Avatar of RiverMaiden
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1080 (0.36 / day)
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    1. RiverMaiden 8 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current If your light is fading from the shadow of a doubt, we'll light the sky with our Inferno.
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7 yrs ago
My life can be split into two parts: Times when I'm able to RP, and times when I can't... The former has just recently opened up to me :3
8 yrs ago
Free at last! Happy summer everybody!
8 yrs ago
When you want to keep RPing, but a test is coming up soon... You keep RPing.
8 yrs ago
It's starting to get really discouraging that many of the RPs I'm apart of are being cancelled...


Hello young traveler. You have reached the home of the young and very intrepid River Maiden. You may call her any name you would like, but she prefers Mai or River. She is very willing to roleplay in any situation, and will try her hardest to post at least once a day. However, be warned of her compulsion to make characters that will either be annoying as heck to interact with, or just too troublesome to deal with. Have a nice day.

...Also, if you would like to laugh at how horrible she is at character creation, you can peruse her current roster of children here.

My favorite Mega Pokemon

Most Recent Posts

Hi kara! I'm fixing up a CS for an inventor-like character, so maybe we could do a collab for his entrance to the RP? XD
Name: Amelia

Race: Barometz

Race Abilities: Barometz are both flora and fauna, possessing both a sheep-like body as well as a plant. They are omnivorous, in addition to drawing nutrients from the ground through their roots. Their eating habits and their lifespans are entirely dependent on the available sustenance around them. Should their food source become unavailable to them by any means (out of reach, eaten by other monsters, etc.), they would die of starvation. As a result, they have evolved and grown vines in order to reach farther than their stem could allow, as well as the ability to "uproot" themselves from the ground for a short period of time. The vines they possess are strong enough to carry their entire body, as well as immobilize and pull their prey (small woodland creatures and plants) towards themselves.

Gender: Female

Personality: Even before she became a "mostly" immobile monster, Amelia was slothful. She would never do anything above what needed to be done, and cut corners whenever the opportunity presented itself. Even more so now, where the light of the sun is less of an annoyance than something to bask within. Her attention span is horrendous, incapable of staying upon a single topic for more than seconds, in addition to being absentminded to a fault. However, when something gains her interest, whether it is a person, an object, or a subject of information, she will dedicate more energy towards it than one would believe she had. Despite her attention deficit, she is extremely intelligent and perceptive, remembering nearly everything she retains and noticing articles that others would miss. Should a promise ever be made with her, Amelia would keep it until the day she died.

She is surprisingly calm in most situations, even those where her life would be in danger. Whether this be because of her mental fortitude or inattention of the situation is up to debate. When pushed too far, enough that the slight pierces through her perpetual cloud of negligence, anger is something she is well-versed with. Expect either a volcanic eruption or a cold simmer depending on the level of rage, but hope for the eruption. The cold simmer is worse, since that could mean she's plotting ways to get you back. In her new form, she is deathly afraid of fire, and will move faster than one would think she would be capable of in order to avoid it.

History (Pre-Mortem): Amelia didn't have many friends. Most of her short, post-college life was held alone within her little apartment, living her life without a care in the world. Her parents were abroad, and she didn't have anyone within a 5km radius that would visit her. So when she didn't return to her apartment one day, no one in her area thought much of it. Only 5 days later, they realized they should have cared. Her body was found underneath a bridge, broken and alone.

She has a sturdy "stem" that is melded with her belly, connected to her main plant

-When she was a human, she liked to dance. Sadly, she is unable to dance very well in her new form.
-She has a verbal tick, saying "Ah" before every sentence as if she is surprised by something, then pausing for a few seconds before saying her piece.
*rubs hands together, chuckling maniacally* Alright then... :3
Alrighty, I'll take note of that as we RP. Thank you! Should I move her to the Char tab now?
Yay! If I made a "dysfunctional" heal/ kill robot as a character, would I also need to create his inventor?
Name: Amelia

Race: Barometz

Race Abilities: Barometz are both flora and fauna, possessing both a sheep-like body as well as a plant. They are omnivorous, in addition to drawing nutrients from the ground through their roots. Their eating habits and their lifespans are entirely dependent on the available sustenance around them. Should their food source become unavailable to them by any means (out of reach, eaten by other monsters, etc.), they would die of starvation. As a result, they have evolved and grown vines in order to reach farther than their stem could allow, as well as the ability to "uproot" themselves from the ground for a short period of time. The vines they possess are strong enough to carry their entire body, as well as immobilize and pull their prey (small woodland creatures and plants) towards themselves.

Gender: Female

Personality: Even before she became a "mostly" immobile monster, Amelia was slothful. She would never do anything above what needed to be done, and cut corners whenever the opportunity presented itself. Even more so now, where the light of the sun is less of an annoyance than something to bask within. Her attention span is horrendous, incapable of staying upon a single topic for more than seconds, in addition to being absentminded to a fault. However, when something gains her interest, whether it is a person, an object, or a subject of information, she will dedicate more energy towards it than one would believe she had. Despite her attention deficit, she is extremely intelligent and perceptive, remembering nearly everything she retains and noticing articles that others would miss. Should a promise ever be made with her, Amelia will keep it until the day she died.

She is surprisingly calm in most situations, even those where her life would be in danger. Whether this be because of her mental fortitude or inattention of the situation is up to debate. Anger is something she is well-versed with, so expect either a volcanic eruption or a cold simmer depending on the level of rage. The cold simmer is worse, since that means she's thinking of ways to get you back. In her new form, she is deathly afraid of fire, and will move faster than one would think she would be capable of in order to avoid it.

History (Pre-Mortem): Amelia didn't have many friends. Most of her short, post-college life was held alone within her little apartment, living her life without a care in the world. Her parents were abroad, and she didn't have anyone within a 5km radius that would visit her. So when she didn't return to her apartment one day, no one in her area thought much of it. Only 5 days later, they realized they should have cared. Her body was found underneath a bridge, broken and alone.

She has a sturdy "stem" that is melded with her belly, connected to her main plant

-When she was a human, she liked to dance. Sadly, she is unable to dance very well in her new form.
-She has a verbal tick, saying "Ah" before every sentence as if she is surprised by something, then pausing for a few seconds before saying her piece.
@Lugia Alright, thank you for notifying me :3 I'll have a CS ready just incase they agree with your statement. I've always wanted to RP as a lazy/ lethargic character, as well as a barometz, and who could exhibit such emotions better than a plant monster? :D
Hello? Is this RP still open? I'm guessing so, since it has apparently just started, but I'll ask just in case.
Ummm.. Is this RP still open? I'd like to join in if there is a spot available
Okay, school's finally over. I will seriously post now... seriously... <.<
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