Avatar of SilentWriter83
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  • Posts: 134 (0.05 / day)
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    1. SilentWriter83 8 yrs ago
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Current Computer shit itself again so replies are TBD
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Replies coming. Thanks to everyone for being so patient <3
6 yrs ago
It's finals and everything feels awful. Work makes me want to stick a fork in my eye and is it time for bed yet?
7 yrs ago
this place has gotten very......silent
7 yrs ago
Anyone for a Haikyuu Rp?
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I'm 20
I have 3 part time jobs
I'm a full time student
I write fics for Teen Wolf on my blog http://silent-writer83.tumblr.com/
I like things and I do shit, rp with me.

Recently opened up a commissions page
Link Here: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/160697-sils-little-art-shop/ooc#post-4210233

Check out my art on my insta here:

Most Recent Posts

@Remipa Awesome Pm @Briza and I and we'll see what we can work out :)
The first IC post should be made soon, possibly after Xmas. Parents dragging me everywhere I have no time to type T^T
@Hiro Dark that's fine :)
Aravanth smiled as the bunny girl. Her eyes twinkled with amusement, lips tilted upwards as she rested her chin on Claudia's shoulder. "Don't worry," she hummed, leaning across the red head to hover before Spirit. "I like to share," she purred softly before pulling back with a soft giggled, releasing the vampire with a content sigh.

Her attention flickered over to the boy with the cyborg. The metal man hadn't piqued her interest quite yet. He seemed rather reserved, or well, not very talkative. The other seemed skittish, which left the angry little owl boy. Her bare feet moved her over to the white haired male. "So Mr. Owl," she hummed, "Not gonna freeze us for being friends with your sister anymore?"


Name: Angelina Masrique
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Class: Loner
Occupation: N/A
Personality: Angelina, a.k.a. Ghost, doesn't mix well with others. She has a very dark view on things and prefers being alone to being in a group. She doesn't believe in any 'cause' or higher purpose. She doesn't believe that
this was to 'purge' the earth either. All Ghost cares about is survival, so don't get in her way.
Background: Ghost was born, Angelina Masrique, to a loving mother and father. She had an older brother that doted on her, but they weren't exactly your every day family. You see, Angelina's father, Edward, was convinced the
world would end some day, that the worlds natural resources would run out. He wasn't wrong, then again, no one could have ever imagined it could possibly happen. So he prepped, and so did his family. Angelina was
taught, beginning at the age of four, everything a person could know about surviving on your own. How to purify your own water from a river or rain water, how to scavenge and which fruits were non-lethal, how to
your own shelter, start a fire, first aid. Anything and everything one needed to know to survive and to protect oneself. Hand-to-hand combat was another thing Edward was enthralled with teaching. People were
dangerous creatures when they were hungry, tired, scared. They turn into beasts and if you couldn't protect yourself, you were a sitting duck.

For the longest time Angelina resented her father. She just wanted to be normal, be like the other kids at school. That was nearly impossible when, instead of going to cheer practice after school, Angelina was thrown
into the middle of the woods and told to make her way back home, always a different place than the last, further, darker, harder.

No one ever believed these skills were useful, no one except Edward. He had a bunker being built, a bunker that everyone and their mother rushed to when the world began to fall. He had food to last the family at least
ten years, with rationing, running water and air filtration. It had taken years to build, but he did it. Edward made the safest place in America, but not even a doomsday prepper could be ready for the world to fall.

Virginia, her mother, and Dante, Angelina's brother, were out when it happened. When the world's reports on the severity of the situation were proven false. She wanted to go out, to find them, save them. Edward,
instead, dragged himself and his daughter into the underground bunker, locking the outside world away.


That's what Angelina felt for the man she called her father. Never before had she abhorred someones existence so strongly. They didn't speak, not even at dinner when the microwavable dishes were brought back to
life with a little bit of water and heat. For four years the two didn't speak much, unless necessary. It was taking its toll on the older man, but Angelina couldn't forgive him for what he did. So she left. She had sat around
long enough. He'd taught her how to survive out there on her own, so she decided to put them to good use. She couldn't sit around with him, with his cowardice any longer.

