Avatar of Seirei No Hai
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 470 (0.17 / day)
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    1. Seirei No Hai 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Quarantine and Daily Life is the same for me
6 yrs ago
Freedom Cry!
6 yrs ago
1 like
6 yrs ago
Looking for a Baka and Test RP
7 yrs ago
College hell was college hell


Real Name: Classified

Age: 20

School: Also classified



Movies: Prince of Persia The Sands of Time, Half Past Dead 2, Disaster Movie, National Security, Transformers 2, Battle: Los Angeles, Sucker Punch (hot chicks ;D), Thor, Fast and Furious 5, Spiderman 3, Dragonball Evolution, X-Men Origins, X-Men First Class

Anime: Rave, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Fairy Musketeers, Bleach, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Sonic X, Sonic X 2, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Chrono Crusade, Bakugan: New Vestroia, Inazuma Eleven, Inazuma Eleven Go, Zoids: Genesis, Baka and Test Summon The Beasts

Cartoon: Chowder (xD), Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, The Cleveland Show, King of the Hill, Adventure Time, Phineas and Ferb, Jimmy Two-Shoes

Reality Shows: Animal Planet, NBA, WWE, MTV, MYX

Games: AQW, PTRO, HeroSmash, GetAmped 2, Prince of Persia Series, Grand Chase, Elsword, Fists of Fu, Destiny Online, Flyff, Halo 3, Spore series and expansions, Tales of Symphonia, Inazuma Eleven Strikers 2013 Xtreme, Assassin's Creed all series, Far Cry 3, Watch Dogs

That's my stuff done. As you can see I am a roleplaying newbie as of this site. Nice to meet you :3

Most Recent Posts

Hassan i-Sabbah

"Hand me thy head."


There once was a girl who had turned weak after holding the hand of a general who did not die from her touch. A fleeting happiness befalls her, her sense of duty and oath to her Assassin's Creed fading away with each fleeting moment. Now she didn't want to kill him, she felt like spending an eternity with him.

A path to killing could end here.

A path to endless bloodshed through a facade of fake emotions fabricated by this pretty little flower.

A poison ivy in a desert that does her job like a machine.

Yes. Finally, she had found someone who could indulge in her, someone who wouldn't die.

However like all fleeting moments. They happen in a single blink.

The girl finds herself floating in the void. She didn't know what happened, it was all too fast. It was almost as if she heard the evening bell before taking one measly blink of her teary eyes... then it happened. She heard the one voice all familiar to her, a voice that even those training as for the one seat would fear if they took their teachings too easily. The title and leader of the Assassins:

The First Hassan i-Sabbah: The Great Founder

"You have strayed from the Path. Poison Girl. What do you hope to achieve?

"...I believed I had a chance at a normal life... to touch someone without dying is a relief to me.

"So you have become more vocal and in turn gained emotions considered a degradation to Our Creed. Do you truly believe there's happiness at the end? What if he dies? What becomes of your family? What if they cannot resist your touch and die in the same way?"


"You have discarded your name and your entire identity so that you may become one of us and take the seat as my replacement. It seems I was wrong. Like others before you who have succumbed to desire and emotion, you are not to fit to lead.

"I apologize, Great Founder."

"I have granted you the mercy of a quick and painless death. Like your title, I hope a Serenity awaits you in the next life.

The girl sighs softly, the very image of the imposing Hassan disappearing before her like a memory... all she could do now... is close her eyes.

Hassan i-Sabbah?

"S I K E Y O U T H O U G H T"

Abandoned Shipping Warehouse, Harbor

The girl awakens to the sound and smell of seawater, a pillar of mana bursting from the circle Walter had set up around this slightly dusty, abandoned warehouse. She stares up, down, left, right. Looking for a sign of life, the food and objects didn't matter. She was summoned as an Assassin-Class Servant and her eyes trail down towards Walter with an indifferent, neutral frown.

"You have summoned Hassan i-Sabbah. Assassin. All of your orders will be followed to the letter." Such diligence and loyalty! Although she kinda smells like a rotting corpse. Perhaps Walter shouldn't go too near.


Father's Perfect Doll

"I have brought forth Good Civilization to end Bad Civilization"

Railyards, Warehouse - Morning

A second passes and she had to remove her shades to blink at what just happened. The tan woman painted in mysterious tattoos appeared before her claiming herself to be an "Altera". Altera? Furthermore she declared her own Master, Cordula, one of her faithful Hunsman. A Hun? Was there an Altera The Hun? Or was this an accent that she herself perceives as Altera. Could it be...? Attila The Hun?

