Avatar of Shiyonichi
  • Last Seen: 29 days ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 567 (0.23 / day)
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    1. Shiyonichi 7 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current Yearly Update… I’m alive. The end.
3 yrs ago
Why do I post the same status twice? It's like I'm-Motherf-
3 yrs ago
Why do I post the same status twice? It's like I'm-
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4 yrs ago
Haven’t updated this in about a year, better think of something clever to put- Oh goddamnit!
4 yrs ago
Haven’t updated this in about a year, better think of something clever to put- Oh goddamnit!


So, I just realized this exists... After about an year... Right time to fill this out.

So hi, I’m Shiyonichi and as you can tell from my user name meaning death four one, in Japanese. I am...

An Edgy Weeaboo!

So yeah, I am basically human garbage.

I may or may not disappear on you during role plays. From either being dead, trying save the world, trying to destory the world, or a sudden case of being dead inside.

My favorite animals are dogs, I like red velvet cake, and I am obsessed with the katana.

If you need to contact me off forum I have a discord. Though I’m not straight up give it to you, because I’m human garbage.

Though here’s a hint: The first part is the most over used horror cliche of the last decade and the last part is a place with pretty damn good meatballs.

Most Recent Posts

Also @Noodles filled out the techniques.

Noru Nanbu

Noru’s ears perked up he heard the bell. He sighed. That was just about the worst strategy session in the world. Piss off you only teammate and show off your emo tendencies. The saddest part? This wasn’t the worst case of turning away potential friends. Now that was a phase he didn’t want to revert back to to. Noru walked over to his locker wanting to do last minute equipment checks.

”Oh, Koharu what are you doing here?”

The crew will start at The Brown Isles of East Blue, 10 million isnt very high there ~
But Im okay if u all wants to start elsewhere~

The average Pirate was worth like 3 mill in the East blue...

This must be a really crappy place if over three times isn’t very high.

Also @Reflection both Kuro and Buggy were around the 15 mil range, so not that crazy for someone who is strong to have a bounty of 10mil in the east blue.
@vancexentan No, no it does not. Kaguya was a deus ex machina we never knew before the ending and nobody cared and most of the story we barely knew the backstory of all the clans and it worked just fine. We can just never bring up the connection and just leave it at that, we don’t need to explain the backstories for all the clans in the rp.

Besides, having a Otsutsuki clan member show up would be so game changing, that it would have to be GM approved. Meaning if you feel that you don’t want Alien Jesus in it, then they won’t show up regardless. Heck you can just modify the clan backstory or name if it bothers you that much. It is an RP we don’t have to be completely constant with the source material.
@vancexentan I think he means this clan.


The clan with the bones blades Kekkei Genkai, not alien Jesus.

The Alien Jesus clan is called the Otsutsuki clan, not the Kaguya clan.
I'm hesitant to let a mangekyo in also the co founder if this akatsuki is the uchia police force chiefs daughter

Eh, as long as we don’t start with the Eternal Mongeko I think it would be fine. Since the regular Mongeko doesn’t have the perfect Susanoo which can destory mountains and the regular also has the blindness side effects which would deter regular usage of Mongeko.

As for the other problem, I think it can work as long as they have some sort of difference in fighting style Like one could be focused more on the copy aspect of the Sharingan and be more ninjutsu based, while the other could focus on the Illusionary aspects and be more genjutsu based or have different secondary Chakra natures or have one of them be more close ranged while the other more far ranged or give them each a signature jutsu.

Sup Noodles. I’ll be making another character as well, besides this one.
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