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Current I'm getting evicted. The average conversation seems to be judged critically by the other guy
4 yrs ago
No coffee, No crash
4 yrs ago
Could someone please tell the doctor I AM RIGHT
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4 yrs ago
I want Gucci sneakers, a $5,000 comic book, and porn star life
4 yrs ago
Happy Veterans Day!
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I can deal with a supporting cast with a cap on it. That's talking about the lawmen only. And you said the ATF was an option and I totally agree with it. Seems like rumrunning is the biggest racket, so a federal agent or state lawman would be my pick.

Also, I think Wyrm said he would consider making a partner for me. Message me if you have an idea.
I always wonder what happened to Val Kilmer...
What would be involved in being a straight shooting law officer? I think maybe it would need more rpers, or have several NPCs, or mucho collaborations, or what?
I just want to write about drugs and violence and prostitution and all the rackets.

What I would like to participate in is a law enforcement presence. I want to be a runner, too. But that's all I can think of as something I would like to see that you might not be studying is the feds.
Henry looked around aimlessly. He moved to a booth, and climbed up to the top of the table with a slow push and a hop. He looked at his electronic binoculars and horse horn and wondered why he ended up with these things being in his inventory. The binoculars were useful enough, but the horn was a little on the silly side of things. Then, he become more alert and tuned in and listened to the news: there was going to be a march. He said a yeehaw to himself and smiled. That was an apocalyptic smile. There was so much emotion as he cocked his head and rotated his lips.

"I need a cup of coffee," he said. It was a happy move. He didn't hear anyone say anything about him having the extra coffee, which told Henry everybody was feeling something. Quickly, he distilled a half cup of black coffee and swallowed it fast. He raised his voice some, and gleefully said, "I can definitely watch you. But, that's all I can do. Who is going?"
I can never finish anything.
I have terrible financial sense.

I've dealt with a regular flow of money, but I either spend it fast or give it away to somebody say, has a nice smile and complexion you know?

"LOL yep Hey, Would you like a Big Mac?"
I want to check you out. I'm an adult and all that. I love your three plot choices. And, I need practice myself. Respond pls either here or PM.
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