Avatar of Searat
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1537 (0.66 / day)
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    1. Searat 6 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Can someone please lower Life's difficulty setting?
6 yrs ago
Pizza is a main course, but is also a pie. Therefore, I can eat pizza as my meal and have another pizza as my dessert.
6 yrs ago
When I need a left sock, there is none. When I don't need one, there is a surplus. I think the world is toying with me.
6 yrs ago
Sunny days are meant to be spent in a dark room surfing the net and watching series in netflix.
6 yrs ago
Eating a stick of butter is not as fun as it sounds to be.


I am Searat
Half sea, Half rat, All Aqueous Rodent.

My role playing career is something i consider as a hobby of some sort but as to how long i have been role playing, I would say that i have three to four years under my belt. (Though most of the times I was role playing, they were nothing as serious as this and were more of a means to relieve stress with my friends or test out ideas that came to mind with them.)

As for my preferences to genres of role play, I would have no biases nor specific preferences to any genre and would be able to adapt to the genre as best I can when placed into it.

Some of my hobbies consist of: playing games, surfing the web, walking, bowling, darts, and cooking. I sometimes write and draw things but not as much to consider it to be a serious hobby.

Most Recent Posts

Sad to hear that.
Christmas is supposed to be a day of joy and festivities. Not stress.
Does your like mean that Mort has been accepted, @Dark Cloud?

Ah cool. I'll try to have it by the end of the day.
Tomorrow at the latest.
Consider me interested.

I'll try to squeeze out a CS if this RP is still accepting players.

Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

"What? I thought you and the rest were planning something!" Rudolph said, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock. Oh no. There was no plan. As much as a prodigy he was in the arcane arts, his brain was devoid of good plans. Lucky for them, the dragoness had just about enough of the Wild Elves' antics against them.

The half-elf wizard was rather shocked to suddenly see the dragoness' black flames but also rather relieved as he was scraping the proverbial barrel of real and fake titles. "Well said, Ms. Taraah." Rudolph said as he briskly walked through the path created by the black flames of Taraah. Soon enough they'd leave the Thousand Year Old Woods and into relative safety. Well...from the Wild Elves' arrows and throwing spears at least. "Maker above that was the most excitement that I've experienced in the past fifty years." Rudolph said as he wiped away the sweat from his brow. Only to smear some across his face, much to his embarrassment and chagrin. But if they were safe, what of their Mesmer companion and the Lord of the Thousand Year Old Woods?

Yoshina had similar concerns and asked him if he knew of any spell that could assist in locating Thaddeus. "I do. Though those kinds of spells would require a catalyst of very high quality, and..." Rudolph picks up a stray branch and by simply imbuing the branch with the magics he used earlier. As expected the branch carbonizes and turns into ash after a brief six seconds. "...we are severely lacking in those. But I suppose we can try regardless. We'd need a lot of branches though."

HP: 1697/1697 | MP: 1607/1607 | SP: 1726/1726

"I say mercenary work. We get paid and renown while getting a good chance for us to do some PVP." Raime said as he patted the hilt of his chainsawkatanagun. "Kinda off tangent, but was that motorcycle your nuclei? Pretty damn awesome one if I do say so myself. Mine basically covers my left arm with near indestructible armor and can turn into a roided-up buster rifle. Kind of makes me feel like Guts sometimes to be honest." The scout demonstrated the arm cannon function of Claiomh Solais without actually firing the thing. "...but I digress. We really ought to find someone that's hiring mercenaries like us so we can get into this event before things go full swing during the war."

Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

Just when the half-elf wizard took notice that the crimson haired warrior was strangely quiet during this encounter, the spirits of the Thousand Year Old Woods decided to pull one more trick on poor Rudolph. A vine silently crept behind him and when the wizard was about to look for the missing woman, the vine lashed out and swept the wizard off his feet and causing him to land flat on his back with a thud."Makers above I am sick of these oppressive plantlife!" The wizard said as he snatched a half a broken branch and channeled his mana into the mundane stick. A blade of pure magical energy appeared at the tip as the entirety of the branch carbonized in mere moments. But it was long enough for the wizard to perform a broad slash that severed the vine as if it were made of air. At the end of it all only ash remained in the wizard's hand.

