Avatar of Reflection
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    1. Reflection 10 yrs ago


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Wild idea, but I'm tempted to throw my hat in with Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Been wanting to mess around with his rather... Esoteric stuff lately.

Otherwise, I may just use my Ii Naomasa sheet I've got lying around. He's a Berserker.

He was cautious to a fault it seemed. Enough that Philoctetes choice to not attack only brought more attacks. The sudden aggression was a sign that the enemy either didn't like him for not shooting into a forest, or just didn't like him in general. And most of all, he was starting to see just how talented this archer was, because the arrows, even while fired from the depths of the woods, were flawless shots. Far from a novice, as if he let even a single hit, he suspected they'd hurt quite a bit.

This was why he kept his perch. So that when each arrow flew at him, he'd catch them in the act. Either shooting them down with one of his own, or gracefully hoping aside to another old telephone pole when the other was to dangerous to stand on. The enemy archer was certainly top tier. He'd only seen a rare few in his life. No doubt there were others on their tier. But how many could pull all of this together? Especially on a night where the only light came from few bits of moon that weren't peeking out through the dark clouds. As such, he could only expect them to have better eyes than him. Perhaps this was Chiron? No. He doubted it. Chiron would certainly have gone defensive if he identified Hydra poison on the arrows. Besides... Chiron was a centaur. Right?

Rather, he was facing a hunter with superior archery and a preference for the woods. Still not narrowing it down. He hardly had time to start making a list either, as he continued to play defense. If Archer was shooting at him, that meant they weren't shooting at an ally. A better scenario by far, considering how much distance he needed to properly keep up in the dead of night.

He moved from telephone post, to abandoned telephone post. Evading each arrow, or rather shooting them down. Keep them interested. He couldn't see his target. A sign that they were in their element. Was this a loss? He hated to say it, but it was obvious he wasn't going to be getting any results beyond just drawing another archer's ire.

Instead, he took aim, and fired an arrow off into the distance. Not towards the other archer, but towards the bolt of lightning that had gone off. His aim remarkably true in the illumination of that little display of power. His arrow sailing through the air, and targeting the Rider his ally Lancer had engaged. A little farewell gift, or a distraction.

In the same motion, he retreated into the woods. The density of trees no doubt breaking line of sight. He too started to vanish into the forest, making his way through its woods and branches. He'd meet the enemy archer on a less cloudy night. Yes, that seemed more polite.

Tssk, it seemed the enemy had been more aggressive in their golem making than Maeve had anticipated. She hadn't even stepped more than a foot away from her servant before she was under attack. Perhaps too aggressively, as Maeve was no fool to try defending off such an attack on her own, much less not actively call out for her servant. Maybe if it had been a bit less aggressive, she might have underestimated it. Most so, she knew the point of such a reckless attack was to draw attention, for something else to attack.

Layering attacks was obvious, especially for a warrior who had grown remarkably used to standard battlefield procedure.
"Rider, defensive maneuvers right now!" She'd chide her servant for deciding to flirt with an enemy later. Right now, the commander was under attack.

Her sling swung about, striking the golems hard each time. Each time one was destroyed. The attack at least made it impossible for her to climb back onto her mount, though probably it was better she not be on a mount in the first place. She hated horses. If she was going to ride, it was going to be on the same saddle as her servant, or nothing at all. She thrust out with Lugh of Celtchar, killing a golem even if she missed, as the blade would twist about for a deadly strike. It was clear this attacker was both shameless, and a kabbalah mage. Both disgusting in their own right.

She was expecting her servant to rush over and scoop her up side saddle at the very least. After all, the chanting ritual took more than a few seconds, and in that time Maeve was ripping through the bat-like golems. They'd still have to arrive from their scattered locations, and her servant was more than capable of reaching her from a few feet away before she was struck down.
Once the setting is decided, I have some ideas for characters to play around with.

His response to Archer of Red's volley was very much the same as her own. Twisting the handle of his bow about, Philoctetes struck two of the arrows out of the air, and stepped to the side of the third. He had already notched his return arrow, pulling back on the string further than most normally would. The sign of an overdrawn bow. In moments like that, even he could match the strength of Heracles. When the arrow left his hands, it was on a direct intercept. Catching the Red Team's archer as she was landing on the rooftop.

Impressive. "Very impressive." He said outloud, eyes narrowed as he fired three arrows with precision. His three hitting the three fired by his adversary right out of the air. Three arrows colliding in the air. His shots were stronger than her own, but that hardly mattered too much when he was only firing defensively.

The thing that had his attention though was the arrow that had struck the side of his perch. He couldn't be one hundred percent sure, but the list of Archers who could pull off shots like his own, and even copy his 'misfire' at a moments notice was no doubt low. It was a precision worthy of the greats.
"I'll catch you, Archer." He said, feeling some pride in this battle. To battle somebody like him, with such similar moves? Was this a clone? Or a teacher? He had many teachers, but...

