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    1. Rex 10 yrs ago


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Arthur and the other teachers watched in awe as Kowa demonstrated her Quirk. None of them spoke after she finished. They all stood there for several seconds before Viper made the first move. In a flash she was in front of Kowa, then her side, then behind her, and finally back in front of her. It felt like she was examining Kowa as she did so. A smile formed on Viper’s face before she placed an arm around Kowa and said, “I like her. Can I keep her?” Chad and Arthur both sighed simultaneously while Zack rubbed his eyes.

“No Viper, you can’t. She’s not a pet,” Chad said.

“Pleeeeeeeese,” Viper wined before she continued, “I Promise to take care of her. I mean look at her. She’s the spitting image of me when I was her age.”

“Now that’s an insult if I’ve ever heard one,” Zack retorted. Viper puffed up her cheeks and glared at him before she sighed and patted Kowa on her back while saying, “Great job. You put on a wonderful show.”

“Indeed,” Drake said with a smile.

“You did wonderfully Kowa and just like the others. You’ll do great things here,” Arthur stated before he turned to Seth and said,
“Looks like you’re next.”

Seth jumped at Arthur talking to him before he nervously laughed and stalled, “Um isn’t it getting late. I’m sure you all are tired and those who have gone probably need to rest…right?” he nervously rubbed his right arm.

“It’s like 11:30…..in the morning,” Zack said a little annoyed.

“Calm down Zack, remember how you were back in the day,” viper teased.

“Please don’t remind me,” Zack said with a sigh. Seth saw that no amount of stalling would stop them. He took a long breath in before slowly releasing it and walked towards were the Rock knight were.

“Here goes nothing,” Seth said to himself before he lifted his right arm up as black ooze started to seep from his skin. It bubbled and churned as it began to coat his whole arm. Suddenly it hardened into a gauntlet with ruby red claws at the tips of the fingers. He took another long breath in before he charged at the Rock Knights. He swung at the closest one and his claws carved long, deep fissures into the Knight's body. He was only going to attack one and then stop, but something told him to attack another one. He hesitated, but soon charged at another rock Knight. This time he pierced the claws into its chest before quickly ripping them out. This is…kind of fun. Seth thought before he charged at another Rock Knight. A playful smile started to form on his face but soon turned to a crooked smile as he licked his lips.

He lunged for a third Rock knight. the two tumbled on the ground before Seth was able to get on top of it and started pounding his fist into the Rock Knights helm. However, as the helm crumbled he continued to pound into the ground as though he was trying to break the ground underneath. His Crooked smile had changed to a sadistic one as he continued to pound the helm into dust. Where is it? Where is it? Seth thought as he screamed into his mind, where’s the blood! He lifted his arm back ready to strike again when he stopped. His demeanor turned from crazed to fear as the gauntlet liquefied and the black ooze quickly seeped back into his skin. He stared at the Rock Knights crumbled helm and began to hyperventilate as he realized what he had done. He quickly crawled away from the Rock Knight like it was a dead body, all the while visions of his Grandfather losing control flashed in his eyes.

“Wow, someone needs some anger management,” Zack joked, resulting in Viper slapping the back of his head.

“Can you be any more of a jerk?” Viper Scolded.

so yes, the story arc will help your character progress whether it be controlling their Quirk, understanding how their Quirk works (for example if they've been using their Quirk and during the Arc they realize that they've been using it the wrong way), they want to be a hero even though part of their family are villains, Ect. it's whatever you feel fits your character.

Sorry for not being on yesterday, I'll have a post up by today.

we're always accepting new members
Zack whistled as he saw the Rock Soldier be destroyed before he said, “Hot Damn, now that’s something else.” While Zack marveled at how Makoto used Iasana to destroy the Dummies. Arthur was more concerned with his students than anything else.

Arthur placed a comforting hand on Iasana stopping her from running and said, “It’s all right. Don’t worry. You did great.” Arthur understood her fears and added, “We all started out like you: scared of our Quirks and not knowing how to control it. Hell, my first time I caused a 6.2 Magnitude earthquake. It will be all right Ms. Mishima. We’re all here to help you.” After reassuring her Arthur turned to Makoto and said, “That’s a very interesting Quirk you have there, but if I may ask: please ask for permission before you want to use it on your classmates.”

“Why?” Zack asked before he added, “He creates some type of aroma to control people. I highly doubt he should walk up to a villain and ask for permission.” Viper let out a sigh as he walked up behind Zack and smacked him on the back of the head.

“That’s not the point,” she lectured.

