Avatar of Sewer Rat
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 984 (0.41 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sewer Rat 6 yrs ago
    2. ██████ 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current biggest regret was not making a whole ass folder for all the shitty OCs i made here kms
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4 mos ago
wow, i forgot i had this account. anyways
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4 yrs ago
wow, i forgot i had this account, lol. guess im back
4 yrs ago
My New Years Resolution is to actually be active in RPs, there are so many goods ones that I bail out of it hurts my heart.
5 yrs ago
Everytime I ditch a good OC because I'm busy, a little part in my dies.
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John had been int eh middle of this circle, he supposed, and he knew he made a name for himself, he rose his arms in a wide way, taunting, yes, though he had to find someone. He did this while circling and pounding on his chest like an animal, though he was... wasn't he...?
John had heard the scream, yet it didn't matter at the moment, as he already started a fight of which he can not back down from. John had run up to the man and throwing a right hook to his jaw. It would not be a jump, but more of a run-up. The way he executed the punch was with a run up with until he was within range. The punch would likely send him flying, with John being able to survive the pressure of the ocean, he had become one strong fella.
John already had enough of this shit. He had stood up, his chair squeaking a sound as he did, walking up towards the most random person ever, and shoving them with force, their shirt would be moist as it did. Today was the day he had to find a partner and someone who can face him.
John had stood there on a table, staring blankly at the ballroom, seeing people dance and such, this had given him a small feeling of jealousy, and determination on what to do and how he should do it. He thought out the situation within his mind, and he knew he had to see who would be really worthy by starting a fight.

A fight... hard to start one.
In Moemon 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Chelder looked up, and despite his goo trailing before him, he still had a regular face, "I'm Chelder." He had said, looking back at the food. The food had looked great to him, though before even entering the testing himself, he had gotten some research on some possible pokemon that he would be. It was lucky that he studied Grimer as well. as it turns out, Grimer is a poison type, and with his later evolution: Muk, he will be a plant killer. Maybe something might happen if he touched it, he had no idea, though his stomach was growling.
John had been lead into his room, and with further inspection... he would hate it immediately. Not in an edgy teenager way, but in a way that made him crowded, though he would see that they added a balcony in his room, which gave it a nice upside to it. John would open the balcony, taking in the nice wind. After smiling in his weird Squid smile, he made a nice sigh of relief. He closed the curtains though kept the doors themselves open. ohn would then toss his rather small suitcase into the bed, then looking down at his normal looking legs and feet, he began to hold his breath. From an outside perspective, he would look constipated, and it wasn't really necessary for him to transform this way, though John Simple was a man of the dramatic, and loved to show off, even when no one is looking. Soon, from the gap that separated his socks and shoes from his legs and pants, a tentacle would reel out, moist and slippery looking. John would groan as he did that, and soon, more tentacles would start to reel out of his leg. It would cover his 'feet' like a bush and the many of them (possibly about 9 or 10) would start to move. John had this conformality when he's in this state and in his opinion, it made him faster. He would slide toward the front door, opening and closing it in a quick motion.

As he sped around the castle, looking for the main ballroom, he would speed past other tenants and guests as his eyes would look around on its own, as one of a chameleon's. Some might have seen a weird Green and black thing speed past them as they were going into their rooms, though it wasn't much trouble. John, at some times, would bump into people, either with a slight push, or a shove, or just a hard shoulder check.

It would be soon that John would finally reach the ballroom, it had taken him a few minutes, most of the time wasted on running in circles from this unfocused sprinting, though John's composure would still look calm... well if you can read Squid faces.
@Vampiretwilight Permission to pick out a picture on how my room is going to look like?
In Moemon 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Chelder entered the room, as he walked, tiny trails of some weird purple goo had dropped with him, though strangely, that Goo began to move and caught up to Chelder, and returned up his ankle hole, and into his body. Chelder would be sweating, or was it sweat, he really had no idea on really what was happening, but he took a seat, his Goo leaving some on the seat itself, though returning back to his body. Chelder's own inner thoughts were mostly nervous, because what might happen to him, and the weird things happening to his body. Though seeing his favorite food, a Burrito with some shrimp, bacon, guac, tomatoes, and rice- had made him slink back a bit more into his chair. Even though he wanted all of this, Chelder would feel a bit of withdrawal in him.

" Hiya."
In Moemon 5 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Name: Chelder
Age: 29
Pokemon: Grimer
Moves: Pound, Poison Gas, Minimize, Dig
Bio: Chelder was a man, looking for nothing but to be a God amongst the social normalities. He likes to keep his personal and childhood life a secret as it is more a nerve to even talk or mention it at all. He found out about the DNA testing and became one of the first to join in it
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