He didn't fire again, not yet. "Saber, no doubt the enemy has allies coming this way now. I want you to intercept, and I'll provide covering fire." Firing into a forest would do him no good. His arrows would kill the trees, and give away the poison that coated each one. He couldn't risk another servant figuring out such a detail. Not until he could be sure. He was watching, eyes narrowed. Watching how his enemy moved through the forest. It was so... Familiar, and graceful.

He wasn't ready to give up his vantage point just yet. Not when he could see the whole city from here.


Maeve had already seen the attacker before they had seen her. After all, the robes she wore had allowed her greater vision. Runes could help the body become better, if used properly after all. In one hand, she had already prepared her sling, in the other, a stone. The perfect one for dealing with stone golems.


She slung a rune. Thorn. With percision and strength, Thorn was a rune to bypass challenges. A golem was a challenge. Big or small, it was made of stone. Thorn was designed to break things, and a golem was certainly something to break. The strength and accuracy, and the golem's own trajectory would collide, and the magic would be released. Shattering the makeshift drone into pieces that rained down upon the ground.

"Well, it seems an enemy has decided that I'm vulnerable." Maeve grumbled. It was indeed true. Most mages would stay at base, avoiding conflict. Assassins alone inspired that kind of turtling, and most servants would no doubt try to kill a master if it meant an easier fight for them. She'd have to prove them wrong in her own way. She held out her hand, and the wrappings around Celtchar began to unravel. The spear flew into her hand, still sleeping, but still willing to obey its owner while it rested.

She stepped off the horse, taking a step away and tightening her grip on Celtchar's spear. "Rider, you may deal with him at your own pace. I'd ask to spar with him myself, but I doubt he'd be willing to pull punches." In her other hand, a sling. Ready to pelt stones at a moment's notice. And pelt they did. Stones scattered about, hitting trees around the forest, and digging deep into the wood. Marking the territory of a bounded field.

"I can defend myself just fine from any golems."
Right now, Black Assassin and Black Berserker are open. Black Berserker's original player quit.

Red Caster is still open, but considering the red team asked for Asclepius specifically, I leave that up to the Red team if they're interested in trading him for a different Player Caster.

"Come now master, don't say that." Philoctetes sighed. The way he said that was rather playful, as he didn't really take it personally. "I prefer if you think of it more as... Being cautious. I survived for as long as I did because I knew what risks I wanted to take." He had at a few points had to rely on spying and patience, when dealing with certain foes. One of the monsters Hera had sent for him had been invisible after all. A real menace of a beast. He'd had to track it based on the droplets of blood it left behind after devouring a boar.

It was true though, he had grown up in the shadows of heroes. Argonauts, strong, bold... And he had been a child. The most impressionable age. Eager to see the feats of heroes, and even now he adored heroes. Perhaps he never really thought of himself as one? Of course not, he was a survivor. A fighter. A hero would slay the gorgon and free the people there. He was the opposite. A man who would have killed the gorgon because it was life or death. Even his arrival at Troy had been because of a vow he made, rather than a desire to go fight. He was an argonaut, but was he a hero?

He'd find that answer here in this war.

His eyes though focused on his master's familiars. His eyes narrowed to focus on them, trying to ignore Saber down below. "Nothing yet, Saber." He said, teeth touching to his lip. He was focused, but even he almost ran the risk of missing what happened next. He watched an arrow pierce one of the bats, and if he weren't the great archer he was, he might have missed it. Worse, he might not have seen where it was fired from. But seeing the bat jerk, he was already calculating the distance, direction, strength. An impressive shot. "Actually, found something."

He raised his bow. He notched his arrow. He pulled the arrow back, taking aim, and fired. Once, twice, three, four arrows. Each sailed through the air, all aimed at what he could assume to be the origin point of that arrow. Another Archer.

The first arrow went wider. Hitting not Atalanta, but rather the cellphone tower she had perched upon. The metal bent and twisted from the force of the impact, but the other three had far better aim. One arrow aimed at her neck, one at her shoulder, and the final at her heel. A good enough spread of arrows if there ever was one.

"I got something. Residental area, cellphone tower." Philoctetes said to Saber. "With luck, they can't shoot back, but I don't think we're that lucky."

I'm interesting in an avatar RP, but I'm having a hard time understanding the story. Who is Lian Shu, and what time period does this take place?

I ask because the story says the avatar cycle is over, and then goes back in time to before Aang, and then to the point where Aang was in ice, then something about Chi Blockers and Equalists which is the Legend of Korra, and then Lian Shu shows up and is like "This is my story now."

I'm confused.
@Sosuke Alright, but be aware, that depending on his strength, we may request that he be treated as a superior servant, and as such you'd only be able to pair with a Master who picked the Superior servant buff.
@Sosuke Neither spot has gotten that far. If you want to fill either role, that is fine with us. It'll be more than easy to simply replace them.
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