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    1. Savage 8 yrs ago


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@Savage are there ither countries where magic is used mire freely?

A big component in the universe, and specifically this RP, is in the chaotic, dark, and mysterious nature of magic. Magic is not something that even in the old tales and legends is wielded lightly. Even simple incantations can backfire into dire consequences, releasing horrible energies and creatures from alternate dimensions into the world. Many stories told among the peasantry feature wizards, warlocks, and witches that succumb to madness due to their fragile human minds being unable to comprehend the twisted cosmic horrors needed to harness magical powers.

As such, it is completely extinct in common society among the Star Kingdom. There are rumors of dark practices within the Valedean Empire, the folktales of Fae shamans and witches communing with spirits and demons, and barbarian tribes of far off locations that practice sinister rituals of sacrifice and zealous worship to their gods.

With that being said, creating a character that studies and practices magic in complete secrecy is not off the table. You must convince me that you understand the nature I am trying to portray, and are able to roleplay such knowledge accordingly. Magical abilities are only granted to a person by using their body as a conduit for entities from other realms of existence. A wizard calls upon certain beings and uses their power to enter the world in either a small trickle or a massive flood. This requires a person of incredible will to control, as they have to combat the forces they summon in order to only allow what they want to happen. An unskilled practitioner who cannot reign in the otherworldly entities will find themselves unable to siphon off the appropriate amount of power, resulting in uncontrollable reactions, insanity, or even possession.

All of this which I have just described is only known to those who go against Royal Decree and study magic extensively, or are members of other nations were the dangerous practice of magic is less controlled. To nearly everyone in the Star Kingdom, magic is simply the stuff of ghost stories and fairy-tales, and existence of anything outside of their own world of reality is completely unknown.

EDIT: I feel that this answer is something that a majority of people would like to know, and have added it to the original post to add more emphasis on the nature of magical forces. I have also included a few links at the bottom that I found useful when writing the history and background. Perhaps some of you may also find inspiration and use for them.
Awesome writing man-would love to toss my hat into this. Really diggin the upswing of lovecraftian horror in rps lately.

Edit-What would be the average life span of humans here if you don't mind me asking.

That is a very good question @T Risket. Being set in a pseudo-medieval time period humans typically live between 50-70 years of age. The spectrum is broad due to the fact that wealth and position will have a greater impact on your healthcare. Nobles and royalty can afford much better doctors and such, therefore living longer and healthier lives on average. Common folk struggle, relying on natural remedies and superstition to combat illness. As one can expect, this isn't as effective and most usually pass away from sickness in what today people would refer to as "middle aged."

Fae are not like elves in other fantasy stories. They do not live hundreds of years, or are even essentially immortal. The Fae live longer lives though, usually 80-90 years if they are left alone and well cared for. Sadly for them, this is not the case, and many Fae die well before their prime to diesease and violence.
Reserved for The Employer
@Hank@The Narrator@boomlover@NowIGiveUp@xCRAZYxFACEx@Witch Cat@void liege@POOHEAD189

The OOC has arrived! All those interested may find the thread here.
The Nightmare of Dunwick Manor

Your travels, long and arduous, have finally led to their dire conclusion. Seated now within the dilapidated tavern, the floorboards warped and caked in mud, you quietly sip from a battered pewter mug filled with a foul tasting brew. The poorly kept hovel is nearly empty; few patrons from the village seeming to dare set foot outside their own doors. Your arrival was met with shifty glances, the faces of the townsfolk bearing the haggard expressions of those subject to daily horrors.

This is not a place that welcomes travelers, though your money is accepted with a greedy smile from the obese tavern keeper as he wipes grease upon his shirt. His grin is rife with teeth rotted and blackened, and you feel a sense of disgust and contempt. As you survey the down-trodden citizens of this forgotten hamlet, you reflect on the moments that bore your adventures here…

A whisper of rumor, the passing of moldy parchment from one hand to the next, the allure of riches and fame. All things tied to one another in an elaborate and unknowable ballet of fate or chance. Your reasons are your own, but one thing is certain: this will be no simple undertaking.

A request, seeking those who wish to carve for themselves a name among the rocks. A promise of gold, knowledge, and relics forgotten and buried. You know nothing of your employer; no name was given. Only that you were told to meet here, in a village long since condemned to the annals of history. The single road wound with sinister purpose as your mind seemed to recoil at the unsettling miasma that grew thicker as you neared the end of your journey. There was a sickness here, an antediluvian evil that plagued the minds and bodies of those too poor or stubborn to leave. Everywhere showed signs of madness and corruption. A single sign harbored the finality of your travels, a name scratched out and left with a dreadful premonition of things to come.

