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Khulbe's Palace - Nima Tarkona

Nima was among the first of the girls to applaud Jast as she was completely engrossed by the tale he gave to the group and nearly hanging on the edge of her seat. It was just like the fictional stories she would borrow from the library on her downtime. In fact, throw in a love interest and the captain basically had a holo-drama series in the making. Khulbe must have had the same thought because what he said next after praising the captain, was unexpected.

"I should have you visit more often, Jast. Your stories are quite remarkable. This has reminded me of something you might find interesting."

A holo-projector zipped into the room and stopped to hover just past where she sat. It flickered to life to show the image of the famous actor Kade Ritgar. Nima knew his face, as did most of the galaxy. She was watching one of his dramas with the girls just the other day and according to her master, he was due to visit in two weeks time. She glanced over to where her friends were perched on their stools and smirked. She could tell how excited they all were, even Ehottecri couldn't help but share their enthusiasm. Those girls were all die-hard fans of his dramas and had watched every single episode. While the twi'lek was also a fan of his work, she knew that he was a man making a living for himself like almost everyone else in the galaxy and wasn't swayed by his celebrity status. Nima looked forward to meeting him as she was fairly positive Master Khulbe had in mind for her and the girls to try on the new clothes he would be bringing.

Bringing her attention back to their guest, she wondered what life was like beyond these walls. The twi'lek had spent her entire existence sheltered, as something valuable to be safeguarded. Was this to be the rest of her days? Holed up behind the walls of this elaborate palace until she became too old and eventually get sold off, probably back to Olan Fyaar at Madrassa to train new slave girls to be like her? For a brief moment, a flicker of sadness spread across her face and she turned her cheek to hide the slip in her demeanor. She disguised the motion by making it look like she purposely turned to rearrange the skirt of her dress and was glad the Hutt sat behind her.
Khulbe's Palace - Nima Tarkona

A soft chorus of gasps resonated from the group as the girls entered the throne room, amazed by the scenery laid out before them. Being in Khulbe's select group of favorites, or just being his slave in general, meant these girls got to see more than most but that didn't mean they couldn't be awed by the extravagance of the palace. After being allowed a brief moment to appreciate the view, the girls were approached by Zura. Very few were immune to a weapons search when they're in the presence of Master Khulbe and that did not include the slaves. The Falleen woman made quick and efficient work of patting down of all the girls except for Ehottecri. She was searched like the rest of them but Zura's hands were softer, more intimate in the way they explored the Togruta's body for potential weapons. The two women exchanged the same heated look, one that spoke of knowledge of the other in the most intimate of ways possible. Nima assumed Master Khulbe's second in command was rewarded with a slave of her choice as that would be the only reason for such a public display.

With her search complete, Zura directed the girls to their seats and Nima's place was at her master's side. The twi'lek bowed and greeted Khulbe before claiming her spot at the stool provided for her. She settled down gracefully, crossing her ankles beneath her and resting her hands on her lap, her back straight. She was embraced by the Hutt's musky scent but she adjusted quickly, having become more accustomed to his aroma during her time with him. Though the scented candles were a welcomed help.

Her golden eyes surveyed the feast before her, taking in all that her master chose to serve their guests and ignoring her own empty stomach. She scolded herself for not grabbing something earlier and hoped her belly wouldn't betray her. She averted her gaze from the lavish meal only when Jast and Telsa joined the party and offered them a welcoming smile. It almost faltered at the mention of the incident at the hangar during her master's greeting to his guests. The prospect of huge profits weren't enough for the Hutt to forget the intruder on his property.
Khulbe's Palace - Nima Tarkona

Nima stood once more in her closet, pondering over what would best fit the occasion and her master's guest. Appearances were important to Khulbe and so they were important to her. Her survival in his world counted on her ability to be useful to him. She thought of their guest objectively, reflecting upon his interactions with her, how he carried himself, and his deeds.

The captain had morals, for what they were worth, and didn't care too much for what she had worn to greet him. He had treated her like a colleague rather than a sexual object and had ignored her bare skin. During their meeting, all that mattered to the man was his pitch to Khulbe and seemed to focus on little else. So, he most likely wouldn't care much for the more revealing articles of clothing in her closet and thus she ignored those. Nima turned to her more modest pieces, her slender fingers running across the various expensive fabrics until she found something she would be satisfied with.