“Indeed, now that both Makoto and Iasana have shown us their Quirks. How about we try another pair,” Arthur said before he went down his list and said, “Seth Rush and Kowa Mizuki, show us your Quirks”

“Um? We really didn’t intend on this being a pair showing Arthur. Are you sure?” Chad questioned.

“Stop your worrying, it will be fine,” Arthur said before he tapped his cane and more Rock Knights grew out of the ground.

Seth had been silent throughout the whole introduction of his teachers and the incident with Iasana. He had had his head down and was looking at a trail of ants heading back to their hill. When his name was called he jumped and stuttered, “O-oh. Is it my turn?” he started rubbing his right arm nervously before he added, “Why not let Kowa go first. I’ll go after. If that’s ok?”

“Don’t be shy, we won’t judge you,” Viper said smiling.

“I’ll be judging you,” Zack said to which Viper shot him a glare. Zack put his hands up in surrender and added, “Kidding, I was just Kidding.”

“How about this: I’ll go next so you all don’t feel so scared,” Viper said before she looked over at Arthur and asked, “Is that ok?”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea, but don’t show off,” Arthur joked.

“Little old me? Show off? Never,” Viper retorted before she walked towards the Rock Knights. While she did so, white fog began to slowly seep from her body. The fog swirled around her right arm as she brought it up to her face and said, “Go on little one and show mama what you got.” She kissed the fog before it suddenly shot towards the Rock Knights. It began to take shape and soon it resembled a large 12-foot boa constrictor. The boa slithered around one of the Rock Knights and began to constrict. Even though the snake was made of fog, The Rock Knight started to crack and crumble like its fog body had actual mass. As it continued to constrict, its white fog body changed to a ruby red color.
Viper lifted her hand up and smiled as she snapped her fingers. The boa suddenly exploded in a dome of bright red flames as Vipers silhouette stood there watching. As the bright light faded she turned to the rest of the class and asked, “Next? As her forked tongue flickered from her mouth.

"you were supposed to keep them from feeling scared, not show how inferior they are to you," Zack said

"What did you say," Viper said as she stormed towards him.

"Ok, ok. calm down," Arthur said before he tapped his cane and more Rock Knights rose up from the ground. Arthur then said, "all right MR. Rush, Ms. Mizuki. your turn.

"Um...o-ok," Seth Stuttered as he slowly moved towards the Rock Knights. he was still rubbing his right nervously before he asked Kowa, "do you want to go first?"
there is no posting order.

no, they only do what Arthur tells them to do. so basically they're like training dummies that won't attack and simply crumble when hit. sorry for not specifying that. that's my bad
I think it's time to close and lock this thread since it's gotten so far off hand.
A large Crowd of reporters stood at the entrance to UA awaiting the new students that were to enter its doors. As they waited they readied their cameras, recorders, and microphones while also conversing with one another on the number of students this year would see since Quirks were becoming scarce. However, what the group of reporters didn’t realize: the time that was leaked was a decoy so the new arrivals weren’t bombarded by the media like years before. Instead, while the media waited. The new arrivals had already entered the academy and were awaiting their teachers in their designated classrooms.

One such classroom was 3-B which had Kowa Mizuki, Makoto Shimizu, Seth Rush, Isana Mishima, and a small hand full of other students. The classroom looked to be large enough to house at least 200 students, but at that moment it wasn’t even filled to half capacity. Their teacher, the pro hero Tremor was an elderly man in his mid-sixties who wore a button-down plaid shirt that was tucked into his tan khaki pants. Both his hands rested on his cane as he surveyed the class. He let out a sigh as he saw the number of students in 3-B before he began.

“Before I begin, I’d like to address the elephant in the room: as you all might have noticed. This classroom is very scarce with students. That is because of the recent development with Quirks and how few people are being born with them. Where those with Quirks where the norm now we are the minority. However, UA feels that we can still teach those few with Quirks how to be pro heroes. So with that said,” Tremor said before he continued, “I will be one of your teachers. While many know me as Tremor, you all can simply call me Arthur. With that out of the way, I’d like to explain a few things before I introduce you to your other teachers.”

Arthur stopped for a second to see if there were any questions thus far. When there wasn’t he continued, “As you got your acceptance letter, you were also asked to bring any belongings you wish to have with you. This is because several years ago we had an incident were UA felt the students were not safe off campus grounds. So they built the dormitory several feet away from the school to keep the students safe. UA decided to use these dorms from then on. This is where your belongings are at this moment. As for the dorms: each dorm is like a 1 bedroom apartment. Within the dorm building there is a common area should you all wish to get to gather.” Arthur stopped again to see if there were any questions. When there still wasn’t, he then continued once more.