He begged her to stay, the bunker was safe, stable. It had food, water, light, everything a person could want in a time like this. But she couldn't. Angelina couldn't live with him, like this, any longer, with a man who let
her mother and brother die without even trying to save him. So, she left, to fight through this mess of a world on her own. Angelina was on her third year now, and well, things could always be worse.
Goal: Survive
Equipment: Survival pack, first aid kit, 2 hunting knives, swiss army knife, bow and arrows, and 2 9mm handguns
Weapons: Bow + Arrow [Specialized]; Gun [Secondary], Knife [Secondary]
Skills: Survival [Expert], Hand-to-hand combat [Advanced], Hunting; Bow + Arrow [Advanced], First Aid [Adept], Firearms [Adept],

Mother- Virginia - Assumed Deceased [X]
Father - Edward - Alive [O]
Brother - Dante - Assumed Deceased [X]


Name: Antonio Lang
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Class: Greaser
Occupation: Sentry
Personality: To put it simply, Antonio is one cocky bastard. He flirts with anything with a hole in it, at least, that's what his friends say about him. He's your stereotypical 'casanova' type. He likes to woo both women and men alike
with a charming smile and sweet words. He's had more people in his bed than he probably should have considering the state of the world, but hey, we all got needs right? Antonio also has the tendency to say the first
thing that comes to mind, which has gotten him into quite a few skirmishes. Despite his cocky asshole demeanor, he's not all that bad. He truly believes that the world will be okay, maybe not in his lifetime, but one day.
He's a loyal son of a bitch once you win him over too, and he never has, nor will he ever, leave someone behind.
Background: Antonio was adopted at age eight by Karissa and Martin. They were a happy family, really close and they showered him with all of the love that parents could possibly give their children. It was with the pregnancy of his younger sister Shyanne, when Antonio was eleven, that things changed. No one could have seen it coming, the complications during the birth just kept coming. First they found that Karissa had preeclampsia, then the umbilical cord was wrapped around Shyanne's neck, then she needed a C-section, then...then...then. Needless to say, Karissa didn't make it. Perhaps that was a blessing in disguise. She didn't have to see the world fall apart. Karissa didn't have to see her family abscond to the closest Safety Shelter just to find that it was 'too full'. They weren't sure if that was a crock of shit or not, but the family of three were left to wander on their own.

Antonio was seventeen by then, tasked with finding food for his six year old sister and aging father. It was during scavenging that he found the Greaser camp. They called themselves Vipers, pretty badass sounding to a seventeen year old. They took the family in, clothed them, fed them, and taught Antonio how to fight. It had been ten years since then and Antonio, Martin, and his sister Shyanne still stayed within the, somewhat, safe walls of the Vipers camp.
Goal: Kill as many Lurkers as possible; Return the earth back to what it was.
Equipment: binoculars, water canteen, whistle, swiss army knife
Weapons: sniper rifle, 2 handguns, hunting knife
Skills: Sniper [Expert]; Hand-to-Hand [Advanced]; Knives [Adept]; Survival [Adept]; Cooking [Novice]; First Aid [Novice]

Mother - Karissa - Deceased [X]
Father - Martin - Alive [X]
Sister - Shyanne - Alive [O]
I'm tearing up. So many people wanna join. My dreams....they have come true T^T @Briza
well I missed a lot

Aravanth giggled softly as the vampire purred softly at her. She lifted her head, full lips curling into a teasing smirk as the being hummed her introduction. Claudia, it seemed to fit the woman perfectly with her beautiful red hair and curvaceous body. She parted her lips, ready to speak, with the shorter female with white hair, the bunny she had once scooped up into her arms, stumbled into the vampire, Aravanth puzzled as to where she came from. Blue eyes shifted to the owl, a brow raising at his antics. It was definitely a surprising change from the apparent wrath he had showed early from the girl touching non-spirits.
Hey guys
Loner count is closed unless we get more greasers, survivors, and govvies. It may reopen if more people join in the other char categories. We only have 1 survivor, 2 govvies, and 2 maybe 3 greasers. Having more than one char is acceptable, 3 being the cap so no one gets too bogged down. I myself am playing 2 chars as well at Briza. :)
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