It was a simple dress. Long, flowy, and made with black satin material. It was a "bandage style", where the woman wearing it could arrange the top portion how she wished. The logo on the inside material indicated it was from Scarif Styles, a company Khulbe had been recently making a lot of purchases from to outfit his girls.

"This will do..." she uttered to herself.

Before grabbing the dress, she took off her gold plated bikini and in it's place she put on laced undergarments that matched the gown, but only the bottoms. The dress itself was enough to support her chest. She pulled it up to her waist, letting the rest of the fabric fall to her feet, and grabbed the long twin strips of fabric that were to make the upper portion of the ensemble. She brought the strips over her shoulders and pulled one over the other so that they crossed snugly across her shoulder blades before bringing both pieces of fabric back to the front to cross underneath her bust, creating another 'x'. She then brought the strips behind her and tied them together in a simple bow that rested on her waistline. She made final adjustments, making sure that her breasts were covered and that the her bow was secure. If it were to come undone, there wouldn't be much keeping the dress on.

Nima wasn't one to care for accessories, but she decided to put on golden metal cuffs around her lekku and a simple matching headband to complete the look. The shoes she kept the same, choosing comfort over an actual heel as this was not the occasion for it. Satisfied with her choices, she left her room to wait for the other girls in the main lounge of the slave quarters. It was of course a spacious room, filled with numerous round sectionals that were built into the floor to provide each group with their own semi-private area complete with a domed hologram projector that would contain audio for each specific group. The Twi'lek was the first of her troupe to be ready for the night, so she made herself comfortable on one of the unoccupied sofas. Not long after her arrival came Ehottecri, who was dressed similarly to Nima, but her dress was an emerald green color. It wasn't a surprise to the crimson skinned woman that her closest friend came to the same conclusions as she did, she used to be number one for a reason. Then came Ona, dressed in an acceptable medium sleeved cocktail dress that was form-fitting and came to her knees. It was a lovely maroon color. The last to arrive was the trio Ash, Iuric'piti, and Uovic'riti, dressed in matching dark grey deep v-neck dresses with thin shoulder straps.

I guess this is as modest as they'll get, she thought to herself. Aloud she praised each woman for their choices and proceeded to direct their party to the throne room where dinner was soon to begin.

@Jackdaw@The Wyrm
Khulbe's Palace - Nima Tarkona

Nima sat quietly at the foot of the dais for the entirety of the meeting between Jast and Khulbe, focusing mainly on their conversation as her eyes wandered about the room. Eventually they had settled on Telsa, who was obviously uncomfortable with the company she found herself in. It made the Twi'lek smile. The woman would have to do better than that if she was going to keep accompanying the captain on his business ventures.

Overall, Nima was impressed with how Jast handled himself during their talk. He seemingly knew how his way around the Hutt, succeeding where many others had failed to do so, but she wasn't expecting the drug pitch. Honestly, she had no idea what the human male was bringing to the table, however, she was still surprised that the one who stood up for a complete stranger was coming to her Master with a substance that will potentially enslave the minds of it's users. She knew Kyber as many of the girls used it, including some of her friends when with their partners of choice. It is forbidden of course but even in a Hutt's palace, there will always be those who think the benefit outweighs the consequence of breaking the rules or that they can get away with it. She has seen others become addicted to the sensory high and it was not a pretty sight nor something she ever wished to experience. With a stronger version available, that addiction will become more prevalent which in turn, would make Master Khulbe even more wealthy should everything succeed as he hopes.

After coming to a pact, the negotiations ended with a dinner invitation. Nima stood with the rest of the girls to see their guests out and receive further instructions for the evening, not realizing the attention she was receiving from the main doorway. The women collectively bowed before leaving and departed in a flurry of cloth and excited whispers. The lethan Twi'lek wasn't in much of a talkative mood, barely adding any substance to the conversation being spearheaded by the other women of her group as they made their way back to their quarters. They talked shamelessly about how they found Jast attractive, speculated his relationship with his female companion, and overall were excited about this new Pink Kyber. The only one of their group who even noted Nima's mood was Ehottecri, as she also was hardly interested in the main conversation. The two women were virtually two sides of the same coin and their friendship was more substantial between each other than with the other women of their troupe.

