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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Are you still accepting applications?

📱 Dhampir.
📱 Blitz.
📱 Amplify.

📱 None.

📱 Mission - Cloud Nine, N.Train.

Serpentine eyes shifted from one event to the next, following along what was transpiring as Nico stood in silence, observing his teammates and their antics. From the loud, demanding expressions by Blitz, to Dhampir’s flustered ramblings, and a peculiar new arrival’s more sultry approach, Viper mulled over the social etiquette presented in a scenario such as this. Never had Nico found himself in what others would consider a ‘friend group’, and though this rag-tag community of heroes were slightly less than acquaintances, the serpentine mutant would be lying if he claimed not to enjoy the banter to some extent.

’Snakey’, a term catching the Viper off guard, his attention shifting towards Blitz. A giant man, by every measure, one who quite clearly managed an intimidating presence without even trying to accomplish the feat. In complete opposition to this, Nico was diminutive, a clear effect of his mutant body. A scrawny creature, short and ‘exotic’, as some would call him. However, it did come as a slight surprise that Blitz recalled Nico outside his suit. With tactical wear donned, there were very few indicators towards his nature as a snake-like being.

With a slight chuckle, the youthful old man offered a shake of his head, ”I’d sooner hand someone a forbidden apple, than attend a date in this,” came a response to Blitz’ joke. It was clear that Nico didn’t mind shedding light on his serpentine nature, and went as far as to compare himself to a particular snake in religious scripture. Despite his otherwise serious exterior, Viper enjoyed camaraderie, and far be it for him to take offense. The creature was difficult to taunt, clearly.

Nico had, in fact, been on dates. Indeed, perhaps an unexpected development, but following his retirement, the snake attempted to delve into what others considered a somewhat normal life. Needless to say, those moments of fateful leaping ended in little more than awkwardness. Nico was not built for dates, by any stretch of the imagination, and he was not naive. He was well aware that the attraction some had towards him was more akin to a fascination than actual desire.

Turning his attention towards Amplify, or Sophie, Viper paused. Again, a joke managed to pull forth another chuckle from him. If only she knew how old a certain member of their immediate company was. ”I hear some of the nurses are pretty to look at. It might be a win,” Nico finished. They would need to get back to the assignment soon, but sharing a few words between colleagues likely wouldn’t jeopardize the mission.

📱 Blitz.
📱 Dhampir.

📱 None.

📱 Mission - Cloud Nine, N.Train.

It reminded him of the luxurious train rides enjoyed many years back, while serpentine eyes were fixed on their target. Not every mission was executed from afar, as it was, choice of words very much deliberate.

The Viper was aware of their mission parameters. Protect the train. It was also quite efficient if one was to remain incognito, but this was where Viper’s obscure reputation came into play. Few people knew of him, following the serpent’s arrival at HERO. There were no toys of him, no shows, no biographies uploaded onto streaming services. When dressed in his attire, Nico would forgive others for mistaking him a guard, or soldier. An obfuscating set of attire, to be sure, it covered the ex-assassin’s body in its dark shape, blue highlights giving way for a visor analyzing his surroundings.

Slowly, Nico strode down the passenger cars. In his grip onlookers could spot a well-tuned submachine gun, ready to fire if raised from an otherwise lowered position resting in his clawed hands. It was almost ironic how frequently the theme of remaining unknown echoed across Nico’s being. Slender, obsidian claws removed the risk of fingerprints, where his powers left a distant memory in their wake, without evidence to accompany the picture drawn by deadly grace.

Moving his gaze from left to right, Nico’s visor circled each passenger, offering him information brought forth by facial recognition software. A gift left by ‘The Vigil’, Nico’s old company, his ancestral home. It allowed for an array of utility, aiding Viper in his missions to achieve maximum efficacy. Every chef had his coat when entering the kitchen, after all. Maintaining a gaze on the passengers, Viper noted how his presence offered a mixture of discomfort and intrigue. He was a small creature, indeed, setting him aside from most individuals walking the same stage. His silent approach would, however, earn more than a few glances.

The Viper proceeded towards the next car, walking past sliding doors before a voice rang through his helmet. It was the director. So far, Nico had made sure to scan their train guests, and had grown somewhat suspicious of a few. Some appeared relaxed, and mainly ignored his presence, while others grew somewhat tense as he walked by, eyes moving towards his weapon, and visor. Indeed, Viper’s suit stripped him of humanity, equaling the operative to those many robots patrolling Castleburg. A surface level analysis, of course. Throughout the passing of years, Nico had developed a conscience, and his heart had long since rid itself of an icy coat. The boy, or rather, the old man for those in the know halted after offering proof of status, and reaching his allies. Dhampir and Blitz.