“Now, let me introduce you to your teachers for 3-B,” Arthur said as he motioned towards the door.

“It’s about damn time, “a man said as he walked through the thresh hold and into the classroom. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties. He stood around six foot two with short brown hair. He wore a simple gray button down shirt that was unbuttoned to show off the plain white shirt underneath, His jeans were ripped at the knees and his black work boots seemed to have metal on the bottom of them as they clanged with every step. He stood in front of the class and introduced himself, “Names Zack Rogers.”

“And,” Arthur said a little annoyed. Zack sighed before he continued.

“And my pro-hero name is Metal Work,” Zack added before he looked at Arthur and asked, “are we done? I had to pause my game to be here."

“It will still be there when you get back,” another voice said as a second man walked into the classroom. He was a little bit older than Zack and wore a black work suit with a blood red tie. He walked with a cane but seemed he didn’t need it and only used it for show. He stood next to Zack and bowed to the class as he introduced himself, “Drake Sydell. Pro-hero name is the Illusionist.” He stood back up and looked towards the entrance of the class, but no one walked in. Arthur cleared his throat loudly as to try and indicate whoever was outside to walk in. when nothing happened, Arthur sighed in frustration.

“Chad!” Arthur yelled.

“Wait what?” a voice said from outside the room before the voice began to say, “Sorry, sorry.” A much younger man walked into the room that looked to be in his mid-twenties. He had on a brown jacket with a purple shirt underneath. His brown pants seemed to be scuffed up like he had just crawled through the dirt. He rubbed the back of his shaved head and apologized, “Sorry about that wasn’t paying any attention. Names Chad Cross. Pro-hero name Deleter.

“Maybe if you slept, you’d be on point,” a female voice chastised. She was a weird looking woman with Pink hair and Pink Lipstick. She had on a white dress, white slipper looking shoes, and a massive snake tattoo that went from her right ankle up her dress, through her cleavage, and ended at her left wrist with the snake mouth opening up like it was going to devour her hand. She turned her attention to the students and said, “Momo Yamato, but most people call me by my hero name: Viper.”

"We've been over this Viper, I have insomnia, so it's hard for me to sleep," Chad Argued. Arthur cleared his throat again to take control of the situation.

“These will be your teachers this year, as for the dorms I mentioned earlier. I’ll let Chad explain what will happen since he’ll be the dorms R.A.,” Arthur said.

“Yes, well,” Chad began as though he had been put on the spot. He cleared his throat and began, “Due to an incident were a student slept-walked and used his Quirk to almost destroying the dorms. I’ve been assigned to watch over the dorms. My Quirk is called Room. I create a dome where everyone who is inside said dome. Become Quirkless. One of our support teachers has isolated my Quirk and set up a device that acts like my own Quirk. So if you try to use your Quirk in the dorms, don’t freak out when it doesn’t work.”

“And with that, I’d like to move the class outside for a bit,” Arthur said before the teachers led the students outside the school and onto the track field that was between the school and the dorms. Arthur turned to the students and smiled before he tapped his cane on the ground. The earth under their feet shook before hands made of rock, dirt, and clay exploded out the ground behind the teachers. Standing behind the teachers were earth soldier looking like suits of armor made of the earth.

“We’d like to see your Quirks in action. So these will be your test dummies. All you’ll need to do is show us your Quirk and after that, we'll place you into groups,” Arthur stated.

“I’m sure Arthur faltered on this, but to ensure our students are safe. We’ve decided to place you in teams during your stay at UA,” Viper interrupted.

“Good catch, I forgot about that,” Arthur praised before he continued, “now, first up is.” Arthur said as he scanned his attendance list and added, “Makoto Shimizu. Show us what you’ve got.”
you're right, I think I'll actually start the RPG tomorrow if that works for everyone's schedule. if need be I can push it back to Saturday or Sunday if that helps.


alright, everyone, I think I'll actually start tomorrow. let me know if this might conflict with anyone schedule. also, for the characters Arcs. I've randomized who's Arc will be first, second, and so on. I'll PM you when your Arc is about to happen and let you control the events leading up, during, and also how it ends. Some Arcs might take longer than others so I just ask to please be patient. also, if you're wondering how I randomized each Arc. because there are 4 players (right now) I took a four-sided dice and rolled it. Each character was given a number. then I rolled it again and that's how I'll have it randomized.

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