"A credit for your thoughts?" asked the Togruta woman.

The question coaxed a soft smile from Nima, but she wasn't ready to speak with the other woman as she was still trying to figure out how she felt about the whole situation with the captain herself. "Maybe later Ehottecri? I'm still trying to sort through these thoughts myself." Ehottecri did not press the matter further as she knew Nima would open up to her when she was ready and instead comforted her friend as they walked back to their rooms, wrapping a friendly arm around Nima's shoulders in reply to the Twi'lek's request. She took deliberate care not to crush her head tails.

Once back in her quarter's Nima crashed onto the bed, her crimson skin a stark contrast against the white sheets, and slowly emptied her mind. She had some time before she was needed back at the throne room for dinner but the rare-skinned woman wanted to make sure that she would be focused on the task at hand, so she took the time now to meditate. As soon as her mind cleared, she focused on one singular thing:

"What should I wear?" she asked the room, turning her head to rest her golden eyes on the closet door before eventually sliding off the mattress.

@Jackdaw@The Wyrm
Nima Tarkona

'She's Ours.' He said. Jast's words kept repeating over and over again in the Lethan Twi'lek's head as the situation reached a climax. Nima watched as Boqorro successfully carried the strange girl into the depths of their vessel, still processing what she just witnessed. That girl looked to be about Nima's age with obviously no relation to Jast or his crew and he just stuck his neck out for her. He could have easily turned her in and she would have been Master Khulbe's concern, not his. The Twi'lek had seen it done countless of times. She probably, no definitely, would have ended up like Nima, a slave, but the mysterious girl was now in the relative safety of Jast's freighter.

Something moved in Nima that had died long ago. Hope. Never in her 14 years as a slave did she ever think anyone in the galaxy would stand up for another person's freedom. She was sold at the age of 5, the only people she loved in the entirety of the cosmos were murdered in front of her and she grew up only knowing the life of a slave. She lived her life until this moment accepting this reality that was forced upon her. The situation diffused as quickly as it ignited and they proceeded as planned to the throne room. After Jast and his remaining crew member, Telsa, were disarmed of their weapons, Nima silently lead the party to their destination.

As they entered the throne room, Nima left Jast to take his place at the center in front of Khulbe to rejoin the girls that she had left earlier. They had offered her smiles but she did not return them and simply took her seat among the women. She had an unobstructed view of the meeting and focused her golden gaze intently on Jast. Now what Captain? she thought to herself. She knew Master Khulbe saw what happened at the hangar. Not much gets past the Hutt, especially in his own palace, but she wasn't sure how much of an interest he would take in the matter after the human male began his pitch to the crime lord.
Nima Tarkona

It was some time before the ramp finally opened, but Nima used that time to collect herself and focus her mind. She was there to set the tone for her master and help negotiations with Jast run smoother. The old 'sex sells' tactic. Sometimes she enjoyed the game of seduction, as it allowed her to be in control for a change, but it was short lived given her reality. As her charges emerged from the ship and made their way towards the Twi'lek, her training took hold.

A human male led the group confidently down the ramp and walked with purpose. It was their leader, Jaren Jast. He was taller than she was, but not significantly so, with dirty blonde hair and captivating green eyes. He was a fit man who obviously kept up with himself and probably wouldn't be put out too much if he didn't have the blaster that was currently strapped to his leg. To his left was another male taller than Jast, with a broader chest and muscular build. He was obviously their guard and had interesting flame-like tattoos across his face. If he were to ever carry himself with less malice, she would ask him about them. He too carried a weapon, a heavy pistol. Lastly, a human female was to his right. She too sported blonde hair but it was more of a true blonde, green eyes, and was attractive enough for Khulbe's standards. The woman also had a weapon on her hip and carried a black case in hand. She carried herself with confidence, but something else was there. Was it fear? Concern? Nerves? Nima did not know, but she may figure it out in due time.

By the time the party stopped in front of Nima, she had finished her initial observation of the group. It seemed to her that Jast either forgot his weapons would be confiscated before he was allowed into the palace or that he intentionally brought them along.

