Avatar of Silvan Haven
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    1. Silvan Haven 9 yrs ago
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Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

Another kid from Atlas. Beryl briefly wondered if he and Jer-kun knew each other before deciding that they probably didn't. Not unless their newest teammate was also a super secret spy guy. She cast a sidelong glance at him as they moved through the store. He certainly didn't look like one, but that was kind of the point wasn't it? Can't be a secret agent if you look like one.

"Hey Gratia, what about that one?" The young huntress called out as a shop caught her eye. It was a smaller clothing shop that, while not exclusively, seemed to primarily cater to a female clientele.

Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

"Huh." They were those simple bits of wisdom that made perfect sense when you heard them but that a newcomer might not have immediately realized. Beryl's personal experience with shopping was limited to supermarkets and bargain stores so having somebody else to show her the ropes of more mainstream establishments was extremely nice. She glanced over at the newest member of the team, wondering what his thoughts on being in a place like this was. He was probably familiar with such locations if his clothes were any indication.

"So where are you from, Silver?"

Vale-Shopping Mall-Beryl Harken

Half an hour later they were spilling out of Gratia's armed and armored SUV (the Gatling gun was safely hidden inside the vehicle) and making their way inside one of Vale's many shopping malls. The travesty that was the parka had been left behind and Beryl's handcuffs had vanished back to wherever it was she kept them. The moneybag Vega had been hauled out of bed and was now accompanying the group, leading the way in singing several songs on the way down from Beacon.

"All right!" Beryl called out with a clap of her hands as they entered the building. "I have no idea how to shop. Gratia, lead the way!"

Airship Docks-Beryl Harken

There was a jangle of metal and a sudden explosion of fog. When it faded a pair of shiny new, Altesian handcuffs sat upon the proffered wrists. Beryl twirling away with a grin on her face and all but strutted towards the campus.

"Come vile criminal! We're going shopping!"

Airship Docks-Beryl Harken

"You uhhh, you look like a wanabe rapper." It was an awkward admission but..."A parka? Really?"

Airship Docks-Beryl Harken

"We'll help you get to know the place, don't worry." Beryl said as she turned and gestured for them to follow her. "Your assignment was actually a bit unexpected. We were planning on going shopping this evening so your arrival has put a bit of a cramp in our schedule. Judging from your baggage I'm guessing you didn't bring much in the way of extra clothing. So in lieu of a tour why don't you join us? I'm sure Gratia would be glad to help you pick out something decent."

Dear lord I hope he doesn't dress like that all the time. I don't think I could deal with another Vega.

Beryl was fond of the other girl but her attire was...garish? Painful to look at? An insult to the very idea of fashion? OK, maybe not that last one but even to Beryl, whose knowledge of fashion was limited to what she learned from staring longingly at clothes on the internet, Vega's fashion sense sucked.

Hmmmmm. Maybe Jericho could give some pointers. He probably learned about it in one of his How-To-James-Bond courses.

Airship Docks-Beryl Harken

"Vignoble is something of a transfer team. Most of us are from Haven Academy, learning here at Beacon as part of a trade program the two schools run."

The voice belonged to an otter faunus approaching the duo at a brisk walk. The nod she shared with Gratia showed a familiarity between the two. Although the newcomer was dressed in much more casual clothes. With a friendly smile she walked up to Silver and extended a hand.

"Beryl Harken. I'm the B in VGGB."
Beacon Academy-Dust Apps-Beryl Harken


The sound of Beryl's tail hitting the floor was easily audible to anyone even remotely nearby. She was sitting straight up in her seat now, any hint of drowsiness gone. Her hands flat on the table before her and staring at Diamond with eyes like flakes of glacial ice. A nearby student looked at his coffee in confusion as it abruptly began churning.

That little Grimm had just tried to detonate Dust in a fellow classmate's hand. In luke's hand, one of her best friends at Beacon. It didn't matter that there probably wasn't enough Dust left in that vial to cause serious damage. It didn't matter that Professor Cirsium had stepped in before anything could happen. It didn't matter that Luke could have simply healed any damage done while his aura was down.

Diamond had just tried to harm one of Beryl's friends.

It activated instincts built up over long nights in the less savory parts of Mistral. The kind she had cultivated to watch over an entire church full of children in a city full of predators. Those predators were still keeping their distance even now, the otter faunus had made it quite clear that certain things were off limits.


Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

A peal of bell like laughter rang out from the tall dark haired woman ans she stepped back to give Inoue room. Her eyes shone as she returned the bow with a dip of her head.

"And yours Lieutenant Ayane. Welcome to Horizon."


Horizon Parade Route-Beryl Harken

Ah, so she was military. The question would have worked equally well if Ayane had been a civilian. Just one person admiring the fashion of another. The reveal of their shared service was certainly nicer than finding out someone was selling knockoff pilot jackets though. And Tokyo fit with her features and the faint accent accompanying her words.

"Beryl Harken, Test Team 4, Horizon Research and Development." She replied with a smile at Ayane and a raised eyebrow at Nova. "Would you like to come up and join us? Looking up like that is just asking for a crick in the neck."

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