Avatar of Shiny Keldeo
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1423 (0.45 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Shiny Keldeo 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Man, it's been a while since I've been here last. Been cooking up some ideas so I might be comin' back with something. Dunno yet.
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[Shiny Keldeo]

Welcome! If you're reading this, than you decided to drop by for a visit and check out my profile! If not, then why are you still reading this right now?

The name's Keldeo, Shiny Keldeo. I joined the Guild about a two years ago after my first forum fizzled out. I thought I knew what I was doing with Roleplay when I came on the scene, when in reality I had barely scratched the surface of what I had to learn.

My first few RPs went bust, but with each failure I gained valuable experience to learn from, and eventually I started up a fairly successful RP known as Digimon: As the Lights Fade. However, it eventually went bust as over half the RPers, including my Co-GM, poofed and dropped without much warning.

Then came two of my longest running RPs. Pokemon: Legendary Guardians and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past. Both were filled with great characters and I made a ton of new RP friends in them. Sadly, too many problems arose in both, and I was forced to shut them down.

I wasn't done with Legendary Guardians, however, and rebooted it to try my hand at it once more. So far, it's still going strong, thanks to dedicated people like Ninian and Light Lord, who've helped it stay alive through it all. I'm still not done yet, there's still more creative genius in me waiting to be tapped into!

Roleplay Information

I like to stick to Casual mostly. I've never tried anything in Advanced, but I just can't do anything in Free. I like to include way more dialog and information in my posts than I can post in Free.

I usually prefer to RP with Multiple Characters. It's easier for me to say more and do more, whether that being a Digidestined with a Digimon, a Pokemon Trainer with their Pokemon, or multiples of either.

Speaking of which, there are several subjects to which I usually work with in RP. The biggest being Pokemon. I'm up for (almost) anything, Mystery Dungeon, Ranger, or just being a normal Trainer is completely fine with me. Other interests include Digimon, Star Wars, and various other subjects that would be too numerous to name here.

Current Roleplays
Pokemon: Legendary Guardians [V2]
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon: Crossroads of Time
Digimon: Genesis [On Temporary Hiatus]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past (2017)
Pokemon XD: Chasing Shadows

Past Roleplays
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past (2016)
Pokemon: Legendary Guardians
Digimon: As the Lights Fade
Star Wars the Clone Wars: Order 66 Rewritten
Star Wars the Clone Wars: The 286th Legion
Various Other Star Wars RPs I Can't Remember The Names Of

Most Recent Posts

@UmbreonRogue @floodtalon Either of you got anything?

@Stale Pizza We'll see. I've been working around your character, but trying to leave something for Character Interaction at least in case you ever decided to post again.
@Lugia Welp, Ember's Fail Streak continues. He inadvertently allowed his attacker to escape, but at least both live to scheme another day.
Drip the Brionne and Eira the Amaura
[Medburn Town]

As the battered Monferno and lightly bruised Amaura made their way towards Drip, Eira opened her eyes and momentarily wondered why they weren't crushed under rubble. She turned her neck and looked up to what would have been a painful end to her short life, only to see it frozen solid. "Don't thank me, Rick. Thank her... that was pretty impressive." She said, shooting a friendly smile towards the Ice Type despite the current situation, which was getting worse.

It seemed the Scolipede had finally realized how desperate his situation was looking, and decided to try and make a break for it. After forcing Virizion back (which actually took quite a bit of force she wasn't expecting from him), he rushed for freedom. "No ya don't!" Keldeo yelled, charging forward with Cobalion at his side, meeting his retreat with Secret Sword and Sacred Sword. "You're not going anywhe- huh?" He started to say when the ring of fire began to surround them. "Back!" Cobalion said as they avoided the attack, turning and watching as their suspect darted off.

"What are you standing there for, let's get him!" Terrakion cried, ready to charge after him. "Wait." Cobalion said, Terrakion stopping and looking at their former leader. "I already know. With that speed, he's probably all the way across town by now. We can't keep up... but Virizion can. Tail him, he might lead us back to something bigger." Keldeo replied. "Leave it to me. He might have speed, but he has no technique. I'll catch up and watch from a distance. He won't even realize I'm there." She finished, looking up to the rooftops and darting up with incredible speed. In a second, she was gone.

Still watching the scene unfolding, Eira's eyes were glued to the amazing Pokemon before her. "Who... who are they?" She asked, teetering as she put weight on her bad leg. "I'll tell you later. Come on, you two are pretty banged up, let's get you patched up." Drip replied, helping the group towards the Guild.

@Lugia @AbysmalDemon
Kale the Tropius
[Medburn Town - Medburn Guild]

While still looking around for the Guildmaster after the second tremor, he happened to hear a light thud near the entrance to the guild. He turned and his eyes went wide as he spied a local kid pass out in the main lobby. "Oh, Arceus, what else is gonna happen today..." He mumbled to himself as he made his way to the passed out Vulpix. "Come'n kid, let's go get you patched up... you look like you got hit by a runaway Scolipede..." He said as he hefted the kid on his back and started towards the medical wing, unaware of the battle that had just taken place outside.
It takes place in between, but it came out after FoC.
Only the Cybertron segment. However, the plot was fairly insignificant to the the overall plot from the two preceding games that it won't mean much.
Chronologically. The Events of the RP will be a direct continuation from the FoC ending, taking place before either Prime or RiD 2015.
I'm not counting anything beyond the end of FoC, as it would be hard to fit it into the already broken continuity.
I have no real preference on which side you guys take, it's up to you if you wanna be Autobot or Decepticon.

@BrokenWashing Only if you want to be in Stasis Lock/Dead for the duration of the RP.
I don't see a problem with that at all.
Hmm... I'd have to think about that. This is the first I've seen/heard of him. An interesting concept, to say the least. We'll see.
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