“Nima, pleasure to see you again. I have some new faces on the Raven since the last time I saw you. This is my new chief of security, Boqorro Nbara, and my executive officer, Telsa Jetstar.” At the mention of their names, the taller human male remained stoic but the female offered Nima a smile, though it was a bit melancholic. Maybe fear? The Twi'lek thought, still trying to pinpoint what bothered the woman. "We're looking forward to our meeting with Khulbe."

Nima rewarded the man with a smile but didn't extend her crimson hand to his. Physical touch was forbidden. "Welcome back to the palace Captain Jast" she replied, meeting his eyes with her golden ones and ignoring his extended hand. "You know we cannot touch without the express permission from Master Khulbe!" She was teasing him of course and was about to speak again before movement near the ship's landing gear caught her attention. Focusing her attention at the base of the structure, she saw a figure laying on the ground.

The crimson twi'lek turned her attention back to the human male, her face serious. "It seems you have forgotten many things Jaren Jast." she told him and called for the guard.
Nima Tarkona

Nima grabbed a soft towel from the built in shelves that were near the entryway, her mind occupied with options for what to do once she left the baths. Her slender hands moved slowly as she dried herself and only stopped when the door to the baths opened suddenly. The Twi'lek had a feeling their down time was coming to an end. A female human messenger stepped purposely around the corner, eyes quickly scanning the room opposite from where she stood. Nima recognized the woman. It was the messenger used for when a female slave needed to be contacted and wasn't near a communication terminal. She was an average looking female, with shoulder length brown hair, hazel colored eyes, and a relatively short stature. Nima could have rested her chin on top of the woman's head if she ever felt compelled to.

"Hello Alynia, looking for me?" Nima called out.

Alynia whipped her head towards her voice, sending her short brown hair flying across her pale face. "Hey Nima! Yes, looking for you and the rest of your posse. You in particular are needed to greet a last minute guest and their party at Pad 2." Her eyes flicked to look at something just over the Twi'lek's shoulder. The others must have seen her come in and made their way over. "The rest of you girls are wanted at the throne room." the woman reported, talking quickly and turning to leave as swiftly as she came. It wasn't her job to make sure the girls got there, just to deliver the message.

Looking over her shoulder to find her dripping wet friends Nima moved quickly, handing out towels for the girls to dry themselves with before departing herself. She couldn't afford the luxury of leaving with the group. "See you ladies later!" she called out, her long slender legs carrying her quickly through the frosted double doors and into the hallway connecting the baths to the rest of the slave's quarters. The nude twi'lek made her way through the white walled halls, towel still in hand, past rooms and the main lounge area occupied with the rest of Master Khulbe's slaves. Her crimson bare feet were a striking contrast against the white marbled floors as they carried her to her personal suite.

The door to her room was always locked, rigged to only open from the outside when sensing her slave collar or with a pass-code known only by Master Khulbe and his trusted associates. Once someone was inside, they could allow an unauthorized person into the suite. This was to protect Nima from unwanted visitors, as no one was allowed to lay with her without the express permission from Master Khulbe. This was true for the other girls as well, as they were his prized slaves and not there for just anyone's entertainment. Once she reached her door, she paused to allow the security at her door to scan the golden platted collar that hugged her neck. It wasn't long before the door slid opened and she slipped into her room.

It was fairly spacious lodgings given to someone of her status, equipped with high ceilings, white stucco walls, and white marbling flooring that is a common theme throughout the palace. Directly across from her was a glass paneled wall that gave her a view of her master's slice of the ecumenopolis moon while simultaneously concealing the room from prying eyes. To her right was a small lounge area for the purpose of entertaining guests complete with a round table, a set of high-backed cushion chairs, a small bar, and buffet to hold food and dinnerware. A sizable round rug rested between the bed and the lounge area, given the room was longer than it was wide. Various plants, rugs, and artwork decorated the room, adding color to the otherwise white room. To her left was a walk-in closet and further along was a small cabinet with a wash basin that she used to cleanse her face each morning.

