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Name: Aaron "Ronnie" Loche Jr.
Age: 17

Backstory: As far as family life goes, Aaron got off easier than a lot of other people, but wasn't without his worries. His father, Aaron Loche, was a violent felon who'd split on his tenth birthday. Ronnie was often found himself as the object of his aggression, as his father believed Ronnie was a mistake. Early on, Ronnie developed a panic disorder and social anxiety. His father leaving was the best birthday gift Ronnie could ask for. Ronnie had yet to address the effects his father had on him, and Aaron Sr. lurks as a shadow in the back of his mind. Ronnie's older half-brother, Vincent, had been his role model, who'd taken his resentment for his father and used it to fuel his budding career as a policeman. After serving for four years, Vincent took a bullet to his knee in a gang raid, forcing him to retire young and giving him PTSD. Ronnie discovered his powers when he aided his brother with falling asleep and the frequent night terrors. As the years passed, Ronnie took care of the family with multiple part time jobs, while his brother Vincent went to college to pursue a safer dream. One year ago, Ronnie's mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer and declined chemo. Refusing to allow him to watch her wither away, she forced Ronnie to attend Skyline Academy. In the wake of her death, Ronnie struggles to return to school and maintain his formerly optimistic outlook.
Abilities/Weaknesses: Somnokinesis
Ronnie has the ability to manipulate aspects of a person's sleep and consciousness.
•At a touch, Ronnie can make his target fall asleep. Ronnie can determine how long and how deep they sleep, and for the most part, does not force people to sleep. His powers also serve to wake people up.
•Ronnie can dreamwalk, but only if he is asleep. Dreamwalking allows him to be inside someone's dream, physically interact with the dreamscape and dreamer, and influence dreams. However, when he dreamwalks into another person's dream, he can't leave until the other person wakes up, and can feel any pain and sustains all damage in a dream. Damage done inside a dream does not apply to his awakened form, but carries into any other dreams he walks into. To heal himself, Ronnie must be healed by a healer in a dream, or go into a regenerative sleep. This can take a long time, depending on how injured he is. If Ronnie dies in a dream, he becomes physically unconscious and unresponsive until his dreamwalking form is healed to a stable state. Ronnie can't dreamwalk while awake, but can watch other people's dreams in his mind's eye. Ronnie is rarely able to influence dreams when awake.
•Ronnie is able to project the dreams he is in into the physical world. This is mentally exhausting to him.
Personality: Ronnie tries to believe there is at least a little bit of good in every person, but time has worn down this childish faith. He truly does want to help people, but doesn't believe he can, often underestimating himself. He has a very dutiful attitude, so whenever he sets his mind on something, he rarely stops until he thinks he's accomplished what he was looking for. Ronnie is very adaptable, and agreeable to the point of being a doormat. Ronnie has a tendency to get lost in his thoughts, making him very absent-minded, a point of frustration to him and many others. He prefers to keep people at an arm's distance, rarely letting them into his personal life. He has an enigmatic, aloof air to him, almost cold at times. While he doesn't intend this, most of the time, he doesn't mind the isolation it sometimes fruits.
Lately, Ronnie has become very withdrawn due to his mother's death, and spends a lot of time in his head. Lately he's spent a lot of time dreamwalking into other people's dreams.
I think that it might be best to remove me from this role play. I wish I could be here more often and it’s frustrating and embarrassing that I have to to keep saying I’ll be better only to disappear, but my situation offscreen is not getting better so I’m afraid I’ll have to go on a hiatus until things get better. I’m very sorry for this mess, and I appreciate your guys’ patience with me.
. R o n n i e .

Ronnie had not been at the party for a number of reasons. All of them could be grouped under the conclusion that last night had been horrid, and more exhausting than normal. One, he wasn't a fan of parties. The noise, the people, it wasn't really his scene. It wasn't that he didn't like parties, per se, but the situations often made him feel trapped, made him feel as if his lungs were seizing up on him. During his stay at Skyline Academy, which had been about a year, Ronnie hadn't really made any close friends. Most people he interacted with were in the dreamscape, and half the time they were being chased or falling or their home was on fire, etc. Most people didn't think twice about Aaron when they woke up the next day.

For a person of his ability, it would be assumed that he would not be able to oversleep. And of course, normally Ronnie wasn't the person to oversleep, he woke up after he visited and/or helped his brother. However, Vincent had had a particularly violent dream last night, which would be expected. Most of the time they were reflective of his time in the police force, but his latest dream was particularly disturbing. This time, Vincent was the bad guy of the dream, armed and dangerous. Normally Ronnie could manipulate the dreamscape to remove possible threats, but he wasn't good at it, and rarely tried it on the dreamers themselves. To fight a dreamer, he'd have to remove them from their own dream, which would make certain their dreaming form would sustain damage. Plus, Ronnie wasn't exactly expecting to fight his brother. The whole dream ended when Ronnie was shot three times. Two of the shots were fatal, on to the head, and one to the heart, the last one to his leg, which was more of a disabler than anything. Ronnie had died several times in his dreaming form, but the pain never left. The fear was present as well, but Ronnie knew he would wake up the next day after he'd had his regenerative sleep.

Vincent had woken up almost immediately after he'd shot his brother, obviously shaken by the whole thing. That left Ronnie to die in the dreamscape alone. It didn't take long, but due to the incredible damage he'd taken in the dreamscape, his regenerative sleep took much longer than usual. He woke up around 3 with a vague ache in his body, a swift reminder of what had happened last night. Unassuming of his time crunch, he'd hopped in the shower to let the warm water wash away his the dull ache and the stress of last night. He sure was thankful damage that occurred in the dreamscape stayed in the dreamscape. He'd visit Vinnie again tonight to check in on him. He doubted Vinnie would be asleep now, and with a twinge of sadness figured he'd probably be having a panic attack right now from the dream. He hadn't been able to help him, at least not tonight.

