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    1. Rex 10 yrs ago


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here's my character sheet:

@Arty Fox

The ship dipped and swerved before finally entering the world’s atmosphere. Drake groaned as he was bobbed back and forth like a rag doll in a dryer. He hiccupped and held his hand over his mouth before swallowing and letting out a sigh, “I really hate moving at this speed.” He’d never been subjected to motion sickness, and moving within lightning wasn’t too bad, but this was a whole different story. He kept the morning's meal down but could taste it slowly creeping up in his throat. However, before it could fully be expelled from his body. The ship began to slow down and gently land on the world’s surface. Drake sat back in his seat and let out a sigh of relief, “Thank God that’s over.”

Drake looked out the window of the Gummi ship and saw the Surge Guardians waiting from him in the desert. They stood in front of a large boulder that was half submerged in the sand. Nails just stood there staring at the Gummi ship with his arms folded. Drake wasn’t sure if he could see inside the Gummi ships window, but his stare sent a shiver down Drake’s back. Alice seemed to be playing hopscotch with lines she drew in the sand to keep her occupied. Pain was there with new skin that covered his metal frame. He seemed to be talking with Panic who stood there, still in his half shark, half human form. He seemed to be a little annoyed at how hot it was. Sitting in front of Panic was Prim. She seemed scared out of her mind as Panic seemed to look down towards here and give her a toothy smile. Mark and Viper were there as well, but they seemed to be in a heated argument about something. It seemed Zack and Damien were absent from this meeting or just out of sight.

“Alright, let’s get this over with,” Drake said before he stopped himself and added, “if you’re still with me, then make sure when I open the hatch. You use whatever magic you have to turn off your hearing. Since Damien isn’t in sight and he uses sound to create illusions. Best to have backup that can help.” Drake waited for several minutes to let Natasha do whatever it is she was going to do before he opened the hatch and climbed out of the Gummi ship.

Nails snapped his fingers and the Surge Guardians behind him stopped what they were doing. He waited until Drake was several feet away before he said, “So you came after all. Knew those bastards you replaced us with made you a Goody Two-Shoes.”

“I see Prim, but not the other hostage,” Drake said calmly. Inside he was shaking with rage. If he could he’d go after Nails and the others right now, but he knew he needed to play this game to save both Prim and Jinx.

“Alice,” Nails ordered. Alice nodded as she giggled and a ripple appeared high in the sky. From the ripple, a large mummified bird soared out and into the open air and circled before landing on the boulder behind the group. On its back was a bronze sarcophagus that was chained to its back. The chains seemed to come from its own body as green ooze dripped from the open wounds caused by the chains. The sarcophagus slid open and from it came the red-haired woman wrapped in cloth like a mummy. The straps from the sarcophagus placed the woman on the ground gently before they retracted back into the sarcophagus.

“Jinx!” Drake yelled as he began to run towards her.

“Not so fast,” Nails said with a smile as Panic moved one of his sharpened claws close to Prim’s throat. Drake quickly stopped and glared at Nails who continued, “Are you truly going to choose Jinx over the girl you’re so called buddies are looking for?” Drake’s hands balled into fists before he calmed himself with a long breath.

“I’m choosing both of them,” Drake finally said after a long while. Nails let out a large, long laugh as he shook his head in disbelief.

“How dumb have they made you? I told you in my message: you can only choose one since you have nothing else to bargain with.”

“But I do,” Drake said before he lifted his right arm and a hologram of a list appeared above his watch. He pressed several images before Nails own watch began to blink and let out a chime. Nails lifted his arm and a hologram of a vile appeared above his watch’s face.

“What the hell am I looking at?” Nails asked.

“The Shadow Nexus Primal,” Drake explained before he continued, “A much more powerful strand of the Shadow Nexus.” The image above Nails watch disappeared as a smug smile formed on Drakes' face. Nails continued to look at where the hologram once was and then looked over at Drake before a sadistic crooked smile formed on his face.

“So let me get this straight: you’re trading yourself and this Shadow Nexus Primal for these two?” Nails asked. Drake simply nodded. Nails looked back at the group of Surge Guardians before he looked back at Drake and said, “Agreed.”

“Good, but I need to let Prim and Jinx into the ship so they can be transported back to the ship,” Drake explained. Nails nodded and snapped his fingers. Panic seemed to let out a frustrated sigh before he used his large black claws to slice the bindings around Prim.

Prim quickly got up and rushed over to where Drake was. Meanwhile, Mark walked over to the mummified Jinx and picked her up before slinging her limp body over his right shoulder and walked over to Drake.

“Put her in the ship,” Drake ordered. Mark snorted but did as he was told. Drake smiled and added, “Thanks a ton Mark.”

I remember you saying that he was at his store, but if he went to the auction sorry for not catching it.

no, I think it was my fault. I had thought the auction was an outside auction and had him sitting on a carts roof to see the auction clearly. sorry about that.

