rest of the group, which suited her just fine.

She stayed in the back as they were shown the containment area, moving forward enough only to get a good look at the first screen. The creature just radiated unease, even through the screen. The idea that it was so close by unnerved her, and she found herself glancing between the screens and the sphere, half expecting it to try punching its way out like a comic book monster. Her gaze lingered its cell as the rest turned to the other. Like before, she couldn't help but feel a bit of a stranger to the proceedings.

She was one of the first to leave, having no business with the cadet she'd never met. However she made a point of approaching Elise, and saying "I'm glad to see you made it in one piece, Sargent." She kicked herself and quickly added "Or made it out alive, I mean."

I looked across the muddy pit, reeking of decay. My mind went back to some of the drug dens and brothels I'd busted, though the humidity made the stench cling to my nostrils. The lizards on the other side were oblivious to the group's presence, but I've seen enough gaurd dogs to know that could esily change. Last thing we needed was for

“Think you can get the other one?”

Marston turned back to Quiet, Cedar, and Julian.

“If you all have any other ideas, I’d be willing to hear ‘em.”

"I've hit harder targets." A trail of dead bodies testifies to that. I unholstered my gun, cradling it both hands and keeping the muzzle down. It was heavy in my hands, and mentally practiced the motion like I was at the station's range. Lift the gun, point at the target, and fire off a trio of shots. "Ready on your mark, I will take the one on the right."
@LeiaHairI think it's far to say we have at least a few pony fans in here, so if you want more clarification on those aspects feel free to air those questions.
Im so sorry, I didnt realize you were waiting on me to post. I will try to get a post up soon. @Dragoknighte
Whelp, I am watching. Certainly hoping to see this go through. Incidentally, if anyone needs to ask me questions about MLP and such, feel free to ask.
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