Luckily enough for them, Shina had taken care of their missing warrior. But celebrations were ended abruptly when they took notice of the wild elves had surrounded them and were ready to turn them into pincushions for arrows. They seemed that they wanted to capture them, but Yoshina had a plan. Guess he had to make a distraction while they set their plan into motion. Rudolph began speaking in Elvish."<Lend me your ears, kin. I am Rudolph Admoss. Finder of Masf'kaymar, First Seat of the Arcane Academe, Realm Walker,...>" Rudolph would keep rambling on and on about his titles of genuine merit and ones he'd made up on the spot.

HP: 1697/1697 | MP: 1607/1607 | SP: 1726/1726

It kinda bummed him out that both Theresa and Lew couldn't reconcile their differences and opted to drop out of their discord, but they did what they have to do to keep the drama turning into another noodle incident. Regardless they had to march onward and hope that they're doing fine themselves. But it was time for Raime to get used to his newfound skills and goodies.

Practicing a weapon such as his gunsawkatana was pretty daunting with only one arm. But after watching a few move set and combo videos of a certain one armed Devil Hunter made training with it way more easy than winging it on his own. Soon enough he'd pull off complicated combos as if it were his second nature. Sadly he couldn't do the same with his alchemy. Real world chemistry applied itself in the world of CaCo but vast majority of the materials he was working with was alien to him. The one armed man is eternally grateful to those random alchemist guides he found online. But all that hard work wouldn't amount to anything if he couldn't apply it to practice. What better place to do that but in the battlefield in the upcoming war? He really should have felt bad for even thinking about that...but wearing the mask made it easier for him to accept that cutting down another player would be more interesting than cutting down another enemy npc.

God. Is this game slowly turning him into a psychopath? Nah.

He was brought back to reality by the sound of...an engine? He turned his head to the source of the sound he was hearing and couldn't help but smile underneath his mask. "Well I'll be damned. Russ, long time no see or speak for that matter. Guess you finally got a good enough connection in Tanzania, huh? Regardless glad to have you back." The man would snicker at Stanislaw's comment regarding Russ getting tired of travelling the world and settled somewhere in Thailand railing some ladyboy's ass. The happy moment was cut off by Mags, being Mags, doing her own thing and basically giving a not-so-subtle threat. Raime shrugged, he'd learned quickly that it'd be best for his mental health to just let the brutish woman go do whatever the fuck she wants. "Sorry Russ, no clue with the symbol. Plus, can't join you in your vengeance quest; been rearing to participate in this event for a while now. I didn't join in any clan, so no loyalties here." That was a lie. Raime leaned heavily towards the Ryoku-Jo and would be more likely to do jobs for them than any other faction offering. "but there's profit to be made and I suggest we take opportunities before the city state decides that it doesn't like fence sitters and kicks us on our asses."

Tags: @RedPandaGamer@Ozzy Cross@Kumbaris@Forsythe

"Thomas!?" Rudolph said with a look of disbelief as the young man burst from the back of their carriage, makeshift firebomb in hand. Fire burned a number of the newer aggressive flora but soon even the young man was overwhelmed by an unseen vine. Things were looking pretty grim for the group of impromptu adventurers, but fate smiled on them. Shina was reinvigorated by a fiery passion and was a flurry of cuts and slashes. One being able to free his arm. Just in time to hear the dragoness call to dispel the magic. True enough, there was no reason to maintain the illusion now that they were in active combat for the denizens of the Thousand Year Old Forest to see. With a quick cutting motion with his free hand, he dispelled the polymorphic magic affecting them and once again they were in their old selves. "Polymorphic magic down! Go wild!" He said before incinerating the vine trying to stab his neck. Their jig was up and the only thing they could do now is fight through the forest and hope that Thaddeus was still keeping Nemnon and the rest of the wild elves' attention on him.
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