Seth kinda ran in on a massacre... There are bodies that were ripped limb from limb, in half, and with gore strewn everywhere if he's showing up once the yellow jacket started speaking with clairmonde (I think that was her name)

he was already around the auction. sorry, I might have not clarified that in my first post. sorry, that's my bad
@Tyki@Tominas@Letter Bee

“Oh shit!” Seth cursed as he watched the events unfold. He jumped when the bolt hit the man in the neck and caused a fountain of blood to spray on those in the front rows and on the stage. He wasn’t concerned for him though. Any man who is willing to sell a human being isn’t worth worrying about in his mind. However, he was more worried about the girl on stage. The bolt, to him, came dangerously close to hitting her. He thought the bolt was meant for her and the shooter just missed their target.

“What would dad do?” Seth asked himself. In a split second, he already had his answer. Seth quickly jumped from atop the cart and raced through the crowd of scattering so-called Nobles. Damn cowards Seth thought as he pushed his way through the crowd of fleeing people. As he got closer he noticed a masked figure on the stage with the girl and cursed, “Shit I might have been right.” He thought the snipers accomplish was there to finish the job his friend had started. He quickened his pace to get closer to the stage.

Once close to the front he hopped onto the stage and got the masked figures attention, “Hey, I’d think the girl’s been traumatized enough.” Was what he was saying, but he was so out of breath it sounded like, “Girl. Traumatized. Enough.” Seth bent over to catch his breath and sighed. Need to work on my damn cardio he thought to himself. Once he collected himself he took a deep breath and stood back up straight.

“Let’s try that again shall we,” Seth said as he flexed his right hand. His watch on his wrist activated and the big hand began to slowly spin around. It began to stop and slowly it landed on a bright yellow symbol. Seth took a quick look down and tried to hide his frustration. Crap, why did it have to be that? I can barely control it. Seth thought. He turned his attention back to the masked figure and said, “Now, step away from the girl and leave. Your buddy missed with the first bolt and I really don’t want to hurt anyone today.” Seth flexed his right hand and a small spark of lightning swirled around it as he waited for the figures response
@Letter Bee

Inside the Gear Works workshop, Seth finally finished his project for one of his clients and let out a satisfying sigh as he got up from the stool he is sitting on and walked towards the front door. As he leaves the back room, he quickly grabs a ruby red rag and begins to clean his hands of oil, grease, sweat, and blood. He stops and looks at the small cut on his knuckle. He hadn’t noticed it till now, but that’s not unusual for his line of work. Sometimes he’ll go the whole day without noticing the blood trickle down his hands from a knick or cut he had received from working on a client’s knick-knack or item they brought to him to fix up or repair.

Seth placed the rag on the counter and stared into the empty lobby of the workshop. It had been a slow week since the announcement of the auction. However, he knew this would happen. It usually always happened when an auction is announced. Business is slow because all the so-called Nobles save their coins for the auction. Even though business dwindles during this time, he still makes enough coin on the none-auction days to keep the business afloat. The front lobby was a large room with wooden floors. Hanging from the walls and ceiling were the many projects he did on his down time, while others sat on shelves around the room and in the large front windows of the shop. He left them in the front lobby as a sort of portfolio for any new clients that would wander into his shop. Many of the objects had small price tags on them should anyone wish to purchase them.

However, one object on the wall had no price tag, a large metal clock behind the counter in the shape of a heart. The clock face showed the inner workings of the gears and cogs that were painted red as well as the outer frame. With every hour the clock chimed and let out a lovely tone that lasted thirty seconds. The song was a hymn his mother always sung to him before bed when he was a child. He had found a music box with the same hymn and took it apart so he could incorporate it with the clock. It was a birthday gift for his mother and she hung it in the lobby for all to see. So many people wanted to buy the clock, but he always told them it wasn't for sale.

“Welp, guess I should see the city instead of being cooped up in here,” Seth said to no one in particular. However, he would usually talk to himself on occasion since he still felt like his parents were there with him, watching over him. Seth walked around the counter and headed for the door.

Once outside, he shielded his eyes from the bright sun before they adjusted to the light and he began walking down the road towards where the auction was happening. He found it funny those so-called Nobles, think of themselves as high class. even though they would bicker and fight over living creatures during these auctions. He felt sorry for those who were being sold and couldn’t understand how people could sell others of their own kind. He just shook his head and took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. He let it hang from his lips before he breathed out a puff of white smoke.

He rounded the corner and spotted the large crowd of so-called Nobles. He called them that cause no right minded Nobel. Hell, no right minded person would sell off a human being. He couldn’t call them Nobles because he didn’t see them as such. He just saw them as nothing more than savages. The only people that were considered Nobles in his mind were the right minded people who didn’t sell off or buy people. He let out another sigh and another puff of white smoke appeared from his mouth. He looked around and found a cart. He walked over to it and quickly climbed to the roof to get a better look. Once on the roof, he simply sat down with his legs dangling over the edge and watched the so-called Nobles bicker and argue of their own kind.

“It’s only a matter of time before a resistance is formed to stop these auctions,” Seth said to himself. If he really wanted to: he could stop this auction, but then he’d be arrested and lose the shop his parents worked so hard to get. Also, he'd probably end up in one of the auctions himself. He lifted his right hand and looked at the Roulette-Watch around his wrist. I wonder how many of these so-called Nobles would kill to get something like this? Seth thought before he shook his head and added, “Not in a million years.”


@Letter Bee

changed the Character Sheet:

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