Spinning on the balls of her feet, she turned to go into her closet and thought of what to wear for the meeting. It wasn't a formal assembly, there simply wasn't enough time for something like that, so she ignored the fancier dresses in her closet and moved her way to the more traditional outfits of her class. There were various styled bikinis that hung in the closet, some cloth and some metal plated. She went for the latter as it would likely match the collar she wore now, saving her the time of having to go and change it. She browsed until she found a golden bikini. The top itself had only two straps, the first wrapped around the base of her neck and was made of an emerald green cloth and the second was more of a metallic clasp that closed in the back for the purpose of giving her breasts the support to create an pronounced cleavage. The bottoms rested low on her hips by more emerald cloth that she tied to metal triangle-shaped panels that covered her more intimate areas. The bottoms also had a liner so that if anyone were to ever find themselves staring up her 'skirts' they wouldn't be given too much of a show. A matching sash was attached to these panels and the silky cloth fell to her knees. Once dressed, Nima clasped golden metal bands to her wrists, slipped into matching strapped sandals, and ran out the door.

As she approached the Landing Pad 2's main blast doors, she spotted the security detail that was assigned to guard the entry way and quickly made her way over. "Good afternoon gentlemen, to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?" she asked. Alynia hadn't shared that information in her earlier instructions.

One of the men answered her, a Twi'lek, "Jaren Jast, Courier, Associate of Master Khulbe".

As he answered her, Nima heard a ship pull in and land on the platform above her. Soon, the platform will descend to bring the ship into the building and she needed to be outside to greet her charge. "Thank you" She told the male guard before passing through the blast doors, revealing the chamber where the freighter will be docked. It was an immense empty space, meant to hold cargo to be loaded and unloaded. Various panels were outlined along the floor around the mechanical platform, hiding whatever resources or tools an engineer would need to maintain a ship and keep her space-worthy. As the door closed behind her, she focused her attention on the descending platform and waited for it to lock in place before approaching the loading bay door of the ship.

I have made some changes to the interview section, please let me know if it was acceptable.
Nima Tarkona

Nima lounged in one of the large warm pools that were spread throughout the female slave's communal baths. Her bare slender body sprawled underneath the milky water that was so opaque, you could barely see her crimson skin beneath the surface. There were nine other pools identical to the one she was in, some empty, some with occupants, but none as full as her's. The young twi'lek was surrounded by the five other girls that made up their Master's list of favorites among the slaves. A human named Ona, a Togruta named Ehottecri, and three other Twi'leks: Asherbafon (but the girls all called her 'Ash'), Iuric'piti, and Uovec'riti. They were also her friends, brought together under similar circumstances.

"Do you think Master Khulbe will call on us today?" asked Ash. The Rutian Twi'lek wasn't nervous of having to be called upon, as these girls were more than accustomed to being summoned, she just wanted to have a lazy night.

Up until this point, Nima had her eyes closed, focusing her mind on the water's warmth against her skin. She opened them now revealing striking golden colored irises and looked to her left to focus on the blue twi'lek. "I don't think about those things, I just try to enjoy the down time when I can."

Her reply was met with a chorus of agreement from the other girls and the subject was then changed to more relaxing topics. Upcoming Holodramas, clothing, guests seen at parties, and just general gossiping. Nima participated in all but the last discussion, not really caring to take part in idle chit chat, but it was seemingly a favorite pass-time for the other twi'lek women. When she couldn't take it anymore, Nima stood and proclaimed, "Since I don't care about rumors, I'm going to get out before I start to wrinkle!" and proceeded to climb out of the tub.

She was met with various rude but playful gestures by the other twi'leks, which made her laugh in return. As she walked towards the towels to dry herself off, she could hear Ona speaking somewhat softly to the other girls.

"I just don't understand how she could walk like that! It's so effortlessly beautiful, It's like she's moving to music that only she can hear..."

"That's just how Nima is" responded Ehottecri, her wise blue eyes following Nima's movements. The red Togruta used to be the most valued out of all the girls before Master Khulbe bought Nima. She held no malice in her tone, she just stated how it was. She knew as skilled as she was, she couldn't hold a candle next to the red-skinned Twi'lek and she accepted that.

Nima kept walking, pretending not to hear their comments. There are times when it is better to say nothing and this was one of them.
Nima Tarkona, Lethan Twi'lek, Class 1 Slave used for entertainment purposes. Her master is Khulbe Desilijic the Hutt.

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