Avatar of Relin
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    1. Relin 4 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by Relin>

How about putting a bluehaired roomate in trouble? Perhaps a deal could be made...

Kress made a good first impression on him, though, so he wouldn't do that.
Ty Varen

Ty's little spat with Alberta was interrupted as his third roommate entered the room. A boy dressed in blue who was a breath of fresh air after dealing with the flower princess twice in one day. Surprisingly, although he wore the air of nobility, he didn't seem to possess any of the pompousness that generally came with it. And the informal speech pattern was definitely refreshing to hear. "Nice to meetcha too, Kress," Ty said, the cheerfulness immediately returning to his voice. He just discarded Alberta from his attention as he greeted his roommate. "Just call me Ty. There's enough 'Mr. Varens' already." Indeed, things would get unbearably confusing if all his brothers went by that same name. "I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Hope you like chicken cutlets."

Ty watched in awe as Alberta unpacked all of her things. Plant after plant, cup after cup, jar of leaves after jar of leaves. Good lord, how much stuff did one person need. Well, as long as she left room for the cooking supplies he didn't really care. He'd spent plenty of nights pitched out in tents among plants. Really all he needed was his bed and a couple of drawers, so he didn't mind if she took up the space. Being the smallest of a baker's dozen, he was used to a lack of personal space. In fact, even with all of Alberta's things scattered about, he still had more space than back at home. But, there was no time to dwell on that. There was chicken to cook!

As Alberta cleaned herself off, Ty went to work pounding out the cutlets. Just like during his chopping contest, he activated his sixth sense. It was something that gave him an advantage in any form of cooking. He felt the meat, its texture more pronounced to his senses, and got them the perfect level of tenderness before breading them. "If you ever have any food requests, feel free to ask," Ty said as he worked. "Cooking's my hobby, and I love a challenge, so don't think anything's too hard for me as long as I can get the ingredients." He seasoned the breading, his nose aware of the specific balance of spices he was using. He tweaked the balance a couple of times and tasted it until it met his exacting standards. Only then did he dip the cutlets in the breading. "I've learned a lot of new recipes from the cooking club, and I hope I learn even more this year. Oh, and I guess Lanza has to hang out with us now, too, so there's that." He chuckled, wondering if the seventh seat would even have time to make good on his promise.

Ty tossed the cutlet on the frying pan. With a simple recipe like this, he'd already perfected exactly how much heat he needed to cook them perfectly. While they cooked, he mashed up some potatoes for the side and boiled a bit of asparagus. No meal by him would be without the proper garnish! Ty was plating their food when Alberta came back from her lair to deliver unto them her divine commandments. Thou shalt not touch mine things, thou shalt not trespass upon the holy land, and thou shalt not approach the sacred trees. None of the holy laws really affected him, so Ty didn't care, but if something was in his way, he wouldn't hesitate to move it. One who lived with others must get used to having one's things moved. This was a law of nature that superseded all divine doctrine.

When Alberta stormed off, Ty looked at Kress and shrugged. "Guess she's not hungry." With that, he split her portion into to and served them both. "Let me know what you think." Of course the chicken was cooked perfectly. It was a simple meal, but still fit to be served at a five star restaurant. Ty knew it was cooked properly, but for him, part of enjoying a meal he cooked was seeing others enjoy it as well.

Hey, Eris, your Yandere is showing.

Also, Ty would pay a LOT of money to see Mandi kiss Alberta.
Ahhh, now to have Ty flippantly disregard Berta's rules.
Bullying will only fuel their resentment. We’ve got 52 villains in the making here.

Are you sure it's not 13 villains? Hmmmmmm?
Never would've guessed Lanza of all people would be the one to care about students getting expelled.

But I feel bad for the "redistributed" students. "Pfft, isn't that the loser that sucked too bad for Class C?"
Y'know, Blu, how many students were expelled? I want to give them generic names.

Roughly 80 percent. With 13 remaining that means the class was roughly 65 large. So... About 50 got expelled. Have fun naming them. Lol
Alas, if Kress was more savvy, he'd just stock the dorm room up with condoms and contraception and leave them to their flirting.

Pffft. Reminds me of this jem: youtube.com/watch?v=lfIY97vRtzU
Ty Varen

It didn't take Ty very long to recover from his fight. After all, Sekhandur had healed all of their wounds so it was just a matter of stamina, which Ty had in spades. Before the battles even wrapped up, he was already feeling a bit restless. As he sat in the grass he folded his legs and pushed himself up with his hands, getting a bit of isometric exercise in while he waited for his classmates to finish. His mind wasn't really into it, though. What was going to happen to him? He lost his fight. Was he really going to be expelled? Just because he was scared of ghosts? He pursed his lips nervously as his thoughts wandered until the professor finally called them to assemble for evaluation.

A ring of light appeared around Sekhandur. Of course he would get to stay. And several of the other winners were grouped with him. Of course. Looks like this was the way it was meant to be. Then, a ring of light appeared around Ty. "Huh?" Apparently winning your fight was not a requirement for this evaluation. Thirteen rings appeared in total. Thirteen out of the sixty or so students got to stay. The rest... well, Ty didn't suppose he'd be seeing any of them for the foreseeable future. He felt kind of bad for them, but at the same time he couldn't dispute what the professor was saying. This was a competition for survival. If they brought dead weight along with them, then they would all be expelled in the end anyway. Survival of the fittest. That was how things worked both in nature and in human society. Professor Nyx kind of reminded him of his father in this regard. No sympathy for the weak. All that was left to do was follow the professor's last order. Ty would prove he was worth his time.

* * *

Before heading straight to his dorm, Ty decided to pick up a few chicken cutlets and some ingredients to make dinner. He felt like a nice meal would be a good way to warm up to his roommates. Everyone liked his cooking last year, and Ty just enjoyed cooking whatever the occasion was, so it was the perfect way to start of the year, especially after this stressful first class. He found his dorm room and looked up at the sign to see who he'd be spending the year with. Kress and... Oh God, why!? Ty's heart sank and he nearly dropped his things, but then he remembered Eris's words from earlier. A blood feud wouldn't be good for anyone. Right. Now was as good a time as any to make peace. They didn't have to be friends, just share the same space without killing each other. Surely that would be manageable. Ty took a deep breath, put on his brightest smile, and opened the door.

"What the hell are you doing in my dorm? Get out, you rat."

Screw peace.

"I live here, you moron!" Ty spat back with no hesitation. "My name's even on the door. Go figure." It didn't occur to him that Alberta hadn't been paying attention to everyone's introductions. Ty personally made it a point to learn everyone's name during the introductions. Knowing who you were talking to just made things easier, and if you ever wanted to issue a challenge it was so much cooler to call them out by name than just "Hey you!" He tossed his satchel of belongings into a corner by one of the bunks, but didn't bother to unpack. He didn't have much anyway. Just a few sets of clothes and a survival knife from home. Everything else he got from Avalice. He then headed over to the kitchen and washed his hands. "I'm making chicken cutlets," he said in a flat tone. "If you don't want it, I'll eat yours." Even if he hated one of the people he was living with, he wouldn't waste food because of it.

Eris: "Woah, so we don't even have a fancy Roman-style bath or anything like that? How disappointing."

Ty: "Oh sweet, running water! And it's warm too!"
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