Avatar of Saltwater Thief


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6 yrs ago
Current Gonna be without power for a bit today, apologies if I don't speak much.
7 yrs ago
Have a few days off. Look for posts for sure today & tomorrow!
8 yrs ago
Just found out an online friend I used to RP with passed away very suddenly and unexpectedly. Didn't know them super well, but the news is saddening all the same =(
8 yrs ago
Family ate Thanksgiving a night early because of schedules. Will be tending to all my various posts tomorrow since I'll have time to do so!
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Long timer roleplayer, been at it for... god, almost 15 years now all told. Hasn't been all sunshine and roses, but I like to think I've improved somewhat steadily as time has gone on.

I generally like to play older characters, or at least toward the higher end of an age range. Also, just about all of my characters are caring and protective in some capacity, even the rare meanie that I make.

I play a mixture of male and female characters. I myself am a guy.

Generally speaking I try to post at least once per week.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Saltwater Thief>

Non, not the character. The writer. He said it was frustrating that I came up with her so easily on the spot.

You pervy people and not wanting to wear shirts. Viola just prefers barefoot because she feels it helps her remain more in tune with nature. XD

Oh, that. *shrug*

And hey, Alexander is always fully clothed. He prefers sleeveless shirts, but it's still a shirt!
@Saltwater Thief

Wasn't Viola the onw that Rogue said he hated me for?

Not that I'm aware of. I don't recall him hating anybody over a character to be honest...
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Posted for Marshall.

Oh, and @Ennui, is Yelena's CS in the characters tab? Because I haven't seen it there and instead used the search feature, but maybe I'm blind (wouldn't be the first time)
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Marshall Narquis

"And there it is," he said as Yelena tried again, this time holding steady. Her tactic was well chosen; of all the elements, water could be one of the most particular when it came to the wielder's emotional state. Before, she'd been nervous and even a little desperate. But now, having calmed herself, the contrast was amazing. "Keep at it, Ms Kasyanenko, and I'm sure you'll go far. Now then, best to vacate this spot, let someone else up to the plate, hmm?"

And with that, he'd gone off to continue observing.


Ah, Marshall thought to himself, so she's one of these, is she? There always seemed to be one such student in every class, even back when he attended; impetuous, disdainful, withdrawn, and very often with a superiority complex to make Sun Wukong blush. But, he reminded himself, they could be brought around; in fact, the one he remembered most from his school days was now his fellow faculty. It just took the right teacher and a bit of effort. Ans so he found himself climbing down to her level, willing his own icy seat into existence- albeit a simple desk chair, rather than an elaborate throne.

"Actually," he responded to her dismissal of his question, "I was more wondering about the callousness. In fact, from where I'm sitting, it almost looked like contempt. Were they not to your liking when they assembled themselves? Or... was it perhaps something else? Something to do with those symbols etched onto them, perhaps?"

That was, of course, the thing about ice sculptures; no matter what face the elementalist put on when creating them, they always seemed to reflect the inner thoughts of the shaper. Even Claudia hadn't been able to fully deceive her ice, and she'd had decades to try. There was more to this than just thinking the trial was beneath her...

"But, if it's a challenge you're after, I can oblige you," he said, a smile never leaving his face. "Since you've proven you can make sculptures so easily, I'd like you to do it again. But this time... I'd like to see something specific. Why don't you tell me a story with them? I'll give you..."

He thought for a moment, then raised his right hand into the air with his index and middle fingers extended and rotated his wrist clockwsie so that the fingers made a swishing shape in the air. Six puddles of water appeared from beneath the earth between the two of them, pooling distinctly and evenly apart. "Six statues, one from each pool. Any tale you like, fictional or historical. And please, let them stick around for a bit this time. When you're ready, Ms Sterling-Silva."

He spread his legs apart and leaned forward slightly, and with another wave of his fingers the back of his chair melted away and reformed in front of him, reversing the chair without ever getting up, and he leaned forward onto it. "You've made it clear you have power. I'd like to see if you have finesse and vision to back it up."
<Snipped quote by Saltwater Thief>

Okay. Viola it is. How to make her leave a human and return a plant, however? Hmh.

Perhaps a higher Nonsense world (2 maybe) where she was pricked by an enchanted thorn that made her part flora?
Ugh. I don't know which to use. Viola or Ellie? Salty, help me pick.

You know, I always thought it was a shame Viola didn't get to see more play...

"Part of me wants to hope that they've learned to cool it," Alexander replied, leaning against a wall near Katalina, "But the rest of me knows that's unlikely."

It hadn't been long since he'd had his own encounter with the twins on first arriving. He'd had his share of oddities in his world, but the two of them had caught him completely off guard. Especially with the synchronized speech they used, which was nothing if not unnerving. He'd managed to talk his way through things, but who knew if the latest arrival would be capable of such things. Given the backstep and her continued clutching of a spear, Alexander noted, it was likely she was shy or untrusting. Or, he reminded himself, maybe she was just nervous; not everyone greeted new adventures with open arms like he did.

"Think one of us should step in?"

(OOC: I am aware Hannah and Sumi aren't actually twins, that's just what Alexander calls them due to the unison speak)
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kris:"I'm not Feisty! I'm a cool beauty."

Funny, I know someone whose characters used to be the same way...
In Closed 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
My, oh my. This is going to be fun!
On that note @Saltwater Thief will you be in the entryway as Astrid is arriving? Or will you be elsewhere? If elsewhere I'll go ahead and post.

I was going to place him with Katalina for my post.
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