He didn't realize how late he was until he got out of the shower. He wasn't quite late yet, but if he didn't get it together, he would be. He decided to skip a real meal, rather in favor of not being late for meeting his partner. They were to practice their powers with a partner, assigned via hologram. He'd rushed up to the forest as quickly as he could, scanning the clearing for his assigned partner. She finds him first, and he looks over (or down rather, his 6 foot in comparison to her 5'2 makes her kind of really short next to him, he notices with a smile.) suddenly when she speaks, slightly startled. Jumpy from last night wouldn't cover it. He really hopes he doesn't have to fight anyone today.

"Uh, yeah, I'm Aaron." He distracted, and he knows it, so he focuses on being more present. He doesn't want to anger his partner within the first couple minutes of meeting her. "Sorry... long night. You can call me Ronnie if it suits you better. Whatever works." He manages a smile, but meeting new people never has been his strong suit. People in general tend to stress him out, but he notes she appears slightly nervous herself, so hopefully this whole thing will be non-confrontational physically or verbally.

"Good that," he says when he tells him her powers aren't offensive, it looks like he'll catch at least one break today. He smiles when she shows her his powers, it's pretty cool. "I'm not a fighter either. I'm a somnokinetic dreamwalker. I just make people go to sleep and change their dreams." He shrugs, unsure how to show her without actually using it on her. "I can show you if you want?"

I’m not quite sure how to jump in. Does anyone’s have any advice?

Edit: wow I’m dumb, I didn’t see my tagged post lol. Will put up a reply when I finish classes
I figured a doppelganger would be bothersome to moderate and could be OP and out of hand, so I went with a more mild power, if y'all don't mind.
@raptra@king tai
Name: Aaron "Ronnie" Loche Jr.
Age: 18
Backstory: Aaron's upbringing was a cold, tired cycle of entrapment in burdens too big for a child. He'd grown up in a poor city rife with crime and violence. Ronnie's father had been out of the picture months before his birth, a criminal always on the run from the consequences of his violent felons. Ronnie's older brother, Vincent, was the provider of the family, a policeman in the nearby force. The job was dangerous, but he liked to believe he was making a difference in the world he loved so dearly. He retired young when he was shot in a gang raid. The bullet shattered his right kneecap, leaving him with a permanent limp and severe PTSD. Ronnie's powers first presented themselves strongly during this time. At first it was when Ronnie would sit next to Vinnie, rubbing circles in his back until he fell asleep. Then, as time passed, Vinnie fell asleep faster and faster, sleeping more and more restfully, ridding the process of the shaking and sweats. Ronnie wouldn't be able to tell you when he found out that it probably had something to do with powers, but he could tell you his first experience dreamwalking detail for detail. He'd fallen asleep late that night, when he suddenly opened his eyes into a different world, in what appeared to be a warehouse. Screaming and gunshots filled the air, and in the middle of it all stood his brother, frozen helpless. Ronnie had fought his way through the crowd, and the moment he touched Vincent the dreamscape fell away. From then on, Ronnie helped Vincent through his night terrors, and aided his mother to sleep when her worries kept her up at night. About a year ago, his mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Ronnie was first sent to Skyline Academy after the diagnosis, his mother refused to let Ronnie watch her wither away. Ronnie begged to stay, but eventually lost the argument and was sent to Skyline.
Abilities/Weaknesses: Somnokinesis
Ronnie has the ability to manipulate aspects of a person's sleep and consciousness.
•At a touch, Ronnie can make his target fall asleep. Ronnie can determine how long and how deep they sleep, but rarely forces sleep onto a person, preferring to use his powers benevolently. His powers also serve to wake people up.
•Ronnie can dreamwalk, but only if he is asleep. Dreamwalking allows him to be inside someone's dream, physically interact with the dreamscape and dreamer, and influence dreams. However, when he dreamwalks into another person's dream, he can't leave until the other person wakes up, and can feel any pain and sustains all damage in a dream. Damage done inside a dream does not apply to his awakened form, but carries into any other dreams he walks into. To heal himself, Ronnie must be healed by a healer in a dream, or go into a regenerative sleep. This can take a long time, depending on how injured he is. If Ronnie dies in a dream, he becomes physically unconscious and unresponsive until his dreamwalking form is healed to a stable state. Ronnie can't dreamwalk while awake, but can watch other people's dreams in his mind's eye. Ronnie is rarely able to influence dreams when awake.
•Ronnie is able to project the dreams he is in into the physical world. This is mentally exhausting to him.
Personality: Ronnie is a gentle soul, if a little quiet and kept to himself. Some take his detachedness as aloofness, but really Ronnie has extreme social anxiety. He intensely enjoys using his powers to make others happy, from relieving the traumatized of their nightmares, or creating realistic dreams for those who seek escape from the waking world. Ronnie constantly looks and feels tired, due to the amount of "awake" time he spends when asleep. Ronnie enjoys connecting with others, but has a difficult time doing so. Those that get close to him see his sarcastic but shy sense of humor, desire to please, and his loyalty.
Thank you all for being so understanding. I will put together my character after classes today.
Hey, I'm sorry for disappearing again, I feel horrible. One of my family members was severely ill and in the hospital, so I was trying to help out at home while my mother was at the hospital. I understand if the plot has progressed too far, or if you would rather more active people. Again, I'm sorry for disappearing, I understand how frustrating that is.
Hey y'all, sorry for disappearing there. Wifi troubles took a while to resolve :/ I'm back, and I'll finish up my char when the weekend rolls around. Sorry about that, again.
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