“Abandon All Hope, ye Who Enter Here”

You took a moment to take stock of your surroundings, waiting upon the hilltop. The town lay just below, the glow of lantern light in the grime crusted and cracked windows casting a ghostly pall over the pitted cobblestone streets. A great forest lay beyond, black trees twisted with malevolent agony as their limbs reached skyward like talons in the night. And as your gaze drifted further, the breath caught in your throat and a chill ran down your spine.

Atop the cliff, dominating the skyline like a vile overlord, lay what once must have been an impressive estate. Cloaked in shadow, the ominous structure exuded a purely evil aroma. It was not one you could place, but something that itched in the back of your mind and made your flesh crawl. All senses told you to turn back, leave this place and its people to their damnable fate. Yet you press on, spurred by the promises of the anonymous stranger…


The story will center around a group of travelers, scholars, cutthroats, mercenaries, and any other character that may have a reason to take up the cryptic quest. At the moment I am looking to fill this with up to 6 people, though depending on the amount of interest I gather I may amend this number.

This will not be a light hearted and pleasurable affair. This RP will center around dark and mysterious themes influenced heavily by Lovecraftian horror, tragedy, struggle, and mortality. Your characters will be plagued with any kind of terror my mind can come up with, and every choice will leave lasting consequences upon the party.

Choice will play a big part in this game. At various points in the story you will be presented with decisions. These decisions will have outcomes known only to me, decided by a random roll. They can be good or bad, but expect as the adventure continues that more foul afflictions will be placed in the pool than benevolent ones.

For myself I will be playing the part of your mysterious employer, as well as that of Dungeon Master. I will control all NPC characters and events, and provide you with what I hope to be an intriguing if not chilling story which will put your characters and writing abilities to the test.

Your characters can die. Your abilities in combat and interactions can be hindered by disease, injury, and madness. The personality of the characters you choose to develop will be more important than most other RPs. Every character will be expected to have both boons and vices, at least in equal proportion. You will be expected to use these during the RP, both boosting the morale and abilities of your teammates, and hindering them with your dark secrets. You should expect that these will be used against you at some point within the game.

All rules within the Guild apply here. If I need to expand on this, I will. Given the dark and insidious nature of this RP it will probably teeter on the knifes edge of acceptability at times. For this reason, it will be an Advanced RP. While I want everyone to be creative and let their dark side out, please use your good sense when picking courses of action. If there is a question of the appropriateness of a post, do not hesitate to PM me and we can discuss it with one of the Mods if necessary. I have no desire to shock anyone to the point of offense.

For more information on the world that this RP will be set in, please see the hiders below. I have tried to illustrate a background for which you can create your characters and perhaps a universe that will spawn additional games in the future. If there are any questions regarding things I have not covered, feel free to bring it up in the OOC. I will do my best to answer them, and if it is something that a significant amount of people are curious about I will add additional elements to the post.

When you are complete with your sheets I would very much appreciate you send them to me in PM. I have seen many awkward interactions in OOC where a player and GM may not agree on the criticism. I do not want to bring that upon anyone.

Most importantly I want everyone to have fun. If your character meets an ill fate, do not fret. There are always more heroes eagerly waiting to explore the dark depths of sanity.

Due to the amount of interest I have received, as well as my own ideas spiraling out of control and a desire to create this universe in more depth and detail, I have begun working on an OOC. Expect to see more from this RP shortly.
Always wanted something dark to play. Also this rp reminds me of darkest dungeon. Which is a good thing mind you.

I borrowed heavily from that game in the initial concepts of this RP. The first draft almost read like a clone before I reviewed it and realized that I had pretty much shamelessly copied nearly all of the aspects. Some further refinement is still needed but I'm gradually working up to a more original product. I really love the choice and consequence aspect of Darkest Dungeon; one of the primary things that I hope will make this game a bit different for you guys.

@NowIGiveUp and @Witch Cat, I am curious to what details you guys would be interested in? The world is still currently in the "alpha" stage, as I brainstorm and jot down notes throughout work when I should be productive. As far as magic goes it is going to be nearly nonexistent as far as character abilities go. Magic once played a more major role in this world, in very very ancient times. Now, it is myth and legend, replaced by scientific reasoning and discovery. Humanity puts their world into a context that their fragile minds can understand and make sense of. However, that is not to say magic does not exist. You may create a scholarly/scientific character that is fascinated by the pseudo-scientific arcane theories. Think of it like the cryptozoologists of today: always seeking answers to things that they hope are there, but never really coming up with hard facts and evidence.