A soft frown bridged itself across Nico’s lips beneath that mask, his visor fixing itself on the large man whose muscles had built a reputation. Residue was scanned beneath his nose. Hopefully this wouldn’t alter the wrecking ball’s actions in a direction of chaos. Though, following Viper’s involvement in HERO, he had learned that more than a few of its operatives were bridging the line between friend and foe. Personally, Nico kept to himself. He didn’t comment on the state of others, and knew better than to play his hand. Where he no longer aimed to use others as chess pieces, he preferred to stand next to the board, rather than on it.

”Dhampir,” Viper commented, as if answering Blitz’ question, voice robotic beneath that suit, his ‘hero’ attire, a title he had not grown accustomed to. Hero, something he would likely never deign to label himself. Nico was little more than an old killer attempting to feel better about himself by changing sides. He knew this, and attempted to fight through it. No one else did, of course, short of the Director, but it was his past that allowed Viper this new position. ”Blitz,” he continued, offering a soft nod and in a way introducing the two, considering the larger hero’s more dismissive nature of memorizing an ally’s handle.

It was worthy of note that Viper cheated, his visor offering the information needed, but it would be a lie to claim that he had not studied his co-workers. An occupational hazard, one might call it. Strengths, and weaknesses, names, and habits, interests, and routines.

Viewing the containment they had been tasked with protecting, Viper’s clawed tips gently tapped against his gun. Such death and devastation this could cause, and it was foolish to disregard complications. Plans tended to fade into obscurity upon contact with an enemy, which forced improvisation. Luckily, Viper was quite experienced in that regard.

Again, Nico’s attention fell on Blitz in response to a vape the serpent would have to carry with both hands. The man was an addict. Had the ex-assassin imbibed in such substances during his old job, termination would have been swift. At the very least, Blitz presented a reasonable approach. He was likely the best option in guarding the fissile material. ”Yeah,” Viper agreed.

Coolio, thank you. I’ll swing by after I get home.
Judging from the status, I take it this rp is full?

💀 Mission Location.

💀 N/A.

💀 Viktor.

Winter was, unsurprisingly, Casper’s favorite season. He had often come across a comparison between himself and the eternal beauty of falling snow, a comparison he appreciated. A compliment. It brought memories to the forefront, moments of when the boy found himself at the highest peak of Castle Blackwood, eyes turned towards a sky of infinite, glacial petals slowly descending from an endless sea of clouds. A hand extended, snowy pearls gently gathering upon ebony claws as the Wraith’s tail slowly swayed in tune with bliss. Though chaos was soon to arrive, he could not help but appreciate the moment, a ghost in hazy rime. With eyes closed beneath his mask, Hex took another step forth, a weightless motion pushing his foot into a blanket of snow. How he wished for this ivory purity to be spared crimson strife. It was, however, a promise the teen could not make.

Indeed, it caused Casper’s mind to center itself on a single thought, his attention shifting towards Viktor. ‘Leaving allies behind’. Had the battle hardened warrior shed himself of the respect otherwise earned throughout two weeks of camaraderie? With a single statement, he had warranted a sense of skepticism. What was the Young Justice League without its entirety? Was it truly so easy for the living to abandon their kin? No, it was an individual decision, one Viktor would likely find difficulties in issuing. Would others blindly follow an order? If this was the case, they were merely echoes of what the Justice League fought; men and women simply following orders issued by amoral superiors.

Though the Wraithborn was unable to fully comprehend a human’s desire for survival, he understood enough to draw reasonable conclusions. It did not matter if they knew of an afterlife, and it mattered less that Casper would shepherd them onto greener pastures. They wanted to live. It was the only existence they knew, and the prospect of joining another, abandoning what was their sole reality strung along a daunting path to say the least.

With this in mind, was it truly so easy for a man to abandon his comrades willingly? Contemplating Viktor’s statement pointed Casper in a single direction; insubordination. In truth, Hex had been incorrect, springing from his very initial reaction. It was never about following orders, and it wasn’t about issuing them. This was not a platoon, and neither Viktor, nor Talon were commanders, sergeants, or chiefs. The heart of this exercise was a concept of trust. The ability to place one’s faith in another, and follow instructions as they were presented.

Taking a moment to consider this, Casper paused, his teeth clenching. He was wrong. One could not approach a group of teenagers in a manner reminiscent of military exploits. They were not soldiers, and orders in lieu of instructions would backfire immediately.