She puts a hand on her chin, her fingers scratching every bit of non-existent beard hair while she looked her up and down with her beautiful emerald irises face to face against Altera's own bright rubies. Everything about her felt off for many reason:

Firstly. Attila The Hun was a War God? She expected something along the lines of a Roman or Greek Hero blessed by said War God, she mentioned Mars. She knew she did.

Secondly. Was Attila always a girl? There were no accurate depictions of Attila The Hun only something along the lines of big, bad and a nasty attitude. The girl before her seemed to be the exact opposite of what "Hun sources" or "Roman sources" say. The beauty before her exemplified what a King was despite her audible roars of warlike tendencies just rumbling the atmosphere of this very warehouse.

She nods, hand put away on the side before speaking up to her Highness, the Great King of Destruction.

"Not to be disrespectful, your Highness, but isn't it Attila? And why are you a girl?" Okay. Getting out there with the straightforward requests, she hopes she doesn't behead her... she even doubts that the Silk Strands could keep her at bay, hell... she didn't want to use her super secret surprise familiar hidden underneath a black sheet. She did remember her Command Spells but would it be enough before she gets met with that long spear just driven towards her mortal gut?

Too much information at once but for some reason, Cordula was able to hold it in externally, she was panicking. If she had the mind of an Atlas Alchemist then perhaps she could formulate a plan properly under pressure.


Right? @Flood

Glistening Go-Go Girl

"Pfft, who needs banners. Circle is the way to go."

Railyards, Warehouse - Morning

One would think that for someone who was enrolled at the Clock Tower, someone who was held up high with an affinity in all of the elements, someone who was given subtle special treatment for having well-off circuits and for her value as an Average One. They'd be cunning, dangerous, calculating. Someone who knows what to do in situations in a battle royale between magi and their overpowered familiars: The Servants, The Heroic Spirits of Old and Legend talked about by the populace, adapted in various films, expanded in ways that the modern era would milk for some cash.

Someone who is very cautious while also showing aggression. A way to intimidate as shown in the society of the Mage's Association time and time again whether it is through politics or a show of talent.

And yet...

"Two days and I can only get my secret weapon done. Sheesh how do people start this dumb ritual anyway?" Cordula Rothschild Vennschneizen, Fourth Generation to the Vennschneizen Magus Family finds herself sighing at the prospect of a steel statue in the shape of a four-legged mammal, her circuits glowing with her right hand, twisting back and forth as if she had just lifted a dumbbell. She didn't realize she arrived way too early to the Holy Grail War and today supposedly marks the start of the Heaven's Feel ritual hosted by the Three Great Families.

"Well I guess that's that. I should get to work on a life-sized version of me next time I loiter around..." Yet again she speaks to herself, untying a rope as a wide black sheet covered her "secret weapon" to any intruder that might have found their way in whether it is by accident or for the purpose of spying. Two statues of oversized wolves were kept off the side as well as five figurines of hummingbirds on a nearby shelf. Crossbows were installed and positioned in blind spots to prevent from getting spotted upon entering. It's still morning so she has time to get with the summoning. The blonde girl took out a sparkly-looking crystal, glowing with an iridescent tone as she walked up the second storey of the warehouse, her summoning circle and reagents were set all that's needed now is to put it at the center and...

"...should I use my usual chant for my familiars? Nah... guess I should stick to standard." A hand raised, the Command Spell shining brightly above the circle as it glowed brightly. Her mouth opens, a gentle voice comes out:

"Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time.

Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let the War God Mars be thy calling. Raise a wall, against the wind that shall fall. Close the four cardinal gates. Come out from the crown. Rotate the three-forked road reaching the Kingdom.

– I shall declare here. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. If you will submit to this will and this reason…… then answer!

– An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! – From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!"


@Mr President @Cu Chulainn

My second attempt at a Master.

@Mr President @Cu Chulainn
Thanos'd. Gonna write up a new one.
Damn. Got a real cool one too.

Alright well let's see who else is free.

Screw it. Hi. What's your opinion on the Double Summon Personal Skill?

Asking for a friend who may or may not act exactly like me. If no, I have other ideas.
@Whirligig Oh man! A cowboy droid, how'd you like to hang out with a Dark Grey force sensitive?
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