Your travels, long and arduous, have finally led to their dire conclusion. Seated now within the dilapidated tavern, the floorboards warped and caked in mud, you quietly sip from a battered pewter mug filled with a foul tasting brew. The poorly kept hovel is nearly empty; few patrons from the village seeming to dare set foot outside their own doors. Your arrival was met with shifty glances, the faces of the townsfolk bearing the haggard expressions of those subject to daily terrors.

This is not a place that welcomes travelers, though your money is accepted with a greedy smile from the obese tavern keeper as he wipes grease upon his shirt. His grin is rife with teeth rotted and blackened, and you feel a sense of disgust and contempt. As you survey the down-trodden citizens of this forgotten hamlet, you reflect on the moments that bore your adventures here…

A whisper of rumor, the passing of moldy parchment from one hand to the next, the allure of riches and fame. All things tied to one another in an elaborate and unknowable ballet of fate or chance. Your reasons are your own, but one thing is certain: this will be no simple undertaking.

A request, seeking those who wish to carve for themselves a name among the rocks. A promise of gold, knowledge, and relics forgotten and buried. You know nothing of your employer; no name was given. Only that you were told to meet here, in a village long since condemned to the annals of history. The single road wound with sinister purpose as your mind seemed to recoil at the unsettling miasma that grew thicker as you neared the end of your journey. There was a sickness here, an antediluvian evil that plagued the minds and bodies of those too poor or stubborn to leave. Everywhere showed signs of madness and corruption. A single sign harbored the finality of your travels, a name scratched out and left with a dreadful premonition of things to come.

“Abandon All Hope, ye Who Enter Here”

You took a moment to take stock of your quest, waiting upon the hilltop. The town lay just below, the glow of lantern light in the grime crusted and cracked windows casting a ghostly pall over the pitted cobblestone streets. A great forest lay beyond, black trees twisted with malevolent agony as their limbs reached skyward like talons in the night. And as your gaze drifted further, the breath caught in your throat and a chill ran down your spine.

Atop the cliff, dominating the skyline like a vile overlord, lay what once must have been an impressive estate. Cloaked in shadow, the ominous structure exuded a purely evil aroma. It was not one you could place, but something that itched in the back of your mind and made your flesh crawl. All senses told you to turn back, leave this place and its people to their damnable fate. Yet you press on, spurred by the promises of the anonymous stranger…


This RP will be set in a gothic, low-fantasy semi-medieval society. The story will center around a group of travelers, scholars, cutthroats, mercenaries, and any other character that may have a reason to take up the cryptic quest. At the moment I am looking to fill this with up to 6 people, though depending on the amount of interest I gather I may amend this number.

This will not be a light hearted and pleasurable affair. This RP will center around dark and mysterious themes influenced heavily by Lovecraftian horror, tragedy, struggle, and mortality. Your characters will be plagued with any kind of terror my mind can come up with, and every choice will leave lasting consequences upon the party.

Choice will play a big part in this game. At various points in the story you will be presented with decisions. These decisions will have outcomes known only to me, decided by a random roll. They can be good or bad, but expect as the adventure continues that more foul afflictions will be placed in the pool than benevolent ones.

For myself I will be playing the part of your mysterious employer, as well as that of Dungeon Master. I will control all NPC characters and events, and provide you with what I hope to be an intriguing if not chilling story which will put your characters and writing abilities to the test.

Your characters can die. Your abilities in combat and interactions can be hindered by disease, injury, and madness. I am still building a CS, but the personality of the characters you choose to develop will be more important than most other RPs. Every character will be expected to have both boons and vices, at least in equal proportion. You will be expected to use these during the RP, both boosting the morale and abilities of your teammates, and hindering them with your dark secrets. You should expect that these will be used against you at some point within the game.

All rules within the Guild apply here. If I need to expand on this, I will. Given the dark and insidious nature of this RP it will probably teeter on the knifes edge of acceptability at times. For this reason, it will be an Advanced RP. While I want everyone to be creative and let their dark side out, please use your good sense when picking courses of action. If there is a question of the appropriateness of a post, do not hesitate to PM myself and we can discuss it with one of the Mods if necessary. I have no desire to shock anyone to the point of offense.

Most importantly I want everyone to have fun. If your character meets an ill fate, do not fret. There are always more heroes eagerly waiting to explore the dark depths of sanity.
Goes without saying, I am in on this. Time for some xenos to make an appearance for once.
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