Crossing his arms, Hex’s bliss had reached its end. Beneath his stealth suit of glacial white lingered a mellow expression. Had he lost all faith in Viktor before the mission even began? It was difficult to say. Perhaps their fearless leader would surprise him, but the notion of a fearless young man found itself blatantly questioned in the willingness to abandon the team. Would Batman do the same? Casper did not know much of the caped crusader but he had been told of Bruce’s compassion. There was a heart beneath that armored suit. Did Viktor lack that most crucial ingredient?

Taking another step, Hex gazed across the night, his spectral eyes allowing for clear sight. He preferred this, the comfort of darkness. Though witnessing little more than two souls in the distance, a conclusion could be drawn that several more resided within their target destination. Was Team A enough to deal with what awaited inside? ”Coal,” Casper began.

“Yup?” Came a response, wings stretching as the bird flapped.

”Would you reckon that outposts are to be considered?” Hex crossed his arms.

“Ya’, probably. They wouldn’t just have a factory out here without scouts patrolling the place,” Coal responded, “and backup if shit goes sideways. Like us. We’re shit going sideways.”

”One can hope that we are so successful,” Casper noted, followed by a slight shake of his head.

“Boy, you have no faith in this, do you?” The spirit chuckled, nudging his spectral friend, “look, if this goes to hell..,” Coal whispered, close to Hex’s ear from where he stood atop the Wraith’s shoulder, “we really leaving the kids to croak?”

”My dearest friend..,” claws moved to gently comb their way across Coal’s feathers, ”we shan’t shepherd a single soul here to the afterlife. Not for a very long time, yet.”

Though silence briefly lingered, Coal nodded his head, “you’re a good kid, Cas.”

💀 Communications Complex.

💀 Coal.

💀 N/A.

With arms crossed, Casper listened to the instructions given by their leader. So far, he appeared to have a good understanding of the situation, and issued commands in a reasonable manner. Naturally, few plans survived contact with the enemy, and this was no different. The moment chaos struck, what separated failure from success was an ability to remain calm and adapt. When the deafening roar of fired guns echoed, would it warrant deep focus, or panic? The Young Justice League was, after all, quite liberal in their choice of recruits. Teenagers, some of whom had never seen battle, and never participated in combat. Ordinary kids, by every respect, with the exception of peculiar powers. Now, it was getting to a crucial point where past lives were to be thrown aside, and the mantle of ‘hero’ was to be donned.

Shifting his gaze towards the various members of this, in Zatanna’s words, ‘new family’, the boy closed his eyes, contemplating the scenario. They all seemed to maintain a bright, positive outlook. They were laughing, and making jokes. Casper hoped this wouldn’t change to any notable degree once reality set in, and set in it would.

Lowering himself to a chair, the Wraithborn decided to wait their remaining hour. He had already prepared himself for their upcoming mission, dressed in white with his tail covered by the suit. A way to stifle the Wraith’s supernatural glow from giving away his position during night time operations, which in Viktor’s words, this would be.

“First mission, Cassy’! Excited?” Coal’s voice reached the teen’s ear, talons landing on Casper’s lap.

He was unsure if excitement was what brewed within his chest. This was all quite new to him, despite being among the far more experienced members of the team. Hex’s previous assignments were supernatural in nature, which was enough to separate this task from his repertoire.

”It ought to be a clean approach,” came a response. The only thing required of them was procuring a dangerous substance, from where they would then retreat. Granted, even the Justice League themselves rarely found missions to maintain initial simplicity. It would be a lie to claim that Hex wasn’t expecting complications. They had a tendency of creeping around every corner.

“Hah, oh, yeah,” Coal chuckled, “no trouble’s waiting for us, not at all,” the bird shook its head slowly. “And as we’re smoothly sailing through the mission, remember to dial back the death you throw around.”

The spirit was right. Casper was no longer fighting monsters, and undead lost to insanity. These new enemies were the living. A prerequisite for being what others would consider a ‘Hero’ was refraining from lethal means. Quite frankly, Casper was surprised with the development he had managed to achieve in that regard. Tailoring Death Magic into non-lethal spells. In truth, Hex considered it odd, still. It felt unnatural, like he had bastardized Necromancy into some form of suppressed version of itself, and that was exactly what he had done. Equally so, Casper would be lying if he claimed that his body did not long for using Necromantic powers the way they were supposed to be wielded. ”I will restrain myself,” the boy finished, his spectral gaze lowering as he spoke, now listening to the alien. She made some fair points, indeed. He’s shifted his attention to Viktor, awaiting his answer.
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